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Rated: E · Book · Inspirational · #2157052
There is beauty in all things!
My Outlook on everyday things.

Seeing is believing,  the eyes are the way to the soul.

They say that the eyes are the door to your soul.
They can tell others if your happy, joyful, sad, angry, tired,
even lie or tell the truth, shall I go on or do you get the picture?
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October 11, 2018 at 1:27pm
October 11, 2018 at 1:27pm
One man's junk is another man's treasure, unless it doesn't sell it's still Junk💰🐒💸💵💰 As I sit here looking out my picture window watching my son selling off his past and his children's things. It leaves me to wonder just how hard it really is for him.

My son hasn't had a real job in over two years. He has lost everything (including seeing his children) except for having these small items left. But, needing the money is the big factor here now. That we will not give details at this point. When you have had a speciality job that pays excellent money and have no experience in any other field it leads to a very large domino effect.

It was hard to watch him at first, but I think he has come to grips with having to let go of some of those memories. Like the Disney World vacation they took some years ago. He had some of the stuffed toys he got them for sale. I had to walk away, before he saw, my tears. That was his big surprise vacation for them. He'd saved up for it and took them by himself. I came along at the end for 2 days, another surprise for them.

So, we hoard things for years, memories, keepsakes and we collect items. To what just save for a rain day to sell? I also had to relief myself of some items. It was hard to let go of some. My daddy gave them to me and he has been gone for years now. But, he wouldn't want me to hang on to them if I needed the money.

So, why do we hoard things, hang on to and even covent things. It states in the Bible not to, but we still do.

And he said to them. "Take care, and be on your guard against all coventousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions."
Luke 12:15

So maybe we should have more yard sales?

May you all have a wonderful day. Gotta go sell something's now *BigSmile*

May you be blessed always,

My beautiful signature

October 4, 2018 at 12:49am
October 4, 2018 at 12:49am
Cha-ching cha-ching cha-ching ...

Looking for apartments today, called a few so I could drive by and see what they looked like. Here is my conversation with one lady.

You said what?

$675 for one bedroom, one bath, Ma'am, 560 sq ft.

It's how much?


No way, you've got to be kidding me, for that size?

No ma'am, I don't kid about money.

In that neighborhood, is it save, I'm a single female. Not to say that I can't take care of myself. That's what Smith and Wesson is for!

Ma'am you'll need a 3 bedroom, that'll be $975. If you have someone living with you, everyone will need to fill out an application also, if not a minor. There are No pets allowed either!

Where is it located?

Which one?

The one bedroom, I only need one bedroom!

What about the other's?

Oh, (giggling) trust me Smith and Wesson can take care of themselves! So, is it a nice neighborhood?

Yes, I think so, it'll be great after we remodel them.

When is that supposed to be finished?

2 months, Ma'am.

Ok, I'll take a look and let you know.

She gives me the address and we hang up. I circle around the neighborhood 4 times looking for it. So, I decide to gps it. I passed it twice, never knew they existed. Let's talk, remodel now. Really one to two months, more like 6 months to a year. Needless to say, I didn't call back.

Ok, before being thrusted into my life after my divorce, I have to admit life was good. But, now trying to make ends met is a little rough sometimes. SSDI has it's moments, God provides for me otherwise. He has gotten me out of some pickles.

But, when it comes to a place to live in a safe environment is top priority with me. The landlords these days are SHARKS, GREEDY MONEY HUNGRY SHARKS! When I owned property I never made my tenants life in the crud and the uninhabitable conditions. I can't believe there are people that do this to other's. And don't blink an eye about it while taking the money to the bank.

I talked to so many people today it was ridiclous. Not one person had a safe, decent place for a single female to live in. Without gouging her pocketbook. How in the world is anyone to live in these conditions? And my son asks me, "Why?" I want to own my own place. Because I know it will be taking care of and I'll be safe.

Maybe I should put myself in a retirement home already. I'd be safe, oh wait, some elderly ole man would chase me everywhere. My luck he'd sneak under my bed. "Confound it, really what in tar-nation Mr. Johnson are you doing under there? Oh dear me?" I'll leave that to ones imagination, if you get my drift.

I have no restrictions on what state, what city, or how small or large my new home has to be. Just needs to be safe, close to family and friends at least 1 bedroom, but 2 would be nice if I had a guest spend the night. That's not to much to ask, is it? Oh wait, the price has to be reasonable, I do need to eat, electricity, water.

One guy, wanted $900 a month for a 2 bedroom. Across the street was $575. See what I'm talking about? There are 3 houses on the same block. I can't get ahold of one of them though maybe, tomorrow.

My take on this, people are getting greedy and don't feel like they should help anyone out. And yes I admit that there are some out there that destroy property. I'm not one, I've helped the landlord I have now with repairs to save cost. Maybe, just maybe that can work in my favor one day.

Maybe some of you can give me input on this, "What do you think about price gouging renter's?

Thank You Lord Jesus ...

My beautiful signature

The Lighthouse Poetry Contest  (E)
Contests With A Christian Theme
#1742964 by LegendaryMask❤️

September 28, 2018 at 11:11pm
September 28, 2018 at 11:11pm
Yip, something that I have been dreading has now become reality for me. Some of you know that I moved last year at this very same time. And that I moved into a place that needed alot of work. The landlords started fixing it up, but stopped a couple months back.

I called to let them know that the carport is sinking and that the outer wall to 2 of the bedrooms is cracking and leaning outward. The septic tank is also sinking and now I'm not feeling very safe. She told me that they will not put anymore money into it. They are going to let me stay until I can save the money for another home, a month or so.

I've been shopping around for a decent affordable secure place for a single woman. Doesn't look like much around where I live. I'm trying to stay close to where I am, due to my family, church and friends.

I didn't realize just how bad it is to find affordable, secure housing. That's what I have been doing for the past 10 days. Keep me in your prayers that I find something soon. I have less than 4 weeks. And you know it's a blink of the eye.

God bless ya'll,

May you be blessed always,

My beautiful signature
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
A signature image for use by anyone nominated for a Quill in 2018

September 17, 2018 at 10:23am
September 17, 2018 at 10:23am
Gezzzz, what a way to start my day out. I'm sitting here answering Schnujo Enjoyed Colombia emails regarding my package donation for her new auction.

I finally decided to open my curtains and let this glorious day into my humble home. I move one curtain back and reach up to the other one and I am met with scruciating pain on my middle finger. No, it's not funny either... well maybe a tiny bit, now. 🤔🤦😏

I immediately ran to the kitchen to get something to stop the pain and the poison from going any further than my hand. I watch it as my right hand swells up and then the pain ceases from going up my arm. It is now slightly swollen and the pain is only in my fingers somewhat.

I go back into the living room to search for who assaulted me, I found a good sized WASP flying around the window sill. Just to say he is NOT in anymore pain! Just sayin!

Hope your day has a better start than mine did. But, it all works out in the end! May ya'll have a very blessed day and stay away from all windows. 😳🤔🤗💖🤗🤦

October's new signature.

The Lighthouse Poetry Contest  (E)
Contests With A Christian Theme
#1742964 by LegendaryMask❤️

September 14, 2018 at 4:59pm
September 14, 2018 at 4:59pm
As we close this week out, wouldn't it be nice if you could win the Lottery tomorrow? "Oh, yeah that would be really awesome, wouldn't it?" I'm curious, just how people would spend their multi millions! The past two weeks we have been celebrating 🎊 WdC's 18th Birthday 🎊. I've been enjoying writing in the 🎭 Masquerade Party 🎭 this month to celebrate.

It is quiet interesting my first to participate in. I have to say that I am having a blast. It can be fast paced and trying to find out who murdered everyone. Hmmm, a serial killer aboard a Cruise Liner, who'd guess. Matter of fact WHO done it? Is more like it, hope I don't get killed, Rhett would be very upset with me.

Anyways, it has me thinking just what would it be like to have multi millions. I would like to see just what would you do with yours. Myself, I'd take care of what is due to God first for blessing me with it, then my family, investments, I wouldn't invest in Nike, that's for durn sure. Maybe Adidas, yip a wise choice.

Then, I'd open up a shelter in the town I lived in, there's this building that has been empty for years. This past year I have been witnessing to many going hungry and needing a place to stay. Then, there's a house I found that I would pay cash for, naa it's under 90k. And there you thought I was going to purchase a mansion....lol Nope, I would like to buy 3 houses, maybe you can guess where the other two might be. Hint, my vacation...lol

Well, that's what I would do with mine, now you're turn.

May you be blessed always,

My beautiful signature
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
A signature image for use by anyone nominated for a Quill in 2018
September 11, 2018 at 5:03pm
September 11, 2018 at 5:03pm
A tribute to those who gave of their lives and lost loved ones.

Today, we mourn those losses still. It doesn't seem like it was 17 years ago. It is still fresh in my mind, as it shall always be. Still remembering where I was at that devastating loss.

I still search for the towers in the skyline of New York. Hopes of seeing their etched images in the sky. Remembering all who were within. Never to forget, that we lost so many to something so evil.

We came together as a nation. We banded together to form an alliance, promising that this shall never, happen again. We stand united for freedom, justice, independence and peace. I shall never forget that day. All those that we lost at the Tower's, at the Pentagon and in the field of Pennsylvania. The great loss that we all endured.

Let us remember so we may stand united for them and the future of our nation.
To all those families and the families there after, we are still fighting for our freedom and safety. I salute you and my thoughts and prayers will always be with you.

~Teresa Blakely
September 3, 2018 at 4:50pm
September 3, 2018 at 4:50pm
When should you let things go? I'm learning that it's best to walk away for a bit. To cool off, so you don't erupt into a spewing volcano. Trust me it's not worth all that hot lava pouring out all over everyone, it doesn't do anyone any good. Especially if that person is you.

So, when do you say enough is enough. You've talked and talked until your flaming red in the face. Can't be blue cause your not holding your breath. It sure can't be good for your health.

Questions to ask yourself. Are they worth fighting for? Is this person worthy of your concern of what they are doing to you and or those around them? You need to ask are they physically hurting someone? Are they a danger to themselves? Wow, I could go on and on.

But, you know that it's not healthy for you. But, you've been dealing with this for over a year. It's time to just toss it into the garbage, because you have given it your all. Prayed about, asked for forgiveness, apologized and it's repeated over and over.

Give it to God, walk away, wash your hands of the filth that it holds in them. You can't make someone change. Only they can, only they can want something bad enough to change what is wrong. In their eyes it's not wrong to lie, steal and decieve others to the point that no one will ever believe what you say.

Question is when do you walk away?

May you be blessed always,

Personal Signature
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
A signature image for use by anyone nominated for a Quill in 2018

August 28, 2018 at 9:15pm
August 28, 2018 at 9:15pm
Being sick sucks, but not knowing what is wrong 🤕😷🤒 can quickly make you evaluate your life. Some of you know that I've been under the weather somewhat. Suffering from severe migraines for the past six months. I only told a hand full of you, if that many. And the only reason I'm telling you now is, because like so many of us we ignore our bodies.

It is very important to listen to your body. I have had many family members that have done so in the past and lost them because they ignored their symptoms. When I started having different severe symptoms besides the headaches last month before going on my trip I delayed the doctor once more for another 2 months.

Here are my symptoms I have been having, severe migraines, hot flashes, weak muscles, severe leg cramps, nausea, hypoglycemia, lack of concentration, hyperthyroidism, just to name a few. Now, I didn't have all of them at the same time, but they started increasing more as time went on. To look back it has been a period of over 3-5 years, since my accident.

Now, that being said I thought it was from the injury to my neck and back, oh and along with the change of life. Some change, huh? Well, it turns out that these are a underlying problems, which in my case can be deadly if not treated.

My potassium is extremely low and needs to be raised. They are running tons of blood test to make sure exactly what dose of medicine to give me. But, they have started with it already to get it in my system.

I've done some research on Cushing's Syndrome and since the doctor said that it is mostly caused by steroid use. When I had my accident they would give my steroid shots monthly for 3 years for pain, inflammation etc. I should know the test results in a few days.

I was going to wait to tell everyone at that time. But, this can't wait, if you need to go please go don't wait. It could mean life or death. If my ex, had waited 2 more months he wouldn't be here today to enjoy his grandkids, it was Stage 4 cancer. His father, (my daddy) had a massive heart attack, after a series of 4. He didn't see his great grandchildren born.

So please, don't put it off anymore. Those symptoms mean that there is something wrong. God gave us alarms for our bodies to tell us when something is wrong. Quit turning them off and ignoring them.

P.S. I really need to add this, sorry I forgot too.
I don't expect any likes just comments and of course you to all take care of yourselves. That's what is important to me and your loved ones. Enjoy life, do what you want, need and enjoy. Life is precious and always remember tomorrow is never promised. I love every one of you so much.

August 24, 2018 at 4:02am
August 24, 2018 at 4:02am
Well, it's been a long week and a very busy non productive one. Although I have been under the weather this week due to me finding out that I was allergic to Creole seasoning the hard way. One bite of my very delicious Crab legs. Oh, and I was so looking forward to eating them.

It took my system a week for it to work itself out of it. I'm still a little quizzie, though. But, at least it didn't kill me. It has gotten me to thinking about those who have food allergies. That first time finding out can be really scary. The restaurant panicked for not asking or letting us know what it was cooked in. Of course, I didn't really know that I was. I had an idea that I might be, but wasn't sure until now.

I did get a free dinner, grilled shrimp, yummy. They stayed away from adding spices. Smart idea! I almost didn't get it eaten, due to my stomach doing the Tango. To bad there wasn't any music. Maybe it wasn't wise to try and eat the shrimp after all, but I hadn't eaten all day and was starving.

My waitress was very sweet and felt really bad. I think though they just might need to inform their patrons what they boil their seafood and the corn on the cob in, before letting them order. Found out that the week before, a lady had a worse reaction to the corn. That's why they panicked.

I really feel for the people who have food allergies. It can be rough not getting to eat the things you love or see others enjoy eating. You learn to be aware of the danger's that your food can cause. Strange, but very true.

So, here's to my road to recovery. May it be quick and easy.

May you be blessed always,

My beautiful signature
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
A signature image for use by anyone nominated for a Quill in 2018
August 16, 2018 at 12:10pm
August 16, 2018 at 12:10pm
I was contemplating yesterday not to renew my license. But, seriously I wasn't. Just voicing my opinion out loud. Here's what happened with my decision to go get them.

Well, I opted to get them, because I need them to drive with. The courthouse sent me to jail to get them. That's where they do them at in this tiny town of mine. Asking what do I need and being told I only needed to surrender my Texas license. Now, that being said, you can only do that on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, that's only once a month at that.

So like a good little girl I went yesterday to JAIL. After being told that I needed a few documents in order to register in Alabama. I had 30 minutes to run home and get it, before she closed for the month. Now, it's a 20 minute round trip barring no delays. Then I had to find it, thank God that I keep a great filing system (5 minutes).

I get back with 5 minutes to spare. She tells me that was close and proceeded on telling me what it would cost.

Although, I stood there starring at her when she told me how much it was to change states. 😱🙄🤑😭👁️👁️ $42 just for the license, another $35 for the "Passport 🌟 Star" she called it. That I opted to not get at the moment, plus my wallet 😱😭🙄 said no way, not right now. Ya, gotta pay the car payment.

"Durn, why so much, I was expecting $20 at the most."🙎

"Well, ma'am the state is poor!"🤷

"Now, I am!🤦

"Yes ma'am, I can't give you that today, I don't have my USB cable!"👮‍♀️

"What am I supposed to do, my license expires on the ninth of next month?"🙎

"I'm sorry ma'am I don't know what to tell you."🤷

"I need my license to drive!"🙍

"Your license? That's different you can have them today! Just not the STAR 🌟 I don't have my USB cable.💁

"🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦Ok, give me my license, please. Can I get the Star later, when I need it?"

"Yes ma'am. You just can't board any planes without it!"👮‍♀️

I just didn't want to take a new photo is all 📸 First off it blinds ya, then you have this awful look on your face.🤡 Like you've committed some kind of crime *Rolling* *Rolling* *Rolling*

Well, I'm officially an Alabaman👸💓now

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