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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #2017254
My random thoughts and reactions to my everyday life. The voices like a forum.
I do not know quite what happened or when , but my hubby and I now qualify for seniors' discounts at some venues. This creates a quandary; in order to save money, but not face, we have to admit to our age. HMMMM..... We definitely do not consider ourselves to be old. In this day and age ,when people as a whole are living longer and healthier lives why are 'young seniors', those in their fifties, like moi, considered 'old'?? It's so true that age is just a perception! "Maturity" is very objective/subjective, and I object! Whew, a few years have skittered by since I composed this biography block. Those "fifties" are in the rear view mirror and they are distant, fond memories. Oh, I do not plan to stop writing any time soon.
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November 27, 2023 at 11:30am
November 27, 2023 at 11:30am
Blogging Circle of Friends
Day 3933 November 26, 2023
On this day in history , Lewis Carroll published Alice in Wonderland. What's your favorite character from the story and why?
This quote by Carroll is interesting---- "Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." What impossible things happened before breakfast today?
I suppose I like and admire the Cheshire Cat. There's something about his cheeky grin. Being able to disappear and reappear wherever and whenever he chooses is both convenient and mysterious. Imagine during a debate, an argument, a difference of opinion you just, poof, remove yourself from the encounter. Conversely, being invisible may permit one to eavesdrop/spy.
         What happened before breakfast today? The inconceivable occurred. I awoke with a head cold. Germs dared to invade and set up camp. Tiny, microscopic microbes are tramping through my skull thumping drums and plugging my nasal passages with their unwanted presence. The fact that both my grandgiggles are currently suffering with runny noses and coughs made my chances of avoiding this attack impossible. My wish that these irritating illnesses did not exist borders on fantasy.
         More snow sentinels joined their icy comrades outside and because of a fall a few walks ago, my daughter declared it impossible for me to climb her driveway and access my vehicle. She dispatched her hubby to trudge out to my truck and drive it to the front door.
         I bade my family adieu. "Parting is such sweet sorrow." I shall be back.
November 25, 2023 at 4:37pm
November 25, 2023 at 4:37pm
BCOF Blog Prompt November 25th: What's your favourite Christmas carol? Do you sing with your family?
Well, what a coincidence of a blog prompt. I am visiting with my youngest two grandgiggles and yes, we've been singing. I admit a few Christmas carols have been warbled. As it snowed we had to belt out our version of 'Let It Snow'. Of course we repeated those memorable lines as we shivered 'cause we're full of bluster. " The cold never bothered me anyway." Thanks Frozen .
         While we rolled and molded snow, Alexandra, the four-year old, and I trilled 'Frosty the Snowman'.
         Christina, the nine- month old, loves dancing to 'Rockin'Around the Christmas Tree'. It is catchy.It could be she's reacting to the cute penguins ringing jingle bells as the music plays.
         I've yet to be bombarded by relentless radio repetition. I live in anticipation.
November 25, 2023 at 10:33am
November 25, 2023 at 10:33am
November 24th BCOF PROMPT: Black Friday...
It's simple, I'm not a fan or a participant. Black Friday is just another day. I do not anticipate it.
          Do the savings exist? Are they worth a once a year buying spree? Do I need or will I use more electronics? I don't want even more clothing. The furniture is still serviceable.
         The truck is rolling along on its new tires which were purchased two months ago when we acquired it. I needed my new winter coat thirty days ago. I suppose I could time my purchases better?That dark name is not a shopping enhancement.Why can't retailers offer deals year round?
November 23, 2023 at 5:29pm
November 23, 2023 at 5:29pm
BCOF Prompt November 23rd: Free write!!
         What shall I write about? Hmmm, think, think, thunk...          
I know. At the moment I'm visiting the two youngest grandgiggles. The youngest, Christina, is ten months old. She just laughs when I try coaching her to say Nanna. Apparently, my attempts at Christmas karaoke also cause her to giggle. At least she doesn't sob and cover her ears.
         Today, the four-year old, Alexandra informed me there is a list of bad words . Say it isn't so. I am not 'apposed' to say them...ever.
         I just learned that 'fine' is at the top of the list. Huh? Oh, sometimes it's used as a sarcastic, attitude-y word. Fine, I can skip that particular verbiage...if I must.
         Now, I've been warned repeatedly that 'stupid' is not a good or nice word. As it stands if I say it one more time Alexandra tells me she will put me in time out. Message received.
         I suppose the real shocker was the next no-no.
         Her tone of voice signified a wistfulness, a longing, a loss.          
"We don't say the 'fuck' word anymore."
         Excuse me? Since when did 'we' commonly utter that harsh word?
         This is the same girl who just yesterday explained that her toque and mitts were 'accessories'. Ah, I did wonder.
         There are three more days scheduled for this visit. My lessons will continue.
November 22, 2023 at 4:05pm
November 22, 2023 at 4:05pm
BCOF November 22nd Prompt: Begin your blog entry "On a cold morning in late November..."
On a cold morning in late November I shivered as I followed a set of tiny tracks etched in the fresh snow. My boot clad feet crunched and squeaked. I tightened the fleece scarf around my neck and snugged my hat to my head. Inside my woollen mitts my fingers flexed. Puffs of my expirations rose around me. Tears threatened to obscure my vision. Did I say it was cold? Freezing better described the howling wind whipping snow crystal shards into my cheeks.Brrr!
         Something had explored my backyard criss-crossing and zig-zagging. Trees were ringed in circles. A few patches of green peaked through in a few spots.
         As I stopped to inspect a flattened rose bush my feet were knocked out from under me and I dropped to the ground. Snuffling and snorting echoed before I recognized a distinct panting. George my neighbour's shih-tzu shook snowflakes from his red sweater and grinned. Only a puppy could appreciate this change of weather.
November 21, 2023 at 10:39am
November 21, 2023 at 10:39am
Blogging Circle of Friends

Day 3928: November 21, 2023

Prompt: “In November you begin to know how long the winter will be.”
Martha Gellhorn

Use this quote to inspire your blog entry.
Oh, this is very true! I understand why winter is referred to as the long night. The 'new' darkness seems to be extra black and impenetrable. I already miss the longer hours of glorious daylight. Often I have no concept of time. It's only six p.m.? It feels like bedtime.
         On the grey sun-less days, and there are far too many of them, the local landscape appears bleak. Gone are the vibrant leaves of crimson, gold and orange. Maple and oak trees stand naked with exposed spindly arms thrashing in the cold winds. Even the nearby lake resembles a washed-out , pale quilt.
         Dressing for the outdoors is a guessing game. The weather is moody and confused. During one recent day everything was thrown at us. The sun beamed, a blizzard descended and obscured the horizon, torrential rain hammered the earth, only for it all to be repeated in an endless manic loop.
         It is the season though for Santa Claus Parades and a plethora of Christmas themed craft bazaars/ bake sales/ concerts and such. The message is clear: Christmas is coming, be prepared. There are so many talented, creative people!
         What do I take away from this? Ignore the weather, it is what it is. Find something to keep yourself busy and your mind occupied. Six months of winter is bearable if you do. There is only so much moaning and lamenting we can endure. November is the buffer month, but it is limited to thirty days. Thirty days to adjust and acclimate.
November 20, 2023 at 4:14pm
November 20, 2023 at 4:14pm
Blogging Circle of Friends

Day 3927: November 20, 2023

Prompt: Universal Children's Day
Write something about children.
         I'm five and sometimes people say "oh dear"
         'Cause names are not easy for me to hear.
         I see the 'custoadian' hop and sweep
         It's his job to smile and clean halls to keep.
          I wave and shout. "Hey, it's me Mister Brooms!"
         The nice man laughs and says, "I'm Mister Coombs."
         I do not know why, but it is so true
         My bus driver has not one name, but two.
         I say hello to Miss Arse or Miss Snow.
         Mom says she's sure it is Ms. Arsenault.
November 19, 2023 at 3:38pm
November 19, 2023 at 3:38pm
BLOGGING CIRCLE OF FRIENDS PROMPT November 19th: Write about World Toilet Day, or Have a Bad Day Day, or National Camp Day.
Is it too late to add indoor plumbing especially in the form of a toilet to World Gratitude Day? What a convenient and comfortable blessing a toilet is. Anyone who has stumbled to an outhouse in a fierce, slashing storm or who has braved the ominous shadows of a starless night appreciates the wondrous option of a commode.No one lingers in a drafty, oderous, spider sanctuary outhouse.
         I admit to a lifetime of camping adventures and far too many excursions to the 'one-holer' , non-flush toilet in a shed.Many of those moments coincided with Guiding forays with girls new to requiring relief in such crude quarters.
         For their night time trips the girls would venture forth with beaming flashlights swinging from their hands. I never knew if what often happened was due to misplacement, or hijinks, or an attempt to create some form of ambient lighting.
         Yep, errant flashlights somehow found their way down in the yawning abyss. The horrified gasps and giggles still echo in my memories. Cries of "ew" and "gross" swelled on the evening air. Not surprisingly, no one demanded the return immediate or otherwise of their 'lost' possessions. Some sacrifices should be considered permanent.
         Did I mention this particular camp snafu involved my youngest daughter? She'd bid her flashlight adieu and most likely wondered how long the batteries would last. One of my co-Guiders had other plans.
         Without announcing her intentions, Joanne decided to rescue Danielle's already forgotten, abandoned flashlight. She borrowed a wire clothes hanger and fashioned a hook from it. Demonstrating admirable resolve and a strong stomach ,Joanne stretched an arm into the gaping maw stabbing/spearing until she snared the glowing device. Mindful of sanitary considerations, the flashlight fisherwoman dropped her catch in a sealed plastic bag before she returned it to Danielle with a smile.
         My girl mumbled her reluctant thanks and dutifully returned home with it where it languished, still in its wrap, under the kitchen sink before we tossed it.
         I cannot imagine a flashlight, a bright yellow one, without recalling Joanne's stubbornness. Why am I now humming "this little light of mine I'm gonna let it shine?"
November 18, 2023 at 1:07pm
November 18, 2023 at 1:07pm
BLOGGING CIRCLE OF FRIENDS November 18th, 2023 Prompt:

On this day in 1928 Mickey and Minnie appeared in Steamboat Willie.
What fun facts do you know about Mickey or Minnie? Or write a story about Mickey and
Minnie. Have fun!
         I remember reading that Walt created his cartoon mouse and then sought his wife's approval. Wise man? Anyway, she did not like the original name for this creation. The spouse suggested the name Mickey instead of aka, almost known as, Mortimer. Sure, it's a memorable moniker and I don't recall ever meeting someone saddled with it, but really, Mortimer? That particular mouse has always been known as Mickey, not Mikey, not Melvin, not Mitchy, not Myron, not Monty, Mickey.
          I like to think of this pair of animated mice as M and M. They were the original and not a certain American rapper, Eminem.
         One humid day in the not too distant past, Mickey and Minnie sauntered through their Magic Kingdom at Disneyworld waving at the many tourists. Their never-faltering and welcoming grins were pasted on their familiar black and white faces. Not once did they dare blink. Not once did they deny an exuberant hug or a sticky kiss. Never did they stand in one spot for long. It's as if they intended to greet every person who crossed their path. Walk and wave. Walk and wave.
         The throng of perspiring Disney aficionados snapped thousands of photos with the royalty of cartoon mice. Squawking, drooling babies were thrust into their arms. Swirling dervishes laughing and avoiding the lunges of their parents dodged between and around the towering yet smiling figures. Not once did Mickey and Minnie attempt a protest.
         With his back turned Mickey failed to see the impending doom. Two boys punching and shoving each other barreled into Disney's iconic character. With a muffled yelp Mickey tumbled face-first into a bubbling fountain. He floundered. He splashed. The crowd gasped and cameras flashed.
         With one mighty heave Mickey struggled to his tottering feet and then the unthinkable happened. Mickey lost his head. It toppled at his quivering feet. The roars and cheers faded away.
         "That's not Mickey Mouse!" wailed a chorus of voices accompanied by pointing fingers.
         The imposter hung his head and muttered a most unMickey word, "Shit!"

November 17, 2023 at 3:03pm
November 17, 2023 at 3:03pm
Blogging Circle of Friends
DAY 3924 November 17, 2023
November 23rd is Thanksgiving Day here in the states, Thanksgiving in Canada I believe was October 9th.
Write a story, poem, or memory that includes gratitude for something.
         I am grateful that I've always enjoyed a choice. There has never been any emotional blackmail associated with a holiday. If myself, or another family member does not or cannot celebrate together as a noisy mob that's okay. We respect and accept each other and a designated day is not necessary. We can jibber jabber and scarf food anytime, anywhere.
         I am grateful that I enjoy an abundance of choice food-wise. Never have I ever been forced or hungry enough to eat a cucumber. Uh-uh, isn't gonna happen. My family however will munch on cucumbers in my vicinity. Meh, if they must, so be it. I in turn love raw peppers, so, it's tit-for-tat.
         I realize people have the right to smother their turkey with cranberry sauce. I have the right to choose to conveniently forget to purchase this family abomination favourite. Oops.
         My Mom would insist upon baking the traditional British Christmas cake for every Christmas season. Bleck!! ( Or is it blech?) I do not like the fruit peel in it. I will pick it out and attempt to pass it off on someone else's plate. I do like the raisins, the cherries and the nuts, but that yucky fruit peel contaminates whatever it touches.
         Bless Mom for providing an alternative for me. She discovered she could bake a loaf with ju-jube candy substituted for that waxy, obnoxious fruit crap. Not only did it taste better it had a cheerier appearance with its bright reds, greens, oranges and yellows. I love her for that choice.
          Christmas pudding is another family food/tradition. That stuff rated its own ceremony. The lights would be dimmed or shut off entirely. The poor, unsuspecting pudding would be set ablaze. The darkness served as both a dramatic backdrop for the flames and a method to hide/disguise that atrocious excuse for a dessert. Who decided it should contain fruit peel? I maintain it was a smoking charred offering to the Christmas gods and it deserved to be incinerated. I had the choice to not taste it ever again.
         Oh, and yes for the record Canadian Thanksgiving occurred October 9th. I am grateful we do not choose to follow the American custom of a November Thanksgiving. I like the buffer that November provides between two big family holidays.

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