Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/beholden
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I've added a new entry to my blog, "Toe in the Water:

Just a quiet moan...
Hope is right; sometimes the most unlikely prompts are the best inspiration. We're rooting for you!
Thanks for the good wishes. I'm just feeling sorry for myself at the moment - I'll get over it. *Wink*
The only thing I have to say is that Stirling Silliphant was my cousin. Something my mother often told us and we laughed at her because she had all these stories of interesting and famous people she was related to. Well, all these years later and the internet at my fingertips, I proved her right. His mother was my great-grandmother's sister. Of course neither he nor any of his family knew we existed because famous people never go looking to see which unimportant, poor, uninteresting people they might be related to.
I've added a new entry to my blog, "Toe in the Water:

Thoughts from the depths.
  •   1 comment
Australians also use the word "dodgy", but for us it is much more of an insult than in the UK.
I've added a new entry to my blog, "Toe in the Water:
         "I Do Like a Bit of Obscurity

To cast the shadow only to throw the light on it.
In the end, I guess Facebook is like everything else. You get what you pay for.
Though perhaps I’ve exaggerated the situation. I think if I comment to offer my services (editing, contributing content, etc) she can initiate a DM from her side. I just tried it *Delight*

I was able to have a few quotes included in the 2021 edition… I was thrilled to see my name in print! That was before I came here…
I call it Farcebook.
I escaped the siren call of social media many moons ago. I regret nothing.
I've added a new entry to my blog, "Toe in the Water:
         "Farewell Bob

A tribute.
I've added a new entry to my blog, "Toe in the Water:
         "Contemplating Infinity

Well, it occurred to me...
  •   1 comment
I'll read it.
I've added a new entry to my blog, "Toe in the Water:
         "Rant for the Day

The brain kicks into gear, then goes to sleep again.
Amethyst Angel🌊🌿🌞 - Just checked on yours, Green Willow. *Wink*
Amethyst Angel🌊🌿🌞 - Haha Changing one's name to fit the season or mood is part of the fun of WdC Can't do it everywhere.
Amethyst Angel🌊🌿🌞 - - I don't believe that the username can create any sort of difficulty in contacting any friend. This is my opinion. Anybody can have a different opinion. That is also welcome.
I've added a new entry to my blog, "Toe in the Water:
         "The Vagaries of Memory

Inspiration strikes!
  •   1 comment
Well, hit it right back!
I've added a new entry to my blog, "Toe in the Water:
         "Far Out, Man

Another thought...
*FlowerB* *MushroomB* *Rainbowl**Rainbowr* *Bird* *FlowerP* *Peace* *Peace2* *MushroomP* *Sun* *StarRainbow* *Geek* *GemT* *Unicorn*

Just putting out some hippie vibes *BigSmile*
Okay . . . I almost made it to the end. I’m sorry but these complex literary character studies always make me fill like I’m stoned out of mind.
I've added a new entry to my blog, "Toe in the Water:
         "Memory Upgrade?

This lady's funny as well as a great musician!
I've added a new entry to my blog, "Toe in the Water:

I only ask because I want to know.
Damon Nomad - But isn't that a definition of "googling," Damon Nomad ?
Dave Ryan - Somehow it warms my heart to know that someone remembers Ask Jeeves...
Google it! Or better yet, ask Google Gemini, their AI chatbot *Laugh*
I've added a new entry to my blog, "Toe in the Water:
         "Thinking of the Bard

Beyond the Romans.
Love her clever videos, and she sings rather well too.
Yeah, I've followed her musical videos for years but was quite surprised when she started branching out with stufflike this. Quite the versatile lass!
*Laugh* Loved it! Thanks for sharing. *Smile*
Happy Birthday Image
May the dreams you hold dearest,
be those which come true,
and the kindness you spread,
keep returning to you!

Thank you for your friendship and support!

Warm Regards, Lilli
*Giftb* *Balloonp* *Giftb* *Balloonp**Giftb*
Thank you so much, Lilli. I hope you're feeling better and, at the very least, well on the way to complete recovery. *Smile*
Happy Birthday!
Thank you! *Smile*
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/beholden