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Rated: 13+ · Book · Opinion · #2003271
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This blog contains only items derived from specific prompts. I'm too stubborn to take the time to post the prompt that the entry is based on. So if you don't understand whats going on - well, I dunno - I guess that just means you don't understand.

I would also like to invite you to take a look at my other blog:
My now and again blog of ideas, notifications, and superfluous randomness.
#2040797 by Geoff
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August 13, 2015 at 12:22pm
August 13, 2015 at 12:22pm
I think today would make a good BCOF and Blog City Combo Day:

I'm a sorta equal opportunity kinda guy. I think the future belongs to everybody. I'm sure that when Eleanor Roosevelt said that the future belongs to dreamers, she didn't mean ONLY to dreamers. She believed in equal opportunity too. Everybody has the opportunity to participate in the future to whatever extent they are capable of participating. Now, I don't believe that all men are created equal. That's controversial, isn't it? I think everyone should be treated as if they were equal, but thinking doesn't make it so. I don't mean that anyone is better or worse than anyone else - just different. I've never been to a palm reader and I wouldn't be interested in ever going to one. I'm sure some people can tell the future. I can too, if I take the time to look at all the possible interactions that can take place, work with them, and make plans. Come to think of it though, I do have dreams that come true. Seems like eventually, all my dreams have come true. I can only suppose that they'll keep doin' that. Maybe some people who don't dream as well as me could benefit from a palm reader. Maybe a palm reader could instill a dream of the future in their mind. Maybe then they could make their dreams come true. Well, I'm just rambling. The final answer is - It is what it is. People are going to keep dreaming - People are going to keep going to fortune tellers - Everyone is going to keep marching right along into the future - Sometimes I dream that maybe it would be nice if we all march holding hands - Everyone stumbles sometimes.
August 12, 2015 at 11:30am
August 12, 2015 at 11:30am

Happy 1000 BCOF. I guess 1000 is a pretty big number. I guess I've never celebrated a 1000th anniversary before. Hmmmm - I guess I don't have much of an idea how one would go about doing that. I'll start studying up on that and get back to you. I really should know too. My 1000th birthday is coming up soon.

Blog City:

What would a She Shed or a Man Cave be like? If it was mine? What would we keep in there?
Today's prompt is rife with opportunities for euphemistic pun and metaphor. The snickerly to the sublime. Ripe with amalgamating analogousness. Pommely ripening like the apple of my eye. A crabby hard red apple, stored in the caves of man. I'll wait a bit. Let my mind ripen into a fat fruit, bursting with juice. Wait until the furry peaches of womanhood are ready to be peeled, to shed their furry skins. She said she would shed while selling sea shells by the sea shore. Keep the sand and the pearls out of my fruit. He said, Come into my manly cave with me, (club in hand). She said, Why sir, what do you have in mind?, (eyes all aflutter). She shyly shed her clothing and donned her veil of sand..............

August 11, 2015 at 3:07pm
August 11, 2015 at 3:07pm

I don't think "Social Media", per se, is important in catastophic disasters. In fact I find "Social Media" rather silly. However, any increase in the capabilities of communication in general, is a plus for all aspects of human interaction.

Blog City:

One of my 'pet peeves' is the silly term pet peeve. Be that as it may, in this instance it's appropriate. It's a pet peeve of mine, that so many people think they always have to be doing something. When I sit around doing absolutely nothing they think I'm lazy. I think they're annoyingly hyperactive.
Anyone who thinks that relaxing and doing absolutely nothing does not increase creativity, is someone who has never slowed down enough to meditate. I feel sorry for them. "Protestant Work Ethic", be damned!
August 10, 2015 at 9:54am
August 10, 2015 at 9:54am


draw your bow, but take good aim.
Arrows can pierce hearts.
The heart of man is feeble.
Sorrow flows so easily.

Blog City

Do I think it acceptable to stretch the truth or use effective body language to win a debate?
I looked up the various definitions of debate. OF COURSE IT'S ACCEPTABLE! How else you gonna win. Nothing illegal or unethical or naughty or anything wrong with stretching the truth or using body language! Just no outright lying and keep the body language from developing into a fist-fight.

August 9, 2015 at 11:58am
August 9, 2015 at 11:58am
I'm on a role here. I've blogged in this blog 15 days in row. I guess I better shove something in here in this non-promptly crack.

As always, it'll fit my new genre of Situational Existential Literature.

First a haiku, entitled, 'You Know Who You Are'

Oh concupiscence!
Stuff it in your ear my dear.
I know what you want.

It's easier to get in a hole, than to get out of it.

I often have to wait 'til I've acted on a certain question, before I know what I decided to do. This is called, hyper-spontaneity.

The Artificial Intelligence Paradox

A computer can be said to have gained a mind, when it finds that there is no logical answer to the question, "Do you have a mind?", and can still honestly answer, "Why, yes. Yes I do. I do have a mind!"

*Bigsmile* That's all for today! *Pthb*
August 8, 2015 at 11:47am
August 8, 2015 at 11:47am

Today we are asked to talk about one of our best memories. A very large percentage of my writing is about my memories. I'm just going to post a previously written memory.

Sometimes I see exactly what I want to think about.
#2039164 by Geoff

Blog City:

C. Hale says writing is innate, while E. Pound says writing is learned. This is why I say EVERYTHING is true. They are both right and they probably aren't even talking about the same thing. We can never know what anyone really means. We can never know if our definitions of the words used are the same as theirs. I'm sure that what Ezra pound means by writing requires much practice. Some would consider what Ezra writes as good writing, maybe most would consider it good writing. I would say that a Stream of Consciousness from an untutored amateur can be just as good.
August 7, 2015 at 1:28pm
August 7, 2015 at 1:28pm
Today's blog is a combination of the prompts for BCOF and Blog City. Believe it or not, it's a true story. (almost)

When I was a little boy, about 3 or 4, I was teaching myself to write cursive. I was doing very well and decided to show Mommy my current manuscript. Well, when she saw it she said it was just a bunch of squiggly lines. What? That didn't sound right. I knew exactly what it said. That's when I began wondering what was wrong with Mom. Did she have a vision problem or was she just illiterate? When I got older I realized that there are many things a child knows that adults are just not capable of understanding. It was a dreadful experience to grow up. Remembering all those fantastic things I used to know. Feeling them slipping away. Luckily, I still remember that the things I knew as a child were true. I'm not as narrow minded as most adults. I'm eager to listen to everything kids have to say; I'm eager to learn. I've forgotten the language I had at 3 or 4, the one I showed to Mommy. I would have taught it to her if she hadn't been so stubborn. If I could learn any language in the world, I would relearn the language of childhood. Maybe then it would be easier to communicate with children. I've still go so much to learn.
August 6, 2015 at 12:46pm
August 6, 2015 at 12:46pm

I'm never annoyed by what I don't know. I don't think you can ever really KNOW anything for sure. When reading I am sometimes annoyed at mysteries. Not because I don't know what the ending is going to be, but because I don't agree with the author as to what the ending was. I usually prefer to decide for myself. Makes me think about a review of one of my stories I had recently. The reviewer, who claimed to be knowledgeable, told me it wasn't ALLOWABLE to leave so many unanswered questions at the end of my story! ???! Hunh? I explained to the reviewer that I didn't know the answers. I much prefer books that pose many questions, discuss the questions, then explain, some how, through good writing, that there are many questions that only a fool would even try to answer.

Blog City

Is an author only as good as their last novel? Maybe, if they're dead. *Confused* Oh, and I guess they would have to not have written anything better than their last novel in their whole life, also? I think it would be a hell of a lot better to just say, "An author is only as good as the best thing they have ever written."
August 5, 2015 at 10:52am
August 5, 2015 at 10:52am
A Blog City Poem

Girls giggle,
and puppies wriggle,
sitting in the fountains spray.
Their music tickles my ears.
Beware the Harpy oh laughing ladies,
their quills can prick you to tears.
The lap of luxury is where the Harpy dwells,
and Puppy is her favorite food.
Beware, beware you tiny canine,
the nearing of your deathly knells.


Do I prefer to take advice from strangers or from people close to me? *Confused* Oh I get it now! Well, I don't talk to strangers. People close to me know I don't take advice from anybody, so they don't give it. Guess I'm still not sure how to answer the question. *Facepalm*

August 4, 2015 at 9:55am
August 4, 2015 at 9:55am
BCOF and BLOG CITY COMBINED (and I don't mean I picked them like corn) (Come to think of it though, that's a very corny pun) *Laugh*

Oscar Wilde was a briliant man! he still is cuz he's alive in his writing, I don't think he had to learn how to misbehave, I sure didn't, but yeah, if a writer starts out behavin he's not gonna get very good until he teaches himself how to misbehave, gotta fight the good battle, battle between right and wrong, there isn't a battle between wrong and right writing, les you think there is a right way to write and a wrong one, some people sit around stewing bout insignificant, filthy crap, like rules, try to lure people away from misbehaven, ever notice how you can switch the letters round in lure and make rule? I hate it when people tell me I'm in violation - say my spelling or puncuation is WRONG, How do they know what I'm tryin to say, how do they know what kinda consciousness is streaming outa all my pores and orifices, or is the correctt word orifici, or orifeces, or some kinda crap like that, Lets elevate our language to what it really is, language is talkin, when I write somethin down I'm talkin on a piece of paper, when I read something I like to hear how other people talk, not how some narrator who thinks theyre so great thinks people should be talkin, go out on some moonlit nite and look at the moonlight and try to describe the smell of night bloomin flowers, I dare you, just try to describe them using rules of proper behaviour writin, I'm sure you can, but wouldn't it sound better if you just wrote down what you really felt? maybe you can do it but I can't put emotions into words so good when I have to worry bout behaving myself, guess I just elevate emotions way above writing to the level of consciousness so they just keep streamin out til I put a plug in all those streaming pores.

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