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This blog contains only items derived from specific prompts. I'm too stubborn to take the time to post the prompt that the entry is based on. So if you don't understand whats going on - well, I dunno - I guess that just means you don't understand.

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My now and again blog of ideas, notifications, and superfluous randomness.
#2040797 by Geoff
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October 22, 2014 at 12:24pm
October 22, 2014 at 12:24pm
Today's prompts seem pretty simple.

What is your definition of success? Happiness.

What do you look forward to every week? Doing the things I believe are going to make me happy.

Please try to remember. I keep repeating myself because repetition is a great teaching tool. Not because I am old and senile. Now, what was I talking about?

I don't claim to have a monopoly on reality. I accept the the fact that everyones truth is just as real as mine. Maybe not relative to me, but yeah, relative to them.

Reality unfolds, relative to me, as if there were a God, or, as if God does not exist, depending on how I relate to reality.

What a paradox! It appears to me that something a God would be really good at creating is tolerance. So why do so many people claim God as their source of bigotry?

Wisdom is a tool - Of the misguided.

A strong thought - Requires a lot of exercise.

If I had time - I would do it.

Why have the bees left?

All questions - Are actually statements.

When I leave - Will I really be gone?

I'm off on a two week vacation in the morning. Blog posts will be hit and miss.
October 22, 2014 at 12:10pm
October 22, 2014 at 12:10pm
Today's prompts strike me as being very simple.

What is your definition of success? Happiness.

What do you look forward to every week? Doing the things I believe will make me happy.

What a paradox! It appears to me, that if there were a God, one thing he would be really good at is creating tolerance. So why do so many people claim God as their source of bigotry?

Reality unfolds, relative to me, as if there were a God, or as if God does not exist, depending on how I relate to reality.

Please try to remember. I keep repeating myself because repetition is a great teaching tool. Not because I'm old and senile! Now, what was I talking about?

I don't claim to have a monopoly on reality. I accept the fact that everyone's truth is just as real as mine. Maybe not relative to me, but yeah, relative to them.

If I had time - Maybe I would do it.

Why have the bees left?

Off on a two week trip in the morning, so my blogs will be hit and miss for a while!

I think all questions are really statements.

When I leave - Will I really be gone?

A strong thought - Requires much exercise.

Wisdom is a tool - Of the misguided.
October 21, 2014 at 10:30am
October 21, 2014 at 10:30am
They say writing is lonely work, do they? the famous 'they' who I refuse to listen to, whose opinions I deplore, the know nothings who should just shut up and mind their own businesses if they have businesses to mind, who think they may know the difference between alone and lonely, if there is a difference, as if there could be a difference, I'm never alone when I am with myself, often lonely when I'm with others, I wouldn't be writing if I thought it was work, what is the definition of work, what is the definition of writing, what is the definition of alone? work is something I have to do, I wouldn't write if I had to, I'm often alone even if I don't have to be, I am seldom lonely, but sometimes it's a lot of work to be alone, work to get to the place where I can call myself alone, but then I have worked so hard to get there, turn around! not alone! still with yourself, I'm right there, I think I'll try to be lonely and see if I can still write, have I ever been a writer or just been writing? have I ever been lonely or just alone, alone by myself or with myself or by myself, or am I really me at all? maybe I am just one of the others, I'm sure the others must think of me as one of the others, more of those definitions I am so fond of and hate so much, I wonder how THEY would describe all this!

Hmmmm. I love tablets made from paper and clay. Electricity is a whole nother thing. I have never used, and don't plan on ever using an electronic tablet or a smart phone, so I'm tempted to say it would make no difference in my life. But actually it would probably make me a lot happier if they ceased to function, i.e., a POSITIVE impact. I wouldn't have to watch all those annoying people wandering around staring at their strange devices!
October 20, 2014 at 5:28pm
October 20, 2014 at 5:28pm
I just did it again. Forgot to save my blog. DAMNIT! So this is all there is today!

October 19, 2014 at 12:42pm
October 19, 2014 at 12:42pm
I keep finding more old stuff. It seem old but it's all no more that six months old. See why I'm so confused about time? I think the best place for it is in my Blog. Maybe some of this stuff has already found its way in here before. Sorry. I'll start throwing it away now. *Smile*

SOME INTERESTING THOUGHTS. Well, I think they're interesting and that's all that really matters
You got your choice. You can accept my schizophrenia or you can decide on a reality by consensus.

To act is to do as required. To write is to do as you should.

Answering questions with Koans: The pros and the cons.

I have never lied out of malice, only out of ignorance and sometimes love.

Only the toothless one should speak "Tongue in cheek"

Scientists and explorers can always find what they are looking for. It's so easy to change the definition of the goal.

If we were all servants there would be no masters.
If we were all employees there would be no employers.

Find out what people want before you try to give it to them.

Obviously, everything is preordained. For every action there is a specific reaction. For every cause there is a specific effect. Determinism rules reality! But, doesn't an infinite number of choices and possible actions give you free-will?

Maybe I'm speaking in code. Maybe if you break the code you will understand what I'm talking about. Is a code different from a metaphor? Some words I never remember the definitions of, or the difference between: Analogy, metaphor, simile, myth, poem......Does code fit in there somewhere? I dunno.

Misunderstanding is the root of all evil.
October 18, 2014 at 12:02pm
October 18, 2014 at 12:02pm
Am I In Time?

*Confused* My first flight? In my time machine you mean? Yeah, I was REALLY astounded by the tech, but it was old tech to everybody else. It'll be a long time before I can connect with all the mystery involved in this, I don't even know if it makes any sense talking about how long it's gonna take when you're talking about a time machine though. *Pthb* I couldn't even BEGIN to explain how it's changed my view of travel! *Silent*

Classical Conditioning.

As a little boy I respond better to positive reinforcement than negative. I detest rules and laws. I can't stand to be told what to do - what I SHOULD do - what I OUGHTA' do. If I don't do what I'm told might I go to hell? Might the boogie man get me? As a child I don't believe in hell or the boogie beings. No behavioral deterrent. I rebel. Maybe if I'm not pressured, as I am now, as a child, I won't rebel against the lies of retribution and be more prepared to deal with the terrifying boogies and hells of adulthood. But, as a little boy I respond positively to happiness, to joy - I believe in Santa Clause. I try to be nice, not naughty, for Him.

Seems like this should be the segway to the discussion of somthin'.

Survival Is My Middle Name!

I don't know how much good I would be to the group in a shipwreck. I don't play well with others! (Hey! Leave me alone!) I can take excellent care of myself. Maybe they should just secretly watch me and try to copy.
October 17, 2014 at 11:27am
October 17, 2014 at 11:27am
I hate to be argumentative - *Smirk* - But I never new that people either loved or hated orange - *Confused* - I always loved it - *Cool* - But I wont argue with those who don't. That's probably one of those things you shouldn't discuss with other people. "Hey man, whatta you think of orange?" Shut up or I'll kick the crap out of you!"

My child is the I
My wife is the me.

Effect becomes
The cause.

A parents love
Is abandonment.

The thief gives
The honest man takes.

The wise man is a fool
When he becomes wise.

Logic is a tool
Of the ignorant.

Yes I embrace failure. A person MUST fail - and EMBRACE the failure - before they are humble enough to truly succeed.
October 16, 2014 at 4:23pm
October 16, 2014 at 4:23pm
Most people don't realize that life would be no different if it rained cats and dogs. I couldn't find any records of what life was like before it rained cats and dogs the first time, so who knows what the difference in life was after it rained cats and dogs. Now most people are thinking: What kind of gibberish is this. Right? You are the people who don't remember when, in a little known village in Central America, in what is now known as Guatemala, in 1489, it did, in fact, rain cats and dogs for exactly 94 minutes! So - what would I do if it literally rained cats and dogs? I would say, "Here they come again."

If I was making a magic brew I would brew up a potion that would make everyone believe everything I said! *Laugh*
October 15, 2014 at 5:11pm
October 15, 2014 at 5:11pm
I'm not feelin' today's prompts. Wasn't here yesterday for the nonsense. Sorry 'bout that. I'm a nonsense expert.

Controlled Serendipity:

Eureka! I knew that all the time. Aha! That's what I meant to do - I forgot to tell you!

When you're making an infinite number of choices, don't forget to write down the ones that create the looked for goal. Don't forget to write down the choices that result in better outcomes than you were looking for. Don't forget the catastrophes - you don't want to make the same mistake over and over again. Oh, and don't forget to write down each action that goes with every idea that accompanies each conscious choice. And make sure that you keep them all in the proper order; things will surely turn out differently if one item moves, in the train of infinite possibilities. I hope cause and effect is real! Or is it effect and cause! If cause and effect is real, when one tiny thing changes, the deck has been dropped. Pick it up, shuffle, and start dealing again. Or first write down your autobiography. Then you wont forget what's going to happen.

Life is what it is -
or not.

Bosons Breed -

Love doesn't matter -
because matter doesn't love.

Do not -
do unto others.

Time allows -
too little.

The monkey eats the lemur -
and becomes the ape.

October 12, 2014 at 9:54am
October 12, 2014 at 9:54am
I keep finding scraps of paper, scraps of words, scraps of this and scraps of that. I have been writing things down lately - then putting them here and there and sometimes everywhere and then I find them over there or anywhere. I've decided the word parts of these scraps belong in my BLOG.

Stars bleed light
Stones bleed mud
Stars are stones
The koan is defined

I never thought it was very useful to give people answers. Self-serving non-productivity. It does, however, do a lot of good to give people questions. Here's a question for you: Do you trust anyone enough to allow them to answer your questions for you?

If an admittedly selfish person, a person who is only interested in his or her own well-being, discovers, that by ACTING altruistic, his or her own self-interest is best served, thus creating the illusion in the minds of others that he/she is the most generous of people -- Should that person be considered altruistic or self-serving, or both? I think I'll just call that kind of person 'correct'.

Yes I care! I care so damn much I might kill myself or get drunk! Which would be worse!? I can't give into the care or that's what would happen. But I have my refuge. I know I don't HAVE to care!

The final answer to everything is NOT, "Because that's what God wants". No, the final answer is, "Because that's the way it is". Or, "was or will be", if you believe in time.

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