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I am willing to try anything once. But there are some genres I will never try to write.
I might specialize in writing Science Fiction, but that doesn't mean I can't write in other genres. Even in my Science Fiction stories these other genres are involved.

What I write other than Science Fiction are Mysteries, Action/Adventure, Suspence, and Drama. I have also written some Fantasy and a lot of Horror stories.

This blog is to let anyone who likes to read them to know what I like to write and what I don't like to write. I'm hoping this will be on a daily basis, but I don't know if I can do it.
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February 11, 2017 at 6:44pm
February 11, 2017 at 6:44pm

I’m not a big fan of the Supernatural genre when it comes to writing. I do like it in television and movies a lot more, especially television. Two of my favorites are the X-files and Buffy, The Vampire Slayer. What I liked about both is that they were supernatural with a hint of Horror/Scary and/or Science Fiction.

A lot of people think that Supernatural, Horror/Scary, and Science Fiction are all the same thing. I disagree. Sure, there are a lot of similarities among them. Especially Supernatural and Horror/Scary. But they are more different than they are similar.

That’s what I like to watch. It’s a little different when it comes to reading and writing, especially writing. I can read almost anything. There are some subjects that I shy away from. But that doesn’t mean I can’t read them. Poetry is one of them. That’s probably because I can’t write one. I did try to do one a few months ago, for another phony contest. If you would like to read it it’s in this portfolio.

The same is true about writing Supernatural. It’s not that I can’t write Supernatural because I have, sort of. True, I haven’t written any Supernatural stories. At least not in the first genre category. In fact, I haven’t written any in the second or third genre category either. But I have written several Horror/Scary and Science Fiction stories that most of you would, or have, consider Supernatural.

In a lot of ways, I agree with you. A lot of my stories, especially my Horror/Scary ones, are a little bit Supernatural. But I don’t agree that they are, though. Some Supernatural doesn’t make it a Supernatural. Am I wrong about that? What do you think you, Supernatural writers?

Does all this mean I won’t write any pure Supernatural stories in the future? I just might. In fact, I’m thinking about adding one to my group of non-Science Fiction Novels this year.

February 4, 2017 at 8:35pm
February 4, 2017 at 8:35pm

Biography is one of the genres I’m not a big a fan of. At least no reading wise. As for writing, I can’t really say that I would never write biography. But I don’t think that I will. At least not the true meaning of biography. Which is a personal account of someone’s life, usually from beginning of life to the present. Of course, the first years of life aren’t mentioned every much. They usually begin it after they become adults. Sometimes it starts when they are teenagers, preteens, or children. It all depends on who the biography is about.

A lot of you think that I have already started writing a biography after myself because I have started writing these blogs. Not this one as much, if at all, as much my PureSciFi account. After all, that blog is about The Truth About the Universe.

It’s not just the blog, though. I also do it with all my Science Fiction stories too. After all, I only write true stories. That’s why my handle is PureSciFi. In actuality I should classify my stories as Science Faction. But that isn’t one of the genre choice here on the WDC. That’s why my username is SpaceFaction. It’s the closest way I can get to that classification.

When it comes to the Science Fiction that I have written for my PureSciFiPlus, this one, account should be classified the same way. Not all of them are Science Fiction, though. Just like my primary account those that aren’t Science Fiction aren’t faction. They are pure fiction. Creations of my warped imagination.

The reason I started this secondary account is to show everyone that I can write something besides Science Fiction. Unfortunately, most of my stories so far on this account have been Science Fiction too. That’s because I have been trying to build up my GPs to that I can renew in a few months. I’m still hoping I can upgrade to Premium for this one too. But I might not be able to do that unless I can transfer some GPs from my primary account.

All of that is about to change starting this month. If it’s Science Fiction, then it will be itemized in my PureSciFi account. And if it’s not Science Fiction is will be itemized in this account.
January 29, 2017 at 11:36am
January 29, 2017 at 11:36am

What makes up a family? That all depends on who you talk to. For a lot of businesses and government agencies, it’s a mother, a father, and one or more children. To me, it can be brothers or sisters, stepbrothers or stepsisters, etc. It doesn’t have to include one or both parents. But that’s not the way it is here in the United States.

Have you ever been turned down for something because it’s just you and your brother, sister, etc. But no parent or parents? It has happened to me quite a few times. It’s just me and my brother now that mg ex-father passed away on New Year’s Eve. I do have a step sister. But it’s just me and my brother now. Now that both of my parents are gone it’s going to be even worse now if we want to get something family related because we aren’t considered family.

As for the stories I have written, I have written quite a few family stories. Most of them have been with both parents. But I think there have been a few that have been either a mother or a father. I’m not sure which one. But I think it’s one or two of each. I just can’t remember. You will have to go over every one of my stories if you want to know how many. If you do, please let me know.

The only real difference I have in all my family stories is the number of children there are. There are two, four, six, etc. If there are two parents. But if it’s only one then it’s one, three, five, etc. If it’s a single parent the extra child is the opposite gender of them. That’s because I like to have an even amount of males and females. That way no one gets offended.

I don’t think I have ever had Family as my first genre. It was probably the second one. Maybe the third one. That doesn’t mean I won’t have any this year. In fact, there a very good probability that there will be at least. Maybe even more than one.

January 21, 2017 at 12:43pm
January 21, 2017 at 12:43pm

This is my first weekly blog entry since I decided to stop doing the daily ones. That isn’t the only thing I am changing starting with this blog. I don’t know if it is going to work or not. But I’m going to try to put my topic for this blog, in this case it’s Political, instead of the date. Will it work, I will soon find out.

As for the topic for today I have chosen Political because Trump took over the United States yesterday. He did that with his money and rigging the election. I’m sure I wasn’t the only Democrat that didn’t get to vote because they never got his registration notice where to vote. I know at least one other person who didn’t get his. And that’s my brother.

It’s bad enough that my vote doesn’t count anyway because I don’t live in one of the states that Trump owns. But not to be even allowed to vote should never have happened. How did he win the election? It wasn’t the normal way that was for sure. Up till the election he was way, behind in the votes. Hillary was a sure winner. Then election day came. And it all got reversed. How did that happen? Money, that’s how.

Now Trump is going to be running this country for the next eight years as a business. And who is going to suffer for it. It won’t be Trump or his rich republicans. It’s going to be the little people like us who suffer. The rich will get richer and we will be paying for it.

A lot of people think that he’s going to be impeached. And even break a record in doing it. I think there is even a poll as to when it’s going to happen. Yes, hope that it does. But I don’t think that it will. Will he screw up. Of course, he will. He did it all the time during the election process. Every other word he spoke he put his foot in his mouth. Should he be impeached, yes. Will he, no. He has too much money, don’t tell me he’s going to live on four hundred thousand a year when he’s used to living on that much every minute, and influence to not make that happen.

Whether we like it or not, and most of us aren’t, he’s going to be our ‘President’ for the next eight years. If we are lucky, I wouldn’t be surprised if he got a law passed that he can run for the presidency until he dies. That’s if he even must run for it. He might not even have to do that. How can he do that. That’s the easy part. All he must do is veto any law that they want passed and he has the cabinet and his loyal, or is fear, republicans to back him up. The little people call it blackmail, extortion, and threats. He calls it business.

I know I have done a lot of ranting and raving on this topic. But I wanted my voice to be heard, and my writing to be written, for when I disappear never to be heard of. If it’s not for this, it will be by the ones in white coats who want to ‘study’ me for my beliefs in Science Faction. I don’t really think I have too much to worry about since no one ever reads this blog. They do my other one. But not this one.

The other reason why I am writing all of this is because I don’t have too much to say about Political as a genre. I have written one or two political stories about leaders being elected. And I plan on writing one movie about it I think. But other than that, I don’t think I have written anything political. I’ve very sure I haven’t used it as the first genre. If I did use it, it was probably the third one.
January 15, 2017 at 2:31pm
January 15, 2017 at 2:31pm
January 15th, 2017,

Note: This is going to be my last daily blog entry. I have decided to make this a weekly entry starting tomorrow. These weekly blogs will be written on Saturday. I’m also going to start linking my blogs too. I just don’t know if I’m to plug both of them or just one.


Every inhabited planet has at least one war going on all the time. Like Earth, there are usually several going on at the same time. The wars themselves are all pretty much the same too. A lot of fighting and too much death. Mostly by the innocent bystanders.

In every war, it’s not the combatants that are killed the most. It’s those not involved in the war. The same is true for the leaders and their admitted underlings. They don’t actually get involved in the battles. That honor goes to those actually fighting that war. And the ones that aren’t.

The leaders and underlings just plan the battles. It’s up to the individual teams, or whatever they are called, to participate physically in them. In most battles, that involves mostly hand-to-hand combat and using hand weapons. We call them handguns, rifles, and automatic weapons. Most of the universe call them hand weapons, long or long tube weapons, and multi-firing weapons.

They don’t just have personal weapons. These battle also have what we call tanks, ground-to-air missiles, helicopters, and airplanes. The others don’t call them that. But they do have most, if not all, of them. They even have some that we don’t have, and vice-versa. It usually depends on how advanced the planet is as to what kind of weapons that they use.

Yes, I know that this blog sounds more like it belongs in my ‘The Truth About the Universe’ blog that I started on my PureSciFi account. But there is also a connection to it here too. After all, War is a genre on Writing.com. I have done several War related stories. But I haven’t done any actual War genre stories yet. I’m planning on doing at least one this year, though.


I might specialize in Science Fiction. But as you can read (see) that's not all I can write about. I've done this with all of my stories. Now it's official.
January 14, 2017 at 2:20pm
January 14, 2017 at 2:20pm
January 14th, 2017,


As you have probably already read if you are keeping up with my blogs, I have already mentioned that I have written several stories involving children. At least they were about children according to what almost everyone else describes as children. But that’s not exactly true, for two reasons.

According to almost everyone else is that children are anyone under the age of eighteen. That’s not what I think. To me, children are eight and under. And I’m not even sure about that. It might be seven and under now. For a long time preteens, now called tweens I think, were only in the double digits – 10-11-12. Then, I don’t know when it became nine to twelve-year-olds. Now it’s probably eight to twelve.

Reason number two is because I haven’t written too many children stories so far involving children. I’ve only done one or two of them, maybe three at the most. Most of my so-called children stories haven involved preteens and early teens. So-called children between nine and about fourteen, the majority of them nine to thirteen. I have done one or two with teens a little older. I’m not sure, but the oldest teenage I have written about is about sixteen, maybe seventeen.

About half my stories involve ‘children.' Specially those in my PureSciFi account. I have already mentioned why in my ‘Young Adult’ blog. You will have to read that one to see why I like writing about ‘children’ so much.

Am I going to continue writing stories about ‘children?’ The answer to that question is, “Yes and No.” My goals this year don’t involve short stories. Except for the monthly WDC contest. You will have to read my “Dear Me” letter to myself to read what my goals this year are.

Except for the WDC and my reviewing I;m going to be concentrating on my Novels Challenge, my Movie Script Challenge, and my Television Show Challenge this year. That means I’m not going to be doing too many Short Stories. It doesn’t mean I’m not going to be writing about ‘children.’ There aren’t too many 'children’ dominated challenges, but there are going to be one or two. Maybe even three or four of them. Most of the challenges will involve ‘children.’ They just won’t be dominated ones.

January 13, 2017 at 10:45am
January 13, 2017 at 10:45am
January 13th, 2017,


Today is Friday the thirteenth here in the United States. So, I decided to do my blog today on the Occult genre. I know it’s not exactly accurate. But it’s the best one for today. Horror/Scary or Death might have been better suited for this, but I have already blogged them. And I don’t want to blog a genre again until I have gone through all ninety-six of them. I could have also done the Dark genre. But that’s not exactly right either.

The Occult genre is the best one for this day. At least I think it is. What do you think? Is there a better genre that I should be blogging about? If so let me know, and I will delete this one and replace it with that one. I can do that on writing.com. Yes, I already know I can delete a blog. What I don’t know is if I can replace it in the same spot or does it become the latest blog.

I’m not a big fan of the Occult. I don’t like voodoo and voodoo related stuff. Especially in literature. Don’t get me wrong; I can read it. And I might someday. But I haven’t done it yet, and I don’t think I’m going to do it anytime soon.

It’s not the same when it comes to movies and television. I still don’t like voodoo in any way that much. But I did like the Friday the thirteenth movies that I saw when I was a kid back in the stone age. At least I did the first one or two. After that, it was just too routine. The same thing over and over again. I liked the television series a lot better. It was pretty stupid and juvenile. But the storylines were a lot better.
January 12, 2017 at 11:48am
January 12, 2017 at 11:48am
January 12th, 2017,


Most people think that Science Fiction and Fantasy are the same things. But they aren't. Science Fiction deals with Outer Space and other planets. It's true that Fantasy can also be on other planets. But it would still be considered Science Fiction as the first genre. Fantasy would be probably genre two. Maybe even genre three.

I haven't done a lot of fantasy stories. But I know that I have done at least one. It was a Dark Fantasy for a contest a few months ago. Other than that I don't think I have written any. If I did, it wasn't in the first genre position. It may have been in the second position, but most likely it was in the third position. The only one that I can think of that might have been categorized as Fantasy was one or two Halloween or Parallel Universes ones. I don't think so. But I could be wrong.

I'm not a big fan of Fantasy stories. Probably because every considers it Science Fiction. I do like reading and reviewing it and movies. But not as much television. And definitely not writing it. I don't mind writing it for a contest. Especially the monthly WDC contest. But other than that I probably won't be writing it this year. The only way that I can think of that I would is if it's a WDC contest.

There are several kinds of sub-genres in the Fantasy genre category. The three that I know about are epic, historical, and dark. Epics are exactly what they sound like. Lord of the Ring and the Harry Potter movies are good examples of an epic movie. Historical are what they sound like too. The only problem with historicals is keeping everyone happy. Which is hard to do and still keep history the same. Of course, if you are talking about other worlds then that should be a problem. Dark Fantasy is a little bit hard to discuss. That's because I don't know too much about it. I looked it up on the wiki. And I think I did it right for that contest. No one said that I didn't. So, I presume that I did it correctly. If anyone of you want to read it it's call 'The Trees of Treeland." You can find that on my PureSciFi account. At least I think that it is. But in could be here in PureSciFiPlus too.
January 11, 2017 at 10:04pm
January 11, 2017 at 10:04pm
January 11th, 2017,


True, I have done a few stories involving the Military. In fact, I won a competition for one of them. But I haven't done any with Military as the first genre. I do plan on doing more of them in this year. In fact, I plan on doing a couple of them in the near future.

To me, Military means Action/Adventure. But it can also mean Mystery and Drama too. I don't think I have done any Drama, except as a third genre, but I have Action/Adventure and Mystery. At least I think I have done Mystery. I'd have to check my portfolios to be sure. I'm pretty sure on the Action/Adventure. But I could be wrong about that too.

Earth militarily is a lot different that the rest of the universe. Yes, I know this is a subject that should be in my PureSciFi account. And it probably will be sooner or later. But it's a big part of this one too. after all, Military is a genre in Writing.com. As for our military being different than all the rest, is because we have ranks in ours. Most of the universe doesn't. They know who their Commanders, Captains, Etc. are. So, they don't need to use them. Everyone knows who everyone else is. Usually, because of the clothing they were. Of course, that isn't true on a few million planets where there is no clothing.

No rank isn't completely accurate. Almost every planet has a military of some kind. And they do have ranks. They just don't title them. The same is true about moons, spaceships, etc. If they come from a planet then the planet's ranking system is the same. But if they don't come from a planet then there usually isn't any ranks. There's also a big difference on who is the top ranking officer is. Especially on spaceships, space stations and SpaceBases. We call ours Admirals or Captains. But the rest of the universe call them Commante, then Commanders, etc. Quite a few of them uses co-'s in their titles too. The most common one used is Co-Captains.
January 10, 2017 at 10:02pm
January 10, 2017 at 10:02pm
January 10th, 2017


Yes, I know I just used the same subject for my 'The Truth About the Universe' blog. But it's a little different. That one was about dealing with death. This one is a genre.

I deal with Death in a lot of my stories. Most of the time it's part of a Mystery in which someone has already died. And someone is there to try to solve who did it and why. But some of them have been death that occurred because of the story. If they were because it was a Mystery then it was probably rated as eighteen plus. And if it happened within the story it was probably a Horror/Scary story and they would be rated Graphic Content or eXtremely Graphic Content. Usually, it was Graphic Content. But it could have been eXtremely Graphic Content. I don't think I have ever written anything that graphic, but I may have.

I'd have to check my portfolio to be sure, but I don't think that I have. I haven't even done a lot of Horror/Scary stories. but I have done a few for 'SCREAM!!!.' I'm not sure but I think that I have done a few Graphic Content stories. If I did they were probably Mystery. I'd have to check my portfolio for that too.

So far, I'm pretty sure that I have never done a pure Death story. That's a story that the first genre is Death. It doesn't mean that I'm never doing to do one because sooner or later I probably will. At the moment it looks like it's going to be later. You never know. Now that I have decided to break up my Science Fiction stories from my non-Science Fiction ones it might happen a lot sooner that I thought. Especially if I start writing Short Stories for 'SCREAM!!!' again.

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