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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #2017254
My random thoughts and reactions to my everyday life. The voices like a forum.
I do not know quite what happened or when , but my hubby and I now qualify for seniors' discounts at some venues. This creates a quandary; in order to save money, but not face, we have to admit to our age. HMMMM..... We definitely do not consider ourselves to be old. In this day and age ,when people as a whole are living longer and healthier lives why are 'young seniors', those in their fifties, like moi, considered 'old'?? It's so true that age is just a perception! "Maturity" is very objective/subjective, and I object! Whew, a few years have skittered by since I composed this biography block. Those "fifties" are in the rear view mirror and they are distant, fond memories. Oh, I do not plan to stop writing any time soon.
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November 16, 2023 at 11:11am
November 16, 2023 at 11:11am
DAY 3923 November 16, 2023 Blogging Circle of Friends
Prompt: On this day in 1920 the 1st postage stamp meter was set in Stamford Conn. How much was the postage on the first postage stamp you ever used? Have you ever collected postage stamps? Are there any commemorative stamps that you remember you wished you had saved?
Well, I fail this particular memory test. How much did a stamp cost when I first sent mail as a child? I dunno. I do know it was less expensive back then like so many other things. I also did not buy them then. My Mom did.
         Most of my letters were mailed to my Nanny, my first penpal. How she received them I'll never know. I addressed them simply with her title and the name of the village where she lived. Postal codes did not exist at that time, but I suppose the community had a unique name. I wonder if my Mom fiddled with my letters. Did she scribble a proper address across the envelope? She couldn't have intercepted all of my missives 'cause I walked most to our local post office myself. Hmmm... perhaps there wasn't another Nanny in Sundridge.
         No, I've never collected or coveted postage stamps. Some of them are works of art, but I consider them a piece of paper, a tiny fragment, that serves a purpose. They're like tickets or coupons which are now available in a paperless form. Having some sort of pre-paid ink stamp would be a good idea. Businesses use this, but not us unaffiliated folk.

November 15, 2023 at 4:19pm
November 15, 2023 at 4:19pm
Day 3922: November 15, 2023 Blogging Circle of Friends

Prompt: “After a good dinner one can forgive anybody, even one's own relations.”
Oscar Wilde, A Woman of No Importance

Use this quote to inspire your blog entry.
         "Why is the dog sitting at the table?"
         "You called everyone for supper. He's hungry, too."
         "I meant my wee animals. Send him to the kitchen."
         "Mom! Carrie gave the dog some turkey."
         "It's some of mine anyway."
         "Mom! Chris is breathing on me!"
         "Chris go sit beside your father."
         "Why does the baby have mashed potatoes in her hair?"
         "Chris told her to wipe her hands."
         'Wait, is Danielle chewing on a wing? She doesn't have any teeth."
         "She just took it. She wanted my fork, but I need it."
         "Is this the canned cranberry sauce? I don't like the chunky stuff Nan made. It has real cranberries, yuck!"
         "Yes, yes it is. See the lines from the can?"
         "Who made the gravy? Wait, is there gravy? It wasn't Mom was it?"
         "I only dropped some of the buns on the floor. Dilly Dog licked one."
         "Does anyone even like turnip?"
         "How many mouthfuls do I hafta eat? Can I give it to Dilly? Look, his mouth's waterin."
         "I'm stuffed, get it?"
         "Does this turkey have a name?"
         "I hafta jump and push the food into my legs. Grandma says that's where it goes into my 'holler' legs."
         "Mom! Danielle is eatin' my napkin."
         "Are you cryin' Mom? Happy tears, huh."
November 14, 2023 at 2:08pm
November 14, 2023 at 2:08pm
BCOF November 14th Prompt: use the following words in today's blog: pugnacious, echoes, fragments, planet, time and poet.
         Jen squinted and stared at the online review. Had someone just referred to her as a pugnacious poet ? Really? Of all the English words at anyone's fingertips and those were the chosen pair?
         Jen permitted a tiny smile to grace her face. Okay, she wasn't above flattery. If a reviewer saw her as a poet who was she to disagree? She liked that description. Manipulator of words did not have the same ring to it.
         Pugnacious though? At first glance Jen thought of the squat dog. Was this a strange way to say that she panted, wheezed, snorted and waddled through her writing? Echoes of past criticism pinged around inside her head. Disjointed fragments swirled and swooped amongst her memories.
         Jen sighed and concentrated on her breathing. Everyone on this crazy planet could be sensitive, right? People, especially readers, were entitled to their opinions.
          Jen pecked at her keyboard in search of the meaning of pugnacious. Sitting at her desk anchored amongst co-workers she snuck a furtive glance around the room. Her mandated break did not permit much time for surfing. Okay, now she shook her head as she read the results. Pugnacious: eager or quick to argue or quarrel or fight. A pugnacious person could best be described as combative, aggressive.
         What? No way. This cannot be correct. Me argumentative and ready for a fight? As if. Absolutely absurd. What happened to the right to free speech? Who demanded she agree with everything and hide her opinions?
         With a loud snort Jen slammed her tablet with one waving hand. Several heads snapped up and unblinking eyes stared.
         Someone yelled, "Did you win?"
         Jen glared and straightened her shoulders.
         "What do you think?" she retorted.
November 13, 2023 at 1:26pm
November 13, 2023 at 1:26pm
BCOF November 13th Prompt: World Kindness Day
         This is another 'occasion' that should be honoured everyday. It costs nothing to be kind, considerate, respectful. Why not smile and say hello? Why not hold a door open? Why not relinquish your place in a line to someone struggling with an armful, or a fussy child? If you can afford ,it why not treat someone to a cup of coffee/tea, or whatever. Strike up a conversation with those waiting to enter a restaurant, a store, the laundromat, a library.
         My now adult children still talk about the surprise Christmas gifts that arrived in the mail one day from an older couple my hubby had stopped to rescue on the side of a busy highway. It's in his nature to help the stranded, so their generous thanks was appreciated.
November 12, 2023 at 4:45pm
November 12, 2023 at 4:45pm
November 12th BCOF PROMPT: Write about Ryan          Gosling, Neil Young, Charles Manson, Sun Yat-Sen, or Auguste Rodin.          
Why these particular people? I set out to discover what if anything they had in common. Ah, they all share the same birth date, November 12th.
         During my online research which involved consulting Wikipedia I learned a few things. Some of the names I recognized, but,hey, there's always more room for facts and or information. Here's a brief summary.
         Ryan Gosling is a Canadian born actor, born the same year as my eldest, 1980.Unfortunately, he is not single, not that I'd be so forward as to play matchmaker.
          Okay, I knew the name Neil Young. He's a singer/musician born in 1945, and he's also a fellow Canadian. What I discovered is that he helped to create Farm Aid which promotes a series of benefit concerts to help keep farms viable. He and I were both born in Toronto and both of us moved on from that city.
          Charles Manson is not exactly a household name, or someone I'd invite to dinner, yet I am familiar with him and his notoriety. He shall remain synonymous with a cult and horrific murders for which he was imprisoned. Two words describe him and his followers, helter shelter.
         The former president of China, Sun Yat-Sen, was born in 1866. Apparently, he had the respect of both the Communist Party and the Nationalist Party.
         In 1840 Paris Auguste Rodin entered the world, He became a revered artist/sculptor lauded for many incredible sculptures including one known as The Thinker.
         Five very different November 12th babies!
November 11, 2023 at 5:41pm
November 11, 2023 at 5:41pm
BCOF November 11th prompt:Veteran's Day /Remembrance Day
         Today marks Remembrance Day here in Canada. It is celebrated with cenotaph and legion ceremonies. Some communities organize a parade featuring veterans, marching bagpipers and furling flags. Cadets form an honor guard and stand vigil at war memorials. Children are encouraged to compose poetry/stories and create art work. Many citizens don bright red poppies to show their respect for the armed forces.
         Do I know someone who served? My brother-in-law spent many years in the Canadian army, but never in a combat zone. He did spend some time in Germany. He is teased that he enlisted because his favourite TV program was Mash. Yes, he became a supply clerk like the characters Radar and Klinger.
         My Mother's father served in the Canadian Navy during WW II. We did not have the pleasure of knowing him. He survived his tour to start a new family.
         My maternal grandmother's father died serving in the British army during WW I. He achieved the rank of Sargeant, but would never return home.
         I respect and appreciate anyone who chooses to serve. Theirs is a life of sacrifice.
November 10, 2023 at 2:32pm
November 10, 2023 at 2:32pm
Blogging Circle of Friends
DAY 3917 November 10, 2023
Prompt: “Can a mere song change a people's minds? I doubt that it is so. But a song can infiltrate your heart and the heart may change your mind.” ― Elvis Costello Do you agree or disagree with Costello?
         In a nut shell, yes, a song has the power to influence people. Over the years, many melodies have contributed to change.
         I shall present a few such notable songs.
         In 1967 Aretha Franklin belted out a powerful tune, Respect.'
         "R-e-s-p-e-c-t, find out what it means to me."
         Edwin Starr introduced an anti war protest song in 1970 'War'.
         "War what is it good for? Absolutely nothin'."
         John Lennon of The Beatles fame released a song in 1971 titled 'Imagine'.
         "I hope someday you'll join us / And the world will be as one."
          In 1984, Bob Geldorf and Midge Ure co-wrote a song as a response to the Ethiopian famine in an effort to raise relief funds. They titled their tune 'Do They Know It's Christmas?' They arranged to unite several British and Irish singers under the name Band Aid to sing the song in collaboration.
          "Feed the world."
         These are but a sampling of songs that have built empathy, inspired change, contributed to freedom and Civil Rights awareness.
November 9, 2023 at 3:28pm
November 9, 2023 at 3:28pm
Sent to members of "Blogging Circle of Friends "
DAY 3916 November 9, 2023

Prompt: Are Humans wired for music? Are we born with our sense of music already instilled because of our parents during our time in the womb? What gives mere tones such a powerful effect on our emotions?
         Good question. Yes? I believe we are "wired for music". Our sense of hearing never relaxes. It is always alert and processing sounds.
          Music is usually pleasant-sounding, appealing, memorable. Words set to a melody become easier to remember such that a few notes conjure up those lyrics effortlessly. Years can pass without ever hearing a particular song, yet the moment we recognize familiar music we instantly recall the pairing of words.
          My parents preferred country music and as such I became indoctrinated by osmosis. I didn't choose the genre it lived in the same house. To this day I'm able to sing along to classic country whenever and wherever it materializes. At the moment I'm warbling, "Elijah was a wooden Indian standing by the door..."
         Oh, wait other lyrics are vying for my attention. "The crystal chandelier lights up the paintings on the wall..."
          Who doesn't understand the ominous notes that herald or prophesy imminent danger in a movie soundtrack? Cue the heavy, dark " da, da, da, da." You can be in another room preoccupied with a task and as soon as that music assaults your ears you know danger is afoot. You do not need to be watching the movie or following the plot. Run! Hide! Look out!
         Similarly the climax of a scene coincides with a crescendo of dramatic listen-to-me music. It's a swell, a wave.
         Why is music attuned to our emotions? Why do some mixes compel us to dance, move, clap, sing? I have no idea. It just does. Music speaks to us; think siren song. Spells may be woven.
November 8, 2023 at 3:36pm
November 8, 2023 at 3:36pm
Day 3915: November 8, 2023 Blogging Circle of Friends

Prompt: Use these words in your blog entry: light, charm, glory, radiance, purpose, and wisdom.
         Where is the wisdom? Should I give it a think?
         Should I stand and ponder at this sunset's brink?
         Should I celebrate the glory of end-of-day light?
         Gasp in awe of radiance, reds, pinks, fierce-blazing bright?
         What is the purpose of this dazzling display?
         Am I to react to the charm flashed my way?
         I believe it's a reminder of promises met.
         Tomorrow will dawn with new wonders seeking respect.
November 7, 2023 at 1:14pm
November 7, 2023 at 1:14pm
Day 3914: November 7, 2023

Prompt: November is Peanut Butter Lovers Month: Write a story, poem, tribute, or rant about peanut butter. Do you have a favorite recipe that includes peanut butter?
         To p.b. or not to p.b. Why yes since you asked I like peanut butter. It's a great spread for toast, just the p.b. and absolutely no jam or jelly whatsoever.
         Oh wonderful, now an ear worm has burrowed into one ear and its musical loop is stuck on repeat. Enough! "Peanut, peanut butter, and jelly!" This unfortunate ditty assaulted me during one visit with my third grandgiggle and it's left a residual echo. "First you take the peanuts and you mash 'em, you mash 'em, you mash 'em, mash 'em ,mash 'em." Eventually the p.b. is spread, but then everything is repeated with berries. Yep, they too are mashed.
         If I dare to sing my own version of the 'lyrics' I suffer 'the look', the glare for my efforts. Often a wee hand finds its way to a jutting hip, or the arms curl into each other. Four-year olds are masters of body language. I may have belted out "you smash 'em" and a line or two of " peanut, peanut butter and yucky jelly." I may detest fruit spreads with or without peanut butter, but I like p.b. paired with chocolate. This is in my opinion a delicious pairing. "First you take the chocolate and you melt it, you melt it, melt it, melt it, melt it Then you take the p.b. and you dip it, you dip it, dip it, dip it, dip it."
         Of course, chocolate chips taste divine in peanut butter cookies and p.b. cups , ( think Reese's!) are fantastic in oatmeal cookies. Peanut butter and its delectable mate chocolate feature in many of the family's favourite Christmas treats.
         A new no-bake treat in our repertoire is easy to make. It melds many flavours together.
         Melt equal amounts of semi-sweet chocolate chips, peanut butter chips and butterscotch chips in a double boiler. I use one package of each. Remove from heat and stir in Rice Krispies cereal. Form into bite-sized balls and let the mixture set. May be refrigerated or kept at room temperature.
         Another requested treat is peanut butter fudge. Like all fudge it tempts the taste buds and disguises its calorie count. Yes, the recipe's claim is true.
2 cups white sugar
half a cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
three quarters of a cup peanut butter
Bring sugar and milk to a boil. Boil for 2 and a half minutes. Remove from heat. Stir in peanut butter and vanilla. Mix well. Pour into a square cake pan. Let cool and set.
         I suppose I've created a tribute to peanut butter.

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