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This blog contains only items derived from specific prompts. I'm too stubborn to take the time to post the prompt that the entry is based on. So if you don't understand whats going on - well, I dunno - I guess that just means you don't understand.

I would also like to invite you to take a look at my other blog:
My now and again blog of ideas, notifications, and superfluous randomness.
#2040797 by Geoff
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August 3, 2015 at 10:11am
August 3, 2015 at 10:11am


but so juicy!
Sun shines on the picknick..
I spit the seeds at my sister.
I grin.

Blog City:


When I was a little boy, about a half century ago, I was digging a hole in the back yard, under the catalpa tree. I hit a rock with my little shovel and had to spend about an hour getting it out of the way so I could continue with my digging; at the time it seemed like an hour. When I finally tugged out the rock, there, at the bottom of the hole was a ring. It was just a simple gold band, but I was sure it was precious. I showed it to my mother and she explained to me: "You're such a lucky boy. This is definitely a magic ring. See how it's such a perfect circle? See how it glows? And besides that, every ring that is ever found in a hole under a catalpa tree, under a rock, is magic!" I put the ring away in my treasure box and dreamed about all the amazing things I would be able to do with my magic ring.

Time went by. I forgot about my magic ring. My life didn't turn out the way I had planned. I was living in the city. Living in my car. All my possessions in the trunk. I was down to a pocketful of change. Not enough to buy a bottle. I needed a drink bad. My hands were shaking. I don't know why, but I thought about my old treasure box and my magic ring.
I hadn't thought about that in so long. Maybe it was in my trunk. Maybe I could pawn something for enough to by a bottle. I found the box and when I opened it my Magic Ring glowed! I had difficulty taking it out of the box, my hands were shaking so. I thought surely this would keep me in liquor for a while. I really wanted my hands to stop shaking. When I found a pawn shop, before going in I took the ring out of my pocket. My hand was still shaking so much that I dropped it. It rolled behind me.

"Hey mister, you dropped this." When I turned around she was holding my Magic Ring. Her name was Julie. She was 19. She had long brown, curly hair and beautiful brown eyes. She was wearing a cowboy hat. She was smiling at me, in spite of the way I looked. I asked her to keep it and she put it on her finger. That's when I magically came to life.
August 2, 2015 at 5:54pm
August 2, 2015 at 5:54pm

The storm disturbs me,
the rivulets grow deeper.
My bones grow cold, wet.

Age makes me colder.
The drips of wet speed decay.
I feel like crumbling.

My dissolution,
dissolving the me I was.
What is becoming?

Rebirth of being,
deciding to be anew.
I've always been new.

Watering the growth.
Rainfall speeds the decaying,
the compost of life.

A puddle forms there,
there where the life used to be.
I was that way once

John Steinbeck wrote, in The Winter of Our Discontent:

"No one wants advice -- only corroboration."
August 1, 2015 at 11:42am
August 1, 2015 at 11:42am

The Power of Public Art

Art pulled his pants down.
Molly screamed in dreadful shock.
Art achieved his goal.
The power of showing off.
OK though, Art is just three.

Blog City

An Apology

Seven days ago,
I'm paranoid about it.
I don't remember!

What could I have done?
Why won't anyone tell me?
Paranoia hurts.

Know I deserve it.
I always say the wrong thing,
has to be my fault.

Don't care what you say.
Nobody will talk to me!
I just want to know!

Now I'm just crying.
What ever it is, sorry.
Yeah, I know I drink to much.
July 31, 2015 at 12:22pm
July 31, 2015 at 12:22pm
Blog City:

"People don't notice whether it is winter or summer if they are happy." Chekhov wrote that. He was just daydreaming when he wrote it. He wouldn't know, he was never happy. As for me, I cant answer for 'people'. I guess I would have to say it's both true and false, depending on how I look at it. There is often a relationship between my mood and what I notice. The more I think about it, though, the more I believe, I believe the opposite of Chekhov. When, I'm happy I notice everything, and love everything. Happiness makes the seasons clear. I can notice, love, and enjoy, every season of the year. When I'm sad, I think, "What's the point of noticing, anything, I don't care. Leave me alone, you pointless seasons! I'll wait and enjoy you when I'm happy again. I know from too much experience that I WILL be happy again."


There is no such thing as 'superfoods'. There is only foods. I didn't get much about nutrition in Medical School, but I'm interested in it and studied it on my own. I also taught nutrition at the college level. When some new quack, claims to have discovered some new 'superfood', I'm highly annoyed.
You can speak of a super diet, (Not a weight loss diet, that annoys me too, diet means what you eat, NOT how you loose weight!). If you eat a super diet you'll weigh what you should weigh and not have to go on some idiotic fad diet. Super diet just means proper diet. People are different. A super diet for one person is a poor diet for another. People should get their facts straight before advising others. Of course those recommending some 'superfood', especially Doctors, are just in it for the money.
July 30, 2015 at 12:49pm
July 30, 2015 at 12:49pm
Blog City:

What's # 1 on my to-do list right now? Well, I DID start making to-do lists, but I don't know how to tell where # 1 is. I only do things when I decide I really HAVE to, or when I decide I WANT to, of course. So I just got these big long lists of things in no order whatsoever. So whenever I decide to do SOMETHING, I just start unrolling these spools of list papers, and try to spot something that looks like it might be interesting, or needy. Uhm, wait, I'm looking now, I guess when I decide on something that'll make it # 1? Would that be a good idea? Here we go: Do BCOF of friends blog for Thursday July 30, 2015, so that's # 1.

BCOF: Today I will write about what I'm grateful for. I am grateful that I had of list of things to do so that I could remember to write in this blog! *Bigsmile*
July 29, 2015 at 11:01am
July 29, 2015 at 11:01am
Blog City and BCOF

OMG! I can't write about the best dream I ever had HERE! *Blush* My blog is rated 13+! *Shock*

How bout if I write about a serious nightmare. I had it about 10 years ago and I remember it vividly:

I've been captured by some criminals, or at least some very bad people, who are forcing me to do something so repugnant that I can't possibly do it, because it is totally outside the realm of my morality. I refuse. They have also kidnapped my wife and children, and say they will torture them until I do it. I say I will kill myself before I will do it. They say they will torture and kill my wife and children even if I kill myself. The act is still so horrific that I can't commit it, (I don't remember if I ever new what the act was, just that I couldn't make myself do it, no matter what). Luckily I woke up. I have faced similar things in life. Similar - Not identical.

Dreams within dreams within dreams.
Stand in front of the full length mirror on your bedroom door.
Struggle out of bed in your sleep.
You know you are dreaming.
Be careful not to wake up.
See yourself?
See your reflection in the mirror?
See your reflection in the mirror behind you on the dresser?
On and on and on.
On and on and on.
See how young you looked in the past?
See how old you are getting in the future?
On and on and on.
Time goes on and on and on.
Dreams go on and on and on.
Into the future and into the past.
July 28, 2015 at 9:42am
July 28, 2015 at 9:42am
BCOF and Blog City combined:

"Hey, yous guys! Get over der and watch dem hostages. If Mr. Big knew how yous two was carryin' on he'd probly gut you like a couple a' sucklin' pigs ready for da spit." Lefty scowled at Ham Bone and Fink, who were crouching in the corner playing dominoes. "Yeah Yeah", said Fink. "Yous tinks yur such a big shot now, jus' because Mr. Big made you his number one fixer. Where's yur loyalty to yur old pals, hunh? An dat blousy dame over der ain't even woke back up yet and dat skinny boy friend of hers already said we could do whatever we want to her as long as we dont wack him. Der jus' ain't no loyalty no wheres these days! " Fink glanced over at his buddy Ham Bone, who was putting the dominoe game away. Me an' old Hamy's gonna stay loyal till we die!" "Yeah, an' you might be dead any minute", sneared Lefty, "If'n you dont behave yurselves!" Little did Lefty know how soon they all were to die. Mr. Big had already gotten his money for the hostages and he didn't want any witnesses, including his new number one fixer!

Mr. Big drove up in front of the ramshackle storehouse in his big black F250 pick-up truck. He got out, taking his machine gun off the gun rack. That old storehouse was so fallen down that it didn't take long to fill it so full of holes that everything and everyone was totally destroyed! Yes sir! Not much loyalty. No sireee!

July 27, 2015 at 8:26am
July 27, 2015 at 8:26am
Blog City:

I've always wanted a place to go to get away from the grind. I've had glimpses of one, but I don't think I'll ever make it.

......Out of time in more ways than I know. Been wandering around, looking for a way out. Always running away -- Looking for the door, seeing it down the hall and hurrying toward it, but tripping on the carpet before I can get there. I should know enough not to bother hurrying; it's always locked anyway. Looking over my shoulder and watching time creeping up on me, heading for the door. Running from side to side between yesterday and tomorrow.......


A Monday Tanka

Hiding in Monday.
My Hidey-Hole of sorrow.
At least I'm alone.
Monday is a beginning.
Well, I'll see what I can do.
July 26, 2015 at 10:48am
July 26, 2015 at 10:48am

When dogs piss up trees,
sibilants blow in the breeze.
Sorry 'bout the rhyme.

A tree fell today.
Its roots ripping from the earth.
It made a grand sound.

The texture is grey.
It's oozing between the leaves.
The texture of smoke.

When it burns my eyes,
the texture of fire is red.
Then all turns to ash.

On and on and on.
Oh, when will my pencil break?
I can't see the lines.

Dust in the corner.
Grime under my finger-nails.
I did not do it!

The metronome ticks.
My mind continues to tock.
For how much longer?

Time was when I could.
When I could really see it.
Sometimes I still can.

Full mendacity.
Cover your ass with a pile.
Maybe truth will sprout.

How can one word say it all?
Sometimes it takes three.

Haiku metaphor,
a koanic disturbance.
Nature does not care.
July 25, 2015 at 2:28pm
July 25, 2015 at 2:28pm

Grandpa's Christmas

Grandma always insisted on making Christmas mysterious. I don't know why, but we always went to her house on Christmas Eve and got up real early on Christmas morning to open presents and have Grandma's mysterious Christmas Day brunch. Well, the Christmas I'm remembering today started out to be a sad one. Not exactly sad, more disappointing. Grandpa had been real sick and he was in the hospital and wouldn't be there for Christmas this year. Well, this would be the first Christmas in my whole life that I hadn't spent with my Grandpa. Well, Christmas morning came and all us kids started opening presents, while Grandma was in the kitchen getting the food ready. Lookin' forward to Grandma's food was almost as fun as opening the presents. Well, when Grandma said brunch was ready we all ran into the dining room. There was a real big silver platter covered with a big silver cover thing. We all sat down at the big table and Grandma, real dramatic like, took off the big silver cover............There was a huge MeatLoaf shaped like a little old man. Grandma said Grandpa wasn't really in the hospital. He was in the MeatLoaf! *Laugh*


I read a lot. Probably at least a hundred books a year. So, recently I've read quite a few. I'll list a few and recommend some.

based on a five star system

The Children's Crusade by Ann Packer Four Stars
My Name Is Aram by William Saroyan Three Stars
As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner Two Stars
Corsair by James L. Cambias Three Stars
Sputnik Sweetheart by Haruki Murakami Five Stars - Highly Recommended
Sanctuary by William Faulkner Two Stars
Kafka on The Shore by Haruki Murakami Five Stars - Highly Recommended
The Girl On The Train by Paula Hawkins Four Stars
Dead Wake by Erik Larson Four Stars
All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr Five Stars - Highly Recommended
Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult Five Stars - Highly Recommended

I could go on and on

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