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by werden
Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #1180282
My thoughts about life
This is my first blog entry. I decided to try entering my thoughts on an online journal. I guess my first entry should be on how I reached this decision. I saw in the latest (well a couple of weeks ago) contests letter a piece about blogging. I checked out the blogs portion of the site and I was impressed. So many people sharing the intimate details of their lifes. I want to do my part.

This may not be the best blog entry, I know. But, I want to learn how to express myself better. I also want more people to get to know me on the site.

Today I plan on watching college football and reading during the commercials with the mute button on :). I may check some more of my e-mails and read some more online stories and try and comment on them. I try reviewing everything i read. I admit sometimes I read something and dont review it. Other times I am afraid I write a pretty crappy review. But noone has commented so far.

Well I will go for now.
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December 9, 2006 at 10:10pm
December 9, 2006 at 10:10pm
I made an enemy today. I take part in forums in my local newspaper. I interacted with this guy who pretty much said he detested me because I dared to disagree with him. What horrors!

That makes me sad. One for him for carrying such hatred. But also because I can't find anyone to have a decent discussion with that doesn't involve hatred or name calling.

Well I was able to get in one hour of writing on my book. One hour on my school assignment and a couple of hours reading newsletters and reviewing. I think I did pretty good for once. This was supposed to be a day devoted to writing. Well for once it actually worked out that way.
December 8, 2006 at 11:28pm
December 8, 2006 at 11:28pm
Now that my hell week is over, I can get to the part that I enjoy best, the writing. Or sometimes more accurately the pretending to write or the needing to write and not doing it.

I don't know which is worse, a bad review of your work or a good review. A good review bad? Well, yeah actually. Allow me to elaborate.

I got several good reviews on the first 2 chapters of my novel. I am working on the third. That is bad for me because I am having a devil of a time with the third chapter. See, I want it to live up to the first 2. I want to continue the drama & suspense. I don't want to let my readers down. So, I am going through writing & rewriting. ah the horrors!

I am just kidding. In a way I am not though. I am beginning to understand the pressure that writers of successful stories feel (not that my little excerpt is in any way successful). They don't want to let their fans down so they are under constant pressure to keep the story going. I feel the same way. To be honest some times I feel as if I am overwriting. Maybe I am. Maybe it would be better to just finish it and submit it for review. After all that is pretty much what I did with the first 2 chapters.

Well just a little taste for what it means to write. I am grateful for the readers who read and reviewed my work. Please don't misunderstand me. As the english say cheerio! (wait isn't that a cereal :), perhaps I mispelled that )

December 7, 2006 at 8:28pm
December 7, 2006 at 8:28pm
I had a hellacious week at work. To be honest it was only two days really, yesterday and today. Yesterday, I worked from 7 in the morning to 9:30 at night trying to balance my stupid accounts. I couldn't find what the problem was so I had to ask for help.
Naturally, as soon as my manager looked at it, he found that it was my fault. It was something stupid i did to mess up the spreadsheet. I was upset.
I will say right now that I am kind of a perfectionist. Part of that comes from the need to compare myself with everyone. Naturally, when faced with those comparisons, I always come short in my own eyes. I know that is not very healthy but that is an ingrained part of me.
Well, anyway, today wasn't as bad. I still had trouble balancing other accounts. Everyone wanted to wrap up today because nobody wanted to work on the weekend. So this afternoon was chaotic. Naturally, someone sent work done for us to take care of in the last minute. Of course i screwed my part up. Well, I say if they don't want errors then they need to give us time to examine and correct what we do.

Right now I am listening to some I tunes and reading some blogs, newsletters and stories. I always try to comment on other peoples works. One, it gets me gift points. More importantly however, it gets me exposure. I keep hoping that I can get to know people here and somebody will comment on my work.

I admit this blog doesn't stack up to the others i read (there goes the comparison again :)). But, I will continue to write my thoughts down. Maybe, hopefully, someone, somewhere will get some inspiration from these.
December 3, 2006 at 10:50pm
December 3, 2006 at 10:50pm
This has been a great day for me! First both my football teams win, titans & Cowboys.

Second, I got an invitation to dinner on Christmas eve at a friends house. That means I don't have to spend Christmas alone, well I still do but at least I can eat some good food.

Third, my roommate got me a writing desk. Once, we build and install it I will have a writing desk! Right now I just have a computer on a rickety, old desk. I have no filing space at all except for a couple of boxes.
December 1, 2006 at 9:59am
December 1, 2006 at 9:59am
This is Friday (obviously), my day off. It is supposed to be a day where I work on my writing. Unfortunately, more often than not, it is a day where I goof off and play video games. Still, I did good this morning, I reviewed my latest assigment returned the day before.(I am in a writing class) I made the necessary corrections.
Now, my teacher wants me to publish it. Sweats, shivers, groans.
November 29, 2006 at 10:43pm
November 29, 2006 at 10:43pm
I have been unable to update my blog for several days simply because of my schedule.

I work 10 hours monday through Thursday and when I get home I am simply too worn out to pay much attention to my blog. I didn't even turn on my computer last monday :)

I have to admit as well I developed a love affair with football. I enjoy watching the games even if I am not rooting for a specific team.

Today I participated in a local paper forum with a bunch of anti-christians. These people were very much filled with hatred and I confess they were getting on my nerves. But I had a talk with the church home group i go to every wednesday and i saw the necessity of loving the people. So i will approach tomorrow with a loving attidute.

I am under no illusions that anybody is reading this blog (if they have they never commented) I also know my life isn't as humurous as the other blogs I read and heard about. I am sorry. It is my life. If something humorous comes up I will be sure and report it. Till then I will just describe me as i am.
November 24, 2006 at 12:41pm
November 24, 2006 at 12:41pm
The last day of my vacation! Oh how I dread going to work next week. This was supposed to be a working vacation. Did I get enough things done? No, of course not.
But, I did get some writing done. I need to give myself that much credit. I can pat myself on the back for another reason. Yesterday, I only had one plate stuffed to the rim of Thanksgiving delicacies. Well... actually one and a half plates.
It is on every holiday that I wish humans were built like camels. That we can gorge ourselves on one meal and then carry the food over a couple of days were we dont have to eat anything.
Anyway, enough of my nonsensical ramblings. I have one working vacation day left. Time to make the most of it.
November 21, 2006 at 9:45am
November 21, 2006 at 9:45am
I am learning about waiting and what it really means. I am a christian and a follower of Jesus Christ. When He tells me to wait for something, He is not telling me to sit and do nothing. He is telling me to keep my eye on Him and wait for His perfect timing.
There are several steps I could take in my life. However, He tells me not to do them. It is not that taking them would be wrong, it is just it is not the right time for them.
I think we as writers know that in our stories, timing is everything. I think that lesson applies to life as well. As it says in that famous passage in Ecclesiastes & that song by the Byrds :): There is a
time for every purpose under heaven.
November 20, 2006 at 11:51am
November 20, 2006 at 11:51am

I am on the first day of my working vacation, where I don't have to go to work but I do need to get caught up in writing.
I have submitted several short stories and 2 chapters of a novel to this website.
I am struggling with now how to handle critiques of my work, especially my novel. It is not that I can't take the criticism, I welcome it. It is that I am not sure how to respond.
I want my original critiques to reread my work and see if the changes I made address their concerns. However, I feel it may be rude to ask someone to continuasly read my work since I know everyone here is busy.
Also, I dont want to change things just because a reader suggest something. While I respect reader's opinions, especially the well thought out ones, I don't want to sacrifice my vision.
I am not sure how to find my way out of these dillemmas. But I think I know how I can address the first one. I need to do a better job in my own reviews to give other writers the feeback to help them in their works.
Well there are my thoughts for today at least for now
November 18, 2006 at 12:32pm
November 18, 2006 at 12:32pm
Success! I have created my first blog! I am so happy! Now to see if anyone reads it. Oh well. At least I have a space to share my thoughts.

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