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Rated: E · Book · Experience · #2050107
A Journal to impart knowledge and facts
July 22, 2015

I'm going to start today to record on a daily basis whatever happens to strike my fancy. So, it is a very cool breezy day. I just posted 5 short book reviews to The Monthly Reading Challenge. I'm suppose to put away some winter wood today from the woodpile outside but I'm playing hookey from work to write so starting this blog will get done.

I'm having a daily fight with a flock of English Sparrows that are trying to take over my barn. They are making a terrible mess so they have to go. I have destroyed several nests so far they don't leave but they get out of the barn when I am around. I'm just starting the fight so I guess I don't know how far I have to go to discourage them.

I'm trying not to spread myself to thin on WDC because I find so many things that are interesting here and I am trying to work on a new story. I really enjoy sitting at my desk with a cup of tea and reading blogs on WDC.

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July 7, 2021 at 10:33am
July 7, 2021 at 10:33am
We've all had them, good and bad. Write about the best boss you’ve ever had.

signature dancing owl *DragonflyV*

I was hired at the donut shop where I was employed in 1993. The woman who hired me was going to school to learn business management. She was understanding and efficient in her job. When she graduated from school she left the job for another position. The shop went down hill from that time on. The new manager was very good at keeping the shop running, but not able to find good help and deal with the politics within the system. Good management seems to really matter.

July 6, 2021 at 4:10pm
July 6, 2021 at 4:10pm
Women: What is your makeup routine? Men: Tell us about your daily routine to prepare for the day.

Owl with signature *Surfing*

I don't have a makeup routine. Plus--I think the way the prompt is worded it appears kind of sexist. Not using makeup for me is not because of any presumed spiritual reasoning. Not using makeup does not make me a man. Unfortunately, for the prompt, I have a daily routine to prepare for the day, that does not have anything to do with makeup. Yep! I'm female and glad of it. I think it's time to read the other prompt answers. Maybe someone will have a clarification of this prompt that appeals to my natural nature. *Crazy*

July 5, 2021 at 10:56am
July 5, 2021 at 10:56am
You’re out with friends for the evening and have ended up at a Karaoke Bar. You’ve all agreed you will sing at least one song. What song will you sing? Why that one?

owl for signature use *Dog2*

Probably won't happen: Nevertheless:

I use to sing this to my horses when I was doing morning chores. I changed the lyrics to green bird has spoken. I had a lilac crowned parrot that could talk. She was basically green but had beautiful shades within the basic coloring. She was over 50 years old when she died. I still miss her.

or this one:

Because I Just love the sincere might and volume expressed when this is sung.

Music runs the world. At one point I believed we could have stopped Covid dead with the right sounds.
July 4, 2021 at 10:31am
July 4, 2021 at 10:31am
Here in the United States, we're celebrating our independence today. Is this a special day to you? Will you do anything special? Have we as a country forgotten what this day really means? Yes, I know, several questions there. (If you do not live in the United States, please apply this prompt to the day your country celebrates as Independence, or a similar holiday.)
Answer as you wish please.

*Geek* signature dancing owl

It is going to be quiet for awhile here. I was babysitting a pit bull and a mastiff for a couple weeks but they have gone home now so, it seems quieter with two dogs than four. As for July 4th we are going to cook out. Tonight we will watch the capitol celebration on TV which we always try to do. The program is a good reminder of history within the country and has entertainment values.

Other people in the area started their celebrations with percussion bombs, which I dislike because, if they are to close, it shakes the house. Also, because it frightens pets, livestock,, and wildlife who may be experiencing the atmosphere percussion. The definition of percussion means striking one solid object against another to create sound waves. In this case it is atmosphere waves which can cause a lot of damage.

I guess in the case of the people setting off the bombs it symbolizes their freedom in some way. Personally, I prefer quieter celebrations.

When I was in grade school classes put on plays about pilgrims and the settling of the colonies in what is now the USA. I think, because of this style of teaching, how our constitution came about and how the USA was settled are embedded in my memory. So, when July 4th rolls around it is a holiday taking place in the summer and I usually contemplate it's meaning. I feel the country is still fighting for "of the people by the people". Maybe it always will be. There is a need to remember and to incorporate versatility for lifestyles.

Instead of being simple, freedom and how to keep it, is a complicated situation that takes lots of thought to bring wise views to the subject.

Happy independence day. I'm thankful for a day of rest and peace.

July 3, 2021 at 2:32pm
July 3, 2021 at 2:32pm
Do you have a list of inspirational quotes that you might refer to for guidance? Share one with us!

owl for signature use *BookStack3*

1. Alan Lew's description of .Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle:" that the act of observation changes what is being observed". Quote from "This is Real And You are Completely Unprepared." by Alan Lew

2.Matthew 6:31-34 -- ( 34 says: "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own." a quote from the teachings of Jesus. )

3. By Steve Jobs, "Your time is limited so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma--which is living with the results of other people's thinking."

4. Albert Einstein, "Wisdom is not a product of schooling, It is the lifelong attempt to acquire it."

5. by Apondia--"Keep On, Keepin On!" *Laugh*


July 2, 2021 at 11:07am
July 2, 2021 at 11:07am
We've all read about them, we all probably have a favorite. Do you? Tell us about your favorite conspiracy theory. If you don't have one, tell us about one you recall.

Red Dragon

Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_conspiracy_theories

There are so many conspiracy theories. I can't say I have a favorite. I am mentally susceptible to wonder about the actions of masonic and similar secret societies both male and female, or spiritually organized societies, within in governments. I grew up inside a Masonic family system.

When you talk about the word theory you are thinking about something that is difficult to prove. Because, there is not enough actionable evidence to use in proving it. And if there is evidence it would be with people who are not going to report it because of consequences to them selves. And with a media that has stopped functioning. It is obvious the media still functions.

One that I keep an eye on is the idea that there has to be seven world wars before Christ returns to the earth. Therefore, some people welcome World War as a way to contain population growth. As a result of population resistance to World War,; riots, public unrest, bombings, shootings, and other violent confrontations will exist as an alternative.

Many of the theories about government controls are about similar ideas. It would take a really close knit group of controlling humans to deliberately start small wars in every country on the earth in order to control all governments under one flag. The more progressive democracy is in the world the more people learn to think about life in an individual way the less hold these theories will have on group thinking.

Conspiracy theories are a way to scare people. Frightened people are more likely to be unsettled. Blaming governments for crime, economical problems and other social needs.

Theories are made to prove or disprove. Wikipedia says you cannot use regular historic or scientific methodology to prove or disprove conspiracy theories. Being aware of what is specifically a theory can give you ammunition to fight against them when needed. Or prove one if you can.
July 1, 2021 at 11:01am
July 1, 2021 at 11:01am
Have you ever been the recipient of, or observed the kindness of a stranger? Tell us what happened.

Owl with signature *DoorBl*

My answer is more than once.

When we left Texas to take up residence in Pennsylvania, we were driving two vehicles. My husband was Richard then. Richard was driving a truck pulling a horse van loaded with horses and several ponies. I was driving a small car and pulling a boat trailer. The boat was loaded with animal cages with family cats and other luggage that was easy to access, since we were camping out along the way.

The whole trip covered about 2000 miles. We drove a lot of smaller highways whenever we could and tried not to get separated by traffic along the way. Needless to say, we had some small adventures on that trip. When I look back, it was 1971? A lot has changed in the USA. And, a lot has not changed. We did not make a lot of specific plans for stopping places. Just stopped along the way and asked for places to set up camp.

I was always a nervous driver at the best of times on long road trips. I accomplished my share of driving when moving from place to place. This time was different because I was driving the whole way. We had two young sons. The youngest was riding in the truck and the oldest was riding with me.

Early in the trip we went through Arkansas. There was a lot of racial violence in Eastern Arkansas that year. I remember, according to the news, it was beginning to tone down some.

As we passed through one town Richard lost the route we were following. To catch the right street and get back on route he turned into a grocery store parking lot. The lot was crammed with automobiles. The entry took him right by the door to the grocery store.

I followed the truck pretty much with the attitude in the front of my mind yelling. Nooooo! I looked around for another way but there wasn't one. We were on a narrow street turning into a narrow way trying to drive through to an outlet, that would put us back on our route. Nothing to do but follow the horse van. The van moved through and turned out of the back of the lot slowly, me trying to follow. The truck and van took up almost the whole way across the parking lot to the outlet street. People every where staring at us, pointing. I had to stop and wait until the van moved away in order to actually make the turn into the lot and follow.

The door of my car had a stable emblem painted on it. A group of black women were rather close to me shouting and pointing at the car door. Or just the car?

A black man and a small boy were just exiting the grocery store and stood watching the action. Just as the horse van made the narrow turn out the other side of the parking lot onto the street a black women shouting and screaming shoved a grocery cart into the car door with a lot of force. I started to move the car and realized the cart was just sliding on the car not moving back.

I had all the windows rolled up when the women started screaming at us. Now rolled down the drivers side one a little way, then realized I could not move the cart from inside the car. I instructed my son to lock the door as soon as I got out and unlock it to let me back in when I moved the cart.

As I pulled the lock up and began to open the door. The black man on the other side of the car yelled and motioned the small black boy to run across, in the front of the car, and remove the cart. I sat still while the child accomplished pulling the cart back away from the car. The black man waved indicating for me to move forward. I nodded, smiled at him, waved, and followed the van out of the parking lot onto the road . There were no further incidents as we progressed through Alabama.

Later when we were discussing the incident we decided that maybe they could not read the emblem on the side of the car and perhaps thought it was some kind of threat to them.

I've always wondered what would have happened if I had actually had to get out of the car.

I may have written this in a blog before. I guess I really should write memoirs. I have a lot of small adventurous stories, that would make it interesting, maybe?

Merit Badge in Super
[Click For More Info]

Thanks for being a part of an excellent Western Caribbean cruise *^*Beach*^**^*Sun*^**^*Wave1*^*with Andre*^*Monkey*^*and the rest of us. It was a lot of fun. I didn't even know Andre could dance, until you guys showed us some moves! See Ya!
May 28, 2021 at 10:12am
May 28, 2021 at 10:12am
What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

Owl with signature *VinylY*

Get a job earn some cash. Hire someone to properly finish rooms in my house. Two years ago we (K and I put a roof on the balcony, that actually works well. Now I need to put one on the back porch. We are still capable of putting it on but, I need to find the cash to pay for the materials. I could do this work if I could find the money for materials. I'm wondering if age is interfering with my urge to work on the house or if I'm just getting lazy.

I'm still paying for the corn stove. And it works really well. We are considering a corn furnace in place of the wood furnace which is wearing out. It would be so much less work than wood and more heat. Lots to think about and changes in lifestyle mean decisions should be well thought out.

You have no idea how much I went through, when I worked in the donut shop. Someone cut my brakes at one point. Yes. Cut the brake line. It's OK I learned to drive with emergency brakes on an old old car. Lots of other evil things happen to me. To long a story to tell. I'm thinking I should write my life story, might sell. Easier than working a job outside my home.

Bought plants to grow for gardening yesterday. Also, the new Grow Box I bought arrived from www.aGardenPatch.com. I was looking forward to planting today. It rained. We need the rain to grow the hay so I won't complain. Anyway I need a day to rest and read. Rainy days were meant for just that.

Merit Badge in Super
[Click For More Info]

Thanks for being a part of an excellent Western Caribbean cruise *^*Beach*^**^*Sun*^**^*Wave1*^*with Andre*^*Monkey*^*and the rest of us. It was a lot of fun. I didn't even know Andre could dance, until you guys showed us some moves! 😎

May 27, 2021 at 10:03am
May 27, 2021 at 10:03am
Write about your first _______. (You fill in the blank. Ex: first car, first job, first crush, first week at college, etc)

Red Dragon *IceCream*

Subject: First week at college

Enrollment: I had to meet with a counselor to make out a schedule. So, I took a test to find out what I was interested in. I was 55. So, I sat in front of a computer and answered questions about different subjects. Turned out I was interested in everything. *Laugh* He said I scored higher in the test than he did, when he took it and no one had ever done that before.

We sat in a large office and he explained how to make out a schedule and suggested some courses. I'm kind of vague about memories of the first week. I left the office with a schedule and then the rest of the week was finding classes and becoming oriented with college life.

One of the interesting things I learned immediately was many students took me for a teacher, when I entered a classroom. One particular class I was enrolled in was to find out how well I would be able to integrate with a room full of other freshmen, age group 17 to 19. The class was a lot of fun. We would break into groups and the teacher would give us a job to complete as a group. At the end of each job was a question, answer, experience gained, type of conference with the whole class. After a couple sessions the kids started calling me mom. I thought that was fun. Along with the kids from church groups I led, I now had 30 new sons and daughters. Definitely easier to gain children this way than childbirth.

Other classes I took the first semester, as a freshman, was writing and research, introduction to computers, basics of math, I think there was another one but, I don't recall it at the moment. Maybe my first health class? I took three. They were all in the basement of the gymnasium.

This was the week to visit the campus police station to register your automobile. My daughter was still in college at the same school, so we had to make a schedule because we were driving the same car.

I toured the library, one of my favorite places. It is really big, with many floors, desks in lonely places with pluggins for personal laptops. Remember no WIFI yet. The top floors were kind of spooky quiet, only one or two students working up there to keep out of the main flow. Everyone with laptops had dialup. I'm amazed, that just thinking of it makes it seem very low tech now. I bought my first desktop computer with college money.

I had to learn a lot of things that had to do with signing up for classes and collecting money for books. Book store access was a part of the first week. Gaining a syllabus for each class, looking up reading assignments, figuring out how classes would progress. Just becoming familiar with how college works. It is a different world.

I miss access to the college. I miss the panels. They use to run panels in one or another auditorium type rooms for free. They were on whatever subject professors wanted to speak about. I use to go to the college concerts. They were always free. My daughter played violin in the orchestra. I learned to drive around town pick up a lunch and park by the college lake to eat and watch the flock of geese that lived on the lake. There were always gulls from Lake Erie there begging for food.

And learning the drive back and forth because I was a commuter for 5 years. Even now, I think it would be fun to be a college professor. Or, a forensic scientist, or an inventor, or a park ranger. or ??????

Merit Badge in Super
[Click For More Info]

Thanks for being a part of an excellent Western Caribbean cruise *^*Beach*^**^*Sun*^**^*Wave1*^*with Andre*^*Monkey*^*and the rest of us. It was a lot of fun. I didn't even know Andre could dance, until you guys showed us some moves! Keep on Learning!


May 26, 2021 at 9:20am
May 26, 2021 at 9:20am
Make a list of your top five short term goals and a separate list of your top five long term goals. What steps will you take to achieve them?

owl for signature use *Butterfly2O*

short term

1. Finish today's blog
2. laundry
3. read
4. walk dogs
5. plant a container (all goals for the day) Laundry started, doing blog, possible thunder storm in afternoon so after blog will walk dogs. Laundry should be finished by noon, will read in afternoon.

long term

1-5. Finish daily short term goals as each day passes. (way to accomplish goals--get out of bed and keep moving.)
Tennesee Ernie Ford, "If the Lord is wiling and the creek don't rise"

Merit Badge in Super
[Click For More Info]

Thanks for being a part of an excellent Western Caribbean cruise *^*Beach*^**^*Sun*^**^*Wave1*^*with Andre*^*Monkey*^*and the rest of us. It was a lot of fun. I didn't even know Andre could dance, until you guys showed us some moves! May each new day be your best yet. Heard this yesterday--"yesterday is gone, tomorrow isn't here yet, that eliminates every problem except today's"




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