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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1411600
The Good Life.
I am a professional musician  , worship leader  , small business owner  , songwriter  , aspiring author   and freelance nonfiction writer   with a chemical engineering degree  .

But that's just my resume.

My profile of qualifications is only one of the ways in which I am unique. Here I chronicle my personal and professional goals and my efforts to achieve them. Occasionally I fail. Mostly, I take daily baby steps toward all my long-term goals. Much like the stories I pen, the songs I compose, and the businesses I run, I am always a work in progress.

Merit Badge in Music
[Click For More Info]

  To a dear friend whose talent for writing music is sensational. May you have a fabulous New Year, (((Brandi)))!!! *^*Kiss*^*

Big hugs,
Sherri *^*Heart*^*  Merit Badge in Organization
[Click For More Info]

I don't know how you do it, but I assume there's magic involved *^*Bigsmile*^*  I have really enjoyed this month of planning and preparation for NaNoWriMo and I love how organized it all is.  Thank you for hosting a great challenge and for your dedication to helping so many of us prepare with confidence and trepidation for National Novel Writing Month (known to sane folks as 'November' *^*Laugh*^*) at your  [Link To Item #1474311] Merit Badge in Leadership
[Click For More Info]

For your hard work, commitment, talent and innovation in running the October NaNoWriMo Preparation each year, which helps many of us get our scattered thoughts together for November's novel-writing. And also because this badge has ducks on it.
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November 2, 2009 at 8:54am
November 2, 2009 at 8:54am
Update "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+] contestant log every day.
Challenge complete! *Delight* I need to distribute the Merit Badges.

Good luck, NaNo'ers!

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.

Post at WordPress at least once per month.
Pending for November. Duh... I forgot that I changed this goal to monthly. *Rolleyes* That was a smart move on my part, because I'm obviously too busy to keep up with even my own goal changes. *Pthb*

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.

Write one new original song per month.

Write one Textbroker article per week.

Write three Helium articles per week.
Pending, plus one owed from last week.

Resign from Abbott by 6/1/10.
In progress.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by Thanksgiving.
In progress?


7:00am Coffee (1)
8:45am Child-size piece leftover pizza (2)
10:00am Coffee (1)
10:30am Leftover ravioli (3) with sausage (3) and a breadstick (3)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
3:45pm Chai (1)
6:30pm Ten peanut butter pretzels (2.5) and three caramel creams (2)
10:30pm Regular-size piece leftover pizza (2) and ice cream (4)

Current real estate goal: Organize garage.
November 1, 2009 at 7:32pm
November 1, 2009 at 7:32pm
Update "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+] contestant log every day.
*Check*Goal met.

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.

Post at WordPress at least once per month.

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Check*Goal met.

Write one new original song per month.
*Check*Goal met: "Invalid Item

Write one Textbroker article per week.
*Check*Goal met.

Write three Helium articles per week.
In progress, with one to go... will she meet this goal? Maybe I should write 1,700 words toward my novel instead. *Question*

Resign from Abbott by 6/1/10.
In progress.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by Thanksgiving.
In progress?

Weight: Too damn much.

7:00am Granola bar (4)
9:30am Bite-sized piece sticky bread at church (2)
11:00am Salad (2), two breadsticks (6) with alfredo sauce (3), three raviolis (3) with maybe five slices Italian sausage (2), lemon cake (6)
4:00pm Lean cheeseburger with A1 (5?)
6:30pm Amaretto sour (4)
7:00pm Amaretto sour (4)
7:30pm Amaretto sour (4)
7:45pm Baked Lays (3)
9:00pm Yellow cake (3)
10:00pm More Baked Lays (2)
10:30pm Yellow cake (3)

Current real estate goal: Organize garage.
October 31, 2009 at 6:19pm
October 31, 2009 at 6:19pm
Update "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+] contestant log every day.
*Check*Goal met. It was pretty easy, since I only had a couple of posts since the last time I updated, at 9pm Thursday night! LOL. Two more close-out emails to go! *Delight*

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.

Post at WordPress at least once per month.
Pending! D'oh! I've been listing this as "Goal met" all week. Damn template. *kicks*

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Check*Goal met.

Write one new original song per month.
*Check*Goal met: "Invalid Item

Write one Textbroker article per week.
*Check*Goal met.

Write three Helium articles per week.
In progress, with one to go.

Resign from Abbott by 6/1/10.
In progress.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by Thanksgiving.
In progress?

Weight: Yeah, it was like, 154.4. I ate breakfast and drank two cups of coffee first, but holy guacamole, Batman.

8:00am Candy corns (2)
8:30am Coffee (1), French toast (3), butter (1), syrup (2)
9:30am Coffee (1)
2:00pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
4:00pm Mini Snickers (2) and candy corns (1)
5:30pm Nuts (1)
6:00pm Amaretto sour (?)

Current real estate goal: Organize garage.

On a related note, I hear that the first-time homebuyer tax credit is in deliberation for possible extension into 2010. Let me make my official vote FOR that idea. Keith and I are both trying to sell houses in the first-time homebuyer price range, and though I hope to sell mine by the end of November, I might not. Meanwhile, Keith's is not even on the market yet, and we probably won't list it until spring.
October 30, 2009 at 9:29am
October 30, 2009 at 9:29am
I have the sweetest man, ever...

When it comes to Writing.Com, I'm always afraid I'll be judged by my RL friends and family. We all hear enough of the sarcastic comments about networking sites like MySpace and Facebook to know that there are still people who judge us for using them. When I discovered Writing.Com, I thought it was just a place to post writing and get feedback, but I quickly discovered the networking side. Writing.Com is not much different from MySpace and Facebook, and though it may be a tad more intellectual and useful, I fear judgment.

Meanwhile, Keith is not an Internet networker. He's bright, computer-savvy, and has an engineering degree, but the Internet is just not his style. His style is sunny-day-on-the-golf-course in the summer and beer-and-football-with-the-guys in the winter (which I confess warily, recognizing the potential for reverse judgment as I share this with my non-beer-and-football Internet-networking friends.)

Somehow, though, Keith has been different for me. As I explain in "It's So Easy [18+], it's easy to talk to him. He knows about the Challenge I'm running through October, "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+], because I mention it daily. He hears how I need to update my spreadsheet, send out my daily close-out email, or chase down my judges. I share many complimentary posts in the forum, like the one that says how ready the participant is for NaNoWriMo, or how great the participant thought a particular challenge was. Keith knows that the Challenge is important to me, and that I do it because it makes me feel good, knowing that I'm helping people. He likes that about me. He even got onto me for disqualifying people after three days of absence, because if they come back on that fourth day and post all four, are they not meeting the intent of the Challenge? He is the reason that I implemented Runner-Up Prize for those participants, which is going to be just as good as the regular prize.

I still have that lingering fear of judgment, and when he asked me what the prizes were, I hesitated. How do you explain Merit Badges to RL friends, or the inevitable parallel Gift Points topic? I was afraid to discuss GPs, because it involves money.

Naturally, GPs came up, and he asked what they're used for. I explained that one of the biggest things is upgrades, and I showed him the Shop, so he could see GPs versus dollars. I explained that you can just outright purchase an upgrade, and that I had just upgraded to Premium last month (paying $70 more than a regular Upgrade would have cost for the year.) I got the dreaded question: "Why?"

Gah! What do you say? I paid $70 extra for a costumicon? No, that's not why, nor is it really the extra space in my port. Frankly, although I'm pushing the Upgrade limit of 250, I could easily clean out my port. I rarely receive feedback anymore, and I no longer get as much out of WDC as I give, except maybe what I learn in the giving. So, why the Premium, then? There is an answer, and it's very simple, but y'all are never gonna believe it. You may not understand it. I was certain that Keith wouldn't. The answer is:

I needed the Website feature for "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+]. I paid $70 so I could maintain my Prep Log.

And do you know what Keith said? After the pointed line of questioning, that one, simple, true explanation generated: "Oh! That makes complete sense. You needed it for your contest." And it retrospect, I was more suspicious of his questioning than he probably deserved. I think he was just trying to understand, not judge. Even when I confessed that I paid money to run this Challenge for other people, he didn't judge me or suggest better ways we could spend $70. Instead, he fully supported me. Also, when I tried to explain about this networking site that I love, he asked lots of questions not out of malicious intent, but because he's interested in my interests and wants to understand why I enjoy spending so much time here.

Shh, don't tell: I'm gonna get him a golf GPS and a new set of clubs for Christmas. *Heart*
October 30, 2009 at 7:51am
October 30, 2009 at 7:51am
Update "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+] contestant log every day.
*Check*Goal met... at 9pm last night! I had a honkin' busy day, from a day shift class, to a crisis at work, to Trick-or-Treat, to web conferencing with my brother so the kids could meet my adorable new nephew, Kaden. *Delight*

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.

Post at WordPress at least once per month.
*Check*Goal met: http://michelletuesday.wordpress.com"

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Check*Goal met.

Write one new original song per month.
*Check*Goal met: "Invalid Item

Write one Textbroker article per week.
*Check*Goal met.

Write three Helium articles per week.
In progress, with one to go. Maybe.

Resign from Abbott by 6/1/10.
In progress.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by Thanksgiving.
In progress?

Weight: *Question**Left*Not a good way to detect progress (or lack thereof.)

7:00am Candy corn (2) Damn Halloween! *gobbles more candy corn*
7:15am Fiber English muffin (1) with butter (1)
7:30am *sigh* The 11-year-old's lean pocket leftovers (2)
7:45am Coffee (1)

Current real estate goal: Organize garage.
October 29, 2009 at 12:48pm
October 29, 2009 at 12:48pm
First, a gripe: Contests should not require you to "follow" a prompt. A prompt is something intended to get you writing, and if you write because you saw a prompt, that should be good enough. In fact, it should be cause for *Balloon1*celebration*Balloon1*! Why should a judge or contest owner decide that your writing is suddenly invalid because you didn't "follow" (a subjective term in itself) his or her prompt? That's just my two cents. And for more cliches, see the link in my last post. *Down*

Second, a game: TicTacToe  .

Happy Hallowe'en.
October 29, 2009 at 7:37am
October 29, 2009 at 7:37am
Update "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+] contestant log every day.
*Check*Goal met.

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.
Pending, and I won't play again until tomorrow.

Post at WordPress at least once per month.
*Check*Goal met: http://michelletuesday.wordpress.com"

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Check*Goal met.

Write one new original song per month.
*Check*Goal met: "Invalid Item

Write one Textbroker article per week.
*Check*Goal met.

Write three Helium articles per week.
In progress, with one to go... but my last two competitive articles are ranked 12 of 12 and 5 of 5, begging the question: WTF? And I was just wondering why I was even bothering with Helium anymore.

Before any of you hardcore linguists pounce me, I am already aware of my "incorrect" usage of the phrase, "begging the question." The English language is evolving, people: You can run, but you can't hide. Sad to say that even the most anal among us must ride the tide. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. I'll eat my shorts if my usage doesn't become part of the vernacular. That's just my two cents. If I'm falling prey to phrase misuse, at least I'm still avoiding cliches in my writing. *Bigsmile*

For your amusement: Random Cliche Generator  

Resign from Abbott by 6/1/10.
In progress.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by Thanksgiving.
In progress?

Weight: ?

7:15am Coffee (1) and fiber English muffin (1) with butter (1)
9:00am Coffee (1)
9:30am No-bake cookie (2)
10:00am Coffee (1)
10:30am No-bake cookie (2)
11:30am No-bake cookie (2)
1:30pm Chai (1)
2:30pm Chai (1)

Current real estate goal: Organize garage.
October 28, 2009 at 7:25am
October 28, 2009 at 7:25am
Update "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+] contestant log every day.
*Check*Goal met.

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.

Post at WordPress at least once per month.
*Check*Goal met: http://michelletuesday.wordpress.com"

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Check*Goal met.

Write one new original song per month.
*Check*Goal met: "Invalid Item

Write one Textbroker article per week.
*Check*Goal met.

Write three Helium articles per week.
In progress, with one to go. But why do I torture myself? The rating system is stupid, the payments are negligible, and the quality of writing is sub-par. I should stick to Textbroker, which is offering bonuses this week. *Delight*

Resign from Abbott by 6/1/10.
In progress.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by Thanksgiving.
In progress?

Weight: 151.0

7:00am Coffee (1) and fiber English muffin (1) with butter (1)
9:30am ZonePerfect Indulgence bar (3)
10:30am No-bake cookie (2)
11:00am No-bake cookie (2)
12:00pm Sushi (3)
2:00pm ZonePerfect bar (4)
3:00pm Pizza (4)
7:00pm Chips (3)
7:30pm Chicken noodle soup (4)
8:00pm Allsorts (1)
8:30pm V8 (1)

Current real estate goal: Organize garage.
October 27, 2009 at 10:07am
October 27, 2009 at 10:07am
Update "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+] contestant log every day.
*Check*Goal met. Only five more Daily Close-Out Emails to go! *Delight*

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.
Pending. I played through a few songs but didn't find one that I was ready to launch.

Post at WordPress at least once per month.
*Check*Goal met: http://michelletuesday.wordpress.com"

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Check*Goal met.

Write one new original song per month.
*Check*Goal met: "Invalid Item

Write one Textbroker article per week.
*Check*Goal met.

Write three Helium articles per week.
In progress. I wrote to a headlining title this morning, "6 Tips to Cure Writer's Block." *Thumbsup* One down, two to go.

Resign from Abbott by 6/1/10.
In progress.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by Thanksgiving.
In progress? Thanksgiving is sneaking up on me, and I'm not sure I'm actually seeing progress.

Weight: 151.0

7:00am Coffee (1)
9:30am Fiber English muffin (1) with butter (1)
10:00am Coffee (1)
10:45am Ice cream (3)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
2:30pm Chai (1)
6:00pm ZonePerfect bar(4)
9:45pm Nuts (1), chips (1), spaghetti (4)
10:00pm Yellow cake mixed drink (2)

Current real estate goal: Organize garage.
October 26, 2009 at 8:24am
October 26, 2009 at 8:24am
Update "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+] contestant log every day.
*Check*Goal met, and the Contest Round 1 results are in! The winners will be announced in today's email.

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.
Pending. I forgot to mention yesterday that I launched another new song   last week because I'm an overachiever... and because Robert Waltz is so fun to pick on.

Post at WordPress at least once per month.
*Check*Goal met: http://michelletuesday.wordpress.com"

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Check*Goal met.

Write one new original song per month.
*Check*Goal met: "Invalid Item

Write one Textbroker article per week.

Write three Helium articles per week.

Resign from Abbott by 6/1/10.
In progress.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by Thanksgiving.
In progress.

Weight: I'm afraid to look.

7:15am Candy corn (1) and coffee (1)
8:15am Cinnamon roll (2)
9:00am Coffee (1)
9:30am Egg and cheese croissant from Dunkin Donuts (12)
1:45pm Half skinny roast beef sandwich (3.5)
7:00pm Chai (1)
10:45pm Half skinny roast beef sandwich (3.5)
11:30pm Ice cream (3)

Current real estate goal: Organize garage.
In progress... I actually touched this yesterday, but made no noticeable progress.
October 25, 2009 at 9:06am
October 25, 2009 at 9:06am
Update "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+] contestant log every day.
Nope. Yesterday was a Freebie Day, so I'm taking a break. *Smile*

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.
*Check*Goal met.

Post at WordPress at least once per month.
*Check*Goal met: http://michelletuesday.wordpress.com"

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Check*Goal met.

Write one new original song per month.
*Check*Goal met: "Invalid Item

Write one Textbroker article per week.
*Check*Goal met.

Write three Helium articles per week.
*Check*Goal met.

Resign from Abbott by 6/1/10.
In progress.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by Thanksgiving.
In progress.

Weight: 152.8 Ugh. I don't understand the problem. (*points to food list*)

7:30am Coffee (1) and candy corns (1)
8:15am Donut hole (1) and cookie (1) at church *Thumbsup*
8:45am Tall, nonfat pumpkin spice latte (5)
12:00pm ZonePerfect bar (4)
3:30pm A few bites of a cinnamon roll and some candy corns (1)
4:15pm Nuts (1) and chips (1)
4:45pm Slice swiss cheese (1.5)
5:00pm Yellow cake mixed drink (4?)

Current real estate goal: Organize garage.
In progress. Keith and I will work on it this afternoon. *Bigsmile*
October 24, 2009 at 9:13am
October 24, 2009 at 9:13am
Update "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+] contestant log every day.
*Check*Goal met.

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.
*Check*Goal met.

Post at WordPress at least once per month.
*Check*Goal met: http://michelletuesday.wordpress.com"

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Check*Goal met.

Write one new original song per month.
*Check*Goal met: "Invalid Item

Write one Textbroker article per week.
*Check*Goal met.

Write three Helium articles per week.
*Check*Goal met.

Resign from Abbott by 6/1/10.
In progress.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by Thanksgiving.
In progress.

Weight: *Question*

7:30am Coffee (1)
9:00am Waffle (2) with butter (1) and lite syrup (2)
2:15pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
2:45pm Candy corn (5?)
7:30pm Hamburger helper (8?)
8:00pm Candy corn (1)
8:30pm Nuts (1)

Current real estate goal: Organize garage.
In progress.
October 23, 2009 at 10:02am
October 23, 2009 at 10:02am
*erases that pesky mistake in yesterday's post title* Yesterday was Thursday, not Wednesday. *Rolleyes* Thursday was a long day working at Abbott from 8:30am - 11:00pm with a two-hour break to play at Potbelly. I think I'll take off half the night tonight. *Thumbsup*

Update "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+] contestant log every day.
*Check*Goal met.

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.
*Check*Goal met. I finally launched "Angels."

Post at WordPress at least once per month.
*Check*Goal met: http://michelletuesday.wordpress.com"

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Check*Goal met.

Write one new original song per month.
*Check*Goal met: "Invalid Item

Write one Textbroker article per week.
*Check*Goal met and then some. I managed to squeeze in a revision at a client's request and another new article yesterday before I got slammed at Abbott. Once it hit, the workload never let up.

Write three Helium articles per week.
*Check*Goal met.

Resign from Abbott by 6/1/10.
In progress.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by Thanksgiving.
In progress.

Weight: 150.4

7:30am 1.5 pieces leftover pizza (6)
8:00am Coffee (1)
10:00am Coffee (1)

Current real estate goal: Organize garage.
In progress... although I haven't touched it in two days. I'm burned out.

On the real estate front, my house had its second showing yesterday. Those of you who know about (or have even seen) my deck, patio, shed, fishy pond, and fancy landscaping, it got kudos in the feedback, *Delight* so go me! The buyer just decided against the split-level floor plan.

So, maybe I'm in the wrong business. But we knew this already! *Laugh* If music and writing don't work out for me, I'll look into the business of landscaping arts. *Bigsmile*
October 22, 2009 at 7:45am
October 22, 2009 at 7:45am
Update "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+] contestant log every day.
*Check*Goal met.

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.
Pending... I was going to launch "Angels" yesterday but forgot my music folder.

Post at WordPress at least once per month.
*Check*Goal met: http://michelletuesday.wordpress.com"

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Check*Goal met.

Write one new original song per month.
*Check*Goal met: "Invalid Item

Write one Textbroker article per week.
*Check*Goal met.

Write three Helium articles per week.
*Check*Goal met, including my backlog. I'm caught up! It's kind of stupid, though. I earn an average of $2 per Helium article, versus $5-$6 per Textbroker article, and there are plenty of TB articles to keep me busy. I just have this emotional draw to reach 100 articles at Helium, and I'm currently sitting at 86.

Resign from Abbott by 6/1/10.
In progress.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by Thanksgiving.
In progress.


7:15am Leftover tuna helper (3-ish) and coffee (1)
7:30am The 11-year-old's leftover English muffin (1) with butter (2) and jelly (1)
9:00am Coffee (1)

Yep. The rest of the family is allergic to leftovers. *Rolleyes* I didn't even eat the first-overs, but I hate to waste food. *Pthb*

1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
5:30pm ZonePerfect bar (4)
11:00pm 1.5 pieces leftover pizza (6) and leftover tuna helper (3-ish)
11:30pm Licorice allsorts (2)

Current real estate goal: Organize garage.
In progress.
October 21, 2009 at 10:25am
October 21, 2009 at 10:25am
Update "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+] contestant log every day.
*Check*Goal met.

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.
Pending... and it's more likely going to be "Angels" by Within Temptation than the Miley Cyrus song this week. Sorry, Chris!

Post at WordPress at least once per month.
*Check*Goal met: http://michelletuesday.wordpress.com with a new recording, a LeAnn Rimes medley of "I Need You" and "How Do I Live."

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Check*Goal met.

Write one new original song per month.
*Check*Goal met: "Invalid Item

Write one Textbroker article per week.

Write three Helium articles per week.
*Check*Goal met, but I still have a backlog of two to catch up.

Resign from Abbott by 6/1/10.
In progress, and I'm looking forward to sleeping regularly.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by Thanksgiving.
In progress.


7:00am Leftover bacon pepperjack turkeyburger (15?), two waffle fries (1), two onion rings (3)
7:30am Coffee (1)
9:00am Coffee (1)
10:30am Dark chocolate mini Reese's cup (1) and coffee (1)

I hate wasting leftovers. *Pthb* So, instead, I "waisted" them. The Reese's cup was comfort food.

UPDATE: I obviously forgot to finish recording my food. No wonder I can't lose weight. I remember:

1:45pm Skinny roast beef (7)
5:00pm Dry salad (0), chips (8), cookie (3)
Did I eat more? No idea.

Current real estate goal: Organize garage.
Eh. I was too frustrated after spending two hours trying to record one stupid song that I just didn't feel like tackling an organization project with the thirty minutes I had left. Hence the comfort food.
October 20, 2009 at 9:23am
October 20, 2009 at 9:23am
For those of you who wish you could be more productive, check out this article:

And now back to my regularly scheduled goals...

Update "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+] contestant log every day.
*Check*Goal met.

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.
*Check*Goal met. Next up: "Party in the USA" by Miley Cyrus.

Post at WordPress at least once per month.
Pending. My last post was on 9/30.

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Check*Goal met.

Write one new original song per month.
*Check*Goal met: "Invalid Item

Write one Textbroker article per week.
Pending. I've been working on a revision instead.

Write three Helium articles per week.
Pending plus two.

Resign from Abbott by 6/1/10.
In progress. I played a cool gig last night for a local area chamber of commerce event. *Thumbsup* A lot of local restaurants and food vendors were there, and they loved me. Too damn bad I didn't think to bring a ton of business cards to put on all the tables! *Pthb* Lesson learned.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by Thanksgiving.
In progress. Maybe...

Weight: 151.2 *Pthb* At least I know I've reached equilibrium.

8:00am Fiber cereal (3) with milk (1) and coffee (1)
10:30am Nuts (2.5) and coffee (1)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
3:00pm Chai (1)
7:00pm Baked potato soup, half of a double turkey cheeseburger with bacon and pepperjack cheese, three onion rings, three waffle fries with cheese dip, half of a huge piece of turtle cheesecake. Yeah.

Current real estate goal: Organize garages.
I swept and took an initial inventory. I'm working on this now, but it will take awhile!
October 19, 2009 at 7:52am
October 19, 2009 at 7:52am
Update "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+] contestant log every day.
Pending. I'll do this after all the Contest Round entries are in at noon.

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.
Pending. Next up: "Party in the USA" by Miley Cyrus.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
FAIL. Maybe I should make this a monthly goal for now, since that's about how often I've been actually doing it!

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Check*Goal met.

Write one new original song per month.
*Check*Goal met: "Invalid Item

Write one Textbroker article per week.
Pending. I still have a 1,200-word article to write, so that should cover it.

Write three Helium articles per week.
Pending. I have a backlog of two, so I need to write five this week.

Resign from Abbott by 6/1/10.
In progress. I'm working day shift today to free myself up for a three-hour gig this evening. *Thumbsup*

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by Thanksgiving.
In progress.

Weight: I dunno, but I bet it's bad.

7:00am Fiber PopTarts (6) and coffee (1)
9:30am Chai (1)
12:15pm Two jalepeno poppers (3), cottage cheese (2), and dry salad with sunflower seeds and parmesan cheese (1)

Current real estate goal: Organize garages.
Pending. I at least picked up the DVRs and modem to return them to AT&T, but that was a drama in itself. I was locked out of my house! *Laugh* It's a good thing I don't live there anymore. I gave my last two keys to the real estate agent, which would have been fine, because I still had the garage door clicker. Well, somebody locked the door leading from the garage into the house. *Rolleyes*
October 18, 2009 at 10:04am
October 18, 2009 at 10:04am
Update "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+] contestant log every day.
*Check*Goal met.

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.
*Check*Goal met. Next up: Miley Cyrus by request.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
Pending. I could have done this last night, but I didn't feel like getting the guitar out.

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Check*Goal met.

Write one new original song per month.
*Check*Goal met: "Invalid Item

Write one Textbroker article per week.
*Check*Goal met: I wrote #3 for the week yesterday, and I signed up for #4... a monster 1,200-word article.

Write three Helium articles per week.
*Check*Goal met. I have written five, and have two left to catch up from my backlog.

Resign from Abbott by 6/1/10.
In progress.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by Thanksgiving.
In progress.

Weight: *Question*

9:00am Two eggs (4), English muffin (1) with butter (1), coffee (1)
10:00am Coffee (1)
10:45am Licorice allsorts (3)
12:30pm Rice krispies treat (2)
2:00pm Granola bar (4)
6:00pm Mexican! Chips, guac, cheese dip, salsa, enchiladas, rice, two "jumbo" margaritas (*Exclaim*)
9:00pm "Yellow cake" mixed drink and three mini dark chocolate Reese's cups


Current real estate goal: Organize garages.
Pending, along with returning my DVRs and modem.
October 17, 2009 at 9:45am
October 17, 2009 at 9:45am
Saturdays are crazy... but I'm ready for the madness!

Update "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+] contestant log every day.
*Check*Goal met.

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.
*Check*Goal met. Next up: more Miley Cyrus? By request.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
Pending. I could have done this last night, but I didn't feel like getting the guitar out.

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Check*Goal met.

Write one new original song per month.
*Check*Goal met: "Invalid Item

Write one Textbroker article per week.
*Check*Goal met: I wrote #3 for the week yesterday, and I signed up for #4... a monster 1,200-word article.

Write three Helium articles per week.
*Check*Goal met. I have written five, and have two left to catch up from my backlog.

Resign from Abbott by 6/1/10.
In progress.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by Thanksgiving.
In progress.

Weight: 149.6

9:00am Fiber Pop Tart (6)
9:30am Coffee (1)
2:00pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
3:30pm Cheryl&Co cookie (3?)
4:30pm Half Grapevine sausage sub (10?) and popcorn (2?)
7:30pm Half Grapevine ham and cheese sub (7?)
8:30pm Cheryl&Co cookie (3?)
10:00pm Gummy bears (1) and licorice allsorts (3)

Current real estate goal: Organize garages.
Pending, along with returning my DVRs and modem.
October 16, 2009 at 10:39am
October 16, 2009 at 10:39am
Update "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+] contestant log every day.
*Check*Goal met, although I didn't do it until 5pm yesterday. *Blush*

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.
*Check*Goal met with "Piece of My Heart" by Janis Joplin, but I keep messing up the verses. *Pthb*

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
Pending. I could have done this yesterday or today, but I slept late both days.

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Check*Goal met with "Made to Love" by TobyMac.

Write one new original song per month.
*Check*Goal met with "Invalid Item

Write one Textbroker article per week.
*Check*Goal met: I've written two and signed up for a third.

Write three Helium articles per week.
*Check*Goal met, although I still have a backlog of four from the last two weeks.

Resign from Abbott by 6/1/10.
In progress.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by Thanksgiving.
In progress.

Weight: 149.8

9:30am Coffee (1)
11:00am Fiber Pop Tart (3)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
2:30pm Chai (1)
4:45pm Fiber Pop Tart (3)
5:00pm Chai (1)
7:30pm Chai (1)
8:45pm Fiber Pop Tart (3)
10:30pm Leftover enchiladas (?)

Current real estate goal: Organize garages.
Pending. Also, I need to take my DVRs and modem to my friendly local UPS store by 10/22. I was going to do that this morning, but it doesn't appear to be happening.

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