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Rated: E · Book · Writing.Com · #2107082
I am willing to try anything once. But there are some genres I will never try to write.
I might specialize in writing Science Fiction, but that doesn't mean I can't write in other genres. Even in my Science Fiction stories these other genres are involved.

What I write other than Science Fiction are Mysteries, Action/Adventure, Suspence, and Drama. I have also written some Fantasy and a lot of Horror stories.

This blog is to let anyone who likes to read them to know what I like to write and what I don't like to write. I'm hoping this will be on a daily basis, but I don't know if I can do it.
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January 9, 2017 at 4:49am
January 9, 2017 at 4:49am
January 9th, 2017,


I love watching Western on television and sometimes movies. Especially the old movies. But I'm not a big fan of reading them. That's my big brother. He doesn't read them as much as he used to, but he does still read them once in a while.

Could I write a Western. Of course, I could. I'm a writer. I just haven't done it yet. Maybe it will be one of my Novel goals this year. My brother said he was going to write a movie Western about twenty or so years ago. But he never got around to it. I think he did write a page or two about it before he gave up on it.

A few months, maybe a lot longer than that, I was going to do some Anniversary Reviews on Westerns. But there aren't too many Western writers out there anymore. And I only found one or two, if that many, for the month I was reviewing. So, I decided not to do them.

What I like most about Westerns is their gun fights. With Action/Adventures or Science Fiction there is so much gunfire. Don't get me wrong, I love that too. But with Western you only had some many bullets and sometimes you couldn't get any more. So, you had to make every shot count. They also had a lot more physical fights too.

In Westerns everyone had a gun. At least the adult males did. So did the boys. But usually the females didn't. And girls even less than that. That's what I don't like about Westerns. How they treated there females. Maybe I will write a Novel after all. If I do it, will be about someone like The Barkleys in The Big Valley. Only mine would be about early teens and preteens and an Action/Adventure.

January 8, 2017 at 4:51am
January 8, 2017 at 4:51am
January 8th, 2017,


There is a slight difference between a Detective story a Mystery one. But not much. Both involve detecting, but detectives are usually professional and a mystery aren't. It can be professional for both genres. But it usually isn't.

A mystery can be, and often is, an advenure. The protagonist or protagonists has questions about something that has happened or is happening. And they have to figure out what is really going on.

True, in a lot of ways a detective does the same thing. But it's a little different with them. There is usually a crime, or series of crimes, like murder, robbery, etc. And it's up to the detective or detectives to solve it.

There basically three kinds of detectives: The cop, the Private Investigator, and the amateur slueth. Each one has their own obstacles to rummage through. It's the hardest on the cop because of all the regulations they have to follow.

A Private Investigator is a lot like a cop. They also have a code to follow. But they are a lot more freer to break or bend the rules whenever it's needed to solve the crime. Some examples are: Breaking and entering, asking direct questions, and searching someone or someplace.

The amateur sleuth has it the easiest because they can do pretty much anything that they want. But it's also the hardest because no one wants them involved. There's another difference between amateur and a cop or private investigator. An amateur usually stumbles into the crime where the others are assigned to it one way or another.

I have done several stories involving detectives. But I don't think I have categorized them as Detective stories. Maybe I should check into that, and correct it if I have to.
January 7, 2017 at 8:13am
January 7, 2017 at 8:13am
January 7th, 2017,


This is one of those genres i'm not crazy about. It's not as bad as a lot of them are. I have actually written a few stories in this genre. But they weren't the first genre. They were the second, probably the third, genre.

It's not that I don't like Romante/love stories. I'm just not very good at writing them. It probably has something to do with my CP aka Cerebral Palsy.

I don't remember why I wrote them. But it was probably for one of the daily contests. And they were specific that's what they wanted to read.

I'm not very romantic. And as for love I haven't had much luck in that area either. Maybe it's my Cerebral Palsy or my shyness. Whatever it is It's reflected in my writing.

If I every do write any more Romante/Love it will probably be more pornographic than romantic. I'm not talking about erotica. Erotica is softcore, playboy channel, type porn. In fact, there isn't too much difference between Erotica and Romance/Love except for some adult language. Espcially regarding body parts.
January 7, 2017 at 6:25am
January 7, 2017 at 6:25am
January 6th, 2017,

This is my third attempt at doing this entry. I don't know what happened to this blog entry because I did do one. But for some reason it didn't get posted. It's probably my fault. I did, or didn't do, something. Whatever the reason I'm going to try to do it again. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

Young Adults

I've only done one Young Adults story that I have categorized as such. And that was for a recent WDC contest. I think I have done one or two others where Young Adults was a second or third genre. But this was the only one I wrote for the first genre position.

If any of you have read some of my stories you will probably have noticed that I vhave written a lot of stories about Young Adults, Teens, Preteens, and Children. Most of them have involved preteens and early teens. A couple may have been a little younger children or a little older teens. The youngest was probably about seven or eight, maybe five or six, and the oldest was about sixteen I think.

Why do I like writing about Young Adults, Teens, and Children so much? There are two reason why I like to do that. One is the way they are treated here on Earth. We treat them as nothing but troublemakers. Especially the preteens and early teens. About a hundred thousand other planets threat their Young Ones like that. But the rest of the universe doesn't.

The other reason is because I have CP aka Cerebral Palsy. Physically I'm about to be fifty-seven, but mentally I will always be about twelve or thirteen.

Do I want to do other Young Adults stories this year. Yes, I do. Including an expansion of the recent one I wrote for the WDC. If I do, do that one it will be transferred to my primary account since it's Science Fiction. I do plan on doing a non-Science Fiction Young Adults this year too.
January 5, 2017 at 6:51am
January 5, 2017 at 6:51am
January 5th, 2017,


I haven't done a lot of Horror/Scary stories. But I have done quite a few. It all started three years ago with a Halloween story. Then the follwing year, maybe two years, later I did several for the Parallel Universe contest. This last year I entered several of the 'SCREAMS!!!' contests.

I'm more of a Scary type of writer than a Horror one. I have done a few true Horror ones. Just ask'SCREAMS!!!.' But most of mine have only been scary.

What I don't like in Horror is the Blood and guts type stories. When I was a teenager or young adult back in the Stone Age I liked them. But I haven't for about forty years. I know what you are going to say. You, as in I, have written a few in the last year. That is true. But most of them weren't pure horror. Only one or two were. And they were prompt related. I didn't say I couldn't or haven't done them. What I said is that I don't like them.

I also don't like vampires, werewolves, mummies, etc. type stories either. Like pure Horror, I used to love them. But I don't anymore. I do like the Action/Adventure movie ones like The Mummy, but not the others. And I don't like reading or writing them. I've never written one, and I doubt that I never will. Even if my life depended on it I wouldn't.
January 4, 2017 at 9:22pm
January 4, 2017 at 9:22pm
January 4th, 2017,


I have written a lot of stories with Drama as part of them. Especially, in my primary account. But I haven't written any pure Drama stories yet. It doesn't mean that I'm not going to because I am. I just don't know when I am going to do it.

Like I have said in previous entries, what I like about Drama the most is that it can be in almost any story. The two most common ones are Crime Drama and Medical Drama. But that because they are already part of the genre. They just aren't used very often. Especially on Writing.com because they are separate genres. We can still use them. But if we do it's two of the three genres we are allowed to us.

It's pretty much true when it comes to movies and television. Not as much in movies, but it definitely is on television. Once in a while, you will see Crime Drama or Medical Drama in the genre section of advertisements or databases for movies. That's not true when it comes to television. We used to see Crime Drama and Medical Drama associated with television shows. But that ended in the nineties. Maybe it was the first of the new century. I can't remember exactly when it happened.
January 3, 2017 at 5:29pm
January 3, 2017 at 5:29pm
January 3rd, 2017,


I know that Writing.com refer to this genre as Triller/Suspense. But I consider them separate genres. A Thriller to me is more like Action/Adventures, maybe even Mystery, than Suspense. To me, Suspense is a lot like Drama. It can be a part of almost any story.

True, I haven't written any stories in pure Suspense yet. But I have written several with Suspense as a subgenre. I do plan on writing some this year. And this year I'm going to separate my writing between Science Fiction and non-Science Fiction stories. The Science Fiction will be itemized in my primary account and the non-Science Fiction ones I will be putting in this account.

What I like the most about Suspense stories is the sudden shock that happens. Not a horror shock, but a sudden twist in the story. Sometimes that twist is life threatening and sometimes it's a sudden knock at the door or opening that door to see who is behind it. Suspense can be may things. That's why I like it so much.
January 2, 2017 at 5:12am
January 2, 2017 at 5:12am
January 2nd, 2017,


After Science Fiction and Mystery I would have to say Action/Adventure is my next favorite way to write. True, I have written a lot more Drama than Action/Adventure. But to me Drama is the type of genre that can go into almost any, if not any, story.

When it comes to Action/Adventure I use Laser Bullets and Laser Balls, etc. for my Science Ficion stories. But when it's not Science Fiction I use swords, wizardry, machine guns, etc. in my stories. It all depends on what type of story I am writing.

What I like to write, and read, is the Stony Man, Able Team, Phoenix Force, Mack Bolan aka The Executioner type stories. I also like War stories. If it's just adventure that's a lot like Drama. It can be almost anything.

I plan on starting an Action/Adventure genre Novel thisvyear too. But as for if I will actually do it I don't know. If it's anything like last year I probably won't. That was one of my goals last year that I never got around to doing. I'm really going to try to do it this year, though.

There is one thing that might be a problem with the WDC. There are several contest for Science Fiction, Horror, and Poetry. But there isn't for Mystery or Action/Adventure. Someone needs to start a couple of contest for them.
January 1, 2017 at 6:46am
January 1, 2017 at 6:46am
January 1st, 2017,


What I want to write to you about first is Mystery. Science Fiction is my first choice in writing, but it's not the only one. Mystery is probably my second.

It's hard for me to say what type of mystery I like the most. I like most, if not, all of them. What I like to write most of all are old fashion whodunits with about five to ten possible killers, thief, etc.

I also like to write and read investigative mystery where a crime, usually murder, takes place and the police, amateur sleuth, detective, or children solve it.

Except for a lot of my Science Fiction stories, I don't think I have written any non-Science Fiction stories. I have written a few here that aren't SF, but I don't think I have written any mystery yet. Wait a second, I think I did when I wrote my entry in the Ladies Night Out Contest. If there is one, I probably have done others too. I'm sure if I have you will let me know.

Up until now, I have done my SF stories here too to build up my GPs, but with a new year comes a few changes. One of those chances is that I am going to devote PureSciFi to my SF stories and PureSciFiPlus to all my other stories.

I want to start writing some of my novels this year and some of them are mystery. Of course, I said that last year too. So, I might be going to do it but it doesn't mean I'm going to do it.

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