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Rated: E · Book · Experience · #2050107
A Journal to impart knowledge and facts
July 22, 2015

I'm going to start today to record on a daily basis whatever happens to strike my fancy. So, it is a very cool breezy day. I just posted 5 short book reviews to The Monthly Reading Challenge. I'm suppose to put away some winter wood today from the woodpile outside but I'm playing hookey from work to write so starting this blog will get done.

I'm having a daily fight with a flock of English Sparrows that are trying to take over my barn. They are making a terrible mess so they have to go. I have destroyed several nests so far they don't leave but they get out of the barn when I am around. I'm just starting the fight so I guess I don't know how far I have to go to discourage them.

I'm trying not to spread myself to thin on WDC because I find so many things that are interesting here and I am trying to work on a new story. I really enjoy sitting at my desk with a cup of tea and reading blogs on WDC.

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October 23, 2021 at 5:14pm
October 23, 2021 at 5:14pm
4. You order Andre's 'Drink of the Day'. As you are drinking it, you feel it slowly transform you into something/someone else.

Dear Margaret:

It seems the worst is yet to come regarding Halloween celebrations. When Erthala and I were at the Halloween party there was a lot of dancing and other entertainment going on. Erthala and I were just enjoying the antics of monkeys in the ceiling vines and costumed persons dancing to the vibrant monkey music going on.

Then Andre came tottering over with the drink of the day in hand. It was in a pretty, frosted wine glass on a stem. It was, believe it or not some mix of Banana wine. It was a yellow color and very cold. He presented it to me. So, I said, "Why not?" I heard Erthala mutter, "I bet I could tell you why not?"

I just smiled. After a couple sips I started singing another Monkey song I know. "Three Little Monkeys, swinging in a tree, teasing Mr. Crocodile, you can't catch me." I vaguely remember Erthala say, "Oh, Oh!"

Did I really transform? I remember fur on my long arms. It's more like a dream then real transformation. I experienced exaltation, as I leaped into the air and went swinging across the room on the exceptional green vines. Other monkeys screeched, pointed, and then followed me as I traversed the room swinging from vine to vine. Eating a couple of the flowers, hanging upside down starring at Erthala below me, while she shouted come back down now before you fall Apondia, was quite exelerating.

As a child I had a trapeze in our hay barn with heavy mounds of loose hay to break my fall. Flying across the room with the other monkeys. Playing follow the leader was more fun than the trapeze. I was not as graceful because I lacked a prehensile tail. I did not have the length of arm of a monkey, besides not having, a finger type use of the end of a prehensile tale. Still, it was a lot of fun.

Toward the end, I used the coat rack pole like a Shaolin Master and made the "Monkey moves on a tree" required to win your Buddhist mastership. I'm sure a real Shaolin Master has better form. Years of practice in form and knowledge are required to acquire the grace monks, who know these moves, are capable of doing. YouTube has examples of these Shaolin Master moves.

This transformation only lasted at the most thirty minutes. Then, the energy the drink produced in my system began to fail.

Erthala was following me around the room and persuaded me to stop on top of the bar. Then with a huff and a puff I sat down and returned to my normal thought waves.

Erthala with her quick thinking managed to film some of my antics on her iPhone. She has promised to send the filming to my computer. That means I can send you a copy some day. It is quite a sight to see.

I tried to find out exactly what was in the wine Andre gave me. As usual Andre isn't communicating about the recipe. When I went to the bar, Andre pointed at me and then pantomimed swinging on the vines above his head he monkey laughed. I drew a picture of Andre standing under a coconut tree getting bonked on the head with a coconut so he quit laughing.

Oh well, green tea and mashed bananas is really the best speed for me.

If you ever want an interesting experience Margaret come visit me. We will spend some time blogging at Andre The Blog Monkey Banana Bar. Always an unusually worthwhile time.


Apondia *BigSmile*

Word count by the Journal7 = 604

October 23, 2021 at 3:54pm
October 23, 2021 at 3:54pm
Prompt 3: A bad-tempered customer is driving home after a few drinks at the bar. He thinks he sees him kids trick-or treating and stops to offer them some coins--but those aren’t costumes.

Dear Margaret:

I read this article in the news this morning. I thought you might be interested.

}Man Accosted by Alien Ape

Joe Smolder was rescued by fire men from an Eagle’s nest on Plantain Street earlier today. This is Smolder’s story as related to our news staff just before we went to press:

I was driving down the street when I saw some trick-or treaters walking in the middle of the street. There were kids and some adults all in costume.

I had an ash tray full of coins in the car and thought I would distribute them for treats, since I thought my kids were part of the group.

I was upset to see them all in the street. I pulled over to the curb and yelled angrily at them. Get out of the street and walk on the sidewalk. After all that’s why sidewalks are made.

One of the larger persons in the group, who I assumed was an adult waved me off. Then the group continued on down the street. I jumped from my car and ran down the street after them.

I reached out to grab the shoulder of the adult who waved me off. Wow, he had a really solid feel to him. He shuffled around to look at me. He had very, very long hairy arms and a really ugly face. That’s when I realized he was an ape.

I quickly stumbled back away from him. He grabbed me and slung me over one shoulder. Then leaped up a tree. It was momentous movement. No time to think or react. He climbed up the tree likity split. Deposited me in the eagle’s nest and left. NO, there were not any eagles in the nest. Just me. I could hear the group screeching and monkeys laughing below.

The limbs where the nest was were skinny. The wind was blowing. Every time I moved it felt like the nest would collapse or blow down in the wind. Mentally I was breaking up, I kept thinking of that song, “Rock a bye baby, in the tree top." You know it has a bad ending.

Then I remembered I had my phone in a pocket. I called 911. They thought it was a Halloween stunt. I had to call them back 3 times before they would believe I needed help.

Then the 911 operator asked me if I had been drinking alcohol. I told her honestly I had 5 or 6 banana daiquiri at the bar. Yes mam. There was a party going on with a bunch of midgets dressed in monkey costumes. Really, really, mam I’m telling you the truth. I could hear her laughing, but she said the fire department was on it’s way.

When they arrived the street and area were empty. No trick-or treaters or animals any where. They brought the big ladder truck and got me down safely, but I had to write them a check as a donation.

Some cops showed up as well. They said they would be on the look out for aliens. I said it was really, really some apes and monkeys. I don’t think they believed me. They insisted on driving me home. One of them followed me home with my car. When I got out they said they would really, really appreciate a donation for their help. So, I wrote out another check. They were laughing when they drove away.

When I got home I was going to take the kids candy away from them as punishment for walking in the street. My wife wouldn’t let me because she said they were dressed like pirates and home earlier than my incident took place. And, anyway my kids wouldn’t walk in the street.

This is the end of the Smolder story as related to us in the news room. In the interest of news and public safety we are asking anyone else who may have had a incident concerning a group of monkeys on Halloween to please give us your stories.

Lots of activity around here this Halloween Margaret. How are things where you are?



Word count from the Journal 7 = 710

October 23, 2021 at 12:26pm
October 23, 2021 at 12:26pm
Prompt 2: You put that stuffed monkey in the cabinet. In the closet, in the attic, but no matter where you tuck it, it always show back up at the bar. On Halloween night, you came in to find it watching you.

Dear Margaret:

I had a stuffed toy monkey in my house. It came from “ Andre The Blog Monkeys Banana Bar.” If you pull it’s tail it screeches loud monkey language. I posted a picture of it on the lost and found board with my phone number. No one ever claimed it..

I put it in a kitchen cupboard so the dog would not get it. When I walked into the kitchen it was sitting on the cabinet beside a bunch of bananas starring at me. So, I locked it in the glass curio cabinet. It starred at me all the time it was in there.

Erthala called. She was down at the Banana Bar sipping a banana daiquiri. So, I went down to the bar for awhile. While we were chatting about little things, I noticed a stuffed monkey sitting on the bar by a bunch of bananas It was starring at me. It looked just like the one I took home earlier in the day, a Golden Tarsier replica.

Andre was staggering around behind the bar drinking a banana daiquiri.

Andre where is Lilli?

He pulled up his tail and used it as a pointer to the floor behind the bar. Sure enough Lilli was sitting on the floor cleaning shelves behind the bar.

Lilli where did this stuffed monkey come from?

You mean Andre?

No. No. I don’t mean Andre. The stuffed toy sitting on the bar.

I never saw it before. Lilli stood up and yelled out, Anyone here own this stuffed monkey? No. No. I don’t mean Andre.

A lot of shaking heads but no one claimed the toy.

Take it home if you want people are always leaving things lay around. Lilli disappeared behind the bar.

When I returned home the curio cabinet was unlocked, standing open. The only toy monkey in the house was the one I was holding. I took a marker and marked one ear with a black mark. Then I tossed it into the closet under the stairs and closed the door firmly. When I walked into the kitchen it was sitting on the counter by the bunch of bananas starring at me. Margaret I won’t write what I was thinking at that point. My poor brain was strained.

Next day was Halloween, I had some shopping to do, so I threw the monkey in the trunk of the car and locked the trunk. When I finished shopping I stopped at the bar to see if anyone had claimed the monkey. When I walked inside the bar, a toy monkey was sitting on the bar beside a bunch of bananas. It had a black mark on one ear. I checked the trunk of the car there was no monkey in the trunk. I looked around. What the??

I went back in. Lilli was putting up decorations for the Halloween party. Lilli where is the monkey?

You mean Andre? He’s sleeping off the banana daiquiri he drank.

No. No I mean the stuffed toy Golden Tarsier monkey. It returned to the bar by itself!

By itself Apondia? How many Banana daiquiri have you had today?

None. But, I might need one if this keeps happening.

When I returned home it was sitting on the kitchen counter by the bananas starring at me.

The phone was ringing. I went to answer it. Hi. Lilli.

You left that toy monkey here. It is sitting on the bar by the bananas right now.

I looked in the kitchen it was gone. I’ll pick it up at the party. I did not tell her it was just in my kitchen, she wouldn’t believe it anyway.

OK. See you later.

After I was settled in my chair at the Halloween party the lights and music stopped. When they came back on a real Golden Tarsier monkey was sitting in a high chair at my table. It spent the whole night starring at me with it’s creepy bulging golden eyes. It starred at me from the high chair it sat in. It sat on Erthala's head and starred at me, It hung from a vine and starred at me. Guess what? It had a black mark on one ear. I pulled it’s tail and it tried to bite my hand. Later it was sitting on Andre’s shoulder as the monkey’s trouped out to the basement. It was starring at me as it went through the door. I waved.

More about Halloween later..


Word Count from the Journal 7 = 786

October 23, 2021 at 11:39am
October 23, 2021 at 11:39am
Prompt: 1. It’s late at night, and you hear footsteps in the bar—but you’re definitely alone . . . or so you thought.

Dear Margaret:

The last time we talked, you were adamant, that I should notify you, if I had any new strange experiences to report. Recently, I attended a Halloween party being held at an upbeat place called “Andre the Blog Monkey’s Banana Bar.”

Well I haven’t been out for just ages and a day, so I dragged out a few pieces of material and built me a costume. Like the one worn by the spook in Joseph Delaney’s series “The Last Apprentice.” Halloween night I arrived at the bar; arriving just a few minutes after the time listed on the invitation.

The bar is located in a cozy spot. The entire property around the bar is covered with mature growing banana trees. heavily laden with bananas. Kind of unusual for this area of the world. They seemed to be rustling in the wind. But, there isn’t any wind.

When I walked through the door, the whole place was dark. Not just dark, black out dark. I backed out of the door. The sign in large letters on the door said, “Welcome to Andre the Blog Monkey’s Banana Bar, Halloween Party in Progress Please Enter.” So, I took a deep breathe and walked in again. Nope, still totally dark. The door behind me made a startling click as it closed behind me. I stood quietly listening. I thought I heard another click and the squeaky hinges of a second door somewhere in the dense dark, the padding footsteps of someone or something.

A glaring splash of light hit the room accompanied by riotous music. There was a Long solid polished Maple wood bar to my left. To the right tables, with chairs formed a spiral spread out across the room. A dance floor was formed around the circle of seating.

Most amazing was the tropical ceiling. Heavily coated in thick hanging vines and other deep green leafy foliage and flowers that caused a heavy sweet scent to hang in the air.

A monkey wearing an apron leaped out from behind the bar. It kind of herded me toward the table in the center of the spiral. Pushing me steering, and chattering as he toddled along in a monkey gait. It screeched and pointed at a chair. As I was sitting down it slapped a sheet of crumbled paper down in front of me It turned out to be a menu.

Lets see--hum mm- 1. Banana Daiquiri 2. Banana Daiquiri 3. Banana Daiquiri 4. And so on and on until # 20 said Green Tea with mashed Bananas. I pointed at the #20. Andre: turned snatched the menu, leaped up caught a vine, and swung away to the bar. As I was settling down into my seat I looked around and wondered where the rest of the people were.

Then the lights went out again. The music stopped. The silence was really dense. I wondered how they achieved that kind of total silence in the dark, then more stealthy footsteps. I heard the whistle of a tea kettle explode into the silence. Someone pulled out a chair at my table. I jerked my hand back from the table when I felt hair slide across it.

The brilliant lights flashed on, the music started up. The song playing was “My Momo eats banananaa, My Popo eats Banananaa, My sister eats Banananaa” and on and on about teachers and relatives and friends who all eat banananaa with a Bossa Nova beat.

Most Astonishing, a Golden Tarsier Monkey now sat in a high chair at my table. Only 6 inches long with long fingers and toes for grasping vines, it stared at me with owl like golden eyes. Just stared and stared at me.

Next to it sat a ghostly arrayed person. And next to the ghost sat a red handed Tamarin monkey in a high chair. Andre and another monkey suddenly appeared above swinging from the vines. My tea had arrived, also bowls of fruity water, nuts, fruit, and a banana daiquiri for the ghost. The bowls were plunked down without ceremony and I caught one blue bowl of peanuts that was falling precariously off the tray of munchies.

A startling system emerged. All sound and light vanished just before a new variety of monkeys and new costumed humans (I presume they were all human) appeared and filled another table. I mean dead silence when the lights were extinguished. The silence and darkness was actually astonishing for the time lapse endured.

As the tables filled the noise of monkey screeches and howls grew louder. I put in my ear plugs at one point.

And so it went, The lights and music would go out. Shuffling noises and creaky doors would sound. When the lights came back with music, another table would be full of new costumed humans seated with different varieties of monkeys mostly new world monkeys but, I identified a few old world monkeys as well. The monkeys screeched and howled. The din rose louder and louder. Nuts and fruit were eaten and tossed around.

Of course the monkeys did not remain seated. Monkeys sailed through the air on vines. I looked up in astonishment to see squirrel monkeys, pygmy marmosets, proboscis, rhesus, spider, golden snub-nosed from China, howler, wooly spider, and other varieties sailing around the room or sitting on tables munching snacks. Monkeys walked by, leaped from table to table, and hung from vines to just stare at the costumed people.

The Tarsier would return to the table now and then sometimes sitting in it’s chair sometimes on my shoulder always staring at me with its huge golden eyes. It would rotate its head to look around, very owl like.

We had entertainment of songs about monkeys and pictures of monkeys in their natural habitat being broadcast across a big screen flat TV that hung above the bar. “Hey, hey we’re the Monkeys, People say we Monkey around. We’re to busy singing to put any body down.”

It’s astonishing how many varieties of monkeys live on the earth. Some are quite beautiful.

The ghost turned out to be a neighbor from my street, named Erthala. She pointed out Dracula simia and Dracula gigas orchids living in the tropical plant display above us. These are flowers that have monkey faces on them and were totally out of some other element of nature. How they happened to be thriving in this environment I could not begin to explain.

I identified the three monkeys helping Andre behind the bar, to supply drinks to the party, mostly banana daiquiri; as the three monkeys rescued from a cemetery some time ago.

Suddenly, Andre stood on the bar and began to chatter and wave at a door behind the bar. Led by Andre the monkeys began to troupe out the door. It had certainly been a lively evening. Those costumed people not visiting the basement moved out the front door. We were handed trick or treat bags on the way out filled with banana candy, banana daiquiri mix, and nuts.

I will write more Margaret but, there is someone knocking at the door. Best wishes for your day.



word count from the journal 7 = 1398
September 29, 2021 at 11:45am
September 29, 2021 at 11:45am
"Speak soft my name" Tell us your thoughts about it. You don't need to write a review of this poem, read it, tell us what you think.

Fairy playing a flute🤷‍♂️

Quote from: reference : "This is Real and You Are Completely Unprepared" by Alan Lew : "You are walking through the world half asleep. It isn't just that you don't know who you are and that you don't know how or why you got here."

The first stanza calls up images of deep water and a sand covered bottom with sea grasses and depths of sand formed from years of grains laying around. As the stanza's move on I see gases, then molten lava, erupting high into the air, flowing down an incline. Then, as the lava creeps slowly toward the sea some of it's edges cool turning black. The molten centers burn their way to the sea displacing air and water, and foliage. When the hot lava hits the sea, Tsunamis waves are formed raging high into the air and the ultra ripples of waves wash outward searching for space to land and release the energy that was formed.

Yep I see volcanic action. My memory shows me a picture of a news story as Lava pours into the sea from an island.

Merit Badge in Every Moment Matters
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Happy 21 Birthday Site Week. Thanks for all you do. Love: Megan Happy Trails
September 27, 2021 at 10:17am
September 27, 2021 at 10:17am
If I realized I am just like everyone else and just as GOOD as everyone else -- that we all struggle but have so much potential -- then when in social situations I would finally be more likely to...

owl for signature use Quote: "In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." -Abraham Lincoln Reference from Bing: blog.hubspot.com/sales/famous-quotes

Answer = Take into consideration circumstances people find themselves involved in.

I came across this back in the 1970's. A young people's group I was leading were comparing their parents. And, the ways their parents expected them to accomplish everyday living.

After reading so many books about historical times. And moving around some in my life, I find that people even in other countries are really not so different. That is one of the reasons I find wisdom literature in the Bible so relevant to circumstances we live in today. Yes, we have technology. Yes, we drive cars instead of camels. Nevertheless, many things people think up as individuals to do are the same as 2000 or even many more years ago. I believe the phrase "human nature" explains it. Star Trek based a lot of comparisons between the aliens and the humans on human nature.

Merit Badge in Refreshing
[Click For More Info]

Great to be blogging with you again in 30-Day Blogging Challenge. *^*Heart*^* Have to leave. Happy Trails all day long.

September 26, 2021 at 11:38am
September 26, 2021 at 11:38am
Tonight, tell us about something you have never done, but really want to do? Why haven’t you done it?

signature dancing owl Quote:The tragedy of life doesn’t lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies
in having no goal to reach. It isn’t a calamity to die with dreams unfulfilled,
but it is a calamity not to dream. . . . It is not a disgrace not to reach the stars,
but it is a disgrace to have no stars to reach for. Not failure, but low aim is sin.

Benjamin Elijah www.livinglifefully.com/unfulfilleddreams.htm

I would like to take more human anatomy classes. I would like to finish the rooms inside my house. Maybe, I would like to do a master degree. I think I would like to do deeper studies in Biblical history.

Why have I not done these things? Various reasons. Lack of a good support system. Lack of monetary ability. We are still working on finishing parts of the house, it's just a slow, go as we can thing. I like the thought that online studies are getting easier. I'm not very brave as a commuter any more. I really like living where I am. I don't feel an adventurous need to move anywhere else. I will always have goals I think. I have lots and lots of various interests, sometimes I don't focus in on just one enough to make more progress on just one.

Sometimes now I'm just paddling in place.

Merit Badge in Every Moment Matters
[Click For More Info]

Happy 21 Birthday Site Week. Thanks for all you do. Love: Megan Happy Trails

September 25, 2021 at 11:19am
September 25, 2021 at 11:19am
There's going to be a family gathering. Aunt Bessy is on her way. Uncle Clyde is too. One is bringing sweet-potato pie, the other ham-hocks and greens. Everyone is excited... but Aunt Bessie and Uncle Chuck haven't spoken in 20 years. Tell us what happens at this gathering.

🤦‍♀️ Red Dragon

Anything can happen. It depends on why they haven't spoken. Brother and Sister? Is the family large? If it's a large family and one of the people hasn't been there for a long time because of distance to travel? Probably, normal amounts of family that are gathered regularly have hashed out whatever situation is involved and lots of family gossip has already spoiled what could be a happy reunion. On the other hand maybe it is a planned reunion by both parties who are looking forward to the get together and it will end in a happy back patting day. So, as a writing prompt it tends to be a thought provoking scenario. I'm presently reading "No Visible Bruises," by Louise Snyder. Add this book to today's prompt and you have something real to think about when it comes to family gatherings.

As for me. I've been away for awhile. It started with insulating where the back porch meets the house. It was spoiled by a squirrel a couple years ago. When that was done every time I sat down to go online some household business intervened. One day, I sat down, logged on, and family members showed up. I did not know whether I was going to make logging in today or not but, here I am.

Last prompt found in my email is the 23. Life lessons? Study, read, learn, real things that develop the mind. Math, computer technologies, writing and using words to understand what is written. Think before you leap into any real life decision. Seek advice only from people who have your best interests at heart.

This will do for today. Happy Trails. Hope your day is sufficiently trouble free. Weather is getting cold faster so today I'm might put some of the storm windows on the back porch.
September 25, 2021 at 11:15am
September 25, 2021 at 11:15am
There's going to be a family gathering. Aunt Bessy is on her way. Uncle Clyde is too. One is bringing sweet-potato pie, the other ham-hocks and greens. Everyone is excited... but Aunt Bessie and Uncle Chuck haven't spoken in 20 years. Tell us what happens at this gathering.

🤦‍♀️ Red Dragon

Anything can happen. It depends on why they haven't spoken. Brother and Sister? Is the family large? If it's a large family and one of the people hasn't been there for a long time because of distance to travel? Probably, normal amounts of family that are gathered regularly have hashed out whatever situation is involved and lots of family gossip has already spoiled what could be a happy reunion. On the other hand maybe it is a planned reunion by both parties who are looking forward to the get together and it will end in a happy back patting day. So, as a writing prompt it tends to be a thought provoking scenario. I'm presently reading "No Visible Bruises," by Louise Snyder. Add this book to today's prompt and you have something real to think about when it comes to family gatherings.

As for me. I've been away for awhile. It started with insulating where the back porch meets the house. It was spoiled by a squirrel a couple years ago. When that was done every time I sat down to go online some household business intervened. One day, I sat down, logged on, and family members showed up. I did not know whether I was going to make logging in today or not but, here I am.

Last prompt found in my email is the 23. Life lessons? Study, read, learn, real things that develop the mind. Math, computer technologies, writing and using words to understand what is written. Think before you leap into any real life decision. Seek advice only from people who have your best interests at heart.

This will do for today. Happy Trails. Hope your day is sufficiently trouble free. Weather is getting cold faster so today I'm might put some of the storm windows on the back porch.
September 16, 2021 at 5:58pm
September 16, 2021 at 5:58pm
I know you've done it. I know I have. Tell us about a time you were inappropriately dressed for the occasion.

owl for signature use

Quote:Do your clothes make you feel happy, beautiful, comfortable in your skin, handsome, confident, or powerful?”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Preparation: 8 Ways to Plan with Purpose & Intention for Positive Impact

It probably happened. But, I don't remember when or what the occasion might have been. I was a tomboy on a farm. Climbing trees, riding horses, hiking the woods around our home, riding bicycles up and down the roads. I wore dresses to school until I graduated. During college I added some more feminine attire to my wardrobe to wear to classes. At home wear has mostly been slacks, jeans, tennis shoes, boots. I never cleaned barn in a dress.

Now I often wear pantaloons around the house. Recently, someone called them yoga pants. I can tuck them into my barn boots on rainy or snowy days, take the dogs out for a walk, and stay warm and dry. I have a pattern for them so when I want, I can make more. Anyway, you get the picture. This spring I dressed up in a nice dressy outfit to attend my grandson's graduation ceremony. Then I was told the venue had changed from the auditorium to the football field because of Covid. Slacks and a blouse would be more appropriate so I changed. When I got there, women were dressed in all kinds of garb. Ladies were striding across the field to seating in flowing skirts, jeans, and yes pantaloons and even shorts. Just depended on how they thought sitting in a football field to watch the grads would be comfortable.

Like the quote reference says: The only positive impact I'm making is for myself to feel comfortable where ever I am.

Merit Badge in Point of View
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Happy Birthday! Belatedly. I like your point of view *^*Bigsmile*^* ~Adrienne
P.S. Walmart sells curly stretchy shoestrings that do not need tied. I like to wear them in tennis shoes for comfort. One time I was talking to a professor, who was complaining about his uncomfortable shoes. I recommended Walmart's curly shoestrings . He was aghast to think he should wear such things with his suit and tie. *Laugh* What is appropriate?

Happy Trails --Smile a Lot

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