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Rated: E · Book · Experience · #2050107
A Journal to impart knowledge and facts
July 22, 2015

I'm going to start today to record on a daily basis whatever happens to strike my fancy. So, it is a very cool breezy day. I just posted 5 short book reviews to The Monthly Reading Challenge. I'm suppose to put away some winter wood today from the woodpile outside but I'm playing hookey from work to write so starting this blog will get done.

I'm having a daily fight with a flock of English Sparrows that are trying to take over my barn. They are making a terrible mess so they have to go. I have destroyed several nests so far they don't leave but they get out of the barn when I am around. I'm just starting the fight so I guess I don't know how far I have to go to discourage them.

I'm trying not to spread myself to thin on WDC because I find so many things that are interesting here and I am trying to work on a new story. I really enjoy sitting at my desk with a cup of tea and reading blogs on WDC.

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March 14, 2022 at 11:03am
March 14, 2022 at 11:03am
What song and Why?

signature dancing owl *Music2* 5I think?

I have to admit I'm a little confused. Seriously, about how many prompts I'm writing. So, I'm just following notations I made on a tablet when this all started. So, just encase I miss the mark just smile and move on. *Smile*

The song they wrote is called. {Smiling Chimpanzee *Smile* Because, whenever I go to Andre's Bar I notice his wide Chimpanzee smile.

As, my muse and Andre were collaborating they chattered and laughed all the way through it. Andre agreed to help. The muse was asking questions about what would make a Chimpanzee happy. The muse decided, that since Andre is not a normal Chimp, the song should note some actions that any Chimp even Andre could be found doing.

I think a note here is wise. Monkeys usually do not swing on vines. They run across limbs to jump from tree to tree. Apes, which denotes chimpanzees, have the length of arms and muscular structure to swing on vines. The only human I know who also does this is Tarzan. Ok. Onward to the music.

March 7, 2022 at 4:18pm
March 7, 2022 at 4:18pm
Prompt 4? With what great musician did Andre Study?

Red Dragon

Pinkfong is an extraterrestrial alien fox. He has pink fur, magenta-colored eyes, and a golden crown on his head. He wears a gold star necklace that holds magical powers. Reference: Bing {Pinkfong | PINKFONG Wiki | Fandom pinkfong.fandom.com/wiki/Pinkfong_(character)

It is one of the main focuses of the show Pinkfong Wonderstar. Yes! I can see why Andre would study music with PinkFong. What I want to know, did he travel to South Korea to study or stayed at the California studio? If he had a chance to climb any coconut trees near the studio, were there any casualties. He has a bad habit of throwing down coconuts without checking to see who might be below?

Like all famous and infamous characters Pinkfong has his own Wikipedia page. I do wonder if Pinkfong is a passenger in the alien ship sighted over New York City. I read it in a news alert last week. Yes! A real news alert. How did you miss it?

The "Baby Shark" song is well written for kazoo. All that jumping around in the "Baby Shark," song makes the song look like it was intended for monkeys. And, human children who quite often resemble energetic primates.

I've been talking with my muse. I'll let you know if there is any news about the next prompt. As soon as I can. Aloha.

March 7, 2022 at 3:47pm
March 7, 2022 at 3:47pm
Andre got fired and why?

signature dancing owl

I was reading my way through the Banana Bar archives when a rain and high wind-storm came up and knocked the computer off the Wi-Fi. So, I'm guessing that Andre was fired when the Banana Bar was closed for a nonconformist situation. This is probably related to, when the bar was inspected for health violations? According to the article I read there were a lot of unusual problems The problems related to the bar being run by a monkey?

I don't remember reading about the Grand opening. That came later so, I guess the chihuahua's weren't involved in the firing process.

Some of the problems seemed made up by the health inspectors. Like surely, Andre would have washed his feet before mixing drinks or making sandwiches with his toes? I suppose if he got really busy at the bar it could have been a problem. Maybe the inspectors were just not familiar with monkeys? Oh well, whatever, it's over now and the bar is reopened.

It probably only happened because Andre was new to the business end of running a bar. Running a bar combined with his duties as a muse were a lot to handle for a human let alone a monkey? Could have happened to anyone. Right? I don't remember reading any specific amounts of words related to this prompt? Guess I better keep reading. Maybe I'll come across more information.


March 4, 2022 at 3:43pm
March 4, 2022 at 3:43pm
Andre's favorite Genre, favorite artist, and why?

signature dancing owl

I 'm not the most knowledgeable person about genre. So, I decided it would probably be free ee style. Then, I listened to some freestyle music on YouTube. What I was hearing wasn't much like Theta waves. It did seem like something a monkey might be enamored with.

If his best instrumentals are done on kazoo a person, he might admire is Barbara Stewart, who is maybe the only professional Kazooist known in our society. Certainly, she is a talented player of that renowned instrument.

I know this is rather short. My excuses are I just finished and submitted my 2021 tax returns, and my brain is slightly fried. Plus, I have to go shopping for a kazoo of my own. I just Seem's right somehow. I must have played one of these when I was very, very young. Plus, if Andre can play one maybe I can too.

I wonder what monkey screeches sound like coming out of one end of a kazoo.?
March 1, 2022 at 4:56pm
March 1, 2022 at 4:56pm
As I understand it this is the first Prompt for blogging with Andre in March, dealing with music?

signature dancing owl

1 .What Instrument does Andre Play?
3. And with who has he performed?

As Andre knows I'm a journalist. Even my muse is grounded in reality, so it isn't easy to answer questions of this nature? However, with Andre's help I learned that he is exceptionally fond of the Kazoo.

Why? Because I learned on a Bing search, that there are three rules to playing the Kazoo. 1. Put your mouth on the wide end. 2. Hum your tune. 3. Stop if you're driving someone crazy. As everyone knows ignoring the third rule is an ingrained habit in Andre's personality.

Andre says you can make a kazoo out of a carrot, but it is pretty awesome if you can figure out how to make one out of a banana? Even Andre hasn't figured that out yet. Mostly because he eats the banana before he finishes making the kazoo.

Who has Andre performed with? I'd guess lots of bands. For instance, Jimi Hendricks and The Red Hot Cili Peppers have used kazoos in their music. I read that in a search on Bing but, I could not verify any specific music by either band.

I did find an announcement that the original Red-Hot Chili Peppers will be releasing an album on April 1, 2022, called, "Unlimited Love." The date may throw some fans.

There is a possibility Andre played with the Cadets when they were playing, "Stranded in the Jungle."

Surely, Andre was playing with "Lucid Dreams" at the Grand Opening of the bar.

In any event I learned a lot about the kazoo. Andre has picked an exceptional instrument to play because, there are not a lot of people playing the kazoo professionally. It's one way to become well known in the musical world.


January 28, 2022 at 11:06am
January 28, 2022 at 11:06am
Funny Friday. Final Day. You know what that means... Funny Final Friday

You and your muse are invited to the Blame on my Muse Awards Banquet. Write about the event in today's blog entry.

Merit Badge in The Pub Bunny
[Click For More Info]

   Happy, Happy Birthday!!
As you can see Pubby is celebrating your Birthday! A birthday gift


Once again, Andre the Blog Monkey's bar was a glorious decoration of wildly growing tropical plants. Heavy green vines and riotous color was growing from the ceilings and the walls. The tables were filled with bloggers who had come to celebrate the awards banquet.

The bar was serving Banana Daiquiris and the new vodka drink Andre had introduced as well as bountiful cups of coffee and even some tea.

On a platform set up to the left of the room Apondia was standing next to a microphone at center stage flicking it with her fingers to see if it was turned on.

Let's get this started. If everyone will give me your attention. Andre has given me a few minutes for some opening remarks. We are thanking Lilli and the Basement Guy for the fine decorations tonight. Let's give them a hand.

As people stand up riotous clapping and cheering are occurring. Apondia floats both hands in a downward
move and people sit down.

First, I have sent my muse to the basement to get some participants in tonight's festivities. My muse has been gone for a while, so, because it went to the basement I don't know when it will return or if it will return.

Second, for those of you who are experiencing some mental problems including barking sounds and growling within your mind. I want you to know my muse and I were at the Shelter for homeless Muses this week. We are fostering a Jack Russel terrier type muse. I wasn't going to bring it here.

However, my muse did bring it and turned it loose in the room right after we arrived. It is running around trying to give everyone it touches an adventure of a lifetime to write or just experience.

For those of you who are not familiar with a muse or insist muses don't exist, there is a new commercial hitting TV which will send you to a website, where you can hire a therapist to deal with your mental stress.

Another thing I want to express is about the Shelter for homeless muses. It has the most amazing types of muses there. So, if you are experiencing a lack of writing ideas, be advised for a couple of candy bars as payment you can take home enough wildly unusual muse to give any writer a brain change.

I see a hand waving at that table. What? A question? Sure, go ahead. I don't know. Ask Kevin who runs the shelter. Maybe they would take it back? Probably wouldn't give back the candy bars. Rent a muse? Maybe, you better ask Kevin.

Just then the door behind the bar opens. A couple hundred monkeys flow into the bar. Grabbing vines many of them swing into the air hooting and howling like monkeys do. Some of them sat on the floor on the stage others sat on top of tables all over the room.

Apondia whispered, I see you made it back.

The muse responded, I hope I did not bring to many. There were a lot of them around today.

Apondia clapped her hands several times and asked for quiet. Munchkin come up here please?

Munchkin a rhesus monkey hopped up on the stage. She was wearing an astronaut suit. Munchkin has a request for me to tell you about. Munchkin is a few times removed relative of Albert the first monkey person in space. If it were not for Albert, there would not be any type of space flight for humans. He gave his life, not necessarily his permission, so science could make space flight possible for humans. So, Munchkin thinks we should all lobby congress for a special holiday in Albert's name for all the monkeys of every variety over the years that have given their health and life to further any type of scientific breakthrough that benefits mankind. As you go home tonight think about it and call your congress man or woman. Anyone who makes it to the moon, mars, or beyond from the earth owe their travels to monkeys.

The last order of business I want to mention is Monkey Shines. You may not know it but there are hundreds if not thousands of people thinking about monkeys. Monkey emblems, movies, and holidays out there are dedicated to monkeys. The monkeys will be passing out cards with a website on it you can look at and think about how important monkeys are on the earth. Many are endangered, because they are losing their habitats on the earth.

There are also cards on the bar you can pick up that will send you to the website. The website is actually a part of Monkey Shines a way to celebrate a lunar Day or any day you choose. You can learn more on Facebook if you go to the monkey shines Facebook page.


I'm finished. Let's turn this celebration over to Andre and Brother Nature or Lilli. Whoever is in charge of giving out the awards. After they are finished, we have a band called "The Monkeys". You can dance the night away. Oh! a last note. Don't try to follow the monkeys home. You could get lost in the basement or even run right into a cement wall.

Have you ever watched monkeys dance that's a lark?

word count: 932 - prompt 34 = 898
January 27, 2022 at 3:53pm
January 27, 2022 at 3:53pm
Today you've been coerced into fostering a rescue muse.

Yep, Tell us about your experience at the muse shelter. Describe some of the muses and their sad history.
Decide which muse you are going to adopt, then choose one to give to one of the other bloggers, tell them a little about the muse you chose for them and why you thought it would be the perfect muse for them.

Do you know what would be fun? This is Andre's idea
Give rescue muses to your Writing.com friends and tag them in your entry.

The muses will thank you for this.

signature dancing owl

Quote: "Muses work all day and then at night get together and dance." by Edgar Degas


A tall thin young man was sitting at the desk in the reception room. Let me guess? Your muse needs a muse?

Not exactly, my muse wants to foster a rescue muse, he didn't tell me why.

Sign this visitors book. Then, you can go back to view the muses. They are kept in special cages with sound canceling bars, so they cannot influence you to turn them loose. Do not put your fingers through the bars, some of them bite. He pointed to a hall behind his desk. Back there first room to the right.

As we entered the first cage held a large butterfly. It was yellow with brown spots on the wings. The wings spanned three feet. The sign on the cage said. Specialty - environmental influence.

Look the sign says this muse is here because its original owner froze into an ice block while trying to build a home in Alaska without using proper heating elements.

I said to my muse, Let's look at some more. The next cage had a glowing white unicorn. The sign read: Specialty = philosophy and spiritual ideals.

Hmmm. The sign also states you can only give this muse to someone with a good Scriptural understanding about the earth's inner core. I wonder what that means?

My muse tapped my mind: over here, over here.

A lazy extremely fat looking leech looked at us, then, belched loudly. His expelled breath smelled like a live distillery. The sign on the cage said: Specialty when sober: all types of Beer brewing methods.

You like this one for Robert Waltz?

The muse chuckled, yes, yes. I wrote down the cage number 4, on the tag given to me by Kevin the guy at the receptionist's desk.

Look it says its previous owner gave it up for adoption because he graduated to a new vodka drink mixed by Andre with a mystery ingredient.

Look at this one.

It was a malemute dog sitting in the doorway of a small igloo, which was placed on a high pile of snow. Specialty = all kinds of stories relating to low temperatures and tons of snow.

This would be great for nanamom.I wrote down the cage number 6, on the tag.

Nanamom has a lot of snow at her home now. Maybe the muse will help her with new stories for WDC.

We viewed cage after cage. Some had been abandoned for making their previous owners terrified of what they might write, other previous owners died trying to write the perfect story, still others, lost their will to write due to lack of time and energy.

Look at this one; I pointed out a gorgeous fairy with a backpack settled between its' wings. The sign said, Specialty = controversial subjects - adult discussions and commitments - free speech encouraged.

This muse is looking for a writer who likes to travel and uses their brain with proper enthusiasm for comments related to any subject.

Let's give this one to Kare Enga. The muse stated with a songlike vibration in my brain.

I wrote down number 21 on the tag. O.K. Do we need to keep looking?

I found the one I want to foster; this one. He pointed to a wild looking little dog. Specialty = adventure facts and stories.

We will return some other day. There are so many I have to check with the muse alliance to see if there is something else, we can do to move more muses out of captivity and into a better lifestyle.

At the desk I handed the tag to Kevin. We'll take these.

I can have them delivered. You owe me two chocolate candy bars for each muse. Unless the writers who use them hit it big by selling a novel, that everyone wants to read. If real money gets involved, I need a couple boxes of Kelloges Rice Krispies and some real cash.

Why Rice Krispies? They are so scarce I figure they will be like gold to use as currency someday.
I dug some candy bars out of my purse and left them on Kevin's desk.

We will take the little dog with us. You can deliver the rest. Bye Kevin we'll stop in again someday. Never know when you need a muse.

word count: 830-prompt 101 = 729


Andre's Idea
January 26, 2022 at 11:55am
January 26, 2022 at 11:55am
Write about what you find or discover in the basement, and how you find your way out. or if you find your way out Do you meet anyone down there? Is your muse helpful in helping you navigate a path back upstairs?

Fairy playing a flute

"Paradise is calling. If you’re reading this, I know you feel the calling!"{https://dreamdashjournal.com}

Monkeys and the Muse

Hi, Lilly. She is sitting behind the bar, on a high stool. a cup of coffee in her hand.

Hi, Apondia, what are you up to today?

I was wondering, at the end of the Halloween party all the monkeys trooped out of here through that door. I pointed at the door behind the bar. Where did they go?

You'll have to ask the basement guy? He is doing inventory in the basement. If you are going down
take this ball of string. Sometimes people go down there and don't come back. Tie it to the bottom of the stair railing so you can find your way back up. She handed me a large ball of string.

Don't worry, I'll take the string. My muse is going with me so I think I'll be O.K.

At the bottom of the stairs, I tied the string to the railing. I could see a person sorting boxes by a tall piece of shelving. Hi, I'm Apondia.

I'm the basement Guy. What are you doing down here?

Looking to find where the monkeys from the Halloween party went?

Good luck with that?

Woo, what is that high pitched noise? It's coming from over there by that shimmering wall. I covered my ears. As I started to move toward the shimmering place, Basement Guy yelled from a new position halfway up the stairs.

Hey! Don't go over there. Then he ran up the stairs and through the door into the bar.

The noise was getting stronger. I reached the place on the wall that was shimmering brightly in all the colors of the rainbow.

Then the muse spoke, close your eyes, listen to the sound. Imitate the sound with your voice and move quickly forward.

I obeyed the voice of the muse. I started imitating the sounds of a sweet song that vibrated in my mind. After a few forward steps I opened my eyes. I was in a whirling grey stringy vortex. I took one more step and found myself in a small clearing. Behind me the shimmering wall and vortex had disappeared. I could see the string reeled out across the ground. The ball of string was still in my hand, and it was not getting any smaller.

The muse pointed out trees beyond the grassy clearing. We walked toward the trees. The grasses along our path were wildly colored tropical types. We identified clumps of red sedge, Blue Fescue, and pink cotton candy grasses. Many different heights and styles of grasses were around us as we walked toward the towering trees. Bunny tails had white blossoms on a dark colored stem. There was a lot of different colors of fountain grass with long green and red leaves with fuzzy seeded leaves in red and purple varieties. It was a good start because behind all the brilliantly colored grasses were trees of tropical types we never see in the North. I saw Golden cane palm trees, coral barked Japanese maple trees, yellow trumpet trees, and windmill palm trees.

Then there were the tropical forest trees we walked through that held the monkeys. Many of the varieties of monkeys I had seen at the party were there. Andre dropped out of a nearby tree with a banana in both hands. One of the bananas he gave to me.

He showed me how much fun the monkeys were having playing games of tag in the trees, he showed me how they use tools to find and eat food. There is a sign there calling this place, Monkey Land. It is a memorial to the Rhesus monkeys and even the mice that were the first space travelers.

A true story: scientists used Rhesus monkeys as the first space travelers. They measured thrust pressure results and other science-based health results by putting monkeys up as the first travelers in space. Many, especially the first ones did not survive. The very first one was named Albert. Albert was a rhesus monkey.

Monkeys are considered intelligent because they use their brains to make tools, play games and map their environments, so they know where to find regular supplies of the types of foods they eat.

My muse walked with us and told me it was time to get back. I started rolling up the ball of string. Andre gave us the idea that he would like to have the ball of string to give to the younger monkeys to play with. So, I held it out and he bite it in two. I gave him the ball which he sailed up into the trees. Monkeys started chasing him and as we wound up the string that was left on the ground leading us back to the basement, there was a riotous game occurring in the trees we left behind.

Getting back was just a reverse of getting out of the basement. As we followed the string across the clearing the musical sound came back. We sang our way back into the basement. Then, untied the string and walked up the stairs, through the door and into the bar.

Lilly was still there drinking coffee. I gave your ball of string to Andre.

It's O.K. I have more. Come back anytime. The monkeys like visitors.

Yes. It's time to go home and sit with a cup of tea. Adventures make me tired. Bye.

Bye. See You on "Questions of the Day" tomorrow.


word count 965

January 25, 2022 at 10:04am
January 25, 2022 at 10:04am
Because Writing.com is an American-based web business all muses are deemed American citizens regardless of the nationality and location of the author. I don't make the rules.

Your muse just announced its candidacy for president of the United States of America, and you are the campaign manager.

Write a winning rally speech for your muse.

You can be the campaign manager for Andre the Blog Monkey if you'd like.

Merit Badge in Point of View
[Click For More Info]

Happy Birthday! Belatedly. I like your point of view *^*Bigsmile*^* ~Adrienne

by Muhammad Ali: “Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth.”)

Campaign Moto:Peace and Agriculture Walk Hand in Hand

No one was prepared for Donald Trump to win the presidency.

Now, they are not prepared for this announcement. Andre the Blog Monkey for president, Bonzi Buddy for Vice President, and Curious George as Secretary of State.

The following are detailed ideals for these three unknowns to ride into the limelight.

The USA needs farms: The seasons in different parts of the country are varied enough to be raising extreme amounts of corn, rice, fruits, nuts, all various kinds of crops used in various ways. If we push extreme farming into our culture. Using modern equipment, we could be a major competition to other countries and push the world into a race to grow agriculture. Our candidates want to channel resources from the government into small farms and large growing enterprises that would open the gates to agriculture as it has not been open for many years.

A second campaign suggestion by the candidates equals a way to disassociate war as a way to change the world. Peace would be a major campaign push. Can we succeed in making a worldwide peace campaign?

The candidates only promise to explore every possible avenue to gaining a worldwide peace, sociological and phycological. So, the agricultures of the world can succeed with beneficial crops that bring societies comfort, health, and social acceptance. Peace and Agriculture walk hand in hand.

As President, Andre the Blog Monkey promises to bring a sincere safety to Bonzi Buddy online. Bonzi will no longer be considered a hazard to your computer. Changes in the character will make Bonzi a national help in poems, jokes, and actual tools that keep your software up and running.

As Vice-President Bonzi would eliminate all attacks on your computing systems. Bonzi wants to aid the system in WIFI for all and safe computing for all. This would actually help the Peace in the country grow. Peaceful computing and a peaceful society. Peace and agriculture walk hand in hand.

Let's think of banana forests. You could reach your government with contact to your Vice-president any time of day or night.

Curious George asserts, when the entire nation can get behind the administration, as it works with ensuring a peaceful atmosphere in the melting pot of the nation, you will see unseen changes in your country's society for the better.

If insurance is what you want, then there is a need to modernize the insurance industries, so they work for all and do not necessarily mean overextending profits for the upper monetary classes of the nation.

There is a lot to be accomplished and as a start we make no promises other than our eyes are on the nation with a sincere wish, that our children will inherit a sounder governing body as Peace and a growing agricultural knowledge base, effect change.

We close with questions from the audience. Bonzi Buddy will moderate the questions. Andre the Blog Monkey will give you answers.

Hugh crowd cheering and clapping as the audience stands up, can be heard as the news coverage moves to comments from the audience.

Word Count - 607 - 69 prompt = 538
January 24, 2022 at 11:55am
January 24, 2022 at 11:55am
You have to prepare a complex meal for a special occasion, all of your family and friends will be in attendance.

Oh, oh... You are completely out of every ingredient, and you don't have time to go shopping. You have to send your muse out shopping, there's no other option.

What do you send your muse to shop for? What does your muse return with, and how does your dinner party turn out?

signature dancing owl

This has actually happened to me more than once.

When we reroofed the house, I knew we should feed the workers. Some of them worked for slave wages others worked out of the goodness of their hearts. I got in the car and headed for one of the local centers of civilization. Just the day before I had heard a advertisement about one of the fast-food places selling sliced beef sandwiches at a reasonable price. I ordered 25. I had not called ahead. Nevertheless, they put my order in and filled it. Once at home the food disappeared quickly.

My daughter and some granddaughters live in a neighboring state. I never know when they are going to show up. I never seem to have a lot of cash or food when I get the call they are on their way. It really isn't much of a case about what to feed people. If the muse helps it is with ideas about a menu, that is quick fix and easily found. Usually, the muse says send K.

One time I sent K for fast food Chicken. Baked some potatoes and set the table. Other times I sent K for cold cuts, cheese, and burger buns. Still, another time we just sent K for pizza. So, having refreshed my mind with the Prompt. and having the lay of the land for a family meal I have to say. Being completely out of every ingredient just doesn't happen here because we have to shop once a month for the whole month. So, stocking up is a necessary type of shopping.

If I was going to prepare for a family gathering on the quick, I would still send out for burger and hotdogs. Start up the grill. Take strawberries out of the freezer to thaw. Bake a very large amount of shortcake. Serving strawberry shortcake, sloppy Joes, or burgers and hotdogs on the grill would do it. I'm not sure what people consider complex. If I shopped for chicken, salad ingredients, put out pickles, celery sticks, carrot sticks, chips of some sort, and cheese and baked potatoes it would cook fast and feed a lot of people.

The muse would be more helpful with the conversation. As a family we often get together for short needs. Haying time, graduations, fixing automobiles, so a real family gathering would just mean catching up on what kind of jobs people have, how well they have been, what kind of phones we all use or how the dog training is going. We all have rescue dogs and this year at least three members of the family took in a new dog. All different breeds but, because they are shelter dogs, they have mostly the same training problems. Lots of laughter about any problem would be a real thing.

In this respect my son-in-law had just rescued a new dog as a companion to replace the very elderly dog he had lost to age a year ago. Just weeks after the new dog came into the family, he contacted covid. He lost his battle with Covid, but the family is keeping his dog.

In Greek mythology Zeus had 9 daughters that gave out inspirations to artists, musicians, and writers.

I like this reference: https://www.infobloom.com/what-is-a-muse.htm
A muse is someone, who has such an influence on another, that he or she becomes the focus and inspiration for that person's creative work. by Gary Crystal

According to the website link a muse can be a spiritual entity or a human loved one. I also think you can mistake the advice from the Holy Spirit as advice from a muse. Although this statement might start a controversial conversation.


Word Count = 690 - 73 for the prompt = 617

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