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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1411600
The Good Life.
I am a professional musician  , worship leader  , small business owner  , songwriter  , aspiring author   and freelance nonfiction writer   with a chemical engineering degree  .

But that's just my resume.

My profile of qualifications is only one of the ways in which I am unique. Here I chronicle my personal and professional goals and my efforts to achieve them. Occasionally I fail. Mostly, I take daily baby steps toward all my long-term goals. Much like the stories I pen, the songs I compose, and the businesses I run, I am always a work in progress.

Merit Badge in Music
[Click For More Info]

  To a dear friend whose talent for writing music is sensational. May you have a fabulous New Year, (((Brandi)))!!! *^*Kiss*^*

Big hugs,
Sherri *^*Heart*^*  Merit Badge in Organization
[Click For More Info]

I don't know how you do it, but I assume there's magic involved *^*Bigsmile*^*  I have really enjoyed this month of planning and preparation for NaNoWriMo and I love how organized it all is.  Thank you for hosting a great challenge and for your dedication to helping so many of us prepare with confidence and trepidation for National Novel Writing Month (known to sane folks as 'November' *^*Laugh*^*) at your  [Link To Item #1474311] Merit Badge in Leadership
[Click For More Info]

For your hard work, commitment, talent and innovation in running the October NaNoWriMo Preparation each year, which helps many of us get our scattered thoughts together for November's novel-writing. And also because this badge has ducks on it.
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September 23, 2009 at 7:46am
September 23, 2009 at 7:46am
Get house ready for market by 9/30/09
No activity yesterday.

Advertise "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+].
*Check*Goal met.

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.
*Check*Goal met. Check this out: not only did I relaunch "Wake Me When September Ends," but I also wrote a new song yesterday morning based on "Invalid Item .

NEW: Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
In progress.

Write one new original song per month.
*Check*Goal met: http://michelletuesday.wordpress.com

Post at WordPress at least once per week.

Write one Textbroker article per week.
*Check*Goal met. I have another due this evening.

Write for "15 for 15 Contest --- Closed [18+] fifteen minutes per day.
*Check*Goal met: "Corner [E] I really like this one. *Thumbsup*

I won yesterday! *Shock*

Resign from Abbott by 6/1/10.
In progress.

Maintain 150.0 lbs.
*Check*Goal met.

Weight: 149.6

8:00am Coffee (1) and a dark chocolate ZonePerfect bar (4)
11:30am Croutons (1)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
5:15pm FiberOne Pop Tart (3), three caramel candies (1), and an ice cream bar (2)
7:15pm FiberOne Pop Tart (3)

I didn't even come close to recording all my food yesterday... I'll try to catch it up later today. For now, I'm off to the Jeep dealer to get my Compass serviced. Who knows if they'll have Internet service in the waiting room? *Pthb*
September 22, 2009 at 10:06am
September 22, 2009 at 10:06am
Get house ready for market by 9/30/09
In progress. I wanted to get some painting done this morning, but it may not happen... I did schedule a piano mover for Friday, and I tried to reach my friend about repairing my broken glass sliding door.

Advertise "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+].
*Check*Goal met.

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.
Pending... although Robert Waltz reminded me that I only have eight days left to sing "Wake Me When September Ends"*Exclaim*. Since I only sang it last September, it'll count as a new song when I launch it.

Ooh, and cool news on the Potbelly front: I landed a gig playing for Potbelly on Ohio State University's campus tonight during dinner while the store gives out free sandwiches. That ought to be busy. Lots of exposure. *Thumbsup*

NEW: Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
In progress.

Write one new original song per month.
*Check*Goal met: http://michelletuesday.wordpress.com

Post at WordPress at least once per week.

Write one Textbroker article per week.
*Check*Goal met, and I have another one in the works.

Write for "15 for 15 Contest --- Closed [18+] fifteen minutes per day.
*Check*Goal met: "Invalid Item Just under the wire at about 8:10 this morning. Again.

Resign from Abbott by 6/1/10.
In progress.

Maintain 150.0 lbs.

Weight: 151.8. I did forget to weigh til after I ate, but, still. Fail.

7:30am Coffee (1) and FiberOne cereal (3)
9:30am Pasta salad (2)
10:00am Chips (2) and guac (2)
11:30am Leftover steak (3), asparagus (1), and mushrooms (1)
12:30pm Two dark chocolate Reese's PB cups (2)
5:00pm Apple ZonePerfect bar (3)
8:30pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
10:30pm Carrot cake (5) and mojito (3)
September 21, 2009 at 8:31am
September 21, 2009 at 8:31am
Get house ready for market by 9/30/09
In progress.

Advertise "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+].
*Check*Goal met. Although, since I'm behind about 350,000 GPs in my group fund, I'm debating hitting the GP sale before it ends on Thursday.

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.

NEW: Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
In progress.

Write one new original song per month.
*Check*Goal met: http://michelletuesday.wordpress.com

Post at WordPress at least once per week.

Write one Textbroker article per week.
*Check*Goal met, plus I wrote two Helium articles and signed up for another new TB article.

Write for "15 for 15 Contest --- Closed [18+] fifteen minutes per day.
*Check*Goal met: "Little Falls [ASR] Not a song... but I may write a song called "Adrenaline" based on the story. The idea is bouncing around in my head, but will I find time to get it down after another new 15-for-15 prompt and the Textbroker article I promised?

Resign from Abbott by 6/1/10.
In progress.

Maintain 150.0 lbs.
*Check*Goal met.

Weight: 150.0
7:30am Coffee (1)
September 20, 2009 at 8:15pm
September 20, 2009 at 8:15pm
Get house ready for market by 9/30/09
In progress. Got lots done today!

Advertise "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+].
*Check*Goal met.

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.
Eh. Technically, a fail.

NEW: Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
We went over "Teach Me How to Pray" and "Made to Love" at rehearsal yesterday, and both went really well. *Thumbsup*

Write one new original song per month.
*Check*Goal met: http://michelletuesday.wordpress.com

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Check*Goal met.

Write one Textbroker article per week.
*Check*Goal met, plus I wrote two Helium articles and signed up for another new TB article.

Write for "15 for 15 Contest --- Closed [18+] fifteen minutes per day.
*Check*Goal met: "Invalid Item

Resign from Abbott by 6/1/10.
In progress.

Maintain 150.0 lbs.

Weight: Aw, hell. I dunno.
Meals: Aw, hell. I dunno. We've been busy today!
September 19, 2009 at 9:26am
September 19, 2009 at 9:26am
Whew. My goals list is starting to look attainable again.

Get house ready for market by 9/30/09
In progress; no activity. We have a to-do list for Sunday afternoon.

Advertise "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+].
*Check*Goal met.

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.
I started to read through "Your Song" by Elton John, which I know well on piano, but had to adapt for guitar. I couldn't quite get the key right, so I never actually sang any of it.

NEW: Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
"Teach Me How to Pray" scheduled 9/27.

Write one new original song per month.
*Check*Goal met: http://michelletuesday.wordpress.com

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Check*Goal met.

Write one Textbroker article per week.
*Check*Goal met. I not only finished my "Music Lessons and Kids" article for TB, but I also wrote two Helium articles. *shrug* I was bored at work.

Write for "15 for 15 Contest --- Closed [18+] fifteen minutes per day.
*Check*Goal met: "Invalid Item . What is with my dark, pessimistic Muse? *kicks Muse*

Resign from Abbott by 6/1/10.
In progress. I got lots of sleep yesterday! After the kids left for school, I rolled over and slept like two more hours. It was a beautiful thing. And then, work was slow, so I was able to write a couple articles, post my 15-for-15 entry, find a devotional resource for tomorrow's praise band rehearsal, and update my October Prep spreadsheet. See, Abbott isn't so bad; the only problem is that I'm at work with Keith's at home, and vice versa. That part sucks, and I'm still vying for a day shift job, which won't happen any sooner than next month. Of course, day shift at Abbott is a lot more stressful (a.k.a., "challenging"?)

Maintain 150.0 lbs.
*Check*Goal met.

Weight: *Question* I may update this later, if I get a chance to check it.

9:15am Coffee (1)
September 18, 2009 at 10:34am
September 18, 2009 at 10:34am
Get house ready for market by 9/30/09
Oops, I forgot to log this goal yesterday. I moved the drums and a table I use for amps to Keith's; tried to move the dining table in the music ("dining," per the floor plan) room, but need a second pair of hands to get it around the wall; and planted mums. I bought paint and Spackling for touching up the walls, but we'll probably work on that Sunday... after we go to the movies. Keith's 11-year-old son has decided we're going to see "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" as a family on Sunday afternoon. *Thumbsup* Sounds like a romantic thriller.

Advertise "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+].
*Check*Goal met! In fact, I campaigned for judges and funds yesterday. I still need one more judge and maybe another 200,000 GPs. The Prep has received 250,000 in donations so far! *Delight* We have wonderfully generous people on WDC. Every little bit helps! *Heart*

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.
Pending, but I've been playing with chord progressions (again!) I'm not sure I have the lyrics to go with it, but I'll keep looking. It may turn into my next new song.

NEW: Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
"Teach Me How to Pray" is scheduled for 9/27; I'll start teaching it at tomorrow's rehearsal.

Write one new original song per month.
*Check*Goal met: http://michelletuesday.wordpress.com

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Check*Goal met.

Write one Textbroker article per week.
I wrote an article yesterday entitled, "Why my kids should take music lessons." *Laugh* I figured that had my name all over it. It's written, but it's for an Australian audience, so I need to figure out how to check the spellings. Any Australian readers that would be so kind as to review it for me? It's only 400 words. Drop me a comment or an email. *Smile*

Resign from Abbott by 6/1/10.
In progress, but still stressing and not getting enough sleep. Yesterday I debated whether to cut back on writing time, because it earns me the least income of my jobs, but, screw it. I'm doing "15 for 15 Contest --- Closed [18+], and there will be lyrics. Lots of lyrics. 15 songs' worth of lyrics.

The jury's still out on NaNoWriMo, but I'm going to try to do my own Prep this year. I didn't get to do it last year, so I only had participants' feedback to go on as far as its usefulness. If I get one more judge, I won't have to judge any Contest Rounds at all, which might allow me time to participate. I'll only have to monitor the forum, hand out cheerleading Merit Badges, and keep the tracking spreadsheet and website updated. Heh - "only" - LOL. Last year, that task alone took about an hour every day. Which, in retrospect, might have been great preparation for NaNo 2008 in its own right.

Write for "15 for 15 Contest --- Closed [18+] fifteen minutes per day.

Maintain 150.0 lbs.
*Check*Goal met. I started to suspect the scale of bad behavior, after the fluxuations between Wednesday, yesterday, and today. To test it, I picked up two 3-lb dumbbells and weighed myself again. The scale read 153.6, so I'd say it's operating properly!

Weight: 147.6, which is nice, since I ate just under 40 *Exclaim* points yesterday. *kicks self*

10:15am Fiber English muffin (1) with peanut butter (2) and caramel (1), and coffee (1)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
2:30pm Chai (1)
4:45pm Apple ZonePerfect bar (3)
7:00pm Apple ZonePerfect bar (3)
September 17, 2009 at 10:35am
September 17, 2009 at 10:35am
Advertise "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+].
*Check*Goal met.

Learn one new cover band song per week.
On hold.

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.

NEW: Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
We scheduled a song called "Teach Me How to Pray" by Jason Upton for next Sunday, 9/27/09. "Made to Love" by TobyMac is next on the list, but that one will need some extra time to prep and learn!

Write one new original song per month.
*Check*Goal met: http://michelletuesday.wordpress.com

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Check*Goal met.

Write one Textbroker article per week.
I started three different articles yesterday - two Textbroker and one Helium - and could just not get into it. Blah. I'm not getting enough sleep, and it's making my brain hurt.

Resign from Abbott by 6/1/10.
I'm leaning back toward pushing that goal up again. I've got too much going on, and the real problem is that I have too many jobs. So, to improve my life, I should get rid of something. But, what?

Abbott: If I get rid of Abbott too soon, I won't be able to meet my budget goals. I am financially independent and always will be; Keith has a great job, but I don't want to rely on him, because I think that does bad things to relationships. Also, we're both conservative enough to plan for one of us losing our jobs. I'd like to actually be able to support him, at least in the short term, if he were laid off. Likewise, while I don't want to rely on him routinely, I'd like to know he could support me if needed. The longer I stay at Abbott, the lower our mortgage payment and the higher our savings will be. So, I can't leave yet. It's too soon.

Music (Church, 88 Keys, Potbelly): If I leave one or more of my music jobs, I might not get them back, and I need them when I leave Abbott in order to meet my budget goals.

Writing: Hmm...

The analysis points in a rather obvious direction, doesn't it? But, dang it, I like writing. It just doesn't earn me as much *Dollar* as other things. That applies to "15 for 15 Contest --- Closed [18+], NaNoWriMo, and my goal to write a new song every month, as well as freelance writing at Textbroker and Helium. I'm starting to think I'd rather have some free time.

Maintain 150.0 lbs.
Fail... although, I'm sure this is temporary.

Weight: 150.4

7:30am Coffee (1) and ice cream (2). Yes, ice cream. What's it to ya?! *Laugh*
9:30am Coffee (1) and pasta salad (2). What?? I'm just trying to purge leftovers. It's a slow process.
2:30pm Reduced fat Cheez-Its (1) with light Laughing Cow cheese (1) and nuts (2)
2:45pm Coconut ZonePerfect bar (4)
3:00pm Tall, nonfat pumpkin spice latte (5?)
5:15pm Apple ZonePerfect bar (3)
8:00pm FiberOne frosted mini-wheats (3)
8:30pm Tortilla with cheese, salsa, and sour cream (oh, prolly about 8)
9:00pm Fiber English muffin (1) with peanut butter (2) and caramel (2)

Write for "15 for 15 Contest --- Closed [18+] fifteen minutes per day.
New goal starting tomorrow... maybe.
September 16, 2009 at 8:18am
September 16, 2009 at 8:18am
NEW: Get house ready for market by 9/30/09
I've been doing this anyway, and it's taking time away from my other goals, which is stressing me out. I figure I might as well get credit for it. Getting your house ready to put on the market is a lot of work! Especially when your idea of housework is squeezing a load of laundry in the 20-minute window you have between lessons and Potbelly, and then moving the load to the dryer later that evening. *Pthb*

I have a Lowes trip planned this morning. *Thumbsup*

Advertise "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+].
*Check*Goal met.

Learn one new cover band song per week.
On hold...

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.

NEW: Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
We scheduled a song called "Teach Me How to Pray" by Jason Upton for next Sunday, 9/27/09. "Made to Love" by TobyMac is next on the list, but that one will need some extra time to prep and learn!

Write one new original song per month.
*Check*Goal met: http://michelletuesday.wordpress.com

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Check*Goal met.

Write one Textbroker article per week.

Resign from Abbott by 6/1/10.
*shrug* My feelings about this change from day to day. It would be really good if I could hang until June, from budgeting, house-hunting, and school (i.e., Keith's kids) perspectives. Last night, I about had a meltdown at work and decided I wanted out now, but that was because I was so tired. I went out to my Jeep and took a nap on my lunch break, and it helped a lot. I have to learn to sleep in the mornings when Keith and kids are getting up all around me, instead of getting up with them.

Here's the thing: I could leave Abbott at any time, starting in December. However, the longer I stay, the more money I throw in a savings account, the more money we have for a down payment on a new house, the lower the house payment after we buy. Also, the sooner we sell my house, and the longer we stay at Keith's, the more money we save up for the upgrade. See how that works? And the final caveat... obtaining financing for our upgrade will be much easier if I'm still employed by Abbott. So our future living situation depends on (1) how soon I sell my house, (2) how much I get out of my house, and (3) how long I stay at Abbott.

June would be good. It'll be easier if I move to day shift, and I have my eye on a possible opportunity, but it might be a month or two before I know. And whether I go to day shift may be a deciding factor in how long I stay. I can't keep having sleepless days like yesterday. I work my ass off at five jobs and accomplishing a long list of goals, and I do it by not wasting (much) time watching TV or playing video games, but dammit, I like my sleep.

And I deserve my sleep.

Maintain 150.0 lbs.
*Check*Goal met.

Weight: 147.8

7:30am Sausage (5) and coffee (1)
9:30am Nut clusters (3)
11:00am Mixed nuts (2)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
2:30pm Chai (1)
5:30pm Apple ZonePerfect bar (3)
7:00pm Three pieces pizza (10), three wings (5), ice cream (4)

...and I was doing so well. *Pthb*
Write for "15 for 15 Contest --- Closed [18+] fifteen minutes per day.
New goal starting Friday!
September 15, 2009 at 8:38am
September 15, 2009 at 8:38am
I rarely review my blog statistics, but I glanced at the numbers yesterday and was surprised to find that my blog has about three times as many non-Writing.com readers as it has readers who are registered users at Writing.Com. Welcome, non-Writing.com readers! *Smile*

Advertise "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+].
*Check*Goal met. I posted in scroll and sent a group email.

Learn one new cover band song per week.
On hold. Luis was supposed to call me to discuss the status of the band, but he hasn't. I could call him, I suppose. Deep down, part of me thinks this is a good thing. I don't have the time to devote to this right now. It's a lead, though, and when I leave Abbott next year, I may pursue it with a bit more tenacity.

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.

NEW: Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
In progress. I jotted down a few more *already published* songs that I might enjoy leading: "Made to Love" by TobyMac and "You're Worthy of Praise" by Big Daddy Weave and BarlowGirl (in addition to "Lifesong" by Casting Crowns.) Have I ruled out an original song? ...slowly getting there...

Write one new original song per month.
*Check*Goal met, and you can listen here: http://michelletuesday.wordpress.com. The lyrics are by Robert Waltz : "Is This Thing On? [ASR].

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Check*Goal met. See above. Go me!

Write one Textbroker article per week.
*Check*Goal met; I wrote the article I reserved last week. I also reserved another, which I will count toward this week's goal.

Resign from Abbott by 6/1/10.
In progress. Ugh... that date seems so far out. I said so to Keith, and he pretty much said he wouldn't object to me leaving sooner, but we might just have to settle for a less desirable house.

I'm okay with that.

For clarification, Keith is not in charge of my decision. I value his input, and I want to make sure he's comfortable with what I decide to do. He's a bit more financially conservative than I, but he's also never projected out his future budget. We've been working on that together, because I'd like him to be more comfortable with my financial stability.

Maintain 150.0 lbs.
*Check*Goal met.

Weight: 149.8

7:30am Coffee (1)
7:45am Peach pie (5? mostly avoided the crust.)
8:30am Coffee (1)
11:00am Chips (5)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
2:00pm Tall, skinny, hazelnut latte (2)
4:30pm NutriGrain bar (2.5)
September 14, 2009 at 8:42am
September 14, 2009 at 8:42am
Advertise "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+].
*Check*Goal met, and I'm happy with the participation rate so far. Some Contest Round judges would be helpful.

Learn one new cover band song per week.
News on the cover band front: I was supposed to meet Luis and Corey yesterday afternoon for our second session together (my first time meeting Corey, because he didn't show the first session.) Luis sent a text yesterday morning to say Corey didn't want to play with someone they didn't know well, but Luis suspects Corey's wife may have a problem with a female in the band ("or some crap," in Luis' words.) So, we're on hold for now, it appears.

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.

Write one new original song per month.
*Check*Goal met, with "Is This Thing On?" by lyricist Robert Waltz .

NEW: Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
In progress.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.

Write one Textbroker article per week.
Fail. My outstanding article is due tonight, but it's a new week.

Resign from Abbott by 6/1/10.
In progress.

Maintain 150.0 lbs.
*Check*Goal met.

Weight: *Question*

7:00am Coffee (1)
8:00am Ruby red grapefruit cup (2.5)
9:30am Coffee (1)
11:30am Dark chocolate ZonePerfect bar (4)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
2:30pm Chai (1)
7:00pm Ice cream bar (3) and peanut butter pretzels (2.5)
12:00am Bratwurst (5) and ~3 tbsp ice cream (1)

Write for "15 for 15 Contest --- Closed [18+] fifteen minutes per day.
New goal coming 9/18/09.
September 12, 2009 at 11:23pm
September 12, 2009 at 11:23pm
Don't be shocked, but... I may not do NaNoWriMo this year. I haven't decided for sure, but I hate to wait until December to get back to all my other goals. I have a NaNo idea, but it's waited for over a year, so what's one more, when I know I'll have more time next November? I haven't even edited last year's NaNo novel yet. One novel at a time?

Advertise "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+].
*Check*Goal met.

Learn one new cover band song per week.
In progress. Truthfully, I'm nervous that Luis will think I'm a slacker, since we haven't met in a month, and I still hardly know any of the songs we agreed to work on. *Pthb* I'm more into popular and rock, and not so familiar with this punk stuff.

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.
*Check*Goal met.

Write one new original song per month.
*Check*Goal met, with "Is This Thing On?" by lyricist Robert Waltz .

NEW: Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
In progress. I'm leaning toward "Lifesong" because writing my own song would require - you know - writing it. As in, arranging for all the instruments and actually writing the music on paper for the other musicians, not just throwing together a melody and chords on the guitar. I have until next Saturday to decide.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.

Write one Textbroker article per week.

Resign from Abbott by 6/1/10.
In progress.

Maintain 150.0 lbs.
*Check*Goal met.

Weight: *Question* Oops.

9:00am FiberOne cereal (2) with milk (2), coffee (1)
12:30pm Chicken noodle soup, English muffin with butter, 1/2 cup ice cream
...and then a whole bunch of party food. *Bigsmile*
September 11, 2009 at 4:02pm
September 11, 2009 at 4:02pm
Advertise "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+].
*Check*Goal met.

Learn one new cover band song per week.
In progress. Hey, does anyone know the flippin' lyrics to "Got You Where I Want You" by The Flys? Just about every lyrics resource on the web lists them differently. *Pthb*

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.
*Check*Goal met! See *Down*.

Write one new original song per month.
*Check*Goal met, with "Is This Thing On?" by lyricist Robert Waltz , which has not yet been recorded.

NEW: Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
In progress: I (1) wrote draft lyrics for an original song and (2) picked "Lifesong" by Casting Crowns as a back-up plan.

Work on music instruction books for fifteen minutes per day.
Fail, and I should have temporarily taken this down along with the reading and short story submission goals. It comes down tomorrow.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.

Write one Textbroker article per week.
In progress. The article I "reserved" is due Monday, and I won't get to it until Sunday night at the earliest. *Pthb* I may decide to can this goal until after NaNo, too, unless I get DirectOrders. I haven't had any since the last two, so I think the dude wasn't so pleased with my service. It took me awhile to get his articles to him. *shrug* I'm too overbooked to care.

Resign from Abbott by 6/1/10.
Sheesh, that date looks really, really far away. I'm definitely on track for that, but it still might be sooner.

Maintain 150.0 lbs.
*Check*Goal met!

Weight: 147.6

8:45am Nut clusters (3)
9:15am Ruby red grapefruit cup (2.5)
11:00am 1/2 cup chocolate marshmallow ice cream (3)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
2:30pm Chai (1)
4:30pm Chai (1)
6:00pm Dark chocolate ZonePerfect bar (4) (cookies and cream!)
7:00pm Chai (1)
9:30pm Dark chocolate ZonePerfect bar (4) (mocha!)

New goal coming 9/18/09:
Write for "15 for 15 Contest --- Closed [18+] fifteen minutes per day.

And just to keep tabs, the following goals are on hold until after NaNo:
Work on music instruction books for fifteen minutes per day.
Submit one short story/article per month.
Read a book in print for fifteen minutes every day.
Work for fifteen minutes on "Poor Witch [E] every day.
Complete and edit "Poor Witch [E] by 6/30/09.
September 10, 2009 at 8:33am
September 10, 2009 at 8:33am
I took a four-session technical writing course at work (compliments of Abbott) and learned something interesting that I didn't know. The traditional two-spaces-after-every-period rule had something to do with typewriter fonts, and are no longer "required." It's a hard habit to break, because after years of practice, that thumb just automatically plops down two spaces at the end of every sentence.

Re: my goals, I signed up for Leger~Happy Bday WDC! 's fabulous contest, "15 for 15 Contest --- Closed [18+]. There will be a daily writing goal associated with that beginning 9/18.

Advertise "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+].
*Check*Goal met. The same plug sat at the top of scroll for over twelve hours yesterday.

Update "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+] entry log.
*Check*Goal met! ...and this goal comes down tomorrow, which is good, because my blog is getting cluttered with goals.

Learn one new cover band song per week.
In progress. I've been listening to my YouTube playlist at work every night this week.

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.
No activity, because I didn't play yesterday.

Write one new original song per month.
In progress x2 (see below.)

NEW: Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
Y'all are never gonna believe this, but I'm bouncing around the idea of writing one. I mind-mapped the concept, with lyrics tied to the scripture for 9/27. I don't know if I'll have time to actually see it through, but wouldn't that be two birds with one stone??

Work on music instruction books for fifteen minutes per day.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
Pending. My brother (who, apparently, uses digital recording gear professionally - who knew?? *Blush*) recommended a unit that will make my WordPress recordings much higher quality. My parents said they would supply the gear for my birthday (which was last week) and Christmas, so I just need to order it or go pick it up at Guitar Center. Busy, busy...

Write one Textbroker article per week.
Yikes. I signed up for one, and it has a 10-day deadline, so I've been putting it off.

Submit one short story/article per month.
Pending... and I think I may take this one down till after NaNo, too.

Read a book in print for fifteen minutes every day.
*Check*Goal met! I read while waiting at the doctor's office. But as soon as I finish the book I'm on (Silhouette in Scarlet by Elizabeth Peters), I'm going to take this goal down till after NaNo.

Resign from Abbott by 12/1/09.
In progress, but because Keith and I are looking at houses together, and because we dream big (*Pthb*), I might decide to stay a few more months. I had been toying with staying through January or February anyway, because, let's face it: money is nice. Plus, with the new year, I get three new weeks of vacation, which makes the extra time bearable.

If I resign in time for the summer, I could start picking up evening gigs during the week. A solo acoustic act is perfect for an outdoor patio at a bar, and that's summer work. Then in the fall, I can add music students in the afternoons.

I still have close tabs on the budget, but I've been leaning toward a few more months for awhile now. So, I'll change this goal to 6/1/2010, with the understanding that I could leave at any time after 12/1/2009, if it really sucks.

Maintain 150.0 lbs.
*Check*Goal met! Even according to the doctor's scale! *Balloon1**Balloon3**Balloon5*

Weight: 148.2

7:30am Nut clusters (3) and coffee (1)
9:45am Pizza (4)
11:00am Coffee (1)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
2:15pm Chai (1)
4:15pm Dark chocolate mocha ZonePerfect bar (4)
4:30pm Chai (1)
7:00pm Plain salad (0), seafood salad (1), tomato and mozz salad (1), cranberry and pecan salad (1), pesto tortellini (1)
7:30pm Tall, skinny hazelnut latte (2), half pecan bar (1.5), half brownie (1.5)
September 9, 2009 at 8:24am
September 9, 2009 at 8:24am
I'm getting cable installed this morning. How exciting. Now I can watch TV! ...because that's what I need in my life: more things to do. *Thumbsup*

Advertise "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+].
*Check*Goal met.

Update "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+] entry log.

Pull out "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+] spreadsheet and prep.
*Check*Goal met! The spreadsheet is ready for new participants, and this goal comes down tomorrow. *Balloon1**Balloon4**Balloon5*

Learn one new cover band song per week.

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.
In progress, thanks to the new in-progress song. *Down*

Write one new original song per month.
In progress; I've been adding here and there at Potbelly. The song is called "Is This Thing On?" with lyrics by Robert Waltz , and it's a work in progress.

NEW: Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
Pending... but I'm starting to actively look for one. I switched my car radio back over to the Christian station from the heavy rock that Keith prefers.

Work on music instruction books for fifteen minutes per day.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.

Write one Textbroker article per week.

Submit one short story/article per month.

Read a book in print for fifteen minutes every day.
Fail. I'll probably hit this goal today; I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon.

Resign from Abbott by 12/1/09.
In progress.

Maintain 150.0 lbs.
*Check*Goal met!!! Boy, that check mark feels good.

Weight: 149.2

7:30am Nut clusters (3)
8:00am Coffee (1)
9:45am Leftover pizza (3)
11:00am Coffee (1)
12:00pm Leftover pizza (3) and nut clusters (3)
7:30pm Two wings (1.5), one piece pizza (05.), English muffin (1), butter (2), sugar-free jelly (0.5), ice cream (5?)
8:00pm Coffee (1)
September 8, 2009 at 10:53am
September 8, 2009 at 10:53am
Advertise "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+].
*Check*Goal met.

Update "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+] calendar.
*Check*Goal met! "October NaNo Prep: 2009 CALENDAR [E] This goal will be removed tomorrow. *Thumbsup*

Update "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+] entry log.

Pull out "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+] spreadsheet and prep.

Learn one new cover band song per week.

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.

Write one new original song per month.
In progress.

NEW: Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
In progress. I got a worship theme for 9/27 today, so I plan to find a song to go with it.

Work on music instruction books for fifteen minutes per day.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.

Write one Textbroker article per week.
In progress.

Submit one short story/article per month.

Work for fifteen minutes on "Poor Witch [E] every day.

Complete and edit "Poor Witch [E] by 6/30/09.
Fail... I'm going to move my Poor Witch goals off the list until after NaNoWriMo 2009.

Read a book in print for fifteen minutes every day.

Resign from Abbott by 12/1/09.
In progress.

Maintain 150.0 lbs.

Weight: 151.2

7:30am Coffee (1) and Myoplex Lite shake (2.5)
9:00am Coffee (1)
10:45am Dark chocolate ZonePerfect bar (4)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
4:30pm Babybel cheese (1.5)
6:00pm Babybel cheese (1.5)
7:00pm Chai (1) and dark chocolate ZonePerfect bar (4)
8:45pm Cheese (1.5)
9:30pm Chai (1)
11:45pm Five almond clusters (3)
September 7, 2009 at 2:43pm
September 7, 2009 at 2:43pm
I guess I don't blog on the weekends anymore? Well, actually, I normally blog at the 88 Keys studio on Saturday and Sunday, but the Internet was down again. *Pthb*

NEW: Advertise "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+] in September and run in October.
*Check*Goal met.

NEW: Update "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+] calendar.

NEW: Update "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+] entry log.

NEW: Pull out "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+] spreadsheet and prep.

Learn one new cover band song per week.

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.
Fail-ish, but I've been breaking out a lot of old stuff for variety: Let It Be, Breathe (Faith Hill), Anticipation, etc.

Write one new original song per month.
In progress on a song with lyrics by Robert Waltz .

NEW: Launch one new Praise Band song per month.

Work on music instruction books for fifteen minutes per day.
*Check*Goal met... on Saturday, anyway. I copied some of the music I've been writing on the fly for my 5-year-old guitar student, Noah. He's such a cutie. *Smile*

Post at WordPress at least once per week.

Write one Textbroker article per week.
Pending. I accepted an order; now, I just need to write it. In related news, Textbroker announced that they are no longer accepting new authors, though they have a waiting list.

Submit one short story/article per month.

Work for fifteen minutes on "Poor Witch [E] every day.

Complete and edit "Poor Witch [E] by 6/30/09.

Read a book in print for fifteen minutes every day.
*Check*Goal met, though it should hardly count, since I spent the entire fifteen minutes just trying to remember where I was.

Resign from Abbott by 12/1/09.
In progress.

Maintain 150.0 lbs.

Weight: 152.0

8:00am Coffee (1)
8:30am One egg (2), two strips bacon (3), and a fruit cup (1.5).
10:00am Another fruit cup (1.5)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
8:00pm Pizza and wings
September 4, 2009 at 8:34am
September 4, 2009 at 8:34am
Since I work in the pharmaceutical industry (Abbott), I'll probably hear about this Pfizer news when I get to work today:


When the media rocks the pharmaceutical industry, Abbott CEO Miles White always sends out a political memo to all Abbott employees explaining the situation and how Abbott stands on the issue.

NEW: Advertise "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+].
*Check*Goal met, with the link above, a scroll plug (although, more people frequent my blog than scroll these days! *Rolleyes*), and sponsorship. Some related goals:

NEW: Update "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+] calendar.

NEW: Update "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+] entry log.

NEW: Pull out "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+] spreadsheet and prep.

Learn one new cover band song per week.

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.
Pending, although I have a related project in progress. I'm compiling all my current songs into a tighter format, with just a chords list and first line to prompt me. I'm trying to wean myself off of my crutch-binder full of lyrics/chords sheets.

Write one new original song per month.

NEW: Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
Pending. I need to pick a song by 9/19, which is the date of our first rehearsal. For now, I'm focusing on buying meat, moving Keith's big grill over to my house, and getting cable installed by 9/12 (the date of the big OSU/USC game), in time for Emily's and my Praise Band kick-off party. If I don't get that OSU/USC game running on my new HDTV, I may have mutiny among Praise Band members! *Worry* Fortunately, the cable dude/chick is scheduled for next Wednesday morning. *Thumbsup*

Work on music instruction books for fifteen minutes per day.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.

Write one Textbroker article per week.
*Check*Goal met, and for some strange reason, I also wrote seven Helium articles last night. I must have been going through withdrawal over the lack of decent Open Orders on Textbroker.

Submit one short story/article per month.

Work for fifteen minutes on "Poor Witch [E] every day.

Complete and edit "Poor Witch [E] by 6/30/09.

Read a book in print for fifteen minutes every day.
Fail. Isn't this sad? I haven't read in over a week, and I was at the beach all week last week! I was too busy knitting.

Resign from Abbott by 12/1/09.
In progress.

Maintain 150.0 lbs.
Weight: 152.8, yikes.

7:30am Coffee (1)
8:00am Granola bar (2) ...so far, so good...
11:00am Apple ZonePerfect bar (3)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
4:30pm Chai (1)
6:00pm 1.5 pieces banana bread with butter (5?), Wildfire chicken salad (just the chicken, lettuce, and tomatoes; very little cheese, tortilla strips, and dressing) (7?)
September 3, 2009 at 7:51am
September 3, 2009 at 7:51am
I had to wait in line and pay $24 for a driver's license renewal yesterday. Happy Birthday to Me! On the bright side, I've lost weight, so when the dude behind the counter said, "Are you still 5-5 and 180?" I was able to say, "As a matter of fact, I'm not! Put me down for 150. *Bigsmile*" (Yes, I actually said, "*Bigsmile*") Also, not only was I deliciously slender in my new photo, but I just returned from the beach and have a nice tan. *Thumbsup*

I ordered cable and bought a 32" HDTV at Best Buy yesterday. For those who have never been to my house, I haven't had cable service in over a decade, and my little former 21" traditional cathode-ray TV was dwarfed by my entertainment center. This is because... dum-DUM-DUM! ...I don't watch TV. Does this surprise you, with five jobs and the goal list below? But apparently, I needed to get cable in time for football season.

Ah, the things we do for love.

But, hey! I'll have all the OSU games, movie channels, the History Channel, Discovery... and music channels! As in, live concerts! All on HD! woo-hoo! I watched Sammy Hagar and Godsmack concerts on Keith's 52" HD and can't even begin to tell you how awesome they were.

(This can't be good for my goals.)

NEW: Advertise "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+].
*Check*Goal met... (1) It's advertised above (duh.) (2) I'm periodically plugging it in scroll. (3) I'm still sponsoring it. I haven't run out of GPs yet, though I suppose I should save some for the Merit Badges, since many will likely come out of my proverbial cyberpocket like they did last year.

Learn one new cover band song per week.
Pendingish. I stumbled across an acoustic version of "Drive" by Incubus, which was on the list of songs Luis wanted me to look at. I could do that at PB, too.

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.
Pending. Maybe "Dust in the Wind" or "Drive" this week.

Write one new original song per month.

NEW: Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
No activity.

Work on music instruction books for fifteen minutes per day.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.

Write one Textbroker article per week.
*Check*Goal met. Still waiting for the client to accept my $50 article and tell me whether he has any others he'd like me to write. The Open Orders list has been pretty much empty for a week.

Submit one short story/article per month.

Work for fifteen minutes on "Poor Witch [E] every day.

Complete and edit "Poor Witch [E] by 6/30/09.

Read a book in print for fifteen minutes every day.

Resign from Abbott by 12/1/09.
In progress.

Maintain 150.0 lbs.
Weight: Dunno. Too damn much. Okay, fine, it was 154.0... "for the record."

7:00am Coffee (1)
8:00am Coffee (1)
10:00am Nuts (1)
11:00am Apple ZonePerfect bar (3)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
2:15pm Tall, nonfat chai (4?)
6:00pm Dark chocolate mocha ZonePerfect bar (4)
7:15pm Salami sticks (3) and pretzels (1)
9:30pm Chai (1)
11:30pm Apple (1) with caramel (3), wine (1)
12:00am White russian-ish (1) and fudge (3)
September 2, 2009 at 11:26am
September 2, 2009 at 11:26am
...and not doing anything at all. *Bigsmile*
September 1, 2009 at 2:40pm
September 1, 2009 at 2:40pm
Where am I? Gah. Get me back to the beach.

NEW: Advertise prep in September and run in October.
*Check*Goal met. I linked in scroll, added to Contests page, and sponsored.

Learn one new cover band song per week.

Launch one new Potbelly song per week.

Write one new original song per month.

NEW: Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
No activity.

Work on music instruction books for fifteen minutes per day.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
Pending. I still need to record my LeAnn Rimes medley, because it's pretty bad-ass.

Write one Textbroker article per week.
*Check*Goal met. I finished the $50 article this morning. I sent a note to the client asking if he has any more articles he'd like written. He indicated that he had a ton of them, but he may have several writers working on them, and who knows how many are left. *shrug*

Submit one short story/article per month.

Work for fifteen minutes on "Poor Witch [E] every day.

Complete and edit "Poor Witch [E] by 6/30/09.

Read a book in print for fifteen minutes every day.

Resign from Abbott by 12/1/09.
In progress, and lookin' pretty damn good. Although, I'm pretty sure I plan to extend this deadline a bit into 2010, just to get a few more paychecks and take advantage of a whole new three-week vacation allowance.

Maintain 150.0 lbs.
Weight: ? I forgot. No, seriously. I really forgot.

7:00am Coffee (1)
9:00am Coffee (1), granola bar (2), mini Nutter Butters (1.5)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
3:00pm Chai (1)
5:00pm Chai (1)

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