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This blog contains only items derived from specific prompts. I'm too stubborn to take the time to post the prompt that the entry is based on. So if you don't understand whats going on - well, I dunno - I guess that just means you don't understand.

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My now and again blog of ideas, notifications, and superfluous randomness.
#2040797 by Geoff
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January 2, 2015 at 3:53pm
January 2, 2015 at 3:53pm
I tend to disagree with Aristotle, of course I am an all around, disagreeable person. I would say we do what we we repeatedly are. But I like to change who I am now and then. Therefore, I hate to listen to, read, or watch the same things for very long. And since I often change who I am, I don't do anything the same for very long. Isn't it boring to always be the same person?
January 1, 2015 at 10:25am
January 1, 2015 at 10:25am
I don't have to wish I'm doing anything other than what I'm doing. I guess if I was in the crowd at Times Square I'd be wishing I was someplace else or if I was at a party where everyone dressed up fancy, I'd be wishing I was someplace else. But it hasn't come up, because I would never go to places like that in the first place. I prefer to be satisfied wherever I happen to be.

I find it easier to just be satisfied and happy wherever I am. Wishes do come true you know, But you never know if your wishing for the right thing - Be careful what you wish for - You might get something your not ready for. Better to just let things happen. The unfolding of reality right before your eyes can be the most wonderful thing that can ever happen to you. Come to think of it, that's the ONLY thing that will ever happen - period! I believe in fate, but I also believe in wishing. Do you think that's a paradox? I don't. I just wish for things to turn out exactly as they will.
December 31, 2014 at 2:33pm
December 31, 2014 at 2:33pm
I don't sweat tomorrow, unless it's real hot and humid. I wouldn't want to forget yesterday - I had a good time yesterday. I wouldn't forget it even if I had a crappy time. Why would I want to forget it? If it was real traumatizing I might have to go to therapy to remember it and then get over it! It wouldn't change anything. What was, was - What's gonna be is gonna be, even if it's hot or cold. I can't really do anything other than what I'm doin' right now. I don't dwell on dreams and forget to live. Sometimes, though, maybe I dwell on life too much and forget to dream.
December 21, 2014 at 8:47am
December 21, 2014 at 8:47am
The world has too much hate.
It always has.
It always will.
Everything changes, but nothing does.
The heart of the earth is the same.
The heart of the mind of man is the same.
It makes me sad.
Merry Christmas.........
December 19, 2014 at 3:21pm
December 19, 2014 at 3:21pm
Of course spontaneity results in a richer life, no not that kinda richer, no money involved, but I can't plan anything, and I can't wait around for the plan to get ready to happen anyway, so I just do stuff. Get in trouble a lot, people get annoyed with me a lot, I got all the money I need so don't have to get richer, that way, but yeah, you gotta be spontaneous to have a fuller life, in my opinion anyway. My opinion is the only thing that counts, for me just like your opinion is the only thing that counts for you. If you think my opinion or anybody else's opinion has anything to do with you, I feel sorry for you. See I just spontaneously said that! If I had thought about it first I may have thought I might insult somebody, so not said it at all. *Laugh* If I found a big package on my doorstep I wouldn't think twice, spontaneity would kick right in, rip, rip, rip, comes open real quick! Hmmmm, what we got here? If it's worth anything I'll give it away. I like to help people. I like to make people happy, *Heart*
December 18, 2014 at 2:12pm
December 18, 2014 at 2:12pm
If someone baked me a cake with books in it I would be in a terrible quandary! I always like to have my cake and eat it too! But I don't always know what that means I guess. I guess if the books were just baked in the cake like I sometimes put black birds in my pies, I could just dig them out and clean them off and put them on the shelf, and then eat the rest. Yeah - I think that would probably work.

Comedy is tragedy plus time??? I'll have to think about that for a while. *Pthb* *Confused* Those who know me know I don't believe in time. *Confused* *Facepalm* Some times comedy is tragic. Now let's see - Is it the same whether or not there is time? Tragically I don't think I have time to think about it right now. Laughs, *Laugh* , Comedically!
December 17, 2014 at 2:18pm
December 17, 2014 at 2:18pm
I jump off bridges whether I'm sure or not - Remember when your mom asked you if you would jump off the bridge just because somebody else did? - I was the somebody else - Train trestles were my specialty - Baby pigeons nesting on the catwalk under the tracks - They couldn't fly - I can fly with out wings - In my dreams I don't need wings - I would be shocked if I sprouted wings - Think real hard and levitate - That's the best way - I don't even need pixie dust - Though pixie dust is nice - Pixies are nice - I wonder what life would be like if I wasn't sure of things? - Would I fly away if I wasn't sure? - I doubt it - Can you ever find out an outcome if you fly away from it before it happens? - I guess you could read a book about it - Maybe - I try not to worry about outcomes - Or avoid them - Or fly away from them - I have found that everything happens anyway - I just hate that I missed those that I wasn't around to see.

I think I have accomplished at least 14 things this year. I made more than 14 friends on wdc. That's enough right there. I'm sure I'll make at least 14 friends next year too. Hear or there.
December 16, 2014 at 1:41pm
December 16, 2014 at 1:41pm
Why do I write? To be understood. Nobody understands me. Maybe some come close, or think they do. So far no one does. Long ago it seemed like they did. I'm beginning to think that's in my imagination. I have a smiley good imagination. Maybe that's why others don't understand me. They have frowney poor imaginations. When I talked to people they started arguing with me. The didn't understand what I was telling them. For a long time I thought they were just stupid. Then I started wondering. Maybe I'm stupid? No, I understand what I'm saying and it makes perfect sense. I couldn't force them to understand. That made them angry. Sometimes, even, in my imagination, I didn't think they were really angry. I thought maybe they were just joking. That created some problems. As you might guess. Then I came to the conclusion that I had expressive aphasia. I knew exactly what I was thinking and I heard exactly what I was saying. Other people didn't hear the things I was saying in the way I was saying them. I had some repeat my words back to me. They were my very same words. ? I certainly didn't have receptive aphasia. Then I heard the suggestion that I was delusional. It took a while to analyze that. I came back to the idea that I just had a good imagination. You should certainly believe your imagination shouldn't you? What is a delusion? So I started writing words down. Then reading them back to myself. OK. That should work. If the readers have a good enough imagination they should understand. Or can they? Then I started thinking again. Maybe nobody ever really understands anybody else. Everything I see around me seems to indicate that maybe they don't. I think everybody just wants to be happy. But what I hear sometimes or read, it seems like they aren't saying things that would make them happy. For sure, not saying things that will make other people happy. So I wonder. Do I just not understand what they are trying to say? Or do they really want to be unhappy, and to make me unhappy. When I meet strangers and their speech, or gestures, or actions are unpleasant, unhappy, it makes me depressed. Are they trying to depress me? Or do I just not understand them. No, just look around. I'll stop my rambling. Maybe things would be better if people tried harder to understand each other. I know. I'm delusional.
December 12, 2014 at 3:04pm
December 12, 2014 at 3:04pm
I'd have to say that every place I've ever been remains in my consciousness forever, otherwise I wouldn't remember having been there, or is consciousness something totally different from memory? *Confused* I guess I remember some places more than others though. Memory is a funny thing. *Laugh* Sometimes I remember something that I haven't thought about in a long time, maybe a place, or maybe something else, and all of a sudden, BAM!!, it's like I'm right back there all over again. Maybe that's what people call a 'Flash Back', cuz it's like I instantaneously flash back to a place that's all of a sudden back in my consciousness, and it seems like it was always there. Was it always there? Or did it just leap into my consciousness when I remembered it? Or did it just leap into my consciousness from subconsciousness because a memory triggered somethin'. *Pthb* Seriously though, where am I? *Bigsmile* What stays in my consciousness is all the good stuff, I have cultivated, very carefully, a mental defect that allows me to forget negativity! And by the way. I can't smell Christmas anymore. You'll understand that if you read my last blog post.

P.S. I'm working on recultivating my sense of smell for Christmas!
December 11, 2014 at 1:39pm
December 11, 2014 at 1:39pm
As a child Christmas was one of the worst times of the year. As far back as I can remember it was the perfect time for my mother to display her selfishness and bestow her gift of guilt on everyone in the family. Everything had to be her way, or no way. She always got her wish. It was her way. I would have preferred it no way. She's been dead for a few years now. Gradually, Christmas is getting better.

What am I most proud of accomplishing this year? Hmmmmm? ? ? Well, the year isn't over yet!

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