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Rated: E · Book · Inspirational · #2243707
Welcome to my blog: I intend to share heartfelt writing about anything that comes to mind.
picture for forum

As of 2/9/2021

Blog City image small

As of 3/16/2021

This image was created by the talented by Sharmelle's Expressions!

As of 3/18/2021

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs
Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum  (E)
This is the forum where blog prompts will be posted for the Blogging Circle of Friends.
#1901904 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman

As of 3/25/2021

Eagle image for review

As of 3/29/2021

The Original Logo.
May, July, September, and November 2021

June, September, and October 2021

A signature for those who judge Quills for the 2020 edition

"I am a Rising Star!" glass image.
July - September 2021
Rising Star Summer Camp
Picture to use in feasting on the word of God

As of 3/1/2021

Open Door to Grace Forum  (E)
This goes with the group and prayer survey. Place for comments and discussion.
#2248869 by Marvelous Friend

Open Door To Grace ♥  (E)
Christians who will pray with YOU!
#1372872 by Marvelous Friend

Open Door To Grace Prayer Hot Line  (E)
Do you want prayer? Ask for it here! All requests are confidential.
#1372909 by Marvelous Friend

"The WDC Birthday Bash Blog Relay September 2021
An image for the Golden Apple Writers team for the 21 WDC Birthday Bash Blog Relay


Poetry Topic of the Month Contest~Closed  (13+)
Win Exclusive MBs. It ends at midnight at the end of each month. Suggest the topic.
#2216416 by Sharmelle's Expressions

Guest judge: March, April, May, July, August, and September 2021
June blogging questions for Welcome to My Reality "June blogging questions
September’s "September 2021 questions my reality forum
October’s "October welcome to my reality questions
June2022: "Reality June 2022

7/15/2021 "Life influences
7/14/2021 "My Hope is found in Christ Alone. (7/14/21)
7/13/2021 "July 13th "Being loved.
7/12/2021 "July 12th "Inappropriately dressed
7/11/2021 "Dreaming Up Great News Headlines
7/10/2021"Is Church attendance optional?
7/9/2021 "Are You Blinded By Sin?
7/8/2021 "Everyone should Spend Time With God Daily.
7/7/2021 "Finding Inspiration
7/6/2021 "I can feel God's presence everywhere.
7/5/2021 "God Reveals That He Is Real!
7/4/2021 "Happy Independence Day!🗽🇺🇸 🎆
7/3/2021 "Everyone Has A Purpose With God
7/2/2021 "When We Get To Heaven, We Will Know!
7/1/2021 "I Feel God's Presence In Difficult Times
6/30/2021 "God Chose Me!
6/29/2021 "My Hope is Found in Jesus Christ
6/28/2021 "I feel So Alive With Christ.
6/26/2021 "I Experience God
6/25/2021 "Casting Our Burdens On The Lord
6/24/2021 "Jesus Blood Was For My Guilt
6/23/2021 "Don't complain against God
6/22/2021 "Taking Care of The Holy Spirit's Temple
6/21/2021 "Glorify God With Good Works
6/19/2021 "Friendships With Other Believers.
6/18/2021 "Forgiveness
6/17/2021 "Listening For God's Voice
6/16/2021 "I Enjoy Spending Time With God.
6/15/2021 "God Is My Everything
6/14/2021 "Sin Seperates Us From God
6/12/2021 "Angels Exist
6/11/2021 "God's Laws Lead to Success!
6/10/2021 "Perfect Love Results in Boldness in Christ
6/9/2021 "I Run On God's Strength (God can outlast the Energizer!)
6/8/2021 "I Praise God With or without Healing.
6/7/2021 "By His Stripes We Are Healed
6/5/2021 "May Our Souls Prosper
6/4/2021 "God Loves Our Soul
6/3/2021 "Put On Praise Like A Garment
6/2/2021 "God Is The God That Heals
6/1/2021 "Regular Bible study is important.
5/31/2021 "Have a Safe Memorial Day!
5/30/2021 "Learning from a challenge
5/29/2021 "God pursues peace.
5/28/2021 "Give it if you have it
5/27/2021 "Keeping God's commandments in my heart
5/26/2021 "God protects the righteous.
5/25/2021 "Wisdom Helps Us Sleep
5/24/2021 "Wisdom and Understanding Are Very Valuable
5/23/2021 "Nicknames???
5/22/2021 "God Disciplines Like A Father
5/21/2021 "Put God First In All You Gain
5/20/2021 "Always Ask God First
5/19/2021 "Keep Mercy and Truth Around Your Neck
5/18/2021 "Keeping God's commandments in my heart
5/17/2021 "Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness
5/16/2021 "Making The World A Better Place
5/15/2021 "Bound By Our Own Sin
5/14/2021 "Pigs Gone Crazy
5/13/2021 "Wisdom Knows How To Give A Soft Answer
5/12/2021 "Happiness Glows
5/11/2021 "Don't fall asleep in church.
5/10/2021 "Jesus did not disrespect his mother.
5/9/2021 "May 9th - Language/ Happy Mother's Day!
5/8/2021 "Hell, You Don't Want To Go There!
5/7/2021 "God Is My Everything
5/6/2021 "Speak the Truth Humbly
5/5/2021 "Heaven Is A Beautiful Place
5/4/2021 "What Would Jesus do?
5/3/2021 "May 3rd, 2021 - Favorite Bible Character
5/2/2021 "Jesus Destroys the Devil’s Work
5/1/2021 "God Wants Us To Love Ourselves
4/30/2021 "Self-righteousness Is Sin
4/29/2021 "Ask God First
4/28/2021 "Jesus Writes Mercy and Truth On My Heart ❤️
4/27/2021 "My life Reflects Christ.
4/26/2021 "I Love Praising God.
4/24/2021 "In Christ Alone My Hope Is Found.
4/23/2021 "Reading the Bible Gives Me Peace
4/22/2021 "I’ll Live For Him Who Died For Me.
4/21/2021 "Be ready to share the Gospel
4/20/2021 "The Lord Delights in Me
4/19/2021 "Jesus Christ Heals
4/17/2021 "Share The Gospel With Others
4/16/2021 "God Is Most Humble
4/15/2021 "God Sets My Path Straight
4/14/2021 "God Gives Me My Desires
4/13/2021 "God Orders My Steps
4/12/2021 "God Rescues His Children
4/11/2021 "Remembering Christ's Benefits
4/10/2021 "God's blessings are True Blessings.
4/9/2021 "The Just Are Very Blessed.
4/8/2021 "I Am Very Blessed When God is First
4/7/2021 "Fear the Lord above all others.
4/6/2021 "God Is My Refuge. I Trust In Him.
4/5/2021 "Keeping Righteousness and Judgement
4/3/2021 "God's Correction Is God's Love
4/2/2021 "Faithful and Wise Servant
4/1/2021 "Luke, Like the Beatitudes
3/31/2021 "The Joyful Sound
3/30/2021 "Dwelling in God's House
3/29/2021 "Has God Chosen You?
3/27/2021 "Blessed To Help The Poor
3/26/2021 "Pride Comes Before The Fall
3/25/2021 "Keeping God’s Word
3/24/2021 "Taste And See That The Lord Is Good
3/23/2021 "One Nation Under God
3/22/2021 "Having no Guile
3/20/2021 "Salvation Is A Blessing
3/19/2021 "Blessed For Trusting In The Lord
3/18/2021 "Offended In Christ?
3/17/2021 "Law Of Liberty
3/16/2021 "Believing Without Seeing
3/15/2021 "1st Resurrection/2nd Death
3/14/2021 "Scripture writing - Galations 5:13-15
3/13/2021 "Watching And Waiting For Christ To Return
3/12/2021 "Seeking God With Our Whole Heart
3/11/2021 "Long-suffering God
3/10/2021 "Isaiah 56:1-2
3/9/2021 "Blessed Are They Who Do His Commandments!
3/8/2021 "Psalm 1:1-3
3/7/2021 "Scripture writing - Ephesians 4:22-28
3/6/2021 "Enduring Temptation
3/5/2021 "The Salt of the Earth
3/4/2021 "Blessed Are The Persecuted
3/3/2021 "Beatitudes 5, 6, and 7
3/2/2021 "Beatitudes 3 and 4
3/1/2021 "Beatitudes 1 and 2
2/27/2021 "Love Others As Yourself
2/26/2021 "Best place for a Christian at All Times
2/25/2021 "Say “No” To Fear
2/24/2021 "Benefits of God’s Child
2/23/2021 "Walking In His Will
2/22/2021 "The Lord Is My Shepherd
2/19/2021 "Adults Being Child-like?
2/18/2021 "How To Resist Sin
2/17/2021 "Failure Is Not an Option
2/16/2021 "Why does God Allow Suffering?
2/15/2021 "Jeremiah 2:31 Explained
2/14/2021 "Thoughts On Prayer
2/13/2021 "Proverbs 14:14 thoughts
2/11/2021 "Touching the Garment
2/10/2021 "Should I Study the Bible?
2/9/2021 "God Holds My Hand

Jesus is my permanent anchor!
A signature for me to use
Previous ... 8 9 10 11 -12- 13 14 15 16 17 ... Next
September 13, 2021 at 9:15pm
September 13, 2021 at 9:15pm
For my blog

Take UP Your Cross

Intimacy with God: What Does It Mean to Experience It?

It is never being completely alone. It is having constant companionship. It is getting to know him. It is spending lots of time and communicating with him. It is enjoying reading the Bible. It is glorious to praise him.

An image for my blog group


Picture to use in feasting on the word of God

Feasting On The Word of God   (E)
This is for a Bible study group.
#2245217 by Marvelous Friend


Are you in the need for prayer? Let us know here and we will pray for you.
Open Door To Grace Prayer Hot Line  (E)
Do you want prayer? Ask for it here! All requests are confidential.
#1372909 by Marvelous Friend


Poetry Topic of the Month Contest~Closed  (13+)
Win Exclusive MBs. It ends at midnight at the end of each month. Suggest the topic.
#2216416 by Sharmelle's Expressions


Blog City image small

Prompt: What do you think about the snail mail we receive every day? And have you ever received mail (e-mail, snail-mail, etc.) that turned your life around or upside down?

I still like to receive physical mail, and not just emails even if they are mostly just bills. No earth shattering mail for me.
This image was created by the talented by Sharmelle's Expressions!

Today we cruised near Maximus Prime and then flew to delta quadrant with Ryker, Data, Jane Way, and Spock. Spock and Data had some interesting discussions! On the way we passed the star Andy~Stargate WDC is live (1569) and visited the planet
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2031304 by Not Available.

that tells of King Henry's separation from the Catholic Church. Tell us what you think of history?

History tends to repeat itself. It should be learned from and its warnings heeded.
Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs

Day 3226: September 13, 2021

Prompt: Use the following words in your blog entry: autumn, harmony, leaves, romance, aster, morning glory, and sapphire.

Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum  (E)
This is the forum where blog prompts will be posted for the Blogging Circle of Friends.
#1901904 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman

September 13, 2021 at 6:20pm
September 13, 2021 at 6:20pm
The Original Logo.

PROMPT September 13th

Who do you see as role model of yours, either a professional or 'everyday' person, and why should everyone else know about this person?

This one is kind of a tough one for me. There are lots of people I would consider in my life to be examples of what I don't want to be.

As far as current living human beings, I guess I could say my aunt, Aunt Clemma, is a good roll model for me. She is elderly and has taken good care of herself and her family. She has worked hard and has a lot of nice things. She is loyal to her husband, friends, and family. I admire her and would love to be like her when I am her age.

Overall, I try to imitate Jesus. He should be known as the only way to Salvation. He is love. He has a sacrificial love for every person ever born upon this earth. He gave his life so that we can have a personal relationship with him and God the Father. He is everything good. He is always present so that I am never completely alone. He heals, comforts, provides, and guides. He is glorious. It is awesome to live in his presence. It is a privilege and an honor to have him live on through me. I am his and he is mine for eternity.😃
September 12, 2021 at 9:19am
September 12, 2021 at 9:19am
The Original Logo.

PROMPT September 11th

What part of your life has been disrupted the most by the stay at home orders? What have you done to adapt to spending more time at home?

Personally, I love spending more time at home. My adult home is a safe place. It is a place to relax. I have my favorite spots to sit and write or read. A lot of times it is what I would rather be doing. Most of the time, I am happy to stay home. I would rather slow down and enjoy life.

Now if I could just get certain other people to love it as much as I do. Lol I only go out if I have to. My elderly neighbor on the other hand doesn't like having to stay home. She likes to be busy and on the go. A lot of times, she wants me to go with her to help her.

Lately, I don't have a lot of energy. I don't like wasting what energy I do have. I have to try to pace myself.

I don't really have much more to say about this right now. I already said most of this in my previous entry about wanting another quarantine. Sometimes I feel like it wouldn't matter if I was running a high fever and had the virus. My neighbor would still drive me crazy. She would expect me to just put on a mask and go because she has been vaccinated. I could be wrong for that, but that is honestly how I feel at times.

September 11, 2021 at 1:28pm
September 11, 2021 at 1:28pm
I just need to make a post separate from any blog prompt and say what I am thinking and feeling right now. We didn't force the flu vaccines when people were filling up the hospitals and dying because of the flu. Now all of a sudden, we need to force covid vaccines? It is considered unconstitutional that Texas banned abortion to give unborn babies a right to live. Yet, it isn't unconstitutional for someone to force vaccines or mask mandates? We don't believe that unborn babies are living human beings, but yet we are harvesting tissue and organs from them. When President Trump was in office, the pandemic was all his fault. Now that President Biden is in office its still Trumps fault and the fault of those unvaccinated people. The kids can not get vaccinated but we force them into classrooms together in school and on the school busses and can not understand why the virus is spreading. It's all the people’s fault that are not vaccinated. ??? The world is not making a lot of sense to me right now. Oh, and because I dare to disagree with a majority or whoever, then I should be shunned, censored, or beaten. This seems to be public reasoning today. Let's hate everyone and blame this, that, and the other group of people or say it is because of racism because this make so much sense people! President Biden removed God from the National Day of Prayer, but everyone is supposed to pray that this virus will be magically cured and go away. If we aren't praying to God, who are we praying to? There is no compassion these days. It is unconstitutional to make a sex offender carry a card with them showing they are a sex offender, but they are requiring people to carry cards to prove they are vaccinated at places. What? You are telling it invades a sex offenders privacy to know he is a sex offender, but it doesn't invade my privacy to know if I have received a vaccine or not? And we conservatives are the ones all being stupid. Not the idiots making these kinds of judgement calls. I don't know what to do with this I am feeling, but I really wish we would start thinking for ourselves and stop letting the major television networks dictate what we think. Grr! It is frustrating. A lot of the American people seem to be a bunch of sheep being led to the slaughter totally oblivious to it. Wake up before it is too late! This country will no longer be sovereign and free if things keep going like they are going. Ok, I guess my tantrum is over for now.

September 10, 2021 at 10:03pm
September 10, 2021 at 10:03pm
The Original Logo.

PROMPT September 11th

What were you doing 20 years ago today? Of the events that transpired, what memory stays with you, almost haunts you?

Wow! I was 24 years old and working at Foley's at Penn Square Mall in Oklahoma City. I was trying to work to maintain my own apartment with 2 roommates that drove me absolutely crazy. I ended up moving to a different apartment just a few weeks later.

Prior to 9/11/2001, that day had only been a friend’s birthday. It was nothing more than a normal September day. That changed that day.

I walked into work to start my shift and everyone was glued to the tv in the break room. When the second plane hit the second tower muffled gasps came from everyone around the room.everyone was in stunned silence for a moment. I finally asked, “Was that for real? What just happened?” It took a moment, but a lady near by finally answered my question.

Everyone slowly began to disperse because we had to get to our departments and be ready for the store to open. When the store did open, there were very few customers that day. Everyone was in shock and panic. No one knew if there would be more attacks. They were saying on the tv to avoid large gatherings and to stay away from malls. I have never seen a Mall so empty as I saw it that day. It was erie. Stores closed early. I think that is what will forever haunt me the most. Plus, being afraid there would be another attack, and more people die. Would our mall possibly be targeted? Thank God it wasn't.

Memories of the Oklahoma City bombing, in 1995, were still fresh on the minds of Oklahomans. We had an idea of how New Yorkers felt. Our hearts went out to them. For some, it even brought flashbacks.

After this day, 9/11 took on a whole new meaning. I had some personal tragedies occur on the anniversary of that day. It has been a day of sadness and reflection.

In 2010, my best friend’s mom was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. She had just said during the summer that she would hate to die on that day with what happened 9/11 to overshadow it. Plus, she would have hated to take attention away from those victims. September 11, 2010, at 11:45 pm, she passed away.

Now her grandson, who she had adopted and was 11 at that time is haunted on this day. He always complained afterward that everyone at school was all about the world trade center, but he hurt because he missed his grandmother who was a true mother to him. He is 22 now. He has to work tomorrow at a fast food restaurant. I hope he is able to get through his day. (This is also my godson.)

Fast forward to 2017, September 11, was the day my mom went into a coma to never awake again. 😭 To my best friend and godson, it was almost like going through it with their mother again seeing how I was hurting. For me, it was that and then some. I just knew my heart was breaking again. I cry a little as I write this being filled with emotion regarding every tragedy.

The next few days are kind of hard for me. They bring back hard memories. September 16th, 2010 we laid my best friend’s mom to rest. September 16th, 2017, near midnight, my mom passed away. September 19th was my dad’s birthday which was awkward to celebrate right after my mom had passed. We buried her September 20, 2017. My dad died in late August 2 years later in 2019.

Yeah, September is kind of a rough month emotionally.

September 10, 2021 at 3:02pm
September 10, 2021 at 3:02pm

He is Almighty!
The Holy Three in one!
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!

“To him be all glory and praise!”


For my blog

Take UP Your Cross

Am I a better friend to the world or to God?

I like to think I am a better friend to God. I try to put God first in everything.

An image for my blog group


Picture to use in feasting on the word of God

Feasting On The Word of God   (E)
This is for a Bible study group.
#2245217 by Marvelous Friend


Are you in the need for prayer? Let us know here and we will pray for you.
Open Door To Grace Prayer Hot Line  (E)
Do you want prayer? Ask for it here! All requests are confidential.
#1372909 by Marvelous Friend


Poetry Topic of the Month Contest~Closed  (13+)
Win Exclusive MBs. It ends at midnight at the end of each month. Suggest the topic.
#2216416 by Sharmelle's Expressions


Blog City image small

Everyone has a favorite fall activity. Use one of these activities as your inspiration and convince us it's the best way to spend time in the fall. If I didn't name your favorite, feel free to share what it is and convince us that we're really missing out.. Raking leaves and creating scarecrows, visiting an orchard and then baking pies, or maybe roasting marshmallow around a campfire and sharing ghost stories or chopping firewood for those winter nights ahead.

What I love to do in the fall is watch the leaves falling from the trees. I find this very relaxing.
This image was created by the talented by Sharmelle's Expressions!

Prompt: I was cruising the galaxy with Jane Way and we found this planet: Jacky (90)
Read this item:
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2155032 by Not Available.

Write about treasure today for your Blog entry.

You never know when or where you will find treasure. It is true that sometimes one man's trash is another’s treasure.

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs

Use these words in your entry: designate, participate, contemplate, mandate, separate and one other word that rhymes to create an interesting short story or poem.

I am honestly not in the mood to do this right now.
Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum  (E)
This is the forum where blog prompts will be posted for the Blogging Circle of Friends.
#1901904 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman
September 10, 2021 at 10:01am
September 10, 2021 at 10:01am
The Original Logo.

PROMPT September 10th

What qualities do you value most in yourself? List at least three of them and tell us why you have these values.

Love is my number one quality. I enjoy representing the love of Jesus to others. I enjoy imitating all of his great qualities of goodness. It has become a solid part of who I am.

I am not fake. I don't like fairness due to a lot that I have experienced in my past. What you see is what you get with me. I have been accused of being brutally honest, but was actually thanked for it in the end.

It is tough to choose a third one. I guess I will have to go with empathy. I am definitely what you would consider an empath. I can truly and deeply feel for others genuinely. I have to be careful what kind of people I spend time with. If someone is always complaining and negative, I am going to be miserable right along with them. It is a blessing in some situations but in others not so much.

Oh yeah, I guess I shouldn't forget my smile. It is something I can share with others. It is genuine and I have been told it is beautiful. 😃
September 9, 2021 at 9:10pm
September 9, 2021 at 9:10pm
For my blog

Take UP Your Cross

Have I lost any love or passion for God?
Does love for God overflow from my heart?

I believe I love him better every day.. Yes, God's love radiates from me and to me. I love my God so much. I never ever want to be separated from him.

An image for my blog group


Picture to use in feasting on the word of God

Feasting On The Word of God   (E)
This is for a Bible study group.
#2245217 by Marvelous Friend


Are you in the need for prayer? Let us know here and we will pray for you.
Open Door To Grace Prayer Hot Line  (E)
Do you want prayer? Ask for it here! All requests are confidential.
#1372909 by Marvelous Friend


Poetry Topic of the Month Contest~Closed  (13+)
Win Exclusive MBs. It ends at midnight at the end of each month. Suggest the topic.
#2216416 by Sharmelle's Expressions


Blog City image small

Prompt: "Come, pensive autumn with thy clouds and storms and falling leaves and pastures lost to flowers: A luscious charm hangs on thy faded forms, more sweet than summer in her loveliest hours." John Clare Write about this quote in your Blog entry today.

I do like autumn more than summer. However, I don't think we have as many flowers here during the fall. They are more abundant during the spring and summer.

This image was created by the talented by Sharmelle's Expressions!

Prompt: I was cruising the galaxy with Captain Kirk and we found this planet:
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2094687 by Not Available.

Write about camping in your Blog entry today.

I have never been actually camping. I went to church camp, but that's not the same. I have always had an allergy to bug bites. So I stay indoors when the bugs are out.
Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs

“Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.”― Terry Pratchett

Discuss this quote in your entry.

This quote holds a lot of truth. I don't really have anything else to say about it right now.

Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum  (E)
This is the forum where blog prompts will be posted for the Blogging Circle of Friends.
#1901904 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman
September 9, 2021 at 9:08am
September 9, 2021 at 9:08am
The Original Logo.

PROMPT September 9th

Everyone seems to be pretty health conscious in today's world. What health tips have worked for you. If you can't think of any, or are like me and haven't pursued any, what would you like to do to improve your health?

I am currently working on developing a support group of sorts here on WDC. I am working on a fun way to support each other and develop a reward system for obtaining certain goals. We can lose weight together, share tips and recipes, and encourage and support one another.

I am making a diet plan and an exercise plan. I am making it very detailed. I intend to journal here daily and be very real.

39% of the world's population is overweight. 13% of the world's population is obese. These numbers seem to be increasing. The weight loss industry is over a billion dollar industry. The food industry makes even more. I think this tells us something. With so many fad diets out there, sometimes it is hard to know how to help yourself. Plus, our society seems built around food. It's everywhere.

I intend to try to fix the bad habits that got me obese to begin with. I am fixing to dig deep and confront myself even where it hurts. I don't want to just lose weight. I want to keep it off. I want to stop overeating and learn moderation. I also want to have fun doing it. I want to learn how to take care of my body (the temple of the Holy Spirit) in a way the brings glory to God, and I want to help other people do the same.

Other people are where I am at too. We have to be able to balance real life with the food we eat and the things we drink. I know other Christians want to be able to realistically apply their faith to their daily lives too. It is not just about losing weight. It is about being a better me. It is about self-discovery and discipline. It is about faith in God and how he works in our lives. It is about finding motivation and being in better health.

Check out my new forum!
Learning to Develop Healthier Habits  (E)
A place to share and discuss personal goals, set-backs, challenges, and discoveries.
#2258065 by Marvelous Friend

September 8, 2021 at 6:21pm
September 8, 2021 at 6:21pm
For my blog

Take UP Your Cross

Are you the same on the outside as you are on the inside?

I try very much to be what you see is what you get. I am not a huge fan of fake people. Besides, you can be a people pleaser all you want to be and put on a show, but God sees your heart. It is God's opinion that matters in the end.

An image for my blog group


Picture to use in feasting on the word of God

Feasting On The Word of God   (E)
This is for a Bible study group.
#2245217 by Marvelous Friend


Are you in the need for prayer? Let us know here and we will pray for you.
Open Door To Grace Prayer Hot Line  (E)
Do you want prayer? Ask for it here! All requests are confidential.
#1372909 by Marvelous Friend


Poetry Topic of the Month Contest~Closed  (13+)
Win Exclusive MBs. It ends at midnight at the end of each month. Suggest the topic.
#2216416 by Sharmelle's Expressions

Gratitude List

1. Awards/rewards
2. Friends
3. WDC
4. Medications
5. Nature
6. God
7. Air Conditioning
8. Milder temperatures
9. Flowers
10. Cousins


Blog City image small

Prompt: Make a list of your favorite fictional lovers from movies and TV.

I have honesty never thought about this. It isn't really important to me. Although, I am more inclined to remember the Disney characters like Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck and Petunia, Beauty and the Beast, and the like.
This image was created by the talented by Sharmelle's Expressions!

We were cruising through cyberspace today and found a star. Just LeJenD' (127) writes
 Fool of It  (E)
just a bit of nonsense
#2257792 by LeJenD'

. What do you think?

I think that was expressed well. It brought a little comedy to what could be a tense situation.
Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs

Day 3221: September 8, 2021

Prompt: “Autumn seemed to arrive suddenly that year. The morning of the first September was crisp and golden as an apple.” ― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Use this quote to inspire you blog entry or describe autumn where you live.

I don't think Autumn has gotten here yet in Oklahoma. We are still in the 90s most days. although, thankfully, it has been a mild summer this year. I am looking for looking forward to falling again as it is my favorite time of year.

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