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Life, Adventure, Family, Writing what else is there? Random thoughts.


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*Flower1* *Flower1* *Flower1* *Flower1* *Flower1* *Flower1*


Just a little about me. I've been married for 32 years this past NOV and currently live in Southern California, but I grew up in New Hampshire.

I've got 2 boys who are young adults.

I work as a 911 dispatcher for LAPD. I enjoy my job a lot. Still. If you can believe that.

I love to write. Thankfully both of my boys achieved Eagle Scout. My Scouting days are over and I'm back to focusing on my writing.

I like to get out in nature, drink coffee and watch football.

Here's a little bio about my zodiac.

GEMINI: Gemini, the sign of the Twins, is dual-natured, elusive, complex and contradictory. On the one hand it produces the virtue of versatility, and on the other the vices of two-facedness and flightiness. The sign is linked with Mercury, the planet of childhood and youth, and its subjects tend to have the graces and faults of the young. When they are good, they are very attractive; when they are bad they are more the worse for being the charmers they are. Like children they are lively, and happy, if circumstances are right for them, or egocentric, imaginative and restless.

Their good qualities are attractive and come easily to them. They are affectionate, courteous, kind, generous, and thoughtful towards the poor and suffering - provided none of the activities resulting from expressing these traits interferes too greatly with their own lives and comforts.

Geminians can be successful in many walks of life though their general characteristics tend to make them unreliable. They are often skilled manipulators of language, in speech and writing, and may be: debaters, diplomats (though in politics they are more interested in theory than practice), orators, preachers (brilliant rather than profound), teachers, authors, poets, journalists, or lawyers.

*Flower1* *Flower1* *Flower1* *Flower1* *Flower1* *Flower1*

This is me. I am a Gemini. Pure, Raw, passionate.

The NEW focus of this blog is to share my adventures, travels, random thoughts, book reviews, thoughts, opinions, and writing adventures from actual writing, writing/editing tips, marketing, research. I'll get there.

Another Signature

Find me at:





Previous GRATITIOUS Warning, that I decided to keep in case I post about something that might offend.

*Exclaim* WARNING *Exclaim*

I intend to be open, honest, and forthright. No topic is off limits from religion to you name it, I'm going there. If you think you might be offended...back up now - this blog isn't for you. For those who "dare" *Wink* check out the "Gemini Rising..."

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February 1, 2008 at 2:06am
February 1, 2008 at 2:06am
Well it’s been a busy week
Gosh, it's busy. Haha! Today is my first day off in a week and I was swamped. I did some housework, but not much. Joseph woke up early from his nap. Sigh...

We've got plans to watch the superbowl at home. Both Brent and I got it off and my Auntie Sue sent me little Patriots for the boys so we'll be stylin' when it comes to game day. We've tried to plan a weight watcher friendly menu - carne asada tacos el carbon style, weight watchers nachos, and some appetizers along with Corona Light beer. Corona light and Amstel light are the only DECENT light beers out there if you ask me.

Well, I was able to write some more chapters of Wolf's Kiss at work, but I need to find the time to type them up on the computer. Hopefully, I can tackle that tomorrow! I also managed to handwrite my Personal/memoir essay for Writer's Digest contest, but again, I need to find time to type it up!

Anyone out there watch soap operas? I'm hooked on As The World Turns because I simply adore Roger Howarth who plays "Paul." I want him to get back together with Meg. (It's a long soap opera story.) It's the only one I do because I don't have time to watch anything else!


I had a chance to catch the Dem debate tonight and I thought it was very engaging and a delight to watch. Both candidates were in top shape. I loved Hillary's line about "It took a Clinton to clean up after the first Bush and it might take another Clinton to clean up after the second Bush." I also liked how Obama called out McCain on his tax cut record and busted out the Republicans for their lack of "Fisical responsbility." I really could see an Clinton/Obama ticket as the ultimate ticket, but then again...will it become reality? Hard to say now - it's too early.

I'm looking forward to my Internet book signing tomorrow. Here's a Review from Sim Gen on "Secrets" -

Are Your Dirty Little Secrets is a page-turner not unlike the books in the Harlequin romance series. The story is about the loves and trails of two racially and economically different families, the Bannings and the Riveras.

The heroine of this story, Kristina, is a smart and beautiful Latina who faces many struggles. She gave up a child, Melissa, for adoption years ago and now pretends to be her aunt. Melissa has a rare blood disorder, and Kristina battles over whether to tell her the truth.

Her sister-in-law, Sarah, has an affair with Kristina's brother, Luis, and doesn't now who the father of her baby is. The vindictive Sarah definitely has more than one axe to grind with her lover's sister. She blackmails Kristina out of revealing the truth to Melissa.

Darrin, Kristina's loving husband with a mysterious past, is enchanted with Jennifer, the cousin of his dead wife, Andie. When Jennifer is raped and left for dead, Darrin is falsely accused of the crime and arrested. Kristina forgives Darrin for kissing Jennifer, but it might be too late to start over.

Will love and truth prevail in the end? It is worth reading the book to learn the ending of these tense situations.

January 26, 2008 at 1:35am
January 26, 2008 at 1:35am
Well, tomorrow is in my weigh in. I had a good day today so I'm crossing my fingers. I was able to work out for 75 mins on the treadmill at a low paced walk and that's what I ultimately like to do. I could walk for days. Cross your fingers for me tomorrow.

I'll be hosting another Internet book signing for my book "ARE YOUR DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS." It will be on 1 FEB. If you get a chance, pop into my website: http:sgcardin.tripod.net and at least say "Hi" that day. I'd love to have you. Smiles.

This week was busy. I manage to get some writing done, but it's been hard finding the time to type it out on the computer. I haven't seen any good movies, but I love my IPOD. I downloaded a couple of shows from the History Channel which I watch at work during my breaks. *Smile*

Speaking of work they sent me a letter saying I was eligable to interview for a supervisor's position. I'll know the first week of Feb if I get the interview. Cross your fingers for me.

My team the Patriots are in the Superbowl. My Auntie Sue in NH is sending the boys Jerseys to wear on Superbowl day. I'm so excited. Everyone will be wearing Patriot blue & silver. hehe. I can't find any Patriots stuff here and then I don't have much time to hunt it down so I'm very grateful for her.

How STUPID are Michigan and Florida moving up their primaries and losing all their Demacratic delgates? Shame on them! My primary is the 5th of Feb. I'll be waking up at the crack of ass to get to the polls early. Hopefully I'll avoid the long lines. My husband all ready voted absentee. He circled Ron Paul. *Bigsmile*

Hugs to all
January 20, 2008 at 12:16pm
January 20, 2008 at 12:16pm
Well, it was a busy week. I had to work from 6 at night to 2 in the morning on Monday and Tuesday for child care reasons and it just threw off my whole week. I didn't even get a chance to get to weight watchers this past week. I barely exercised. On the home scale I maintained, but I need to be really good this coming week to make up for last week. So far so good. Hehe.

I didn't get a lot done because last week was so crazy. I did keep up with my soap opera, "As The World Turns." My favorite couple is Paul & Meg and they went through the emotional ringer last week. Meg tried to break up Paul and Craig from fighting and lost her baby. Paul was the father. They were both devestated, but Meg didn't want comfort from him, though she admited to loving him. Good emotional soap opera stuff.

I've updated my FLAMES OF MADEOC STORY and I had to prune my account since it's up for renewal soon and I can only afford the upgraded membership because we're pinching pennies. It needed a good pruning anyway. I'm updating my WOLF'S KISS NOVEL after this blog entry if you want to check it out.

Check out Vivian new book "THE CASE OF THE MISSING COACH." It's a good mystery story in a baseball setting. I'd say it's geared for Young Adults. I like supporting inhouse WDC writers so if you want to recommend someone, let me know.

Politics anyone?

Hillary's now own Nevada (and Michigan which doesn't count since they have no delegates to give away to the Dems), but I wouldn't call her the frontrunner yet. Good luck to her in South Carolina. It really is a tough call between her and Obama because I like a lot of things he says. As for the Republicans McCain is picking up steam, but like prefer Romney or Huckabee. I like Romney a lot because he has a good finanical sense about him.

I did some research on MLK for an article I wrote on Associated Content. I learned that MLK was the youngest Nobel Peace Prize winner at the age of 35. I didn't know that, but gosh, what an amazing accomplishment. I know MLK Day is recent in American history, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.

Smiles, until next time
January 14, 2008 at 1:25pm
January 14, 2008 at 1:25pm
This past week has been hell on my Internet time. I've been going to the gym, trying to be good on Weight Watcher's program, and that, sadly, as cut into my time. It's good and bad in a way. That said, I'm just catching up on some of my forums and contests. Be patient with me.

I had my 2nd Weight Watchers weigh in this past Saturday and I lost a pound! My total weight loss is now 15 pounds (I still have a way's to go) but in 3 more pounds I hit my 10% so I'm looking forward to that goal! Today, after I drop Andrew off at school & put Joseph down for his nap, I'm off to the gym for some more exercise.

I haven't done much writing, hoping to tackle some when I get home from the gym. I really would like the weigh loss but it is challenging. I can't cut myself any slack. I must journal my food, exercise and be viligant.

January 8, 2008 at 3:22pm
January 8, 2008 at 3:22pm
Well, on Saturday I had my Weight Watcher's weigh in and I lost 1.6 pounds the previous week. I was thrilled! Total weight loss is now 14 pounds but it hasn't been easy and this week has been challenging. Today is the first day I've been able to get to the gym. I wanted to go on Sat and Monday but I just had too much going on. That said, I did an extra long work out today. I just walk but I walked for 75 minutes. Let me tell you, I much prefer 40 mins which is my usual, but I want weight loss. I got my husband to jump on the bandwagon and count his points too so that helps with both us trying to watch our points. Right now, if anything, I just have to crack down and watch the points.

The New Hampshire primary is on the way!! Barak looks to take it. I'm still voting Hillary though in my primary. One that that definately convinced me was the argument that Hillary has the experience to bring on that change and I believe that. I believe she does care passionately and I believe the Clintons have enough ability to change to reinvent themselves. I believe Michigan, Nevada and South Carolina have the next primaries so I'm looking forward to those. A second place finish does not really damage Hillary if you ask me. She's got to work hard, but I believe she can do it.

Writing wise it's been hard to catch up. I have to time to dedicate to sitting in front of the computer to write. I did work on tweaking my query letters for some upcoming projects. I'm about 1/2 done with WOLF'S KISS. I'm doing research on a short story I'm putting together for the Writer's Digest. This will be for the Children's category.

I just want to thank everyone who has donated to the Bard's Hall and SOYB lately. These GENEROUS donations have saved both contests for another 2-3 months and I am so grateful. That said, show off your support and ENTER them now!

January 5, 2008 at 3:08am
January 5, 2008 at 3:08am
I just want to thank kiyasama and Acme for their generous donations to my SHOW OFF YOUR BEST CONTEST. I'll be able to keep the contest open a couple of more months and hopefully that will tide me over until I don't have to pinch my pennies anymore.

Then today on the news I saw that the economy was pushing toward a recession. Refreshing to hear. This is going to sound silly but remember when we got those rebate checks for income tax back in 2001 from Bush? My husband and I looked at each other and said, "This can't be good if the government is giving out money like this." Now, as Bush prepares to leave office, the economy is not looking good. I don't mind paying taxes. But then Bush's record speaks for itself.

Politics, anyone? *Bigsmile*

Congrats to Huckabee and Obama. It's going to an interesting race and I sense the keyword here is CHANGE.

That said, I'm a native New Hampshirite and even though I'm in Cali now, I understand what goes on through a native New Hampshire voter's mind. They look at all the angles. They are independent in voting. They make up their own minds. They're more liberal in a sense than what people think. There are so many issues but I think the main ones I want to hear the cand. talk about:


But whatever the next president does, it is imperative they get us back on track. Me personally, I felt like we've off track as a nation since 2000.

That said, this is my opinion. I'd love feedback and I'd love to hear an opposite POV, but don't call me "stupid," "dumb" or any other name in defense of your opinon. Argue it it with class - like Barak Obama would.


Who I am voting for? I'm voting for Hillary in the California primary.
January 4, 2008 at 2:42am
January 4, 2008 at 2:42am
As usual, I'm late and behind, but Happy New Year to All! Hope 2008 got off on the right foot. I just want to give a shout out to Robert Waltz who was my pick for this week's Newsletter merit badge for his Short Stories newsletter. It was about the more technical aspects of writing, grammar, spelling, and punctuation which is so important. It's easy to overlook when the mechanics are good, but when they are poor, the story or poetry you've written is hard to read and scathing on the eyes. Kudos to you, Robert!

That said, I went back to a Weight Watchers meeting last Saturday. It was hard to get to in the fact my overworked husband had to get out of bed to watch the kids at 8:30 when he really needed to sleep, but I got weighed and renewed my vigor to loose weight. I've been to gym at least four times this week. Of course this cuts down on my writing time (which is all ready horribly limited as it is) but I'd to get some more weight loss going. I knew it wouldn't be easy after giving birth to Joseph so I have to buckle down for the long haul.

Writing-wise, I've got a bunch of edits for THE WOLF'S KISS I need to catch up. Just gotta find some time in front of the computer.

Well, it maybe the new year but I've to pinch pennies for a couple of months. That said, it's with a heavy heart I'm going to have to close down a couple of my contests that I run here on WDC.

Well, it's getting late and I need to move on.
December 29, 2007 at 12:48am
December 29, 2007 at 12:48am
Well I called the Borders New Acquisitions line today and I got a voice recording. (Go figure!) Anyhow it directed me to Border's website. I downloaded their form, filled it out, and send two copies of my book along with my press kit to them in Michigan. I don't know if I'm going to hear from them if they will stock it or not. I'll send my contac an email and ask. So that's it. Cross your figures for me that Border's stocks the book.

It's been a busy week. I'm hoping to get some writing done as soon as I get off. Santa gave me an IPOD NANO that I've been playing around with. It's fun but it took me a while to get used to the set up. I have to admit the ITunes store is addictive.

Happy New Years to all!
December 24, 2007 at 3:03pm
December 24, 2007 at 3:03pm
Well, I just want to pop in as I've got a second and try to catch up. Remember how I said we weren't planning to go to Disneyland. Well, we did. It turned out to be a great day even though it was a little cold. Joseph did great and had a good time. The baby even went on Pirates. Haha! Small World was Christmas themed and Joseph liked that as well.

The Children's Christmas Party at work went off without a hitch. I was there at 8:30 with my friend from work, Amy. Our helpers came at 9:30 and we were ready for busn at 12. Santa came in an old fashioned car and was a big hit. The kids had a lot of fun.

Ami, Aly, your pens on the way. While I was working on those, I also used the stills from my Internet Video of Torment to come up with some magnets. They came out great so if anyone is interested in magnets, let me know. Haha.

I emailed the lady at Borders who does book signings and she said I had to call new acquistions and request that Borders stock the book. After that's done I need to call the store manager to arrange for a book signing but she suggested I wait until after the holidays and things got back to normal. It's a small start, but a start. I'll call back after the holidays and keep you guys abreast of my progress.

Had the car serviced this past Saturday. I've had it since Sep 2005 and I've all ready got 55K on it. Can you believe that? Sigh...

I've been working on my editing with Wolf's Kiss and Flames of Madeoc. That said, I'll include my new Flames opening here if you want to read it. I'd love to get thoughts and feedback.

*Gift1**Gift2**Gift3* HappyHolidays!! *Gift1* *Gift2**Gift3*



The Kingdom of Madeoc

Bastian Nash yanked on his horse’s reins, stopping him. The Arabian, Thor, nayed his displeasure, but Bastian ignored him. Instead, he squared his shoulders in a gesture that settled his metal helmet firmly on his face. He raised his wooden lance and stared down the jousting field. It didn’t matter that his good friend and second, Matthias Gaunt, was his opponent. In this moment, Matthias was his enemy.

The referee, who was standing on the sidelines, hit the drum. Bastian dug his spurs into Thor’s flank and the horse took off in a dead sprint. Matthias grew closer. Bastian steeled himself, holding his posture rigid. His eyes cut to Matthias’s helmet. His opponent was just as determined as he was. Their lances clashed. Bastian rocked in his saddle, but held on. He yanked on the reins, slowing down Thor. When he turned around, Matthias was on the other end, still on his horse.

Bastian chuckled. Good. That was why he was Bastian’s man.

He squared his shoulders, ready for another trip. The referee hit the drum again. This time Bastian not only held his lance firm, he pushed forward as he struck Matthias. His friend fell off his horse.

Bastian quickly jerked on the reins of his horse, stopping him. He jumped off and ran up to Matthias, who lay on the ground. A stablehand rushed to his friend’s side and helped Matthias take off his helmet.

Bastian looked at his friend. “Are you good?”

“Aye, my prince. I’m just a bit winded, that’s all.”

Bastian extended his hand toward Matthias and helped him up. A couple of attendants approached and Bastian gave them his lance and helmet to care for. Matthias also gave up his equipment.

“You’re a tough opponent, Matthias,” said Bastian. “You’d give Prince Oram a challenge, I’m sure of it.”

“You’ll win the joust, don’t doubt it,” said Matthias.

Bastian fell in step next to his friend as they walked toward Alban’s Keep. It was a bright summer day, and he was sweating in his chain mail. The servants’ area in the back of the keep had a bathing facility and he was going to wash himself.

“I know Prince Oram will represent Fenwick. Who do you think will represent Somerland?” asked Matthias.

“There’s a rumor Viscount Stratham will do it.”

“Theodore Stratham?”


“King Amery would be better off if he jousted himself,” said Matthias.

Bastian chuckled. “You know, it’s usually the mild who surprise you.”

“Prauge will be there as well. Prince Vladimir is riding for them,” said Matthias.

“Vladimir cheats,” said Bastian.

“Well, the Kings Conference is two weeks away. You’ll be ready, I’ll see to it,” replied Matthias.

Bastian put his hand on Matthias’s shoulder. “You’re a good man.”

Matthias said nothing and they proceeded toward the keep. Bastian was the crown prince of Madeoc, a prosperous country on the northern coast of Vavirdock. Every five years the fellow kings of Vavirdock, Somerland, Prauge Fenwick, Hamlin, Madeoc, and Bremen, met in a designated location for the Kings Conference. He was eager to represent Madeoc in the joust. After all, the winner received great honors.

As he approached the keep, he spied his younger sister, Helga, exiting through the servants’ door. His eyes cut to the road that led from Albans proper to the castle. Emissaries heralding Fenwick’s colors were here. Curious. What would Fenwick want with his father two weeks before the conference?

“Bastian!” yelled Helga. She waved at him.

He kept walking toward her, waving his own hand in acknowledgment.

“What do you think the princess wants?”

Bastian shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know.”

Helga was fifteen and a rare beauty. She’d inherited their father’s Nordic looks – long blonde hair and angular features. He had, too. They both received their mother’s sensitive cerulean eyes.


“Aye, Helga. What’s up?”

His sister marched right up to him. “Emissaries from Fenwick are here.”

“I see that. What have you heard?”

“Ingrid in the kitchen says they’re here to broker a marriage arrangement that father will announce at the conference.”

“Marriage?” He was surprised. He always thought his father would allow him to pick his bride. After all, his father had chosen his mother as his bride.

“Prince Oram is your age, Bastian. Do you think he asked for me?”

Bastian crossed his arms. “It’s possible, but we’ve never had emissaries like such. Aren’t they usually here for the firstborn?”

“’Tis true, Prince,” said Matthias. “But your father favors you. He’ll let you pick your own bride I think.”

“Are they here for me or you?” Bastian asked his sister.

“I don’t know. Perhaps father is considering Oram’s sister, Lettice, for you.”

Bastian crossed his arms and scrunched up his nose. Lettice Aricsson did not appeal to him as a bride. She talked far too fast and far too much about meaningless topics that bored him.

“Ha! I’d rather marry Edana of Somerland. No, the emissaries can’t be here for me. Father would let me choose my own bride,” said Bastian, talking himself into that choice.

“Edana’s too shy for the likes of you, brother,” said Helga.

“At least she knows how to hold her tongue unlike Lettice. Oram must have asked for you. It’s the only thing that makes sense.”

“Well, when you go inside and talk to father, try to find out if it is me Fenwick is asking for. He’ll tell you. He tells you everything.”

“Aye, I’ll brooch the topic with him.”

Helga smiled. “Thank you, Bastian.”

“You’re welcome. Come, let’s go inside. I need a bath.”

Helga wrinkled her nose. “You do.”

He escorted his sister back into the keep and made his way to the bath area. The emissaries just couldn’t be here for him! Lettice was too much of a troublemaker. She gossiped and ran her mouth. She was demanding at best, infuriating at worse, and when he saw her at the past conferences, it was all he could do to reign in his patience around her.

Edana of Somerland – now she intrigued him. She was Amery Rambert’s only child. She was Bastian’s age with long, dark raven curls and sweet walnut-hazel eyes that always seemed lost in far away dreams. Edana had a reputation of being cool and aloof, but Bastian suspected there was more to her, especially when he managed to catch a rare peek of her alone at the conference without her father.

He walked into the bath area and two servants delivered him four pails of hot water. He thanked them and sent them on their way. The conference was going to be held to be held in Madeoc near Fenwick’s border. As he took off the last bit of his clothes, a sudden chill ripped through him. Still unsure if the emissaries were here for him, he was determined to find his father as soon as he cleaned up.

December 7, 2007 at 12:53pm
December 7, 2007 at 12:53pm
As usual, I'm behind. Here's a "GREAT" review *eyeroll* I just got from someone:

Meh-diocre at best.
unnessesary adverbs, passive writing, and moments of pure cheesiness are my main complaints about this piece of writing
"She yawned a big yawn"
Redundancy is an issue too.

Let's just say this is NOT how to review on WDC. I just wanted to share that with you and vent a little. The story in question is this one:
The Daewynd Nymphs  (13+)
The Dauphin of Daewynd goes on her first adventure.
#982353 by StephBee


This week's newsletter merit badge is for: billwilcox for an outstanding Action/Adventure Newsletter. Conrats, Bill!!


Yes, I know I have to update my costicom. Sigh... I have to find the time. I have no time. Writing wise, I am working on my Paranormal Romance, "The Wolf's Kiss." I've got some editing/writing done on it, but I have to find the time to type it up on the computer.

Today we were supposed to go to Disneyland but it's rainy and drizzly over here so I think we're not going. It's good in a way because I'm using the time to catch up on my madness, but I really wanted to take my boys to D-land for the holidays and see it all decorated up.

Tomorrow is the Children's XMas Party at work and on Sunday is my Ornament Exchange with the family. Wheww... the holidays have me hoping! I have to wait to 19 DEC to shop for gifts for the boys since that's my next payday. Sigh... I have a couple of gifts to mail - and I still have to work on my marketing for my book.

That said, I ordered some cool pens for my book, The Wolf's Torment. The first three to ask, gets a couple of pens free. Next, I'm working on magnets. hehe. And maybe some more coffee mugs.

I'll update my official website messageboard soon.

I just want to thank everyone for their patience with me. Hopefully, I'll have more soon on the writing front.

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