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Rated: E · Book · Inspirational · #2157052
There is beauty in all things!
My Outlook on everyday things.

Seeing is believing,  the eyes are the way to the soul.

They say that the eyes are the door to your soul.
They can tell others if your happy, joyful, sad, angry, tired,
even lie or tell the truth, shall I go on or do you get the picture?
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April 24, 2019 at 7:39pm
April 24, 2019 at 7:39pm
I'm so amazed by this. I'm doing daily research on my health issues. In order to give AWARENESS to others. If you have never been exposed to autoimmune diseases you are in for a very rude awaking. These silent very painful diseases are heartbreaking to those patients and their families. Here is a link that I found today on how many there are. I have at least 7 of these along with 3 of their spin-off diseases.


I'm tired of complaining about how my body attacks itself. In some ways it's comical. The war that rages within me, is, in fact, a very true statement. When it used to be a phrase someone would use to say that they were having a hard time making up their mind. Now, people like myself actually have a war of wars going on inside of their bodies. I'm going to try and write about it. To help others that don't have it and to help others to better understand what their family member is going through. I hope that I can do it justice. I had a lot to do again today and I really just want to lay down. So, it is a mighty struggle to get the things done that I need to accomplish in a day. I have more bad days than I do good. And when I have a great day, I cherish those moments, feelings and hopes that tomorrow will be too. Hugzzzzz my friend's, may this find you doing well. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

May you be blessed always,

A love like no other

Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.

Signature for nominees of the 2019 Quill Awards

The Lighthouse Poetry Contest  (E)
Contests With A Christian Theme
#1742964 by LegendaryMask❤️

April 19, 2019 at 1:01am
April 19, 2019 at 1:01am
I have realized in the past few years that I truly wouldn't have been here if I hadn't been so blessed. Here is a short bio of my life near misses.

First my parents almost didn't meet. So, to look at it that way I would have been someone else not my adorable self as my granddaughter says.. *Wink* When I turned 5, my appendix burst and gang green had set in. Forcing an emergency surgery to save my life. I have had 9 abdominal surgeries in my life. Which were all emergency surgeries to safe my life due to, you guessed it from the first surgery, at least the first 6.

It caused so much havoc it spanned throughout my life time. Built-up scar tissue can cause major damage if not done correctly. The first 6 were from it, the last 3 were Gall bladder and Kidney stones at the same time no doubt. Double whammy.... Can someone say OUCH? I know and believe that there will be no more surgeries for me. God Almighty has taken care of that.

Now that hasn't counted the other times that were close calls. Like the time my ex-husband caught me in midair falling off a cliff near Pismo Beach, CA. Folks , when I say midair, my feet were not touching the ground. You can't tell him or me that God was not there holding me as well. We still shutter the thought that I would have not survived that fall.

Well, now you see why I have alot of blessings to count. If I hadn't been born or my life saved numerous times I would never have gotten too see or hold my grandbabies. Much less write this or anything else of mine. I wouldn't get to give hugzzzz to everyone that I meet or have met.

I hope that you can reflect upon your blessings as well. I thank our Heavenly Father in heaven for who I am and for the many blessings He has given me everyday.

So here are some major *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* and lots of *Heart* *Heart* *Heart* as well.

Goodnight *Sleeping* until we meet again *Heart*

March 29, 2019 at 12:09am
March 29, 2019 at 12:09am
Here is my quote for the day folks,

We are so much like Butterflies! We go into a cocoon and emerge reborn to something more beautiful than we can ever imagine. by Teresa Blakely

Really think about it. We are like that little caterpillar moving along that branch of life. At the right time when we give our hearts to God, we start our process into being reborn. He wraps us into a cocoon and we emerge beautiful butterflies. When you emerge from your trails, pain, heartache, etc and you give all your worries over to Him and live for Him. It is like nothing you have ever experienced in your entire life.

Here is an example. You are in the desert lost, hot, thirsty and have no idea where you are. You drop to your knees in the smallest shade that you can find to shelter you from the beating sun. You shout "GOD, WHY AM I HERE?" And you begin asking questions about your life, the choices you choose, not anyone else did, you did that too yourself! As humans, we make some wise choices, but we also make some very horrible ones. That we can't even take back after it is done. God has mercy and grace for all who come to Him. You're losing your shade, now what are you going to do? Lord God, please Help me! He is there beside you, He has never left you. The clouds move overhead and a cool breeze comes up. You look in the distance and see a cloud of dust coming towards you. He has guided someone to your rescue. Your heart burst wide open with elated joy that you have been found. You collapse down on your knees as the jeep pulls up to a stop in front of you. Your eyes look up to the heavens and thank God Almighty for the blessing of the rescue. The man hands you a drink of water and tells you that he had no idea why he was there. It was like he was pulled to your direction.

We emerge with beautiful souls ready to spread our wings and fly. It's like no other feeling. The warmth, joy and ever loving feeling that He is always with you no matter what. Ok, I know that you probably never thought of you like a butterfly, but we all are. Can a moth turn into a butterfly? Yes, as long as he believes that he can.

From one butterfly to another, goodnight and hugzzzz and love to all,

May you be blessed always,

A love like no other

Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
A signature image for use by anyone nominated for a Quill in 2018

The Lighthouse Poetry Contest  (E)
Contests With A Christian Theme
#1742964 by LegendaryMask❤️

March 14, 2019 at 3:48pm
March 14, 2019 at 3:48pm
When you know that things could be worse. Most of you know that my health has it's drawbacks lately. I thank God for everyday of breath He gives me, no matter what's going on in my life. I'm so blessed and thankful. I celebrate everytime I find something new. I don't wish this upon anyone. There is a storm outside right now really bad, tornado sirens going off. It reminds me of our bodies, a storm brews always and when it's quiet it's at peace and I cherish every moment. I think of how blessed I am to be enjoying the beauty that surrounds me. The love of my sons and their families. The sheer knowledge that I'm the luckiest woman to have my blessings of family and friends. I have alot to be thankful for.

This disease is relentless and I refuse to give in to it. I have great authority over it. It is a mere distraction, like a pesty mosquito on a summer night. In alot of ways I find it a eye opening experience. One that makes me think of how blessed I truly am. It could be worse, I appreciate life more than ever before. I just wish others would appreciate their life and the lifes of others. So, that being said reach out and hug someone today. It won't hurt you unless you get slapped *Laugh*

Here's *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* for all of you.

Double trouble

And all my love ❤❤❤💝❤❤❤
March 5, 2019 at 3:45pm
March 5, 2019 at 3:45pm
What do you see with your eyes? I see beauty everywhere I turn. There is beauty in all, you just have to be willing to look. Heck, there's even beauty in garbage, you heard me right! Take your trash, it's trash to you, but it is beauty to the garbage company, cha chinge. See what I mean! Didn't think of it that way did ya?

There is beauty in rain clouds, all though Mississippi doesn't need anymore rain at the moment. We wouldn't know what to do if we were not green around here, if we were brown and dead looking like Mexico or Arizona. But, in their own rights they are beautiful states. God knew just what He was doing when He made this beautiful blue planet.

Although we don't always agree with Mother Nature and she goes rouge sometimes. We have to trust that God knows what He's doing. Which leads me back to "What does your eyes see?" I'm interested in finding out what is in your world that is beautiful. Mine is a quiet street in very small town in Mississippi. The flowers are beginning to bloom along with the trees and there are birds singing in them. The sun is shining brightly today, "Thank You Lord Jesus for the reprive. Rain gives life to new beginnings and new growth where needed. I'm always thankful for the rain to make everything anew. It makes everything grow abundtly and gives us beauty.

May this give you beauty to search for today and always.
February 12, 2019 at 1:47pm
February 12, 2019 at 1:47pm
I was just sitting here today getting ready to read another Danielle Steel novel my fourth within this week, not counting one Johanna Lindsey novel. I got to thinking, "Why do we read?" In my case, it's for knowledge of how other's write their stories, call it research if you want. I also have a few other reasons like for the sheer fun of it, it is an escape from my reality as I know it right now, romance, laughter the characters come alive in book's like Danielle Steel, Johanna Lindsey, Sandra Brown, Justin Crown, Steven King and we can not forget my dear relative Mark Twain. Wow, that was a mouth full and just a tip of the iceberg if you ask me.

I realized today that if we didn't have writers like us out there telling their stories, ideas or even sharing our knowledge that it would be a very dull universe. As I read "Passions Promise" yesterday, I slipped into the characters and disappeared into their world, unlike mine. I realized that there's so much pain and love in this world, that others need in order to survive. We are not to be left alone but there are so many of us now that are. I picked up "Miracles" after that and it transported me to San Fransico, which I love. It gave me another glimpse of pain and love when two people join together.

I know that when I laugh, cry and ok I'm going to say it, get involved, wrapped up into the characters. It is a darn great book. So no matter the reason you read or write it will impact someone's life. Letting your readers see from your heart, your point of view, thoughts and yip feelings that you put into your characters can transport them from their reality and give them an escape from their humdrum lives as they see it.

So, "Why do you read?"

May you have a truly amazing day my friends,
February 7, 2019 at 1:33pm
February 7, 2019 at 1:33pm
Well folks, "Are we ever going to have normal weather again? Makes you wonder when it's 75° one day then the next is 44° 🤦 I'm sure that most of us are asking the same question. Myself, I can't wait for spring, maybe not, then there's the allergies to contend with. A never ending cycle for sure.

I'm glad to get through winter though. I was starting to wonder if it decided to stick around for a few more months. My poor car says wash me please, mommy. I tell her as soon as we get some beautiful warmer days.

I do miss my window at the old house. That picture window told me alot and inspired me in ways I couldn't phantom. I look out now and have a tree, corner of a house and my car. I will have to plant flowers and sit on the back patio to get inspired, when the weather warms up a little. Anyone want to help?

I truly hope that y'all are having great weather wherever you might be. Remember it's what you make of it. Rain washes away old and brings us life anew. Each season has a purpose as we go through life on our journey.

May you be blessed always,

A love like no other

Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
A signature image for use by anyone nominated for a Quill in 2018

The Lighthouse Poetry Contest  (E)
Contests With A Christian Theme
#1742964 by LegendaryMask❤️

January 26, 2019 at 12:54am
January 26, 2019 at 12:54am
It is the anniversary of my Mommas death today. I know it's late, but I have been trying to find words to say today. I've been working on her story for awhile now off and on. I started working again on it a few days ago. I needed to stop for a few minutes to rest my eyes and then I realized what day it was. But, one I have learned to celebrate.

So, I took a breather today from it. It is a very emotional moment in my life and it was very hard to cope with it. She was my first best friend that I ever had. I hope to have it completed in a few days. I started it on her birthday in September and hadn't realized that I hadn't went back to finish it. I realize now that I should be done around the day she was laid to rest. It was a very emotional time for our family. Which caused a rippling effect throughout her family for years to come.

So I want to tell you that if you have loved loves out there that you can't possibly live without or even thought about trying to forget them. Think twice, tomorrow is never promised, life is to short to stay angry at each other. If you haven't talked to someone in more than a week, my advice is you need to call them. Especially to say I love you!

I love you my peeps may you have a blessed night or day. Wherever you might be my friends.


Double trouble

January 22, 2019 at 11:34pm
January 22, 2019 at 11:34pm
I'm still unpacking the few boxes I have left. Found old pictures of my son's, friends, family members and one's that are no longer with us.

Brung back so many fond memories and some sad ones. But, all in all it was good to remember them.

I even found the boy's school things they made growing up. Now, those are the precious moments.

So if you haven't dragged out those photo albums in a while, maybe you should. You'll remember those good old days. Days, where we dailed our phones, talked face to face, played outside, respected our elders and eat dinner at the table with the whole family.

I miss those days!

Hugzzz my peeps,

Double trouble

January 15, 2019 at 2:46pm
January 15, 2019 at 2:46pm
It's amazing what life throws at us. But, we still get up and fight our way back to the top. Some days you feel like your drowning and some days it's like your soaring above it all. I myself want to fly like an Eagle, gliding along on the air beneath me.

Just maybe I was an eagle somewhere in my past, wishing I was human and walking on this beautiful planet of ours. The cycle is never ending if you think of it. What magnificent creature's God created.

So, right now I'm soaring through the sky enjoying the cool weather we're having. Thinking what a beautiful place I live in. Thanking God for the breathe I breath everyday, the wings he gave me to soar through this life.

May you be blessed always,

Double trouble

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