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Rated: E · Book · Experience · #2050107
A Journal to impart knowledge and facts
July 22, 2015

I'm going to start today to record on a daily basis whatever happens to strike my fancy. So, it is a very cool breezy day. I just posted 5 short book reviews to The Monthly Reading Challenge. I'm suppose to put away some winter wood today from the woodpile outside but I'm playing hookey from work to write so starting this blog will get done.

I'm having a daily fight with a flock of English Sparrows that are trying to take over my barn. They are making a terrible mess so they have to go. I have destroyed several nests so far they don't leave but they get out of the barn when I am around. I'm just starting the fight so I guess I don't know how far I have to go to discourage them.

I'm trying not to spread myself to thin on WDC because I find so many things that are interesting here and I am trying to work on a new story. I really enjoy sitting at my desk with a cup of tea and reading blogs on WDC.

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May 25, 2021 at 12:01pm
May 25, 2021 at 12:01pm
Write about the most exciting, odd, or valuable thing you’ve found on the ground or abandoned on the side of the road. Invent a story about where the object came from and who owned it before you found it.

Owl with signature

Abandoned: I guess this would be my corn field dog who I named Cheech. Named after Cheech Marrin. Who played a detective in the Nash Bridges TV series. My dog walked out of a corn field on a fourth of July when our car drove by. He stood looking after us as we drove on our way to a store. My daughter and I agreed that if he was still there when we came home we would pick him up and take him home. He was still there. He was between one and two years old. A mixture of golden retriever and malamute, I think. I took him to a vet to have him checked out. His paws were flat and worn down from the black tops and being on the run. He had some malnutrition problems. I spent some time trying to find his owner then kept him for myself. I had him about 13 years. He was a treasure of dog. Protected me when I needed it. Took care of the other household pets like they were his special friends.

Every pet I have had since 1975. Has been someone else"s castoff. We are having such fun with the dog I took in at Christmas. I never owned a Whippet before. The breed is awesome. Very intelligent and also a lot of fun to be with. He has lots of energy. As a new addition to the family he is going through stages. Since the weather straightened up in the spring he is trying on the role of dog alerter. He tells us as he spots each new species of wild life near the house. He even tells me when the neighbors are walking up or down their driveway. Which is more space, than a football field away and there is a line of fully folaged trees and brush between their driveway and our fields.

Life moves on. Have a good day.

Merit Badge in Super
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Thanks for being a part of an excellent Western Caribbean cruise *^*Beach*^**^*Sun*^**^*Wave1*^*with Andre*^*Monkey*^*and the rest of us. It was a lot of fun. I didn't even know Andre could dance, until you guys showed us some moves!

May 24, 2021 at 9:48am
May 24, 2021 at 9:48am
Write about a movie or television show you watched recently that blew you away. What lessons can you learn from the show and incorporate into your own writing?

Owl with signature

We didn't watch a lot of TV from about June of last year to end of March this year. In April 2021 we were bored and began to watch some CSI shows. We began to find shows that were not reruns so we are watching more TV at least I am. Last night "The Equalizer," was delayed by "60-Minutes Overtime," There was a complete overview of what actually happened during the Greenwood Massacre in Tulsa, Oklahoma. There is a movement to uncover mass body graves, take DNA samples, and generally find out what history has to say about the massacre. It wasn't a coverup; more like people afraid to talk who just wanted to pick up life and move on.

Since I personally had never heard about this tragedy I am posting a link:


I guess the lesson learned is much like all the shootings in this country over the last 30 years or more? Can I use it in my own writing? Maybe not the facts but, the way some of the situations involved escalated into a total massacre of many blocks in the city could be used some day.

This is a part of the history of this country. I'm surprised I never heard of it before now. So, I may try to follow the scientific facts of the situation as they are uncovered, moving forward.

Merit Badge in Super
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Thanks for being a part of an excellent Western Caribbean cruise *^*Beach*^**^*Sun*^**^*Wave1*^*with Andre*^*Monkey*^*and the rest of us. It was a lot of fun. I didn't even know Andre could dance, until you guys showed us some moves!
May 20, 2021 at 4:55pm
May 20, 2021 at 4:55pm
Thursday, May 20
Day 4: Georgetown, Grand Cayman
Grand Cayman is world-renowned for its pristine beaches, wildlife, and relaxed atmosphere. Lounge on the award-winning Seven Mile Beach, a paradisiacal stretch of sand on the island’s western coast. Take your family to swim with stingrays, dolphins, and turtles, or snorkel amidst tropical fish. Sample the local rum and take a moment to soak in the stunning Caribbean vistas all around you.

Ugh, 86 degrees and 71% humidity today!
Here's a list of refreshing cocktails you may want to try today: 8 Cocktails You Must Try While Visiting Cayman

Owl with signature

Apondia and Andre Cruising Around

Actually, it was a great party last night. I found out Andre Dances. So, we had a great musical evening. Think a 76 year old woman and a chimpanzee cutting up on the dance floor.

Negotiating the port was painful. So many people trying to get in for a visit all at once. I have to say there is a horrendous contrast between the green deciduous forests of Pennsylvania and walking around a heat ravaged tropical island. I like the buildings built with lots of stone and cement floors trying to maintain cool interiors.

Andre played a game of seeing how fast he could climb palm trees and get back down, before I disappeared from view into one or another shops.

Besides shopping I liked the display of caring for wildlife at the Stingray center and turtle center.and more dolphins to see. I always like turtles. I think it's because they live a long time and are very slow to act. Unless they are snapping turtles which are prevalent, where I live., Then, watch out for your hand if you decide to help one across a dirt road.

Because or Andre's natural allegiance to alcoholic beverages we visited The Cayman Islands distillery. A very interesting place to learn how to's with alcoholic drinks. Did you know gin is inexpensive here because of an agreement of a sort with the UK.

We still want to stop at the National museum. So, ta, ta, for now.

May 19, 2021 at 9:56am
May 19, 2021 at 9:56am

Owl with signature

May 19, Cruising with Andre:

Andre and I toured the Mayan ruins. This was fun for Andre because he could climb all over the ruins. We toured a Chocolate factory. Then I wanted to visit some tourist shops. Andre was happy with the frozen alcoholic content.I bought him a T-shirt with a map of the Island on it. I wanted to see the dolphin exhibits and laughed a lot as Andre could and did interact with them from the safety of land. Chimps are top heavy in water and find it difficult to keep their heads above water. So, I made him wear a float vest for safety. Lots of good pictures here.

Back to the ship by four to get ready for a fun evening. I could use a rest now. Andre has a special suit for evening wear. Wonder what kind of dances he does. I guess the chandeliers in the ball room will get a work out tonight. Going to pass around one of the bottles of Honey Mead we bought yesterday. Is this contraband on the ship? I wonder.

See Ya!
May 19, 2021 at 9:01am
May 19, 2021 at 9:01am
Write about the most historic world events of your lifetime. How are they (or will they be) remembered? What will the history books focus on?

owl for signature use *DropP*

I was watching the parade on TV the day President Kennedy was shot. Saw the whole thing.

I was in an apartment in Panama City when the riots started. Had to be carted out, and escorted to the Air Force Base with my 10 month old son by the Guadia National.

I was watching TV news coverage the day President Reagan and Tim McCarthy were shot. Saw the action on TV.

I was living in a trailer park and attending Women's coffee chats during the Viet NAM war. Most of the spouses were in Viet Nam at the time. The women shared facts about the war from letters we received. Our first hand accounts were often worse than any news story on TV.

Was watching Televised coverage the day R. Budd Dwyer, 30th state treasurer of Pa. shot himself on camera.

Watching TV coverage of Charles Whitman, clock Tower shooter, University of Texas, Austin, Texas.

Watched attack footage of USS Cole on TV.
I saw a lot more but, this is enough. I use to watch TV news now not so much. News on TV this morning was about another shooting I changed the channel to PBS so the parrots can watch cartoons.

I have found for some good written coverage I can rely on an app, Smartnews, that has quick facts on breaking news stories or Newsbreak.

I've read some really good historic accounts of violence that was perpetrated over the years. "Benghazi Under Fire" by Fred Burton and Samuel Katz is one. Journalists often write books with the real facts illuminated better than TV coverage. An honest account will avoid laying blame and just tell the facts as they were uncovered by the writer.

On my way to Cozumel now. See Ya. *ThumbsUpR*

May 19, 2021 at 8:08am
May 19, 2021 at 8:08am
What is the most ridiculous or one-of-a-kind thing you’ve ever bought? Tell us the story!

owl for signature use *MChoco*

May 18, 2021 I went to pharmacy to get 2nd covid shot. I think the health worker that gave the shot was very inexperienced. She aimed for my shoulder bone and ended up making my arm bleed. Otherwise, no problem.

So, for the prompt now. I once bought a stick vacuum that was rechargeable. I've always liked to buy vacuum sweepers. This particular one worked well enough; it was just to small to keep my house clean without emptying the dirt out a couple hundred times per floor.

I'm also inclined to buy jewelry that sparkles. Then, never wear it anywhere.

I try not to impulse buy because there just isn't enough income to waste it. There are probably other ridiculous things I've bought but, can't think of more now.

May 18, 2021 at 10:50am
May 18, 2021 at 10:50am
May 18,2021
Apondia and Andre in Key West

Owl with signature

Captain, ever accommodating, put some of us on a shuttle to Key West before we left the states entirely. Who knows perhaps we never will. In spite of the difference of time and space we stopped at Key Largo as well. Captain wanted to stop at Keys Mead.

Andre was most excited because it offers a tasting of special fermented alcoholic beverage crafted from Honey. We came away with a bottle and the ways to order on line.

Next stop, Key West. (Um, yeah had to urge Andre back into the shuttle. Didn’t take to long.)

We visited Shipwreck Treasures Museum on Duval Street and Mel fisher Treasure museum also located on Duval Street.It's a good thing the gold coins were in sealed cases. Andre was very excited about the shiny treasures.

Andre went exploring. We found him on Green Street, Key West. He was visiting Fitch Finnegan's Maritime Museum. Guess Andre is a history buff.

Back on Duval Street, Andre opted for the Banana Bar, then we also hung out at the Whistle Stop. Hung out literally, I mean Andre hung from the balcony outside and leaped around the high places inside. I did manage to stop him from hanging upside down over the bar.

Captain has a way with monkeys. Andre raced him back to the shuttle when it was time to head back to the ship. I made Andre wear a life jacket on the way back.

Tomorrow is another day. I’m looking forward to the buffets onboard tonight. Lucky me Andre settled down for a nap in his tree house once back on board. I managed a yoga class and a peaceful time in a lounge chair by a pool reading a book as night spread across the sea.

What adventures await us in Cozumel? It's suppose to be casually safe from Covid.

Merit Badge in Cheerleading
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Congratulations on finishing your  [Link To Item #monthlyreading]  goals for June 2018 *^*Bookopen*^*!

~Minja Don't fall overboard!

May 17, 2021 at 3:46pm
May 17, 2021 at 3:46pm
Checking into the Caribbean Princess for a cruise. ST. Thomas, St. Kitts, Port Zante and lots of ocean sights are on the agenda.

Owl with signature

Cruising with Andre

I stopped at The Banana Bar to pick up Andre. I made these arrangements to make sure we would be on time to check in to the Caribbean Princess. The ship is the 2nd largest cruise ship in the Princess fleet.

Departure is going to be from Port Everglades. It is a massive port. Regular sail boats and motor vessels look like dots beside the ship.

Andre is wearing a special jacket with a special harness. This is basically for the view of other passengers who may be a little startled to see a chimp on board. Most of the time Andre had assured me he will not get into to much monkey shines. But, I know Andre. He does not think like me.

We boarded at the intake level. Upon checking in a steward was called to escort us to our room. The ship had been alerted before we boarded and a special room was setup with a very comfortable tree house in one corner of the room for Andre (this is special so Andre can feel at home on the sea and experience a vacation).

This is just a great room. All set up-even our luggage has been deposited after we checked it when boarding. Andre has already shrugged off his harness. Once the ship is under way I’m pretty sure he will stick around because swimming isn’t one of his strong points.

This ship is so big. I look forward to visiting the spa and taking a yoga class. We should also enjoy the onboard gym. Andre should be happy since there is going to be lots of fresh fruit and foods for us both to enjoy. Unless someone objects Andre will have freedom to run the ship. What could that hurt once out to sea?

We also had twin beds in case he decided sleeping like people was to his liking. I had ordered large amounts of water in place of a mini bar but, I also made sure the mini bar was stocked with palm wine. Palm wine is made from different species of palm trees, date trees, and cocoa nut trees. It is very good for your eyesight. This is suppose to be the unfermented type which has lots of beneficial ingredients like B1, B2, B3, B6, zinc, yeast, iron, potassium, and magnesium.

I doubt that Andre will stick to the unfermented type of drinks but there are lots of bars onboard for the stronger types of alcohol. https://vinepair.com/booze-news/monkeys-and-chimpanzees-are-making-their-own-win...

OK. We are settled on board I think I will take a tour of the ship. Hey, Andre, you should take the elevator. Oh well. He just went out the window and is climbing down the outside of the ship. It’s OK. There is a lot of foot and hand holds. Hope people are not startled to see a monkey climb by their windows. We will meet up later down stairs, I hope?

Merit Badge in Blog Camping
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Thank you for participating in the August 2015 30-Day Blogging Challenge annual Summer Camp! Hope you had a good time! Tomorrow is Another Day


May 17, 2021 at 12:01pm
May 17, 2021 at 12:01pm
and share your thoughts about how the people in your life have had an impact on you.

Owl with signature

Over the years as a part of the 30-Day-Challenge I've shared some smidgens of my life with you. In order to really answer this question I would have to write a book about this subject. I had aunts, uncles, fathers, two different husbands, 4 children of my own, cousins, teachers, books, doctors, and more that had an impact on my life.

As for this article, today, I have to say, when I went to college at age about 55 and when I pushed forward into the subjects of Bible and mindfulness I realized how much of what I knew came, from sources that were not from me. In the last 25 years I have been exploring me. What I am like and how other people tried to cause me to be like them, in their belief systems, and in their life habits.

In college I learned all kinds of things I tried to learn earlier in life. I tried to enter college at age 27. Had I succeeded then, I think I would have grown up earlier. I'm still withdrawn and quiet but, I can be nasty. Once I discovered me, I liked life better. What I like most is my ability to be me, in the face of adversity now.

May 15, 2021 at 10:55am
May 15, 2021 at 10:55am
Many fairy tales are often based in truth. Research the true story behind your favorite fairy tale and share it with your readers. What lesson or warning was the tale trying to impart?

owl for signature use *Monster5*

I really do not have a favorite fairy tale. I don't even like them although, as a child, I remember reading a book with fairy tales in it. Also, the short rhymes like pumpkin eater, Jack Sprat, or Little Jack Horner.

One fairy tale that comes to mind I use to see on the TV every afternoon. I looked it up. It came from a Brothers Grimm story.
Originally it was called Bears. The TV version I saw was about a man who made a deal with the devil. For seven years he had to not wash, trim his hair, or nails, and in the end he would be a wealthy man, get a beautiful wife, and own land. The part they never showed was the ending of the story. It was never on TV. Then I did see it once. I think it played on PBS in the 1990's. The man got a beautiful wife with two sisters, a farm and land and Money? At the end, he murdered the wife's sisters. The house burned and the devil came to collect the man's soul?

I have placed question marks because it was a long time ago this was showing on TV. Late 1950"s or 1960"s and I don't remember all the facts of the story. The original story says he also had to wear a bear skin. The thing I always am disgusted with is the fact that for years they never showed the ending of the story. And, there have been more than one man in this area walking around refusing cleanliness trying to gain wealth from a deal he made with the devil. *Yikes*

It seemed to me the worst evil was done by programmers who left the story hanging, to deliberately entice people into this kind of evil for the sake of monetary gain. At the time this played a lot of families were recovering from WWII type of financial ruin.

Fairy tales have changed a lot over the years just like the society we live in. For the better, I hope. Evil comes from the actions of humans. That is why they are called fairy tales.

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