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Rated: 13+ · Book · Environment · #1392154
A modest journal.
My life's ups and downs...
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May 13, 2012 at 5:32pm
May 13, 2012 at 5:32pm
Sunday, May 13, 2012, 4:23pm

         Hello, there. We meet again.

         Rode my bicycle from the Pier in Fairhope all the way down to Pointe Clear, past the Grand Hotel. Beautiful ride, except for the little bug that flew into my eye. =) Note to self: Wear sunglasses next time.

         Stopped by the grocery and picked up some food. We're having a party on Tuesday! The lady we work for has a birthday. Good to know since she tried so hard to keep it hidden. Looking forward to our meetup in the canteen.

         Made a deposit on an apartment Saturday while waiting for my car to be serviced. Looking forward to returning to the St Petersburg homefront on May 31. Yay!

         Gave my mother the most beautiful Duranta tree yesterday. It's branches remind me of a Weeping Willow... It has dainty purple and white blooms. She loves it.

         Well, ...th-, th-, th-, that's all folks!
May 10, 2012 at 7:49pm
May 10, 2012 at 7:49pm
Thursday, May 10, 2012, 6:46pm

         Tomorrow is Friday! TGIF. I will be giving a two weeks notice of resignation tomorrow --- last day will be May 25. Wow. Can't believe it's really happening. Sad and happy at the same time... God prepare the way for me and carry me safely into the next phase of my life----let it be glorious, I pray.

May 8, 2012 at 7:23pm
May 8, 2012 at 7:23pm
Tuesday, May 8, 2012, 6:17pm

         Heard some training going on within my department today. I was not invited---it hurt. I was reminded of the twelve diciples---John and his brother James wanted to sit on Jesus' righthand and lefthand when He came into His kingdom. The Lord was not pleased. He said, So it is in this world, but He who would be my servant is the greatest (my paraphrase).

         When 5:00pm came and I walked to my car, this word came to me: "This job does not define me." It brought me great joy and liberty.

         Jesus loves me, this I know, for the bible tells me so.
May 6, 2012 at 1:56pm
May 6, 2012 at 1:56pm
Sunday, May 6, 2012, 12:55pm

         My sister, Melissa, picked me up at 7:00am this morning. We drove to the pier in Fairhope with our bikes and took a long ride, chatting and enjoying the scenery.

         There is a bar you can buy to fit on your bike, making it easier to carry on a bike rack... No wonder I had such difficulty mounting my bike last weekend. Definitely a must-purchase for next week so I'll have a secure mount for the long-haul to St Petersburg at month end.

         We returned home and parted company a few hours ago. I then went out for coffee and did some browsing for nothing in particular. Once back home, I threw a load of white clothes in to soak and freshened up. Then I rifled through my closet to thin it out. I've just now gotten on the computer.

         My kitty loves me. He greets me whenever I arrive home or wander onto the porch... touches base with a belly rub and a few meows, then he's off to chase butterflies, milk-weed or anything else that moves.

         God is good.

A generous give from Garden Girl and created by Shi...
May 5, 2012 at 2:52pm
May 5, 2012 at 2:52pm
Saturday, May 5, 2012, 1:47pm

         Stopped for coffee and read my bible---my morning ritual most weekends... then drove to the Park by the Bay to change shoes and set out for a walk. Came across a guy running while I headed to a parking spot. We crossed paths again on my walk---he heading south and me north. Sweet fellow... thought it would be nice to have him in my family.

         So often my words herein are deleted and I lose heart, not wanting to make blog entries at all. Why this happens so continually is beyond me, very frustrating... as I am sure you can easily perceive. I think we need a "key" like they have in Word where you can "go back"---return to where you were without constant retyping, rethinking, rewording... It would please me to the uttermost I can assure you.

         A guy contacted me on line---think I must have sent him a "wink" on a dating site. Registering is "free," however, you cannot actually make "real" contact without paying a fee. I have paid a fee once or twice, but the guys that most often want to make contact aren't at all interesting or even attractive from my perspective. "Attraction" is important---we're made that way, right?

         Anyway this guy who made contact seems very nice---in a strong line of work, has a nice smile and is in my age group. Time will tell if we are able to connect. However, he's in the UK and I'm here in the States... and being on completely different timetables makes interaction difficult to say the least.

         Later today, Lord willing, I will take a bike ride. Bought a rack last weekend just so I can carry my bike to a good riding spot. Used the rack last weekend, and want to ride again this... both today and Sunday, Lord willing.

         Have a phenomenal weekend!

April 29, 2012 at 2:30pm
April 29, 2012 at 2:30pm
Sunday, April 29, 2012, 1:28pm

         So far today---went to Starbucks, read the bible and listened to the sea gulls chatter. I like sea gulls; no matter what everyone else says, they remind me of the sea and make me feel free.

         I drove to Bayside Park and walked out on the pier... where I picked up a piece of garbage. I then gazed out on the gulf waters toward the buildings in Mobile and prayed to my God and King.

         After parking at the laundr-o-mat, I traversed down Main Street/Scenic Hwy 98---where I clocked two miles and prayer.

         High-tailed it over to Walmart---picked up a bike rack, a pair of shorts and tank full of gasoline..

         With the rack installed and my bike semi-secure, firm and resolute, it's back to the bay for a quiet bike ride.

April 28, 2012 at 1:23pm
April 28, 2012 at 1:23pm
Saturday, April 28, 2012, 12:23pm

         Been busy this morning... Starbucks, the post office, car wash, a walk and now back home to catch-up --- not to be confused with ketchup.

         It was cool this morning, but not cold. Warm now, yet not hot. Perfect weather, I suppose.

         I love the outdoors, and the indoors as well with open windows, birds a-chirping, leaves a-rustling and the air of a warm breeze softly blowing.

         It is well with my soul, and my God is still very good.
April 25, 2012 at 8:48pm
April 25, 2012 at 8:48pm
Wednesday, April 25, 2012, 7:42pm

         Hi, there. Anyone miss me? I dropped out of "site" for awhile, I guess...

         I'm fine. Planning to move back to St Pete at the end of May---Memorial Day weekend! I say that with mixed feelings, happiness and trepidation. This has been the worst two years of my life, thus far. Let's hope it never gets any worse as I have hung on by the skin of my teeth.

         I will miss the ladies I work with. We have become very close over the last six months.

         Once I get back to Florida and settle in, I will be okay. It's the getting from point "A" to point "B" that's the hard part.

January 29, 2012 at 9:51am
January 29, 2012 at 9:51am
My Dream the Evening of January 28, 2012

         Last night I dreamt I was at a class reunion celebration of my sister's class in our hometown. Everyone was dressed semiformal--but me. I was dressed casual and felt ugly and obtrusive. Many people looked over me or through me because of my appearance.

         At some point, I was talking with a lady and setting at a table. She left her purse and jewelry and went to get a drink. When she didn't come back for a while, I decided to get up and walk around--move on. Since she left her things at the table, I picked them up in an attempt to find her. When we connected, she accused me of stealing.

         After that, without awareness I began compulsively picking up jewelry from tables, stores, etc.--only later to discover these things in my possession. Horrified when I discovered something in hand, I would find a place to lay down the items without attracting attention.

         As the evening wore on I lost the sense of where I was and/or how to get out of there and get home---causing greater and greater emotional upset with each passing moment. Later I couldn't even remember where my car was... the doors were locked and I couldn't get back inside.


My Dream the Evening of January 27, 2012

         I dreamt I was at some sort of a Christian gathering at someone's home or a townhouse rented for the gathering. I was not part of the group, just an invited guest. There was a young child, undernurished and emotionally clingy, who wanted me to hold her. Though old enough to have been potty-trained and wearing regular panties, she would continually poop and pee her pants--soiling herself and me as well.

         Feeling frustrated yet sad for the child, I found myself continually cleaning up the mess on us and our clothing, etc. At some point, I shouted, "She is pooping again!" Then the male group leader consoled, quieted me, and handed me a yellow Christian questionnaire with black typewritten letters to fill out. I was turn it back in to him directly after completing it.

         Finally we were without anything to wear and the mess was getting beyond my capacity to clean... I was horrified to find myself naked, walking around holding this child. I was ashamed of my nakedness, yet needed to turn in the form. I tried to slip it to a lady, and the male group leader asked me why I didn't turn it in to him directly. I lied and said that I had forgotten that I was to turn it into him and, therefore, handed it to a lady setting at a table with another gentleman who looked similar to him.

January 28, 2012 at 6:14pm
January 28, 2012 at 6:14pm
Saturday, January 28, 2012, 5:11pm

         Worked today... five hours of overtime---"oh, yeah."

         It's been an uneventful day otherwise. Waiting for my Goober to come home now before it gets dark. =)

         Have a pleasant evening.

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