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This blog contains only items derived from specific prompts. I'm too stubborn to take the time to post the prompt that the entry is based on. So if you don't understand whats going on - well, I dunno - I guess that just means you don't understand.

I would also like to invite you to take a look at my other blog:
My now and again blog of ideas, notifications, and superfluous randomness.
#2040797 by Geoff
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April 14, 2015 at 12:53pm
April 14, 2015 at 12:53pm
I was hiking up the trail when I noticed a patch of obviously cultivated ground over to my left. I was awful danged surprised when I found a nice big patch of mary-juana. I had heard that a certain party maybe had a little farm goin' up here, but never thought I might stumble across it. Well, I just started pickin' away, and about the time my poke was 'bout filled up with grass, I noticed the afore mentioned party headin' a towards me with his shotgun over his shoulder. I was knowin' that this old feller wasn't none too bright, so I jest let out a holler - "Hey! Don't you know there's a thunderstorm a comin'! You best head on home!" - and I just lit out in t'other direction. Never did look back. Now I'm just feelin' good having my own little party. That was a mighty enjoyable hike!

I would never intentionally react to an evil with the thought of making things worse. I do, though, have a habit of reacting with great emotion, uncontrolled emotion, and may occasionally make things worse. I don't think I would ever consciously act to augment evil. Too often I see conscious action by some people, that seems to be with the intent of ameliorating a specific evil, but only results in the augmenting of evil in general.


Pragmatic Particles - neh, yo, lol, like - need more - gonna make a list

The subjunctive is strange. It's used when you don't know that everything REALLY DID happen.

Another for my port. Blisters Of Faith

Book Finished: She Will Build You A City by Raj Kamal Jha

To come to port. Godly Cosmology

Do I write stories or do my stories right me? Perhaps a little of both. The ones that rhyme write me. The obtuse ones are those that I write.
April 13, 2015 at 1:18pm
April 13, 2015 at 1:18pm
April is the month to write poetry.
If you write a poem you can show it me.
If I ever do.
I'll show it to you.
But it might be so bad you'll throw it at me!
*Smirk* *Facepalm*

Whenever I have a bad day I hope to come home to an empty house. Because the badness can usually be attributed to other people. I do keep a multitude of animals outside though. I talk to them after resting.

3-16-15 through 3-17-15

A story which I think of as a reconciliation between Ayn Rand and Karl Marx entitled "The Butler Did It" will, I hope, eventually appear in my port.

I'm listening to an NPR interview with Barney Frank. I always admired him, but I didn't realize he was such a fascinating man. I have to listen more closely.

Nothing makes a difference, but any action makes a change.

Reality is an infinity of multiplicity within the singularity.
A multiple, duplicitus diversity, compressed into unity.
A multiversisitude of lines, all ending right where they start.
Time, for me, is a straight line, transdimensionaly connecting every future to every past intersecting at my present.
If forever was the same as neverI would spend my time right now.
If blue was blew, unhappiness would be a moth in the wind.

An early memory. I'm in a movie theater with my mother and paternal grandfather, (and possibly other relatives), a newsreel playing on the screen. My grandfather has me stand on my seat and yell - Harry Ass Truman. I must have been 2 or 3. Back then, in my family, it was a sin to be a democrat. My mother used to tell me about, brag about, be proud of the fact,that she and her friends had a party to celebrate the occasion of Franklin Roosevelt's death.

Finished Book: The Daughters by Consuelo Saah Baehr and The Shelters Of Stone by Jean M. Auel
April 12, 2015 at 7:59pm
April 12, 2015 at 7:59pm

A Book Finished today: Destroyer Angel by Nevada Barr

KAREN - Will appear in my port.

MY BONNIE - Will appear in my port.

Caleb - Will appear in my port.

In most cases of war and interpersonal conflict, both parties consider themselves to be in the right. It is also apparent that one side is saying, "Do as I say", and the other is saying, "Leave me/us alone". Both sides are taking the proper/honorable actions for themselves and often believe they are working towards the betterment of humanity. Patriotism if often confused with morality. Everything is relative to ones-self. All of this being said, in most conflicts, I will be on the side of those saying, "Leave us/me alone".

In an infinite reality, you will eventually find whatever you are looking for.

April 11, 2015 at 8:30am
April 11, 2015 at 8:30am
Seasons come and seasons go every year. Nothing's perfect. I take what I get. I enjoy it all.

*Smirk* I've never gotten caught doing anything embarrassing. I'm a pathological liar. *Smirk*

2-10-15 Through 3-10-15

Book read: Streets Of Laredo by Larry McMurtry

I wonder if I'll go back and finish all these stories I've started, or if they'l all just drift away like all th other things I've started over the years.

Books Finished: A Thousand-Mile Walk To The Gulf by John Muir
Proxima by Stephen Baxter
Darwinia by Robert Charles Wilson
Riders In The Chariot by Patrick White

My theory of happiness.
Freedom divided by security equals one.
Ones expectations of others can drastically alter the equation.
Expectations increase security and decrease freedom.
April 10, 2015 at 9:54am
April 10, 2015 at 9:54am
I love National Parks. I've been visiting them for well over 50 years. They are always free for me. (I'm old) I have literally hiked thousands of miles in NPs and camped for hundreds of nights. I still have a few to visit - there are over a hundred now. The end of this month I will visit Carlsbad Caverns in NM, and Gaudalupe in West Texas. In Oct, I will visit Kings Canyon and Sequoia in Cal. Yes - Memories Eternal!

Does 'Playing Doctor' count as a childhood game?



(to appear in port)

Today marks four weeks since I've been connected to the internet. I know I promised to post my blogs occasionally and I'm sorry I haven't. The main reason I haven't is.....well.....I guess I don't have a clue? But I do miss you. You know who I mean.....you know who you are. But maybe you'll never read this.....maybe I'll never post it. Maybe you've gone away. Perhaps you were never there. But I do miss you.

Seriously now. Did you actually think Magical Thinking was just for magicians?

Book Finished: The Particle At The End Of The Universe by Sean Carroll


Book Finished Suspended Sentences by Patrick Modiano


(Coming to you soon, care of my portfolio)

The search for immortality is couched in the infinity of mind.

The only things I have ever been afraid of are the expectations of others.
April 9, 2015 at 10:04am
April 9, 2015 at 10:04am
It's all a matter of definitions.

Procrastination: To put off until later what you need or should do now.
I don't need to do anything and I should do whatever I want to do. How can I possibly procrastinate?

The edge of tomorrow is late in the day today. If I get to tired to do it today, tomorrow isn't far away.



I feel everything is true relatively, but nothing is true absolutely. People with the most closely shared Frame of Reference are those most likely to be able to comfortably co-exist. This seems to be so self evidently true that I find it extremely odd that it is not taken more into consideration in all forms of human relations.

There is no absolution.
Luckily there are so many relativistic gods.

The Protestant Work Ethic is so intellectually destructive. I wonder if I will ever stop feeling guilty for meditating?

I find random unstructured thought extremely productive.

2-4-15 - 2-5-15

Book Finished: Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry

Dumb De Dumb Goes The Drum

(will appear in port)

Book Finished: War Dogs by Greg Bear

16 In Paris

(to appear in my portmanteau)


(Coming to a port near you)
April 8, 2015 at 11:14am
April 8, 2015 at 11:14am
I believe the worst thing I can do is hurt someone - plain and simple - hurt anyone in any way. Hurt physically, mentally or emotionally. In my life I have hurt so many people. I would like to believe that it was never intentional, but I'm sure in many cases it was. My memories are inaccurate, but I do remember many cases of feeling guilty because I had hurt someone. I always believed it was permissible to hurt someone in self-defense. I still believe that, but only in the case of physical hurt. I have caused emotional harm in others in order to protect my own emotions. Now I see myself as emotionally mature enough that causing emotional pain to someone else can never protect my own emotions. It can only hurt me - hurt me disproportionaly to the hurt Iv'e caused.

The use of emotional attack in emotional self-defense is a phenomenon that I feel would be fascinating to investigate.


(To appear in my port)
April 7, 2015 at 11:54am
April 7, 2015 at 11:54am
When I do my writhing in the winter I have a blazing fire in the wood-stove. If you read some of the stuff I wrote in the winter maybe you can tell. If I think it's crap it just feeds them flames. Then, sigh, you can't read it.

I wrote a whole story about floating around in a bubble when I was a little kid. I mean I wrote the story when I was a little kid. Not that I wrote it now, about when I was a little kid. I don't remember what I wrote. Long ago they it up in flames. I'll just leave it at that.

Jan. 26, 2015 through Jan. 27, 2015

Finished book: Tell The Wolves I'm Home By Carol Rifka Brunt

Every now and again I get a little annoying feeling of anxiety. I have never been able to determine whether it's caused by forgetting something - there are many things I hope to never forget - or because I remember something - there are also many things which I prefer could remain forgotten.

Sometimes I think the memory of things that never happened are the dearest memories of all. The things of the past blend with the possibilities of the future. The lowest points of becoming strive towards the highest points of being and then crash in upon themselves. Possibility turns into the past and memory remains. Dip a finger into memory and paint on the canvas of the present, or just use finger-paints on waxed paper - a better memory - hold hands with the painted fingers of your past and reach with the other hand for your future. I think I can see it there, far ahead, or maybe it's just a memory.
April 6, 2015 at 11:45am
April 6, 2015 at 11:45am
I used to over-think everything. Obsession, worry, anxiety - that really sucks. Eventually I just got over thinking - now everything's great! Spontaneity rules!

There have to be cracks to let the light in. Anything Leonard says is true. I'm so cracked up I'm blinded by the light. I spend a great deal of time chinking the cracks just so I can get some sleep.

Jan. 23rd 2015 -through- Jan. 25th 2015

Decided I only write when I'm depressed of disthymic or overcome by anxiety or manic or something else, or wait, Maybe that's when I DONT write. It's 15 below zero now and I'm thinking about going outside, bout out of firewood.

21 below zero now. I must split some spruce.

Book finished today: Vintage Munro by Alice Munro

I hate it when I do that. Last nite, sitting in the dark, I wrote something. I went to read it today and it wasn't there. I only thought I wrote it. It went something like this:

(to appear in my port when I get to it)

The Big Bang Theory is a more scientific way of looking at Creation. Mind has always been able to find whatever it has looked for.
April 5, 2015 at 11:10am
April 5, 2015 at 11:10am
Jan. 18, 2015 Through Jan. 2015

The largest worldwide industry is, without a doubt, the production of humans.

I had a long essay in mind when I wrote the above, but since I wrote it I've had so many thoughts that I'm going to have to write them down before I start the essay, but then, of course, when I get around to writing the essay it'll be an entirely different essay than if I had written it now. Or then.

So afraid.
So afraid.
Someday I'll wake up.
And find it never happened.

I think I'll write a play.
About an old man.
About a young man.
About a man.
A man sitting in a chair in the middle of a stage.
Make-up, or is it?
A play need not be made-up.
A line from his forehead through his nose.
From his nose over his mouth and chin.
Down his wrinkly smooth neck.
Down the back of his head.
Parting the gray from the brown.
The old man speaks to the young.
The young speaks to the old.
No need to act.
Imagine the conversation.

Frozen fog in the valley.
Trees rising and stretching.
Rising above the lowering fog.
Stretching their twinkling white branches.
Reaching for the sun.
Finally the sun.
Now, my eyes twinkle.

Alone is a state of being.
Lonely is a state of mind.

Book finished: Shaman by Kim Stanley Robinson

I just read: "Earlier in his life he had done many foolish things in order to convince himself that he was not worthless." Looking back at my life, I would have to say that it looks very much like I have done many foolish things to convince myself that I am worthless. Like whenever I get to the top I jump, just to prove I can't really fly.

Book Finished: Comanche Moon by Larry McMurtry

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