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by werden
Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #1180282
My thoughts about life
This is my first blog entry. I decided to try entering my thoughts on an online journal. I guess my first entry should be on how I reached this decision. I saw in the latest (well a couple of weeks ago) contests letter a piece about blogging. I checked out the blogs portion of the site and I was impressed. So many people sharing the intimate details of their lifes. I want to do my part.

This may not be the best blog entry, I know. But, I want to learn how to express myself better. I also want more people to get to know me on the site.

Today I plan on watching college football and reading during the commercials with the mute button on :). I may check some more of my e-mails and read some more online stories and try and comment on them. I try reviewing everything i read. I admit sometimes I read something and dont review it. Other times I am afraid I write a pretty crappy review. But noone has commented so far.

Well I will go for now.
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January 13, 2007 at 12:43pm
January 13, 2007 at 12:43pm
Well here comes the next update that nobody reads. Why do I bother? I guess so I can post something. I can have something of myself out there for the world to see.

I think nobody reads me because I dont have much to say.

Well I have to admit my life isn't exactly an interesting novel.

The most exciting thing I did today was go to the gym. Whoopie. Well I did get a good workout in so that is always a plus

I am also fighting with Liberals in my local newspaper. I dont want to get to political here though since i dont think this is the correct site for that.

Well I will get back to reading my mail, reviewing works and commenting on them.

For those who do read. Thank you for your patience with me. Please leave a comment if you feel appropriate.

January 11, 2007 at 7:41pm
January 11, 2007 at 7:41pm
I got only about thirty minutes of writing done today. Why is it so hard? I dont know. I am concerned.

I am reading "On Writing" by Stephen King and he says that if you dont love to write than perhaps you should get into another line of work.

I dont think a love to write is my problem. I think a will to write is more like it.

I sit here and only small bits and pieces of my story come out. Then I sit back exhausted wondering why I got so little.

Is it because I get so little attention for my work? Perhaps. I dont know. I need to somehow find a way to break through and get these words down. Somehow.
January 8, 2007 at 7:29pm
January 8, 2007 at 7:29pm
Well this is the umpteenth notice to update my blog. They can be pretty persistant about this. :)

Why do I write this? It seems nobody is reading it. Maybe because I like writing. I like putting my thoughts down for the world to see. I don't do this for the recognition, even though that is nice. I do it to express something of myself.

Anyway, I didn't have a good week, last week. My computer frizzed out the last Saturday of December. I took it to the computer place. I found out one week later that my windows program was corrupted. They had to do a complete restore. That means I had to backup all my writing. Actually that was a good thing because I knew I needed to do it but was too darn lazy :)

So now I have my computer back and all my writing. Unfortunately, I hit another block. I hate them. I wonder if I can write. DO I have what it takes? Nobody pays any attention to my work here, except for a few. That is very discouraging.

Also, I can't seem to find the rhythm that I need. What am I to do?

I don't know. But my hope of darkness chapter 3 is finished. I just need to do some editing and will soon post.

talk to everyone later.
December 26, 2006 at 5:29pm
December 26, 2006 at 5:29pm
Hallejulah. I did it. For thirty minutes I was able to dive into my story. I saw what the characters were seeing and I was able to write down their observations on my pages. It was as if they were communicating to me. I am exhausted but it is good exhaustion.

I love it!!!!

I want to experience that more!!!!
December 25, 2006 at 11:45am
December 25, 2006 at 11:45am
Well this is Christmas Day for everyone across this nation of ours (really most of the world that I know of). To most everyone this is a joyous time of spending time with the family, opening gifts ,etc.

Unfortuantely this isn't the case for me. I don't have a family where I live. So I get to spend this joyous time with myself. Christmas is really just another day for me, a day I get off work.

Still, I can't deny the pain I feel when I see and hear of others with their families. I can't deny how I wish and pray for a family of my own. I have this girl in mind to start a family with but she hasn't contacted me in three years. I still cling to that hope, maybe foolishly.

Well I want to wish everyone a joyous and peaceful New Year.
December 25, 2006 at 11:38am
December 25, 2006 at 11:38am
Well this is Christmas Day for everyone across this nation of ours (really most of the world that I know of). To most everyone this is a joyous time of spending time with the family, opening gifts ,etc.

Unfortuantely this isn't the case for me. I don't have a family where I live. So I get to spend this joyous time with myself. Christmas is really just another day for me, a day I get off work.

Still, I can't deny the pain I feel when I see and hear of others with their families. I can't deny how I wish and pray for a family of my own. I have this girl in mind to start a family with but she hasn't contacted me in three years. I still cling to that hope, maybe foolishly.

Well I want to wish everyone a joyous and peaceful New Year.
December 21, 2006 at 7:37pm
December 21, 2006 at 7:37pm
My work is dragging. My writing, I mean. It is getting sluggish. I am not sure what is wrong. I am having a devil of a time finishing my chapter 3. I can only do a paragraph a day before I have to quit.

Maybe I should wrestle through this slow time and try to write more.

I don't know.
December 18, 2006 at 12:30pm
December 18, 2006 at 12:30pm
I am thinking. Maybe my titles aren't very good. I see all these interesting Blog titles conveying all sorts of wacky thoughts. Me, I just try to be real.

Well my friend called me on Friday wanting me to come pick him up from Cincinnatti for Christmas, a 5 hour drive.. He is in the mission field and has no car or way back. Also, I found out that dear friend, his sister, is going to come pick him up this Wesdnesday. So I decided to go get him.

I drove up there yesterday, picked him up and drove back all in one day. It was a 10 hour drive but I broke out even. I paid for the gas up and he paid for the gas down. I bought lunch but I was treated to dinner. :)

We had interesting conversations. We have similar spiritual interests and the same taste in music so it worked out great.

My only regret is that I probably wont get to see my dear friend. She will be driving in this Wesdnesday, picking up her brother, and then leaving for Oklahoma. I will be working all day with no possibility of getting time off. Even if I were to get time off I don't know what her reaction would be. I love her but we haven't spoken in years.

Should I take time off anyway? I don't know. I think I will just pray and ask God if I can see her that day.
December 15, 2006 at 9:18am
December 15, 2006 at 9:18am
I came home yesterday to find no water in the house anywhere. I was unable to wash dishes, use the bathroom, take a shower. Ugh. I was wondering what happened with the city water.

Then I found out today that my roommate forgot to pay his water bill on time and they cut off his service. I wasn't happy at all. What irritates me is that he is so passive about this, while I am on the edge screaming for my shower. When I asked him to call the water company, he bit my head off. I wasn't the one who didn't pay the bill on time.

Well enough venting. Things happen I know. I shouldn't get on his case to hard. I will let this go.

This whole incident shows how dependent I am on city utilities. That scares me.

How did this sorry saga end? Well it was anticlimatic but still a good ending. :) The city turned on our water a few minutes after I made this entry. I apologized to my roommate for snapping at him and life goes on.

I know, I know not exactly publishing material. But, hey I will leave my fantasy for my writing.
December 13, 2006 at 5:37pm
December 13, 2006 at 5:37pm
This has been another rough week. I got a desk from my roommate but we broke my computer upon installing the new desk :). It wasn't to bad though because we were able to take it to the local computer shop and they fixed it for free. :) yay!!!! as my cousin would say.

That means though that I am a couple of days behind on my writing which is never good news. I am also behind in my reading and reviewing.

I sparred some more with my enemy. To tell the truth,I get tired of dealing with him. I am in no mood for a prolonged battle. I told him that I will just ignore him from now on. I was sure to let him know that so he wouldn't think I was too afraid to confront him. I just told him he wasn't worth my time.

Well now that I got my ole computer back time to get back to work. Actually my title was misleading. It was a rough half-week. :)

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