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July 21, 2021 at 9:16am
July 21, 2021 at 9:16am
Created by the talented  [Link To User poulynoe] Made by the talented A. E. WilcoxImage for BCOF members to put in their blogsBlog City image small

For my blog "Prompt: Tell about a time you’ve been hurt and how God has brought you towards forgiveness."

I was very unpopular when I was young. I lived in a house with no running water. We took sponge baths but were not clean and the other kids let us know it. The school system itself cheated me out of graduating high school and I was deeply hurt. God taught me that being angry at another person is like taking cyanide and expecting them to die, Anger only hurts me.

Made by the talented A. E. Wilcox Today cruising through a corner of galactic space on a shuttle run, I encounter a star named (71) who writes an article to his wife Mitzi. It touched my heart because my sister's nickname was "Mitzy." She died of SIDS in 1974. So I'm honoring both Mitzy and Mitzi today. Write about love.

I had a sister named Mitzy. We weren't sure of the spelling of Mitzi, so we spelled it with a y. Her real name was Helen Michelle. She was named after my neighbor, Helen Colvin, now deceased. Mitzy followed me every where. She was my little buddy. If I had ever stopped suddenly she would have ran into me because she was always with me. She died of SIDS at 18 months old. When died part of me died with her. I loved that child with all my heart.
Signature for those who win an honorable mention at the 2020 Quill AwardsSignature for finalists in 2018 Quill Awards
July 20, 2021 at 9:08am
July 20, 2021 at 9:08am
Created by the talented  [Link To User poulynoe] Made by the talented A. E. WilcoxImage for BCOF members to put in their blogsBlog City image small

For my blog "Prompt: Tell about a time you felt “all-in” for God."

I am all in for God every day. I feel it is the only way to be. I owe God, myself, and the world so many amends that I will never get them repaid. I use to be a real hell-bound sinner. I was as low as they came. There was nobody I would not use and even fewer I would not spitefully use. God turned all of that around 180 degrees. I see God at work in my life and the lives of others every day. Seeing Him at work, why would I not be completely sold out to Him? Jesus Christ is the best game in town. He is the real deal.

For my blog Today found us in the Delta quadrant. We explored nebula there and found a star. Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈 writes
 Trinity  (18+)
A cinquain.....
#1791269 by Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈
, a cinquain. These are hard. Check it out!

Cinquains are very difficult to write. I've written a few but I've read two or three sets of rules about how to write them so I gave up. I like consistency and non-complicated designs.

Signature for those who win an honorable mention at the 2020 Quill AwardsSignature for finalists in 2018 Quill Awards
July 19, 2021 at 9:42am
July 19, 2021 at 9:42am
Created by the talented  [Link To User poulynoe] Made by the talented A. E. WilcoxImage for BCOF members to put in their blogsBlog City image small

For my blog "Prompt: If you could hangout with Jesus in any place in the world, where would you pick? What would you do? Would you have a conversation? What would you talk about?"

What do you mean, if I could hang out with Jesus? I do hang out with Jesus every day. He is with me right now in fact. I talk with Him and watch Him in action every day. I am a Christian so I don't need to go to any particular place to hang out with Jesus. Jesus is omnipresent, meaning He is everywhere at the same time. He is present when I am righteous and when I sin. He sees it all and knows it all. I do not have to go anywhere to find Him because He is everywhere. All I have to do is talk to Him. He never leaves me, even when I am sinful. You see, He adopted me. As an adopted child I can never be disowned or disinherited no matter what I do. As a natural born son I can be legally disinherited. As an adopted son however nothing can separate me from the love of Jesus or from being His heir. I have eternal life now and forever. I will not take advantage of that. I will not bring shame onto His holy name. I owe Him too much. I will never say I have to go someplace to find Him for He left His flock to come seeking me. He is everywhere.

For my blog Prompt: "Today while cruising through the WDC cyber galaxy, we encountered a shining star. This star is a moderator! sqirtoon writes
The Forge  (ASR)
Heat of the flames, metal of the forge.
#2076069 by Shaye
about forges. Tell us about a forge you have been through.

I have been through the forge of life. God was not done with me or I would have died thousands of times. IK am a recovered addict. At one time I was taking over 4,000 mg of diphenhydramine per dose in attempts to get high and kill myself. I did not realize at the time that I was trying to kill myself, but in hindsight I can see it. Morning after morning I would come to and get angry with God for not taking me in my sleep. I was angry at the world and most of all at myself. It was no way to live and I do not wish it on anybody. I lived in hell. Then one day something amazing happened. Jesus came to me and told me I did not have to live that way. He told me there was a better way of life. I had to make some tough choices and do some really unpleasant things like swallow my pride, but compared to the life I had been living those steps were easy. I have been clean for nearly 13 years and Jesus is my best friend today.

Signature for those who win an honorable mention at the 2020 Quill AwardsSignature for finalists in 2018 Quill Awards
July 17, 2021 at 11:26am
July 17, 2021 at 11:26am
Created by the talented  [Link To User poulynoe] Made by the talented A. E. WilcoxImage for BCOF members to put in their blogsBlog City image small

For my blog "Prompt: If you could give your younger self a piece of advice, what would it be?"

I wouldn't give my younger self any advice. I like myself just as I am. If I gave my younger self any advice, whether I took it or not, would alter my future. It took every moment of my past to make me what I am today and IK wouldn't want to change that.

For my blog Prompt: I was cruising the Galaxy with the Ewoks and found this planet: Read this item:
Story in Stone
Story in Stone  (E)
Haiku with photo of petroglyphs in the Snake River area
#2248036 by ßlueyeʐ 💮

Write about this item in your Blog entry today.

Ancient stone art is always interesting. It shows that man has always been a creature of intellect, even before written languages. They left their legacy in symbols for others to see.

Signature for those who win an honorable mention at the 2020 Quill AwardsSignature for finalists in 2018 Quill Awards
July 16, 2021 at 9:35am
July 16, 2021 at 9:35am
Created by the talented  [Link To User poulynoe] Made by the talented A. E. WilcoxImage for BCOF members to put in their blogsBlog City image small

For my blog "Prompt: When you think about reading the bible, what is the first feeling that comes to mind?"

I always get a feeling of wonder. I wonder what the Lord is going to reveal to me?

For my blog "Prompt: I was cruising the galaxy with Elsa of Frozen and found this planet: (11)
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2254151 by Not Available.

Write about this item in your Blog entry today."

Love can only grow if we welcome it.

Signature for those who win an honorable mention at the 2020 Quill AwardsSignature for finalists in 2018 Quill Awards
July 15, 2021 at 4:07pm
July 15, 2021 at 4:07pm
Created by the talented  [Link To User poulynoe] Made by the talented A. E. WilcoxImage for BCOF members to put in their blogsBlog City image small

For my blog Prompt: "What is a book that has greatly impacted your faith?"

I don't remember the title because it's been 40 plus years since I read it. I do remember the author was Rev. Oral Roberts, the televangelist who fell into disgrace. I am not here to judge Dr. Roberts. I do know that if we put our faith into human leadership we are bound to be disappointed. I also know that the book I read by Dr. Roberts was an anointed book. When UI completed the book, I gave my life to Jesus Christ. Afterwards I fell so far from grace that if I had died I am certain I would have "split hell wide open" as a friend puts it. At the same time God never left me. Holy Spirit would not and did not forsake me. He witnessed a lot of despicable acts out of me but He never gave up on me. The book had planted a seed and an insatiable hunger for God's word that has never been fully satisfied. I left home that night. I was eighteen and legally an adult. The next day found me in the VA hospital with a cluster headache and an episode of the illness that would follow me the rest of my life. As the Lord would have it the man in the room with me was a preacher who operated a correspondence course ministry! The Lord began my preparation that day and the little seed that Dr.. Oral Roberts planted began to germinate. Today that mustard seed is the Chaplain of the West Virginia Veterans Home whom just today shook hands with the WV Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary. In my position I speak with leaders every day. I am currently reaching out to leadership of ecumenical bodies nationwide to disseminate information about the WV Veterans Home and show those bodies how to make referrals to the WVVH. God has plans for us all. His plans for me started with a book with no cover or title page by Dr. Oral Roberts.

For my blog Prompt: I was cruising the galaxy with Guardians Of The Galaxy and found this planet:
 Greek Tales of Mount Parnassus  (E)
A creative tale told from historical bits.
#2071439 by 💙 Carly

Write about Greek Mythology.

Greek mythology always fascinated me, partly because I am a history buff, and partly because I am a theologian. I'm a Christian theologian but a theologian no less. I love delving into history and seeing why people believed what they believed. I once studied Greek mythology in depth and understood their gods. I thank God that the Living God is nothing like those very fickle and quite human idols.

Signature for those who win an honorable mention at the 2020 Quill AwardsSignature for finalists in 2018 Quill Awards
July 14, 2021 at 9:46am
July 14, 2021 at 9:46am
Created by the talented  [Link To User poulynoe] Image #2235354 over display limit. -?- Image #1997652 over display limit. -?- Image #1971183 over display limit. -?-

Image #2249882 over display limit. -?- "Prompt: What is one song that has really impacted your faith journey?"

A lot of the old songs have impacted my faith journey. This new stuff that churches are playing does nothing for me. It just sounds like noise to me for the most part. There is no doctrine in it at all because they want to please everybody from every walk of life. As Christians we cannot be people-pleasers. We must preach the gospel as we know it. This watered down crap is poison.

Image #2235152 over display limit. -?- Prompt: "We were cruising near the center of the galaxy today in the area where stars are born. We found a new star. He is new to WDC. Rhymer Reisen writesWe were cruising near the center of the galaxy today in the area where stars are born. We found a new star. He is new to WDC. (37) writes
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2254064 by Not Available.
, a poem about reincarnation. As a Christian, I personally do not believe in reincarnation but I respect those who do. How do you feel about reincarnation?

Reincarnation is the belief of a religion that the God I serve condemns. I don't believe in reincarnation or the endless cycle of life and death.

Image #2251074 over display limit. -?- Image #2187503 over display limit. -?-
July 13, 2021 at 8:51am
July 13, 2021 at 8:51am
Created by the talented  [Link To User poulynoe] Image #2235354 over display limit. -?- Image #1997652 over display limit. -?- Image #1971183 over display limit. -?-

Image #2249882 over display limit. -?- "Prompt: What is one goal you have to strengthen you have your relationship with God?

I pray I can be more obedient to God. I know I fall short in obedience.

Image #2235354 over display limit. -?- Prompt: "In
Reason to Believe  (E)
In dark days, find hope where it still lies
#2232638 by WriterAngel
discusses her reason to believe. What is your reason to believe?"

I have seen too many miracles not to believe.

Image #2251074 over display limit. -?- Image #2187503 over display limit. -?-
July 12, 2021 at 9:37am
July 12, 2021 at 9:37am
Created by the talented  [Link To User poulynoe] Image #2235354 over display limit. -?- Image #1997652 over display limit. -?- Image #1971183 over display limit. -?-

Image #2249882 over display limit. -?- "Prompt: Tell about a time you struggled to see God’s bigger plan for your life?"

I have had a lot of times that I struggled to see God's plan for my life. For much of my youth I had prophets tell me that God had big plans for my life if I would just cooperate. I believed them and anxiously awaited what God had for me. I tried my hand at several different ministries and failed miserably at them. I became angry with God, not realizing thaat He haad the perfect plan. Then in 2017 I moved here to the Veterans Home. At the time there was no regular chaplain. Several men came in and did Bible studies, but there was no chaplain. I applied for the position and was accepted. Then in 2020 when COVID struck I suddenly found myself the only chaplain and the only person able to continue the Bible studies at the home. I increased the level of activity and used my computers to add Power Point and music to the services. Not only did Chapel survive the pandemic but it actually increased in size! God spent years preparing me for this ministry. I struggled to understand but will never question Him again.

Image #2235152 over display limit. -?- Prompt: :"In
 A Traffic Jam  (E)
Prompt 2: The rhythm of... the daily commute
#1994380 by Sarah Rae

the author Sarah Rae talks about something we don't have in space. Traffic jams. However, now that space is opening up for tourism, there likely will be traffic jams in space. There are an estimated 10,000 manmade satellites in orbit so what am I saying?

Tell us about traffic jams.

I never really deal with traffic jams unless there is a wreck. I live in a samll town. However, I have been in a few. I was in Cleveland once driving in a traffic jam. A driver cut me off and I honked my horn and gav e them some very inappropriate hand signals. At the time I was not a Christian. Anyway, the driver got out of the car, walked back to my car. She was gorgeous. She bent down, kissed me and told me she'd take me up on my proposition!

Image #2251074 over display limit. -?- Image #2187503 over display limit. -?-
July 10, 2021 at 10:32am
July 10, 2021 at 10:32am
Created by the talented  [Link To User poulynoe] Image #2235354 over display limit. -?- Image #1997652 over display limit. -?- Image #1971183 over display limit. -?-

Image #2249882 over display limit. -?- "Prompt: Should churches enforce strict attendance policies with their members? Should there be special considerations? What do you think?

Example: A church will bring up for a vote the continued membership of a member if a member has not attended a church service for 3 months. If they want to continue to be a member of the church, they must write a letter explaining their situation. The pastor will give his recommendation to keep or vote out this church member. The church will then vote on rather that member remains a member or if their membership is discontinued."

I think that is a terrible idea. For one thing it would cause hard feelings. God is all about building relationships, not severing them. Luke tells us in Acts 2:47 that Holy Spirit is the one who decides church membership to begin with. The idea of people voting for a member is not biblical.

I do agree with the church ex-communicating members who are involved in blatant and flagrant sin. See 1 Corinthians 5:1-15. This however has to be handled with a lot of tact and should be used rarely, not as a punishment, but as a correction. Members should also be well aware that for every finger they point they have three pointing back. We are all guilty of something. Christians are not perfect, just forgiven. So when I go to accusing somebody else it is usually to take the focus off of my own sin. There are somethings that should be addressed such as a person who is doing something the Bible says is wrong and doing it publicly and flagrantly. An example might be two people living together out of wedlock or somebody practicing homosexuality openly. I'm sorry, but God's word openly condemns it and the world sugar-coating it does not make it righteous. If a person clearly refuses to repent of open, public sin then they need held accountable because it gives the Lord a bad reputation. On the other hand, Jesus said that the "first among you who is without sin should throw the first stone."

So when it comes to pointing out the sin of another I tread carefully. Therefore, I am against any policy that removes people from the roles for not attending regularly.

Image #2235152 over display limit. -?- "Prompt: I was ctuising the galaxy with Garfield and found this planet:
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2250390 by Not Available.

Write about this in your Space Blog entry today."

I agree with the sentiment of this poem. I published a book many years ago. I took a couple of copies with me one day when I went to the doctor's office. Another patient there read one of my poems and was moved to weeping. She bought the book and I made a fan. The poem however was not a touchy, feely type poem to me. It is amazing the way one can write one thing expecting a certain reaction and get a completely different response.

Image #2251074 over display limit. -?- Image #2187503 over display limit. -?-

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