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Rated: 13+ · Book · Environment · #1392154
A modest journal.
My life's ups and downs...
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June 15, 2013 at 11:03am
June 15, 2013 at 11:03am
         Saturday, June 15, 2013, 10:54am

         Had my 55th birthday yesterday... Oh, Happy Day! It's official: I am a senior. "Senior" communities are now open to me here in Florida, generally at a lower cost than other places. Of course, my first priority is steady work. I do start another "temporary" job on Monday, which may last for more than one week. *BigSmile*

         I spoke with one of my sisters this morning, Pammy Kay. We had a nice chat.

June 10, 2013 at 12:02pm
June 10, 2013 at 12:02pm
Monday, June 10, 2013, 11:53am

         I started a temporary legal assistant job at a small firm in Tampa on Wednesday, June 5. It runs through Wednesday, June 12 of this week. I'm enjoying it in every way, really.

         Otherwise, I'm certainly not being overwhelmed with calls about potential jobs.

         Have a nice day. *Smile*

May 20, 2013 at 10:19am
May 20, 2013 at 10:19am
Monday, May 20, 2013, 10:17am

         They let me go on Friday. I've been given wings; where shall I light next?
May 12, 2013 at 10:15am
May 12, 2013 at 10:15am
Mother's Day, Sunday, May 12, 2013

         I'll make this brief as I am about to bounce down the hall to take a shower!

         I've had a full weekend ---- Al-Anon District meeting yesterday morning from 8:30 to noon and then an Ultreyas in the Via de Christo movement from 3:30 to 7:00.

         Today, I am looking forward to cleaning the apartment and then relaxing. If it's not too hot, I may go for either a bike ride or a walk.

         God is making a way where there seems to be no way. Jesus loves me... and He loves you too!

A generous give from Garden Girl and created by Shi...
April 7, 2013 at 9:14am
April 7, 2013 at 9:14am
Sunday, April 7, 2013, 9:01am

         Happy Sunday. I am returning to a church I formerly attended, after a long break and several churches in between. Feel compelled to go since I joined a Via De Christo reunion group, but I've got my heals dug in. I always want MORE. I know it will help me spiritually just being connected with a group of believers on a regular basis. However, this morning I may just go to the Al-Anon meeting instead. Maybe I will renew my church attendance with the Wednesday night service... It's a bible study.

         There is only one pentecostal "Church of God" in the area. I attended there several years ago and then stopped. I'm hoping when I go back, the church will have renewed vigor. It's been such a long time, they may or may not remember me----we'll see.

         I wish all a Jesus-filled Sunday. Walk in the Spirit and you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. ~Galatians 5:16

A generous give from Garden Girl and created by Shi...
March 10, 2013 at 5:47pm
March 10, 2013 at 5:47pm
Sunday, March 10, 2013, 5:33 p.m.

         I have been finding support, strength and solace attending Al-Anon Meetings, applying the Al-Anon principles and working the 12 Steps. I attended a Day of Worshops yesterday --- was a co-presenter on the topic of "Communications" --- won a nice basket in the raffle with books, etc. Bought just a few items from "The Boutique" as well. It was a fun day, but I was glad to get home!

         This morning I went to an early morning meeting. Then took myself to breakfast and stopped at the grocery. Upon arriving home, I cleaned house!

         Goober is doing well --- sleeping behind the couch for most of the day; and Jorge is out and about.

         Not long after Doug left, Jorge came back into my life. At this moment, I believe I would be content to share the rest of my life with him.

         Thank you, Lord, for the many blessings in my life: You and Your Presence, Jorge, Clarissa (Tim and the boys--Cody and Tyler), Clarissa's mother-in-law and father-in-law, Tim's sister Keri and brother Joey and their respective families... I am also grateful for my family of origin --- mom, dad, Yvette, Cindy, Pam and Missy --- and their respective families. I'm honored to be working at Fisher & Sauls, P.A., for Terri Thomas and Suzanne Cushman, and I appreciate everyone in the office.

March 5, 2013 at 8:04am
March 5, 2013 at 8:04am
Tuesday, March 5, 2013, 7:49 a.m.

         After finally learning for sure that the internal mouse on my laptop was causing the cursor to jump all over the place --- causing me to type over, delete and completely lose text --- I bought an external mouse. Now it's totally different, all frustration is gone; and I'm realizing continuity and stability. Who knew?

         I awoke earlier than usual this morning --- after my first alarm went off, I was wide awake. So I got up at 5:48 a.m., spent an hour on the computer and am ready for work early --- for a change. If I were still working my former job, I would go on into work ---- I always had so much to do that I never got caught up; but this job is different, bringing headaches of a more "personal" sort. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

         The weather is beautiful --- clean, cool and crisp --- and the sky is crystal clear and shining! Have a wonderful day. *Smile*
March 3, 2013 at 9:21am
March 3, 2013 at 9:21am
Sunday, March 3, 2013, 9:15am

         Good morning! It's 48 degrees here in St. Petersburg, Florida this morning. Nice. Hope it stays low just for a little while. *Smile*

         Looked at a mobile home a week ago --- I'm very interested. Will be saving my money for a hopeful move-in date in June. However, just found out they don't take cats or dogs... Sad. I'll see if I can find a good home for Goober within the next two months... only because it seems like the place for me. If it doesn't work out, I'll be looking elsewhere for a place of my own. Definitely love my Goober kitty.

         Must get ready now for my Sunday morning meeting. Tah, Tah! Have a wonderful day!
February 16, 2013 at 8:03am
February 16, 2013 at 8:03am
Saturday, February 16, 2013, 7:50am

         Awoke around 6:15am --- got up at 7. It's a beautiful morning... I love mornings --- the sights, sounds, everything and everyone awakening... the resumation of life and living.

         I haven't thought of death so much as during the past few years. I miss my Grandma Ree, think about her, dream about her. Miss my Grandma Ruby too, but was always closer to Grandma Ree since she always lived close, we saw her more, etc.

         My hair appointment is at 10:30 this morning. I went five weeks this time instead of four, and I feel it... starting to look shaggy.

         I will be saving for a down payment on my own place. There is a place opening in June --- the month I become 55. Here in Florida they have a lot of 55-plus communities ---- cheaper than a lot of places, but you have to be 55 to get in. I am rounding that corner. My Grandma Ruby told me to "grow old gracefully." That's what I am doing. I often think about the circle of life nowadays. I am getting closer to the end-zone and want my final years to be as pleasant and bountiful as possible.

         Have a great unconditional weekend!
February 14, 2013 at 12:55pm
February 14, 2013 at 12:55pm
Valentines Day 2014! 12:45pm

         It's rainy and cold outside... I was planning to go home at noon and get a sweater, but I think I will stay warmer if I don't go out.

         My kitty is doing well though the swelling in his eye hasn't gone down any. This morning he ran from me; so I couldn't put in his eye-drop. I am just not sure I can say "yes" to having his eye removed. They say it will only get worse----and that it has been doing for awhile. He goes back to the vet on Thursday, 2-21-13. I might call and see if I can get him in Friday afternoon instead since I'm off and it's payday. Better get off here so I can call before my lunch period is over.

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