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by Lexi
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1072631
This isn't a blog; it's a blahg.
An image of Lexi's eye for Kindel Fire Music's  Logo
KFM stands for Kindel Fire Music, basically my very talented friend Kindel Fire Lit and her band. This graphic was one of my contributions to them. You can sample some of their music by clicking one of the links below *Smile*

Everything that keeps me grounded
Carries me away

         ~ "Lifeless" by Liquefaction

Name: Lexi
Birthday: March 28th
Appearance: Look below or "Lexi & Kindel [E]
Major Strength: caring
Major Flaw: over-caring (worrywart)
Religion: "Glorified Spirits [ASR]
Influences (in literature):T.S. Eliot, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Sylvia Plath, C.S. Lewis, William Wordsworth
Favorite Childhood Book: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis, Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
Favorite Adulthood Book: She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
Hobbies:Texas Hold'em, writing and reading relationship poetry, cooking
Music: Tori Amos, Fleetwood Mac, Bjork, Liquefaction
Phrases I Use Often: "Yeah but no" and an infectiously enthusiastic "Love it!"
Five Words I Wish Didn't Exist: Any word that isn't enunciated. I'm irked by people who are too lazy to pronounce words.

a more recent picture of moi!

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January 26, 2007 at 7:46am
January 26, 2007 at 7:46am
         Last night, I had another bizarre dream. I was auditioning for the part of a game show host for two people I don't really like. The two people stood above me as I answered survey questions on a laptop. Everytime I'd enter an answer they'd make these obnoxiously loud buzzing noises, followed by phrases that made little or no sense:
Errrr, thanks for parking in a no parking zone!
Whew wee, substitution is against generic laws.

         Like I said, the phrases were ridiculous. I'm not even sure what type of game it was. I don't really watch game shows and have only met the people I was auditioning for once, possibly twice. Since I'm not fond of them or game shows it's weird that they'd end up in my dreams.

          It seems the only dreams I can recall are crazy or scary. It'd be nice to remember something sweet.

Theres a dream I have where I sail away; Looking back I wave at you, And I wave goodbye
~ "Caroline" by Concrete Blonde
January 11, 2007 at 9:57pm
January 11, 2007 at 9:57pm
         Today, I have decided that if I had to get rid of one of my senses it would be the sense of smell.

         Two separate people checked in today, both with their own distinct odor, none of which were the least bit appealing. It was apparent that their standards were low when it came to the factor of hygiene. One of them decided to belch in my face which made my stomach turn, of course it was after he payed so I couldn't jack up the price. He didn't think anything of it either. His manners matched his hygiene.

         I'm very particular when it comes to hygiene so it really bothers me to be in the presence of someone who doesn't care. I don't want to touch their money or identifcation card, and I don't want them touching anything that's in the office.

Let it rain today, this city's so filthy
~ "Wash" by Pearl Jam
January 10, 2007 at 6:04pm
January 10, 2007 at 6:04pm
I've never seen "Finding Nemo", but I am watching it right now from work. I know it's a cartoon, but I already had to pause it. I'm only 5 minutes into it and crying. I didn't think a children's flick would make me cry, so I felt safe enough to watch it from work. My kids have seen this quite a few times while I was cooking or doing housework. Now, I wish I had cuddled up next to them and watched it with them.

My bitter hands chafe beneath the clouds
of what was everything.
The pictures have all been washed in black,
tattooed everything.

~ "Black" by Pearl Jam
December 28, 2006 at 2:51am
December 28, 2006 at 2:51am
         Since I had to work on Christmas Eve & Christmas I am making a Christmas dinner tomorrow (Thursday). I wish it were for a gathering of people because I miss cooking for big holiday dinners. However, I am still a bit anxious to start cooking.

*Note6* Anyhoo, the point of this entry:

         On Christmas Eve, I was driving home from work at 4am and the streets were dead. I started to slow down on the main highway to make a left-hand turn and I noticed something sitting on the median. I turned on my 4-ways, got out of the car, and tried to get a closer look (not too close though).

         It resembled a cat, but when it turned it's head I noticed it had been hit. The entire side of his head was bloody and he kept trying to cross the road. The only thing this poor animal could do was collapse.

          I called 911 because Animal Control wasn't working. The dispatcher kept saying, "well, there's not much we can do. It's a holiday and it's cold and raining." I started crying because I had no idea where to take him, or if I should even attempt to move him. Finally, she agreed to send out a cop after I kept repeating, "There's an injured animal here that needs medical attention in the middle of the road."

          I pulled in a parking lot and waited outside for 20 minutes before someone showed up. In that time, I noticed it wasn't a cat; it was a baby fox. I wasn't sure how they would handle it.

         I didn't really converse with the officer, but I could hear him talking on the radio thing-a-ma-jiggy. "Yeah, it's a tiny fox. It's nooooo cat." I guess that should have made a difference*Confused* He seemed amused that the caller (which was me) had said the animal was a cat, and irritated that he had to be there. All he seemed concerned about was getting me to leave the scene. He kept saying things like, "alrighty miss, it's time for you to go home. Been here long enough."

         Now, I have been wondering if it was because he wasn't going to do anything. I'm not sure what else I could have done, but I feel a lot better knowing I attempted to do something.

Now she seems to be sand under his shoes
There's nothing I can do

~ "Bells for Her" by Tori Amos
July 4, 2006 at 7:35am
July 4, 2006 at 7:35am
Last year I took several months of surveying people for the Romance Movie Showdown in my romance newsletters. The final issue, "Romance/Love Newsletter (August 3, 2005) showed the top ten favorite romantic movies chosen by Writing.Com members. It was fun to see which movies went ahead, and crushing to see some of my favorites eliminated!

Enough time has passed and now I want to do a the same thing with romantic lyrics. I'm getting a head start here and asking for your picks.

*Exclaim* Post a reply in here naming a few of your favorite romance songs and who sings them.

I want nothing more than
to sit outside Heaven's door
and listen to your breathing
~ "Breathing" by Lifehouse
May 16, 2006 at 2:13am
May 16, 2006 at 2:13am
I was googling T.S. Eliot poems last night and found something interesting. I started reading The Rum Tum Tugger and couldn't understand why I already knew the lines. After I read a few more the same thing happened. I realized then that the Broadway musical "Cats" used T.S. Eliot's poems as their songs.


You’ve seen them both at work and games,
And learnt about their proper names,
Their habits and their habitat:
How would you ad-dress a Cat?
The Ad-Dressing Of Cats by T.S. Eliot

April 16, 2006 at 10:03pm
April 16, 2006 at 10:03pm
Why do people think they can reserve a room when they have nothing to reserve it with? I get a phone call almost everyday with someone asking to reserve a room and when I get to the credit card part they say, "Uh, oh I don't got no credit card." I tell them they have to come in and pay for it. I can't hold a room for someone without having something to hold it with. They can't understand why they need one. If I hold a room for someone and they don't show who pays for the room? I explain that to them and they still don't get it.

Then there are those that come in and want to pay half now, half later*Confused* You aren't leasing a car here and we don't have layaway.

You can check-out any time you like,
But you can never leave
~ "Hotel California" by The Eagles
April 12, 2006 at 3:23am
April 12, 2006 at 3:23am
The Milkman had a journal entry listing some of his beliefs. He has asked me to do the same thing, so here you go Moo!

I believe....

*Bullet* Moo should make a survey using this as the topic.

*Bullet* Some people use the word love too easily.

*Bullet* There are people who claim that their lives are difficult and complain about everything under the sun instead of being grateful for everything do they have.

*Bullet* Some schools give passing grades to those that ought to be kept back.

*Bullet* Being honest with yourself and others should always be in play.

*Bullet* People should be careful about how much information they give out online.

*Bullet* In the game of poker if someone says, I'm sorry or good luck they are lying*Laugh*

some things you have to believe,
but others are puzzles, puzzling me
~ "Speed of Sound" by Coldplay
April 12, 2006 at 2:03am
April 12, 2006 at 2:03am
As usual this was taken from K's blog on myspace....

1. Letterman , Leno?
- Definitely Letterman

2. Sammy or Dave (Van Halen for you youngsters)?
- Sorry Sammy, but it's Dave. 51/50... best album

3. BBQ should be Pork or Beef?
- What? No chicken?

4. Reality Television or gauge your eyes out with sharp object?
- They say reality bites, but I love my eyes!

5. Wal-Mart is a sign of our booming economy or China's new best friend.
- Wal-Mart here I come!

6.Who was the Greatest Rock N Roll band of all time?
- Yikes! I have my favorites.

7. Name two songs by artists you have never heard on Clear Channel Radio.
- "Lifeless" by Liquefaction and "Everday is Halloween" by Ministry

8. If you could choose but one ice cream flavor for life, what would it be?
- Mint chocolate chip

9. The first really brilliant song lyric that comes to mind?
I've already begun decaying
On this Earth I shed my skin
For this world I feel nothing
I'm just a soul that's lost within

Your worries do not faze me
And your cares are not my own
For everything shall perish
From this rock you make your thrown

[All your numbers will fade away
Every creation will decay
Every thought will be forgotten
No one'll remember a word you say]

It breaks my heart every day
Just to be a part of you
And know
I'm the same way too
I'm the same as you

For those who live on
In the hearts and minds of many
Can only be remembered
As long as they are living
~ "Abandon Hope" by Liquefaction

10. What do you tip on a $2.50 glass of beer?
- $1.00 or more

It's getting boring
There's more to life than this
~ "More to Life Than This" by Bjork

March 17, 2006 at 9:34pm
March 17, 2006 at 9:34pm
*Bullet* Walk the Line

*Thumbsup* Even though I only know a few Johnny Cash songs (mainly the popular ones: Walk the Line and Ring of Fire) I still rented Walk the Line. I did enjoy the movie and thought is was great to hear both Phoenix and Witherspoon sing the songs themselves. Phoenix sounds a lot more like Cash than Witherspoon does Carter, but both were good in their roles. I found myself appreciating the lyrics and music.

*Bullet* Prime

*Thumbsdown* Prime was an okay flick. There were a few funny scenes, but nothing too spetacular happened to make it stand out. It was easy for me to see where the film was going and ended as I expected it to. They showed the funny scenes were those in the previews of the film.

*Bullet* Just Friends

*Thumbsup* I really didn't have high expectations for this film, but it really did make me laugh. Anna Faris and Ryan Reynolds are both pretty funny in this. It's simple humor, but nothing gross and definitely worth renting.

*Bullet* Saw II

*Thumbsdown* I am not a huge fan of horror flicks, but I enjoy one every now and then. Orginally I rented Saw I because I like Dina Meyer, Morgan Freeman, and Cary Elwes. I found that film intriguing because I was in the "who dunnit" mode, but I still had to close my eyes during some of the scenes. Saw II just wasn't a fresh idea and it was predictable. I felt like I had already seen the movie.

As she's going to the movie show
In a bath of glitter and a tiny shiver
~ "Riot Proof" by Tori Amos

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