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Rated: 18+ · Book · Spiritual · #1149750
10k views, 2x BestPoetryCollection. A nothing from nowhere cast words to a world wide wind

I had a lover's quarrel with the world - Robert Frost

I'm sorry you got caught in the middle. - me

This poet’s words collect, arrange on a kaleidoscope spectrum. The experience of discovery through writing is the truest reward that has allowed me to grow and learn who/what I am — what other people get naturally, immediately, while I stomp around in it.

Been blessed, but pushing it — envelope, world and all inhabitants away. Push buttons, find boundaries to trip traps. No clue why cat curiosity, living in your dark. (Bored, perhaps?)

Now and then, push dirt out of this hole; someone/thing/entity might envision me how I need to be viewed (if I knew what that was). Cryptic, yes. Try living in my dark, find comfort amid strange, virtual, wonderful walls that tower above, tempt me to scale.

Been more than I could imagine or expect here. But, achievements aren’t going on a LinkedIn wall *Think*. I dig deeper than I should, often without forethought. Aimless words, brave or veiled cowardice, flinchingly flung, inadvertently hit targets? Get a ‘back off’ shoulder shot when asking your motivations here. Not fair?

No prize to eye; not incentivized. Dealt the worst two cards before the flop, do best with what’s in hand.

My Pluggers:
You are an icon here.*BigSmile*
You suffer, but you suffer brilliantly. Wow, what a great writer.*Heart*

It’s like plugging myself, but using other people’s (reviewers) words…Review of "Poetic Referendum(s) On Life"
Your poetic muse is on fire! *Fire* Some great emotion, well-balance(d), lovely lyrical qualities -- even the ones that were written out of sadness or anger came through in a clever cadence…It's obvious you've put a lot of work into each entry and the totality of the blog has eye appeal. *Cool*

Published four times with one a literary journal, including… *PointRight*   "The Tender Core (Sedona)
I don’t submit because it’s too much work. Truly alone, know no one cares to show they believe/support me. Lip service feeds delusion. I’ve seen a lot of smoldering and snow. Try not be cynical, work hard at openness and consideration — work, sooo…gut thing.

*Toilet* *RibbonW* Merit Badge in Taboo Words
[Click For More Info]


Congratulations! You won 1st Place in Taboo Words with your fantastic poem, [Link to Book Entry #1027659]. 

I absolutely loved this! *^*Heart*^*

Rachel Merit Badge in Poetry
[Click For More Info]

    Thanks you for supporting the  [Link To Item #power]  with an order to the  [Link To Item #powergifts] ! We appreciate it. *^*Heartv*^* Keep writing the beautiful poetry. [Link to Book Entry #1027659] is an awesome poem! *^*Starv*^* ~Lornda

Love my process constructing and sharing visions in words collected (no small task considering personal and physical limitations, see below).

August 28, 2006 this blog opened

SuperNova Afterglow: End Of Days  (18+)
All that remains: here in my afterlife as a 'mainstream' blogger, with what little I know.
#1300042 by Brian K Compton

No specific aim going forward (2014)

What I used to say: 'Maybe, I just don't get it. Watch me fumble with my version of reality, expose ignorance as truth. You don't have to get me, either. But, wish someone would explain me to myself.' Now I say: *Cool* *FacePalm* Now: I was such a whore.

*Laugh*This is old….
What? Oh, this? A rhetorical, self-motivational speech I'm working on.
Don't just read the parts to construct your theory, as if to confirm (construed out of context) your opinion, mentally-stunted Neanderthal. Therapist wants me to be less negative toward myself. I see it as attacking, rather than being defensive. Fear I will chomp too many bullets unintentionally sent toward the unsuspecting.
If you can be triggered for stupid reasons, then I?
…just looked like me rolling around on the floor with myself.*RollEyes*

What Was NEW

Who am I, you ask? My mirror knows that question, repeated daily.

Just trying to create a little buzz, not boost my ego.

#amwriting #poetry #blog #contest #freeverse #award #bestpoetry #freyaridings #lyrics #music #video #YouTube

Can you believe it took this long for someone to put a quarter in me and push the button GET ANGRY?

Mud 4 My Eye: Is that you, Poo? 💩 Secret Back Door

The Best Poetry Collection on Writing.Com
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December 24, 2022 at 1:18am
December 24, 2022 at 1:18am
Chance favored me without preparation.

Trailed hazardous life stumbling
over serendipity
near the turbulent waters
lapping my ignorant shores
ready to consume a fool.

What were my odds?
the chance I'd survive ordinary existence
to reach its inevitable end
with fortuity?

Manifest destiny or fate
life seemed to be lived by accident.

Found love.
Periled lips still savor kismet.

Was it providence,

or did I just get away
with cheating life
because of dumb luck?

20 lines free verse

"Invalid Post"  
12.5.22 PPC Prompt: Luck

"Invalid Post"  
Kerf form

December 23, 2022 at 11:28am
December 23, 2022 at 11:28am
thank you
for unnecessary commentary
in this shared theatre

I shouldn't push play
why don't I learn?
is a poet supposed to get to the point?

thank you for the unprovoked remarks
in the din I live in

Should've worn my headphones

Why don't I insulate?
is a poet supposed to self-edit?
for you?

you've been kind to give your opinion
in my shrinking domain,
a condition
where little space can be sought
to self-isolate

Where is the acceptance I yearn?
Is a soul supposed to dry its pen?

What am I living in
that walls don't echo my thoughts?

The vibrant messages could soothe
aching ears

Where am I living if
I cannot go from here
without you on my mind
vigorously absorbing all of my soul's light?

thank you for choosing me to hear you out

A chamber envelops my lungs,

heart pushed to the glass

How can I unpin and ask for my breath back?

Let a poet grip
foolishly again
his words flung to a non-dimensional wall
expanding to infinity

and all I’ll not capture

thank you.

12.26.22 added 3 end lines
4.9.23 added punctuation, more capitalization and last line.

it's about sharing music i love in shared amphitheater, and have to hear her say she doesn't like this song or that artist, or thinks the volume too loud or when will it end?

things like these attach to my heart, she severs with her blunt knives
December 20, 2022 at 9:31am
December 20, 2022 at 9:31am
your mother had to knit you cool blue mittens
to hold my red hot heart
when we enmeshed in snow
melted and froze
into ice

spring did not thaw you
i was a puddle
cars drove through
sent skyward
blocked promise land
above heartless sun

a heavy rising

you were saved by my freezer
i can still open the door
gaze in that dark refrigerator
and wonder how long
you'll stay in tact
if i could hold you one more time

my mother didn't knit mittens for that

18 lines
December 16, 2022 at 4:40pm
December 16, 2022 at 4:40pm
We would really like to know

If ever I'm perfect
they'll dismantle me
maybe, study me
but mostly, do away with me
We lost paradise once
Tirelessly, must settle for imperfection?

I hand her the correct change
she says perfect
I complete their application
submit, he looks it over
Making an appointment
I respond to need of contact info
Verbal utterance echoes on the line

You can't call me back
Unable to process my application
I passed counterfeit bills (coins I can't mint)

You don't know me
I could be the person trying to undo
all that is perfect, "functional"
within the frequencies, communes
of coexistence, governed society,
aiming with just one word —

Perfect? Do you hear yourself?
What's perfect about correct address?
You've never been here
I could live in squalor
police sirens blaring, cars jacked —
a militarized zone, mortar shells
perfect bullets rip past down my street
as I take the car out again

and it performs as it should
on journey to my next 'perfect'
when I stop (while it rolls independently)
to consider, then pat the fading dash
from my leather-creased, captain's chair
inside a rusty hull, bumper cracked
radio-sometimes-working, beaut of a machine
and say
'you're what's perfect'...

even though, you aren't.

If I don't appreciate all imperfection
and what functions, necessitating a weary life
keeping me going
up this hill we're on
before the six foot drop off
or crusher, then I must admit
between here and where eternity ends
I might make it to perfect...

Envisioning a white cloud
airily lifting me close enough to touch bluest heaven
and no one will see
I'd keep it to myself
between me and the Chevy
We'll both drive off that cliff
before we'll let anyone dissect us.

We are what we are and it ain't perfect

Okay, good, thank you, I have all that I need...
unless there's something more?

62 lines (free verse}

Best Long poem I've written in sometime, if ever.

a little, annoying word on the lips of many little minds, more functional than me.

and you know what else I don't care for? indifference.

3-Time WDC Quill Nominee: Best Poetry Collection...2020-22.

For quill 2021 winners
December 11, 2022 at 10:44am
December 11, 2022 at 10:44am
don't want to be too

avoid the stunted syllables
grinding out

each unsubmitted manuscript
that light these pages
unseen by the main

don't want to be alone
pitchy singing

avoid the top of stunted chords
grinding melody

each retracted utterance
could light still hearts
unheard by that main

untested but willing
singing in rain showers
puddle splashing, hopping
over hearts inside windows
in my yellows like spring
sop-wet with the sky's tears
for a little man inside
unloved by her

who'll not be
if I don't get outside
a foggy dream
get seen, heard and loved.

December 5, 2022 at 6:16pm
December 5, 2022 at 6:16pm

the flaw in our beauty

a broken heart holds together in its sand,
its ancestor
until that final heap topples a fractured vessel,
ice glass bleeding.
         tides try claim the mess,
                   wash remains to sea.
some pieces hunker in grit,
hold on, wear down.

you don't see,
unobserved from dark space
a billion miles a second,
                    speeding away

down to bottom of this shared ocean,
middle of our galaxy.
you didn't glimpse
while your heart was cracking,

but I noticed,
and noticed
you didn't see

we share sand –
blown, mysterious, special
fish bowl or flower vase people,
each of us

not adjoining on shelf,
we'll not ocean together
at the same time,
aweigh on this life
forever and ever
and ever.

don't say amen.
i already hate me
for being impure.

12.7.22 some major edits

could suffice as lyrics; what chorus?

written to:

men have feelings
we're taught to access the part of our flawed DNA that doesn't allow us to show it, or
feel shame if we do

slightly altered version
December 3, 2022 at 2:47pm
December 3, 2022 at 2:47pm
Decades long
I still cannot metabolize you
(It’s been) a lingering death
Memory is still here
(falsely) disguised
Nostalgia lingers in shadows
Dementia swallows
regurgitates in dreams
(Your face) the same
in hollows
(which eludes) my enzymes
consuming (my love)
of any other


The approximation of exclamation since I couldn’t form the proper interrogation to get to the end of our story…

Antacids aid in this digestion


Could title (Read Between The Lines) but that’s not the point.

You could say I’m weird again…but on closer inspection…

Maybe they should Quill ‘Poet Of The Year’
I would concisely conceal that tattoo somewhere on my body before doctors sever the afflicted appendage.

Simply: I’ve not been worthy of it, if not her
Travel back in time with me to win Her love?

When we know Who she is??

(What do you suppose antacids could be?) 🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃

December 2, 2022 at 6:36pm
December 2, 2022 at 6:36pm
I know why you’re alone, Brenna

Untested Conversation

It’s familiarity
people they see daily
talk to

but not me

who sits in the corner
as would a lonely puppy
trying not give that impression
avoiding pity inside the distance

can be - engaging

sees what conversation you prefer
rather not intervene
send to a rocky ledge
but would embrace you
against my field of abyss -

hold against this untested world -
kept from your known safety
from my discourse

sees eyes avert
empathizes with that discomfort
fragile soul
fleet animal
must forest within denizen’s kin

spares the approach
from a cur at your tables
spared from an observer who knows
fear and loneliness
and true survival
as one against the void
in a din

incipient space fissured wide open
by a constant, linear soul


It’s not poetry you fear, but what weight words.

But, in other words: I get it. I can be too much.
A growing affliction with some unknown/undiagnosed social condition:disorder since I was 7, walking down a road in my pajamas because I thought my mom abandoned me in another state.

…now Brenna. A work friend of my wife (statement in 'work friend') who is 32, attractive, opines about not getting married, but will have a baby with or without a husband (and the three bedroom home), operates safely in her domain, her confines. I see, like me, she won't get out of her comfort zone because the unknown isn't easy to approach, as with that sound in the night behind the door in that horror movie called life. Brenna, poor, poor, girl. *sigh* I am safety? I have to wonder.

Now…this pompous announcement…

                   2-Time WDC Quill Winner: Best Poetry Collection, 2020 and 2021. NOMINATED for 2022!

For quill 2021 winners

Poetic Referendum(s) On Life  (18+)
10k views, 2x BestPoetryCollection. A nothing from nowhere cast words to a world wide wind
#1149750 by Brian K Compton
December 2, 2022 at 4:02pm
December 2, 2022 at 4:02pm
They floated me out
on dinghy
upon a tumultuous tide
soft, swift, deft
atop highest wave
to the swell sucking

I wanted to fly
looking on blue sky
Why a watery surface
with its unknown depth?

They sang to me from shore
too gently
Bird and bee dimensionally
It hurt. Skirts flirt
motion from an ocean
for a willing, wanton clown

Will it come back around?

I needed oars to row
envisioning sought, brilliant horizon
Why does it escape day to day
unable to paddle

No chorus, nor melody now
for an ostentatious fool

in his common vessel.


It needs work, but I’ll brave eyes upon it.
November 25, 2022 at 8:37am
November 25, 2022 at 8:37am
Reflecting Mortality

a thin vision near

Drawn down
while you’re stuck
chasm I can’t cross
no magic in imagination to build a bridge
see you gaze at my emerald
as I peer down on your ruby

you fierce clutch your animal

I built these ethereal castles
that topple from stones
I see you place your beast aside
by the river
gleaming flowing
smoothing a bed
where you could punch through a surface
to clutch its offering
when my clouds appear

a portal takes me back
before you can take me down
into that unknown

November 25, 2022 at 8:36am
November 25, 2022 at 8:36am
Each time I open the pantry door now
to deposit them
in the brown paper bag
held inside the receptacle, I scoff
“say hello to the Pacific Ocean for me.”
There’s major breakthroughs in the field of bullshit
while we believe we save a periled planet
one recycled Pepsi 20-ounce bottle at a time.
Cut apart those six plastic rings…for Flipper.

November 25, 2022 at 8:34am
November 25, 2022 at 8:34am
Little Gourd

I witnessed the plumpest gourd blossom
on its vine --
yellow, flower-topped, sere soul embedded
beneath backyard pine.

It didn’t need much sunshine.
Withered, bloom tapered brown, it dropped
after sundown, when ripening stopped.

Not cold, inert, slow shriveling
during our dry days. Dark veggie
inspired so much hope in those rays.
Lone, bright bell, detached,

hard-melded a be-pricked surface.
Silent glossed by eventual frost,
my heart sank somewhere around midnight.

It wasn't better in sunlight. Fewer gourds
appear each year, for an ignorant farmer
who still cannot conceive how he erred.
How much more could I have cared?

Not much I can do. Till, fertilize,
close the bed until spring. Plant again.

How long am I to toil before hope runs out
for a little gourd to feed from that stem?

Reap what you sow
My toil with words bears hopeful fruit appreciating with time.
It's really about raising my kids.

For quill 2021 winners

Poetic Referendum(s) On Life  (18+)
10k views, 2x BestPoetryCollection. A nothing from nowhere cast words to a world wide wind
#1149750 by Brian K Compton
November 18, 2022 at 4:52pm
November 18, 2022 at 4:52pm
buds of chrysanthemum

the mums went silent in their pots
on the porch step
since frost
since snow fell over night

white woven with green,
chin hairs
pierce a soft blanket yielding,
past a naked maple clinging
to precarious, withered offspring,

porch blooms poke,
penetrate our early shadows

they’ll not die easy

brave buds of chrysanthemum,
bright, beautiful,
crisp as new winter weather

greet me


just looking out my window at something that I could take care of
November 4, 2022 at 2:46pm
November 4, 2022 at 2:46pm


Every damn day

Then, mothballs


Return heroically, again

Get stapled to wall

Work all day to free myself

Fly into the ceiling fan


pick myself up

Say, 'Aha! You didn't foil me that time.'

Look at watch and yawn

Back to the mothball haven

10 hours later

pour two black cups

sweeten, add cream

chug chug chug

off i go on adventure


This’ll take a little longer

So on and so forth

It goes like that

i marvel at life

what it throws at me

Doesn't know

i return every damn day

pelted by rain

stung by sleet

fluffed by flakes

frozen in gales



move my iron shovel

move a mountain

move a heavy frame

enter the inner portal

warm, again

sing in steam shower


binge forgotten television

stop wondering about existentialism for a few hours



try to sleep

write write write
stuff like this

until my eyes...

should i?




Some days, remind
we forget the mothballs

still bound about a planet
aim for sky

trip, fall
pick ourselves up

don't care if anyone sees
but try something less dangerous


spend day in bed
back in head

write again


write more


write into a corner
something too long for any printed publication

outmoded in 15 minutes time

no, pretty sure it's not


i can do all this

and have time for more

Don't see very well —




or is it paranoia?


just indifference
maybe, gaslighting

i can accept
i'm average

keep leaping over higher and higher mounts
pull tall ships from harbor to sea

chug chug chug-a-lug-gug-gug

write write write




coda ~

you think you can manipulate and control me, life?

watch what i do

duck and slide

move to side

Throw your worst at me

don't care if I live or die

i'm as valueless at birth

as i will be below the womb

in dirt

Be careful of my loved ones

they profit from my demise

more space in the mothball tent

less of my words to eat.


Hello, non-existant publisher? Oh, yeah. It's just a lighted wall with very low wattage. Plug me in??

I only mean this in the most expressive of senses. I don't live with disregard but respect. In defense of the death benefit portion of policy.
October 30, 2022 at 10:46pm
October 30, 2022 at 10:46pm
I don’t know if this speaks what I mean…

This is what it’s like to be at the bottom of a jar.
You can manage to climb topside but
you’ll never get the lid off.

Potential as a positive possession that cannot escape from its realm,
or actually exceed.

Did I climb in? Yes.
Did I know what I was getting into? No.
It looked cozy inside the glass house.
Growing paranoia? No.
Because it makes you too numb to do anything about it,
or care.

I fear I’ll strike a sharp instrument one day
that will free me from this gas.

Then what will you do?
Try not to cut myself on the shards.
I likely won’t escape, but wait for another jar?
Why? What else is there?
My mind is too drained to conceive.

The gas inside my glass is thick.
In evaporation, I get glimpses.
It’s too strange to think what might have been.

…but I’m trapped.


Thanks to all the people who’ve said ‘wait right there’ and never returned.
I either don’t approach anymore, or walk away once I lose sight of them.
October 30, 2022 at 4:16pm
October 30, 2022 at 4:16pm
She wiped a silver spatula
clean of buttercream on black napkins
after each incision of a red wedding cake

three tiers, four corners —
what were my chances
of getting a corner piece?

i trod, clomped, lumbered
a lazy line in slow tow

She cut each precisely, plated
the pampered squares

One corner left
One small boy before me
got the desired lot

without a smile for her delivery
I grabbed four used napkins

savored cravenly on exit
her puzzled expression.

October 28, 2022 at 11:05pm
October 28, 2022 at 11:05pm
Unmasked Crusader
         Whose Name I Forget

Did somebody kill your parents, too? Maybe,
you want to get that knee off my neck,
Batman? Who’s the black one here?
Since I’ve known you, your molars grind
like a knife carving rock. Some mistake

your need for justice with desire
for rightful vengeance. Do you know
with who you’re fighting? Green graspers
see your carnal desire. Profile,
fund malice, step away
but don't watch. Here on the cement
lasting nine minutes.

A weaponized human of hate
against society, veils as your killer...
clueless, unable to think for self,
for community. Incentivized, implied
infer what to do, ego emboldened.
Hatred, the gleaming fire, brands.

They glad pat your back in shadow,
toss another biscuit, ring
a Pavlovian bell. Puts me
on flat, hot cement. Can’t compose
thoughts to reason with you...
until they speak
for me
too late.

Not a room full of writers flashing scripts,
or most uncommon composure to express.
A watch smashed into irreversible time.

You have your whole life.
I couldn’t count to ten.
Everything is hindsight,
reaction in retrospect.

We don’t get do overs, only fantasize
what is right and what is wrong.
I watch this heavy scale now compress a planet.

We embellish, don’t we dark crusader?
Another crusade gets rerouted
from a parade path to monuments of justice.

Buried black box,
you in cinder cubicle, soon rubble,

And, now what do you fight? A system
that builds monsters, molded from bullies
sent to their gray rooms with no dessert
for an oops, my bad?


Just re-edited and added to this. It got away from me and became a George Floyd thing. I can relate to injustice and people in shadows pulling strings to get others to act on their behalf for what they call the greater good...all systemic. For not being a pawn, I have to get out of the way now and watch it go down with all the people I love, or could love, if we'd be allowed to unite in peaceful harmony.

As best I can put it, for now.
Can I just say you can get profiled for something other than skin color, sexuality but other unwanted preferences interfering with their society? In fact, be the least patronized now, stock plummeting. Not that I care. It's affecting my offspring. No??
October 28, 2022 at 11:04pm
October 28, 2022 at 11:04pm
When You Woke

What’s the point of listening to the whole album?
But we’ve done it --
body gravity-laid,
stereo on dresser,
juddered 50-lb speakers undulating, or
ears sponge-cupped to coiled cord
strung tight across a cabled room.

Three tiny bones accept
waves entering a narrow passageway,
swim a vibrating canal to drum,
undeniable musical messages.

From one side, flipped
and then the other. Repeated.

Why take time to consider every lyric,
every melting melody
on our backs, in recompose?

Empty minds immersed
an hour of scarred vinyl,
diamond pointer plying wave-grooves
gliding a lumpy platter
perfect-playing anthems. Delicious
sounds paired with new ideas,
arriving thoughts.

We compose, carry forward
processed lives pre-recorded,
in old denim profess — called boomers.
Sounding clear as minted silver in lead,
quarter clangs, circles a cylindrical container,
bounced by youth with no skill
for a beer-bath receptacle?

Take a drink runt.
Your memes and 15-second mind candy
will rot your head, kid.
You’re the record they mint now.
You’ve been flipped.

I’ll be on the dark side of the moon
when you woke.

37 lines of free verse

10.29.22 edit, public
11.8.22 edit for proper context and metaphor(s)

on message
October 28, 2022 at 11:03pm
October 28, 2022 at 11:03pm
Binge After The Holographic Time Warp

We’ve been racing our vehicles hard
back-and-forth through time
flowing through intersections
missing off-ramps
speeding past posted police.
We worry about being pulled over.
But, the sun starts to rise
and a road ahead gleams brilliant.
We go

faster the better.
And, on these journeys employ
navigational gear
rewritten map heads.
Familiar road signs seen
stops along the way
nostalgic places
consume, refuel.

Places we dream
never match expectation.

Sweet memory
she couldn’t leave a sawmill town
now shut down.
No logs jam a river.
Brakes unemployed
roll past a ghost town
not torn down
but heart drawn shapes
by exes and ohs
eat through thinning paper.

Can I still come to your house?
echoes over wire black
strung overhead.
Loop through

past farm fields
if not inserted strip malls, gas stations
or pearly banks.
So many degrading institutions.
Your heap groans into bends
of roundabouts
merging with semis taking two lanes.

If you double back
through that slip-second portal
wormhole to present
pull into that holographic hole
throw off coat skin
wash hands
ignore potatoes growing tubers in a pantry void
(experimental, hypothetical
not dead yet, but not alive)
that could peel
you order out tonight

again binge.
Pictures so clear
cannot be traded for
fuzzy, particled reception
on the dumpster-tossed
once road-ready
7” television glowing
connected to a 9-volt lighter
outside a cab
underneath that canopy of starlit leaves

with dissatisfaction.

Hi-Def lies the truth about our memories.

I don’t care if it strays from metaphors or fails to illume imagination from inside a bubble-wrapped head.
October 28, 2022 at 8:12pm
October 28, 2022 at 8:12pm
Woozy with drug, floating
in a rusted out tub

I don’t seem to drown
The water goes down

a ring around my neck
marks time wasted

in my fiberglass palace
much water displaced

Over time, skin dries
just like gill-slit eyes

marking murky time
in these temporary baths

Pass me another glass
More burgundy to pass


It sounds like you don’t enjoy life, Brian. It is what it is, for the present time. High tide nears…I’ll ride those waves until done.

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© Copyright 2024 Brian K Compton (UN: ripglaedr3 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Brian K Compton has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

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