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This blog contains only items derived from specific prompts. I'm too stubborn to take the time to post the prompt that the entry is based on. So if you don't understand whats going on - well, I dunno - I guess that just means you don't understand.

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My now and again blog of ideas, notifications, and superfluous randomness.
#2040797 by Geoff
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August 19, 2014 at 2:28pm
August 19, 2014 at 2:28pm
I can name many things that appear to be true at first light, and then appear to be false by noon. Even more that appear to be false at noon and true by the light of the setting sun. But to me appearances are much more real than truth. Truth is ephemeral.

One bad apple doesn't spoil the barrel. It might be kinder though if it did. Usually one bad apple just destroys the majority, then the minority has to put up with the resulting rotting stench.

Young adult books are categorized as such as a warning to old adults. It has been noticed that a great number of older adults have suffered strokes when they discover that imagination is more real than their prejudices.

Most clouds are above the mountains.
Most mountains are behind the trees.

The path to heaven is made for small feet.

The mole sees the worm closer than the robin.

August 18, 2014 at 4:03pm
August 18, 2014 at 4:03pm
Book finished today: My Real Children, by Jo Walton

The last time I wrote a poem, about 5 minutes ago, it was pretty bad.

The early bird may get the worm.
But down below, beneath the berm,
The crafty mole may see it squirm.
And if the bird is not alert,
The mole may drag it into the dirt!
August 16, 2014 at 11:08am
August 16, 2014 at 11:08am
Book finished today: Ender in Exile, by Orson Scott Card

No one has misconceptions about me. Far be it from me to tell someone their conceptions are wrong. I have my own conceptions and I intensely dislike it when someone tells me they're false. I believe that through the years everything that anyone has ever thought about me have been true at one time or another. Everyone is free to believe whatever they want. But nobody should try to change me based on their conception of me!

Wasn't there a poem about the little man that wasn't there, who was encountered on the stairs? Maybe that's just in my imagination. However I have often encountered a man on the stairs, I never cared whether he was really there or not. I just know he is very wise. He has helped me out a lot. Now whenever I go up the stairs, just before I reach the top, I look over my shoulder and sometimes he's there, warning me not to try to go too high. When I am going down, I look back for his advice. Sometimes when I look back he is there. Sometimes he's crying. I go back up to comfort him and realize that maybe he is the reason I never hit bottom.
August 15, 2014 at 4:45pm
August 15, 2014 at 4:45pm

Abut 8 weeks ago, when I was flying from Fairbanks to Charlotte, I happened to notice the note in the seat-back addressed to me. I wasn't surprised - that happens to me a lot. As usual it was in my own handwriting. I could barely make out the scribbles. It was reminding me to go to this fantabulous restaurant, that has the best squid stuffed lobster you can possibly imagine! I'm certainly glad I found it. Otherwise I may have gone hungry. My memory is going bad and I must constantly leave myself little notes. *Laugh*
August 14, 2014 at 7:17pm
August 14, 2014 at 7:17pm
Book finished today: All The Light We Cannot See, by Anthony Doerr

Fictional characters I've fallen for? All of 'em. All the females anyway, some of the males (Jack Harkness). Of course I don't think they're fictional - I don't believe in fiction. Most recently the book I just finished today - Jutta and Marie-Laure, of course!

I have been told on many occasions that I don't have any common sense - I should hope not! Nothing common about me! I would think that common sense must be the sense of the common - normal and average people. And I wouldn't presume to tell anyone the common sense things they SHOULD know. Wouldn't that be showing a little condescension to the uncommon? If there is anything I do NOT wish to be, it's condescending! I would be willing to explain things to people that I believe are very sensicle (sp.) - The things not the people. Although most people I have tried to do that with think it's nonsense. Almost every single, solitary common person, average person, normal person I have discussed this with, for some reason or other, think common sense, is logical, or what they might call sane.
They can't see the beauty in delusion, hallucination and paradox. I know, right? What are you gonna do with the common man!?
August 13, 2014 at 5:41pm
August 13, 2014 at 5:41pm
Hmmmm -- My own inspirational quote -- I guess I do that all the time - I like to quote myself. In my reading I run across a lot of interesting quotes - highly quotable quotes, and I always say, "Brain - remember that quote!", but my brain seems to treat quotes like it treats jokes. When I hear a good joke I laugh hysterically and say to myself, "You're gonna have to remember that one!", but I never do. Someone will come along and say, "Hey, Geoff! - Have you heard the one about such and such.", and I'll say "No". Then they tell me the joke and before they get to the punch line I remember I HAVE heard it, so then when they do tell me the punch line it isn't so funny. So when it comes to quotes, and when I am writing something, and come up with something profound to say, sometimes I think maybe it's just a quote I am remembering from somebody else. Well, I haven't been accused of plagiarism yet.
One interesting quote I ran across recently, which sounded like something I might say:

"I've compiled a book from the Internet. It's a book of quotations attributed to the wrong people" -- Jerry Seinfeld
August 12, 2014 at 4:45pm
August 12, 2014 at 4:45pm
I finally got the Blog Groups images up. Not sure when I'll figure out the rest. I'm very upset by the death of Robin Williams. So I think I'll just post the item below today.

Wake Up? Dead?

Sometimes I think I could just die and not realize it. No bright light or life passing before my eyes. Maybe just go to sleep and wake up someplace else, dead. Or maybe I might be doing a story in my mind. Sometimes I tell myself stories and not even realize I'm doing it, not until I get to a stressful part, like the place in a dream where you wake up. Maybe in my story, like in a dream, I would wake up, or maybe I would die. Maybe wake up someplace else, dead.

August 11, 2014 at 12:23pm
August 11, 2014 at 12:23pm
Book finished today: Shadows in Flight, by Orson Scot Card

I recently watched the Billy Jack movie series - from a different lifetime ago. It reminded me how similar lifetimes really are. Nothing important ever seems to change.
It made me think about some things.

The cantankerous, (cancerous), old bigot bit his tongue.
He bled to death.
Or did he choke to death on the thick syrup blood?
Or did he aspirate the light pink foam?
Anyway, he died.
In his death agonies he spewed the thick syrup blood and the light pink foam.......Across the Earth!
The spew became countless tiny red people.
All sizes, shapes and textures - of countless tiny red people.
Can you tell them apart?
The cancerous, (cantankerous), DEAD BIGOT CAN!
August 10, 2014 at 6:08pm
August 10, 2014 at 6:08pm
Today's Book: A War of Gifts, by Orson Scott Card

I always say, "You might see what you want, so go ahead and look at whatever you want to."

"Who is the luckier, he who wants what he sees? Or he who sees what he wants?"

"The hearts desire is in the perception of the desired."

Have you ever heard the question, "What is the degree of reality?" Isn't that asinine? Who the hell is gonna know if something is more real or less real than something else? That's like asking if 32* Fahrenheit is more real than 100* Celsius, or if 100* Fahrenheit is more real than 0* Kelvin. But I know some people who would give you an answer.
August 9, 2014 at 12:56pm
August 9, 2014 at 12:56pm
Yeah! About time!!

Someday - When time starts to flow again, I'll look out my window and wonder where I've been.

I am only prejudiced against bigots.

I hate it when someone tells me my opinions are wrong! What makes them think they know more about what I'm thinking than I do!? They should look up the word "opinion"!

Can 'Belief' and 'Faith' best be categorized as opinion or knowledge? What's your opinion? Or do you think you actually know?

*Laugh* *Bigsmile* *Egg5* *Vamp* *Cool*

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