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Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2232903
My blog, where I store those thoughts rattling around my brain
Welcome to the insanity of my mind! Please excuse the cobwebs and clutter, I've been meaning to clean the place up a bit...

Stop in and read some of my nonsense whenever the mood strikes you :)
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April 8, 2022 at 12:59pm
April 8, 2022 at 12:59pm

Hey you, out there on the road
Always doing what you're told
Can you help me?

Hey you, out there beyond the wall
Breaking bottles in the hall
Can you help me?

Hey you, don't tell me there's no hope at all
Together we stand, divided we fall
April 5, 2022 at 3:38pm
April 5, 2022 at 3:38pm

She comes in colours everywhere
She combs her hair
She's like a rainbow
Coming, colours in the air
Oh, everywhere
She comes in colours
April 3, 2022 at 7:19pm
April 3, 2022 at 7:19pm
A friend of mine brought a useful site to my attention which could be really beneficial for designing characters! I'm really looking forward to using this as a supplementary tool for my stories. As writer who heavily uses a visual style, it's a great way to picture important people for use in scenes, since it's hard for me to describe something if I cannot 'see' it in my mind's eye.

WriterAngel , we might have to try this out for our steampunk story!
April 2, 2022 at 11:21am
April 2, 2022 at 11:21am
Everybody has experienced a dream they wanted to hold on to a bit longer.

Last night I dreamt that I traveled to the moon, discovering there was life on that planet after all. A lush garden greeted me, bizarre trees and exotic birds, a carpet of alien flowers swaying in the wind as I gazed up at the blue orb we live on. It was all so vivid. When I awoke, I was filled with a deep sadness, longing to remain asleep for a few hours more so I could bask in that ethereal realm.

What is it about dreams that are so bittersweet?

I'm reminded of a game I played long ago, a childhood favorite that has stuck with me ever since. In Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, the titular hero Link is sailing home when a sudden storm overtakes his ship and sends him crashing against a mysterious island. A maiden named Marin finds the stranger stranded on the beach and cares for him.

When Link recovers and is strong enough to explore, he tries to leave but discovers it is an impossible task, prevented by an unknown force. Marin explains it is because of the Wind Fish. The creature sleeps within an egg atop the highest mountain, keeping the inhabitants of Koholint Island from escaping. The only way to free the villagers is to locate each of the eight magical instruments that are in the clutches of powerful monsters and to play a song which will awaken the Wind Fish.

So Link embarks on an epic journey to uncover the secrets of the island and return home. Along the way he falls in love with Marin, who expresses her desire to escape the little island as it is all she's ever known. She asks Link to take her with him and he promises, sharing a tender kiss.

The townspeople grow fond of the adventurer as he helps them with various troubles they suffer from, cheering as he defeats the monsters one by one. Marin is always there to give him encouragement, singing a ballad which lifts his spirits when he suffers defeat.

Eventually, Link manages to acquire each of the eight magic instruments and reaches the perilous mountain where the Wind Fish lays dreaming. He plays a haunting tune that cracks open the egg, freeing the beast. It thanks him for awakening it from the long slumber and flies away as the island melts into nothing.

Link discovers the entire place, the cheerful people, the savage monsters, the talking animals were nothing but a dream and awakens on his boat where it all started. He sails off into the sunset as the melancholy ballad plays, watching the Wind Fish fade into the sky. It was such a heartbreaking ending that to this day when I replay it I cannot bear to take that final step.

The longing to hold on to something intangible is truly the most human of desires.

March 31, 2022 at 7:25pm
March 31, 2022 at 7:25pm

Not that I'm complaining
A more beautiful vision, I have never seen
If you don't mind me saying
A lifelong ambition to fulfill my dream

I've been on an EDM kick lately. Music always helps me focus while writing so something groovy really helps me keep going! This is an oldie but a goodie. The ones below are strictly instrumental, which helps when you don't want extra words bouncing around your head.

Home Call - Toxic Avenger  

Faded (Instrumental) - Alan Walker  
March 26, 2022 at 11:28am
March 26, 2022 at 11:28am
Wild West - Lessie  

I've been living life on the edge
Slip and fall if I take one more step
There's safety in numbers, I guess
But I'm going rogue in the wild, wild west
March 24, 2022 at 7:21pm
March 24, 2022 at 7:21pm
Era of Unenlightenment

Mere murmurs of another age,
ripple through unconscious thought.
Echoes fading reset the stage -
well-known plays the world forgot.
Clear eyes might choose to remain blind,
rights surrendered during war,
captives within imprisoned mind:
victims of rewritten lore.

When empathy fails and reason is lost,
Then shrewd malice refines our bitter cost.
March 24, 2022 at 11:45am
March 24, 2022 at 11:45am

I took your picture from the frame
And now you're nothing like you seem
Your shadow fell like last night's rain
February 22, 2022 at 12:45am
February 22, 2022 at 12:45am
I remember reading science-fiction books as a youngster. At that impressionable age, the concepts of a technological future were delightful and fascinating to imagine. For each dystopian setting, there was always a blessed utopia where humanity fully embraced automation and science to live out days in leisurely activities and the pursuit of personal dreams.

But as the years went on, those rosy depictions of far off decades began to fade out of our collective consciousness.

More tales concerning Orwellian societies and totalitarian governments started cropping up, perhaps in response to our rapidly eroding quality of life. Even the young adult genre was swamped with these themes, overtaken by an enormous glut of rebellious characters fighting against the ever expanding machine. Hunger Games, Divergent, Maze Runner, sound familiar?

The bleakness started to become evident to any who dared pay attention. Of course, the aforementioned book series concluded in bittersweet hollow victories, befitting the grim events within. Reality rarely has happy endings. Why should we pull our punches for the adolescent audience?

That was my first warning.

Looking back, I feel like a fool for dreaming about harmonious existence and altruistic advancements. Remember the guy who developed a car which ran on electrolysis and expelled water vapor? It could have single-handedly ended our dependence on fossil fuels and eliminated insane amounts of world-wide pollution.

But no. Oil companies promptly buried the concept in their greed to make billions hand over fist. Oh and the inventor died quite mysteriously as well. How convenient.

The future is a cold, lonely place. We are more isolated than ever, more suspicious and distrustful, wrapped up in our struggle to eke out a meager existence. People live vicariously through others, since they cannot do much else. No wonder why TikTok and other video platforms host streamers who live better than most, watched by millions who can barely interact with others.

Is it a surprise many are socially inept? Why we run across so many selfish and insecure citizens? Technology has caused a huge rift in our lives, alienating and disassociating humanity from friends and family. Why would you need to step outside and touch grass when you can have everything from the comfort of your home?

Can't afford a plane ticket? It's cheaper to witness someone streaming his or her adventures in the safari. Can't eat anything but garbage fast food and dollar store junk? Tune in to observe food lovers traveling from five-star restaurant to high bistros. Can't catch the attention of the opposite sex? Why not chat with eye candy and give them generous tips so they say your name on camera?

We've replaced genuine human connections with clinical interactions. Every facet of our lifestyle has been monetized. Even suicide hotlines are now selling your data so companies can find out ways to market your crippling depression.

This isn't what I imagined as a youth. I never anticipated the cultural and technological stagnation from those who wanted to maintain the status quo until they ran it all into the ground.

I just wanted flying cars and that microwave from Spy Kids that turned cellophane packets into fresh food instantly.

What will be our breaking point? What horrific tragedy will awake our sleepwalking masses into mobilizing? Not the school shootings, the rampant crime, the Dickensian deaths of employees trapped in workplaces, the open corruption of elected officials, the nation-wide exploitation of the middle and lower classes, the disinformation campaigns, the rapid global shifts in climates, the mass extinction event currently underway, the food shortages and oncoming famine...

But hey, at least we have Netflix and two day delivery from Amazon!
January 24, 2022 at 1:17am
January 24, 2022 at 1:17am

Is it worth it, can you even hear me?
Standing with your spotlight on me
Not enough to feed the hungry
I'm tired, and I've felt it for a while now
In this sea of lonely
The taste of ink is getting old

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