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This blog contains only items derived from specific prompts. I'm too stubborn to take the time to post the prompt that the entry is based on. So if you don't understand whats going on - well, I dunno - I guess that just means you don't understand.

I would also like to invite you to take a look at my other blog:
My now and again blog of ideas, notifications, and superfluous randomness.
#2040797 by Geoff
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April 4, 2015 at 3:05pm
April 4, 2015 at 3:05pm
Continuation of 1-9-15 through 1-17-15

Sorry to say it's taken me a week to start writing with a pencil. I've been writing constantly on my brain, but as I mentioned. that material has been tragically lost. I have read 4 books, approximately 1500 pages, and if the reality I experienced and explored in those pages and in pages to come has time to percolate through the contorted convolutions of my contusioned cerebrum and dribbles onto a page I'll tell you about it. Possibly someday I'll find the time to type it into my computer. I also must find the electricity. I listen to the radio much of the time here, KUAC, Uni. of Alaska, a public radio station, makes me think today, Car Talk, Wait Wait Don't Tell me, (Name of the program, really, I'm not whining) and What Do You Know? this morning. Later this afternoon Prairie Home Companion, and of course the ridiculous news programs. I sit and think. I sure wish my brain tablets hadn't been invaded by erasers. Maybe I could build a posse, enter through my ear or nose, maybe wipe out the invaders? Wonder if I could do it without causing to much collateral brain damage.

If you're looking for meaning here, or anywhere else, I don't think your going to find it. As your mind droops and drupes over your belt, fatty, loose some weight, suck in that gut, your so fat you probably don't even see that drupey gut. A drupe is a dicot you know - like an apricot - or an almond - almond seeds are very tasty - apricot seeds are too - but they can kill you, like peach seeds - doubly dicotish drooping drupes - fat with the poisonous oily fat of rat poisonous organic natural alliteration. Shoot me now with the poisonous darts of the literally organic alliterative alleles of the genetic evolution of my floppy, flabby, fat, fearsomely futile brain, futile in the sense of finding or focusing on the future or fate of those tiny brain tablets or tablets, the little pills that go to make my brain work - does anyone want to know if I'm being serious or facetious? Well, so do I. If I had access to emoticons I wouldn't know what to put here. Emotion is a funny thing. It's also a sad thing. How many different emotions can you count? Emotions are like colors - a limited number of names for an infinite number of ideas - I don't know what to call them - the infinity of colors and emotions - the continuum of beauty and flame, of joy and jealousy, of darkness and ice, of greed and love - to continua of ideas of emotion or color - an emotional colorful way to visualize infinity. Shuffle the two and make your mark. Make your mark on infinity. Your own colorful emotion. Call it what you will.

I think my thought is attempting to start a new train. I thought I heard the train a comin', but maybe I was mistaken. My train of thought is waiting, in any case, for a push or a pull - any kind of engine will do. Please avoid the rails. BTW - books I have finished since entering the cabin door:
1. Gutenberg's Apprentice by Alex Christie
2. Letters to a Young Scientist by Edward O. Wilson
3. Dead Man's Walk by Larry McMurtry
4. Shifu, You'll Do Anything For a Laugh by Mo Yan

Getting dark again. I may have to use some of my rationed electricity.


A piece to be appearing soon in my port.
April 4, 2015 at 10:20am
April 4, 2015 at 10:20am
The favorite thing about myself - now but not in the past - is that I don't give a damn about anything anyone thinks of me. I think what makes me worth knowing is that I DO care about other people.

I have lived on farms. You might say I do live on farms. FRESH food is better.

Jan. 9, 2015 - Jan 17, 2015 Continued

.....Hey, they just said on the radio that mitch romney is running for president again, he's gonna concentrate on opportunities for the middle class, i always wondered what a classless society was supposed to be, i guess I would have to know what these classes really mean before I could know what a classless society would be, luckily here in the us there's only 3 classes, I know someplaces got a whole shit-load, that would really make it difficult, you'd have to spend most of your time trying to figure out what class a person was inwhenever you met someone new, or I guess you could just try not to care what class they were in and enjoy associating with them, is that allowed? here there's just upper-class, middle-class, and lower-class, whew, I should be able to handle that, wait, I've heard of interdivisions, like upper-middle-class, wait, I haven't even been thinking about interrealating the intercolations of ethnicity, nationality, color, religion, xenothicity - just made that one up - I been thinking about economic classes, i decided to be not much of a mathemetician, but even if I was I'de be amazed at the number of classes I could come up with if I took all the possible variables into consideration, wait, the sun is up. Still writing but the lead is gone from my pencil - that's a euphism my grandfather used to use - sharpen, sharpen, have a few blank pages but I think I was complaining about romney, guess he's popular now, they're talking about him on wait, wait, don't tell me, in the us we have upper- class, I define as the class of people who have more than they need, middle-class who have all that they need, and lower-class who don't have what they need, I'm trying to figure out what romney wants to give the middle class opportunities for, to get more than they need? I think I better change my class definitions, upper-class, those who have enough money to get what ever they want, middle-class, those who have the opportunities to move to the upper-class, lower-class, those who are stuck.........still to be continued.
April 3, 2015 at 5:13pm
April 3, 2015 at 5:13pm
Like most little boys, I've been putting insects in jars ever since I can remember. Some were even bugs, (Order, Hemiptera - True Bugs). Not many could talk but I do remember a few. I used to let them out at first - after they told me everything they had to say, which was sometimes considerable, but then I decided I wanted to keep them. And so began my lifelong fascination with insects and the collection thereof. I did continue to talk to them before they were dispatched - I even took a college course in Honey Bee communication and learned a lot about the nature, the environment, and life in general from them. I made my first collection for 9th grade biology class and gave them away over the ensuing years. My next extensive collection was for an Entemology course at Broward Community College in Ft. Lauderdale in the early 1970s. The teacher liked it so much he asked if I would donate it to the school. So I did. I started a new collection in 2010. It's growing larger and larger. I still talk to them often. But it's mostly their little ghosts that do the answering.

And now for floral conversations. I wont go too deeply into their thoughts right now. They should start a blog of their own. I do listen to them a lot. I have always loved collections, so when I started my latest insect collection I also started collecting plants. I have hundreds of specimens in my herbarium which I've mounted to museum quality specifications. It gets noisy as hell in here when all the insects and flowers start talking all at once. - Sometime I'll have to tell you about my reptile and amphibian collections.

I wrote a lot when I was gone. I'll be posting lots of stuff in this blog as I go along. Some things I'll putting directly into my port. I'll indicate here when something should turn up there.

Jan. 9, 2015 -- Jan 17, 2015

i'm a little bit worried, I haven't been able to write, I'm not sure why, but I think maybe I'm afraid to, but probably not, probably just a mechanical problem - it seems as though I've been thinking ok and when I've been writing stuff in my head and say it back to myself it sounds ok but then when I go to read it I can't find it, you know those little rolling areas of your brain? like little curved tablets? that's where I mentally write stuff down as I'm thinking it and when I go back and look for it I'm not seeing it, so I'm trying to use a pencil but it's so dark I don't know if I'll be able to find it when the sun comes up, or if the sun is gonna come up again, I'm pretty sure I'm awake because I'm listening to the radio and the best of car talk is on and I was laughing for a while, maybe I'm dreaming, nope, I bumped my head, hurts, not dreaming, maybe I bumped my head before and it swelled up and the swelling stretched out the convoluted slimy little tablets I been writing on in my brain, maybe all those words are gone for good, I guess what I'm going now is that automatic writing stuff, know what I mean? that supernatural stuff where your hand just moves by itself while you just sit there with a dazed look on your face, I mean I have the dazed look not you - probably - I don't have a mirror, but it's dark and I can't see you , although I don't think anything is supernatural because how coul it be supernatural? what does that mean? gonna be (unknown scribble) to see if I've really written anything here when the sun comes up, if the sun comes up, if I'm actually here - anyway, how can something be supernatural if it's really happening? if you're above nature where are you? heaven maybe, but if you're in heaven doesn't that have to be natural? maybe that's it, then being in hell is subnatural, I wonder what I'll call it if all those curly-curly brain tablets get erased?...........(I think I'll quit here and revisit this next time)....
April 1, 2015 at 8:22pm
April 1, 2015 at 8:22pm
I am on my way back to civilization. I am in the Fairbanks airport and will be back online soon. I wrote a lot while gone. I'll be posting some in my blog and some in my port. Talk to everyone soon.
January 8, 2015 at 1:27pm
January 8, 2015 at 1:27pm
Not much in the mood for Blogging today. Getting ready to leave in the morning. Last blog to be posted for a while. The next will include many days of blogs.

Who was my first friend in life? I'm tempted to say, "I don't know because I have not yet begun to live." But that would be poetic nonsense. I still have a hard time answering the question though. I feel as if I have lived many different lives. Seriously. Most lives have been filled with a never ending flow of friends. Others are like living on a beach - the waves bring in all kinds of junk, and then wash it quickly away. In the wilderness I'm alone. I live and love all of my lives.

What change would I like to make in the world with my Blog? I don't expect to make any changes. Nothing in the history of the world has made any changes, in my opinion. The world is what it is - The changes that happen are of the world - They aren't made. Human nature doesn't change - Man continues to make the same mistakes - Man continues to be happy sometimes. If I could make a change I'd have to use many words to describe it, because people have so many definitions. If I had to pick one word to state what I would like to create with my blog, and what I believe is most needed in the world. It would be - TOLERANCE.
January 7, 2015 at 9:54am
January 7, 2015 at 9:54am
There was a strange wailing sound coming from the next room. It was only an echo. I didn't realize I was crying.

The world moves on and some people follow. I hate to think of myself as a follower. I wouldn't think of following someone, or something until I knew where it was going. But the world doesn't move anyway. It stays put. Right there in its orbit. The radiance of reality emanates into a penumbra surrounding the world and continues on. But there are an infinite number of ways to visualize reality, or what ever you care to call it.

An example: My son is one of the most intelligent people I have ever met. He could literally do or be anything he wanted to be. He graduated college and was planning to go to medical school. I suggested he not, but told him all I wanted was for him to be happy. I suggested he become an astrophysicist. We both wanted to go to space - he probably could have. All of that is what most people would think of as following the world. Following society - following progress. He preferred to follow happiness, a dream, his heart. Today he is living on a 20 acre homestead in the Alaskan wilderness; literally carved out of the wilderness with no more technological help than there would be if the world had not moved in centuries. He has a wonderful mate and two beautiful, happy healthy children.
January 6, 2015 at 12:59pm
January 6, 2015 at 12:59pm
I thought about starting today by saying - "The epitome of stupidity is believing that your opinion is the truth." But then I thought, maybe - "The epitome of stupidity is believing someone else's opinion is the truth." Then I decided - The epitome of 'bigotry' is to believe that your opinion is the truth. AND - The epitome of 'gullibility' is believing someone else's opinion is the truth.

I think most lists are ridiculous. Maybe people put words in lists because they can't figure out how to interrelate the words in other. more meaningful ways. (Or maybe this is just sour grapes because whenever I make a list of anything I loose it.)

What makes a leader? First I believe you must define your terms. An effective leader does not have to be a good leader. He can also be an evil leader. A tyrannical leader, by the use of hate and force, may be very effective at accomplishing goals. A good leader may use kindness and love to lead, and may have more success or less. Far to many variables to go into for my little brain. Maybe we should ask Machiavelli.

*Smile* *Smirk* *Flowerw* *Paste* *Flower5* *Bootl* *Thumbsupl* *Bootr* *Boothr* *Yawn* *Heart* *Headphones* *Starfishp* *Starstruck* *Laugh*
January 5, 2015 at 1:18pm
January 5, 2015 at 1:18pm
Today is gonna be a bunch of quotes. But I'm not gonna use quotation marks. Because I'm writing in the first person. *Bigsmile* Yeah, all the quotes are by me. They're the best ones I could find! *Starstruck* (there should be an 'egotistical' emoticon or maybe I could find a narcissus flower). But let's not quibble over misquoted quotes. I'm never sure of what I'm saying, let alone what I've said. *Wink*

First my prompts: Even the least gossip is,at least, somewhat malicious.

I've seen many moons. The best is always next month's

In a two dimensional reality reasoning is linear. It goes on and on in both directions, coming to no conclusions. I truly love my three dimensional reality. My reasoning goes round and round in circles. Every point is a conclusion. Someday I'll see what the addition and subtraction of dimensions do to reality.

Did the word because evolve from 'be' and 'cause'. As in, 'I hope there's a god so there can be a cause. That's just wishful thinking, in my opinion. I know why I'm here. Just because.

Never attempt to change someones actions. Change their minds.

Give me liberty or give me death. Who or what can give me liberty, other than me? And I sure ain't gonna kill myself.

To my mind 'A' philosophy is a different way of looking at the same thing. I'd like a description of the 'thing' all philosophies are looking at.

The only difference between creation and discovery are the words.

We conserve because we have limited resources. What good does conservation do when demand for the limited resources is constantly increasing? Delay the inevitable?

What is time but a continuation of the before and the yet to be?

Time is a palindrome.

*Confused* the beginning of - THE END *Facepalm* *Bigsmile*
January 4, 2015 at 10:27am
January 4, 2015 at 10:27am
Altruistic Selfishness.

(facetious - people often get the wrong impression)
Damned selfish people! Me, me, me! That's all they think of. Why don't they spend more time taking care of others like I do?!? I spend my whole life trying to make other people happy, and I'm getting SICK of it!! All these lazy A**H**** lounging around, living off of my money, living life as happy as can be! And me, struggling to get by, unhappy because I am so good and unselfish that everyone takes advantage of me! When am I ever going to be happy!
(end of facetiousness)

Selfishness - Doing whatever it takes to make YOURSELF happy.

The search for happiness is never ending. Everyone is eternally searching. Everyone is always selfish. I wish everyone could realize that seeing others happy can actually make them happier. What a happy, selfish world it could be.
January 3, 2015 at 11:46am
January 3, 2015 at 11:46am
Have I ever tried breaking a habit? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! *Laugh* *Happycry* . Erm, Yup! They're easy - The addictions give me the problems. It's eerie how my two prompts usually can be answered together. Sometimes I think reality is just TOO interrelated (Not really. After all reality couldn't be any less relative than it is it. Cuz then it'd be fiction.) Wouldn't there be more diversity if things were less interrelated. ?No I guess not! *Confused* Are behaviors caused by pathological mental conditions, habits, or addictions, (counting backwards from a hundred and pointing repeatedly at my mouth ears and nose.

A little fictitious autobiographical mental excerpt.

Time for bed, slap punch, four times, once for each cheek, turn around 3 times and repeat, one, two, three,......18, steps to the bathroom, toothbrush oh toothbrush, come out wherever you are, hello my little hedge hoggish bristle buddy, time to crawl in my mouth again, look in the mirror, side to side, up and down, left turn, repeat, right turn, repeat, left turn, repeat, left turn, repeat, left turn repeat, open eyes, whoops not looking in the mirror, start over........ *Blush* , close your eyes, then repeat, sigh maybe I can sleep if i find my way back to the bedroom.

Associative Disorder is a lot more fun than OCD. "That is absolutely TRUE, Alphonse." "Yes my dear, *Wink* ." (I'm just eaves dropping *Smirk* ).

Now, remember this is just fiction. I don't want anyone to think ill of me. You should all always remember I'm a pathological liar. Whups!, so maybe the story is true? Nah.


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