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Rated: 13+ · Book · Environment · #1392154
A modest journal.
My life's ups and downs...
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May 25, 2011 at 8:00pm
May 25, 2011 at 8:00pm
Wednesday, May 25, 2011, 6:53pm

         Today was crazy... We worked on our own all day, with all of our work being monitored. I did well... much better than I thought. As you can imagine, I was a happy girl.

         Now I am working on transcription... just took a short break. I cannot wait until this assignment is finished. I hope to continue with the transcription though so I can get caught up on all of my bills.

         Take care and have a wonderful evening. Only two more days until a big three day weekend! Yeah! I hope a little mulla will drift my way prior to that. I'm driving on fumes. =0
May 24, 2011 at 9:49pm
May 24, 2011 at 9:49pm
Tuesday, May 24, 2011, 8:33pm

         Second day of training, and I feel more confident with each passing moment, hour. I am liking this --- that it's different from what I've been doing. Accuracy is very important, but so far the burden of responsibility is much lighter than what I am use to. It feels good to be focused on one thing for a change --- instead of a multitude of things and personalities.

         Tonight I spent a lot of time just trying to get my printer to work... I kept getting a script error --- that I was not connected to the printer server. I rebooted my desktop, which didn't help. Then I rebooted the laptop from which I was trying to print --- that finally did the trick.

         Received nothing but junk mail today and an AARP card --- with the request of $16 annual membership. That goes to the on-hold pile.

         Also, finally received a card for food stamps --- ineffective until I receive my PIN and until after the 4th of the month. Still haven't been paid for my completed transcription jobs. Hopefully, that will hit my account tomorrow so I can put some gas in my car. It's funny that it used to really bother me being broke... Now, I've grown accustomed and do not worry. I sincerely believe I am learning to lean on the Lord and not my own understanding and in all my ways acknowledge Him, and He is directing my path.

         I am working on relinquishing the need to be right, perfect... the weakest part of me.
May 23, 2011 at 9:45pm
May 23, 2011 at 9:45pm
Monday, May 23, 2011, 8:29pm

         It was another busy day... and my first day on this new data entry temp. job. We were given a boat load of information today and a manual containing almost one hundred pages of information. I made it through okay. The two girls training with me appear to be just out of high school --- one has a three year old daughter and the other has a two-and-a-half year old daughter. It was nice being with them today, listening to them chat. They are both fast on the ten-keyboard. I actually learned on a calculator... that was many years ago, and the numbers were larger and wider spread. This is small and compact and makes for an achy wrist. Ouch! I definitely want to get a brace for my right wrist by week end.

         We train all week and begin keying entries on our own mid-week. We're tested on Friday; then next Tuesday, we begin completely on our own. I'm excited. It's new, it's fun, it's different. I am sure it gets tedious when entering data all day..., but I plan to bring music and input data like a crazy lady. =0

         We work 8:00am to 4:30pm --- a nice shift, with a half hour lunch.

         Tonight I got busy with this transcription job and completed another audio; then I ate a little dinner --- after which I practiced using the ten-keyboard using an online lesson. I believe I'm faster than I was yesterday. So, every night, I will practice a bit in hopes of getting better and faster every day.

         Have a nice evening!

May 22, 2011 at 10:52am
May 22, 2011 at 10:52am
Sunday, May 22, 2011, 9:41am

         Had a couple of odd dreams prior to waking... maybe I slept too long. Will be working on transcription post-haste.

         Since I received notice denying my unemployment compensation appeal, I've been a little down... even though I knew that could most certainly be the final outcome.

         And yet the Lord loves me and continues to bless me with His presence. He is my ever-present help in time of trouble.

May 21, 2011 at 7:45pm
May 21, 2011 at 7:45pm
Saturday, May 21, 2011, 6:42pm

         My unemployment appeal was denied. Ah, well. Such is life. So, no help there. At least I received the results quickly... nothing else they've done has been quick.

         I am so tired, my eyes are tired. My right wrist aches. I think I'll rest here for awhile.
May 21, 2011 at 10:37am
May 21, 2011 at 10:37am
Saturday, May 21, 2011, 9:26am

         Awoke a few minutes after 8:00am this morning. Since it is seventy degrees, I opened the back door and my kitchen window. Again, had to close the door because of my neighbors A/C. Just can't stand to hear the sound of that thing. Maybe I am an audio person whatever that means.

         So, I've prayed, read my bible, had a cup of tea... and now, it's back to the transcription project that seems to go on forever and ever. Can't wait to be done with that! The audio is very poor quality; so, I can barely decipher what is being said. It's tough. Can't wait to be done and paid for that one.

         I've been reading in the book of Revelation. Today, I finished the last three chapters. I was really touched as I think about what is going on in the world and how the workplace environment has digressed in my short lifetime. I cannot wait until the new heaven and the new earth... the goodness of God permeates our world and the affairs of men. I have to say when I read Revelation 21:1 --- I though that I would miss the sea... and also immediately thought I should visit the beach one day soon.

         Enjoy your Saturday!
May 20, 2011 at 10:07am
May 20, 2011 at 10:07am
Friday, May 20, 2011, 8:46am

         I am writing this down for posterity... Yeah, right.

         Yesterday, while talking with the lady at the Community Action Program, she gave me an analogy --- my life compared to Moses going before Pharoah. Each time Moses went before Pharoah, God hardened Pharoah's heart... with the end result in mind that God's glory would be fully and vastly apparent to all, as well as His ultimate authority and power. Many of the things I have gone through make absolutely no sense when I think about it; it is baffling.

         While I knew from the get-go that God was holding back on me for some reason..., and that He ultimately had a purpose in mind for allowing this situation to snowball, I have had inner conflict and turmoil as well. What has really hit me the hardest are the responses and reactions of those who supposedly love me --- my family --- in addition, the fact that I had to take my Unemployment Claim all the way to an appeal hearing and am still unsure whether or not benefits will be approved or denied. If approved, I will be able to pay some bills and catch up on my rent. Though a decision has been made, if in my favor, I won't see the fruits until another ten to twenty days... So, I continue to suffer. Whether or not I am approved for Food Stamps, rides on my Unemployment Claim --- whether or not it is approved or denied. So, by the time anyone decides to help me, I will, hopefully, be working again. It's hard to wrap your mind around all of this. Where is the help when you really need it?

         I remember that my help cometh from the Lord, Maker of heaven and earth... and yet He is holding out on me. I have asked for favor and He could have easily granted it... He is testing my love for Him, as well as my resolve. I will come out of this stronger and my trust in Him will be strengthened.

         I truly believe I am on my way out. Why? ... because I now have an inner peace that surpasses my understanding --- a peace that doesn't make sense in the midst of my circumstances.
May 19, 2011 at 11:33pm
May 19, 2011 at 11:33pm
Thursday, May 19, 2011, 10:27pm

         All day until just now, I thought today was Wednesday! Crazy. Yesterday, I knew it was Wednesday... So, why would I think today was Wednesday too! I'm a kook!

         Had a full day. Went to see the lady at the local Community Action Program today about getting some help with my rent. They really want you to jump through a lot of hoops before they will give you any assistance... kind of crazy, but hey... sometimes ya gotta do what cha gotta do! That's where I am at! The lady was so nice... we had a nice chat. I really enjoyed meeting with her. Nice gal.

         I have worked on transcription the rest of today... Just finished up for the day! Not much personal time, but that's okay. The promise of a paycheck makes me happy.

         Lord willing, I am to start a data entry job on Monday... to fill in the gap until I get something permanent. I am really hoping I will be called back from one of the firms I interviewed with... especially the one I visited yesterday. It really seems like it will be a great place to work..., but what do I know. Not much, apparently, as far as that sort of thing goes...
May 18, 2011 at 5:56pm
May 18, 2011 at 5:56pm
Wednesday, May 18, 2011, 4:51pm

         Busy, busy, busy day! Worked on transcription all morning until about 11:15pm, then showered and readied for a 1pm interview ---- which went very well, I might add.

         I then swung by and spoke with the Property Manager of the apartments here and picked up a ledger form I need for the rental assistance review by Community Action --- which is set for tomorrow morning at 11:30am.

         I also drove by Clark Personnel for a drug screening for a data entry job that starts Monday. Though it doesn't pay well, it's better than nothing until I find permanent work.

         I had my Unemployment Appeal Hearing today as well --- 2:15pm EST. It went well; a decision will be made and the paperwork regarding same will be mailed tomorrow. As soon as I awaken tomorrow, I plan to give their office a call to get the results and if they rule in my favor I will ask how soon I can expect some money. They owe me quite a bit back pay --- $1,650 by my calculations, which will go a long way in resolving my overdue rent and other money issues.
May 17, 2011 at 10:45pm
May 17, 2011 at 10:45pm
Tuesday, May 17, 2011, 9:39pm

         Well, it's been a busy day. Worked on transcription all day, cleaned my apartment this evening, and have another interview tomorrow... in Mobile. It sounds like this may be the job for me, just from what I have heard about it.

         I received a call today from the Community Action Program and have an appointment on Thursday to see about getting help with my overdue rent. I will need to pickup a copy of a ledger from the office here tomorrow.

         ... to be continued.

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