Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/honeysuklerose
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
*Rabbit* From the Looking Glass in "Wonderland, though we see backwards here, Your name glowed in the mirror!
*Delight* It is your anniversary in the WDC kingdom! *Balloonp* A very merry unbirthday...er..sorry, we get a little mad and backwards here. *Blush*
I mean Best Anniversary wishes! *Wand* You deserve a *Crown* and one of the Queen of hearts tarts at least.

*Heart* Don't tell anyone. She thinks the Knight stole them, but we white pawns know something she does not! *Wink*

Thanks for all of your fine contributions to the writing world and may you have many more fun and fulfilling years here. *Starstruck*

*Heart**Rabbit2* Hoppy Hoppy Anniversary wishes from Wonderland! *Crown*

Here is the message in the Looking Glass. *Crazy*

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can anybody tell me what the Quill winners win?
A very special awardicon, a sig that says you are the winner to put on the page of your piece, and the prestige of winning WDC's version of 'The Oscars'!
I'm happy to be here today and celebrate your highlighted day!

Praise A Member of The Power Group  (E)
It's Power's 10th anniversary year! Appreciate a member of the day. Open to EVERYONE.
#2101408 by Maryann

Thanks for helping to keep "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group going strong!

The past is the present is the future
*Balloong**Fairy* YAY! Celebrating 10th Year of Power with you! Thanks for sharing your flair *Fire* in "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group ! You rock! *Salute*
See you at more of our fun activities this year!*Wink*
...A 'Maryann' Happy New Year sig
Congratulations for being a featured "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group member at
Praise A Member of The Power Group  [E]
It's Power's 10th anniversary year! Appreciate a member of the day. Open to EVERYONE.
by Maryann

Party divider
If you like poetry and if you like stories, if you like having fun then put them all together and have a lot of fun writing a story poem for Lisa's Kittylove's first
ever contest.
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2102427 by Not Available.
. join in and have fun!

you've got until December 1st to create and fantasy story-poem, there is no prompt however there is a picture of a fairy to help if you need it.
  •   1 comment
thanks honeysuklerose for the highlight of my item. people like you truly help.
i would like to congratulations to all who won a Quill Award that is some good work to win that.
also congratulations to those nominated because that is an honor.
hi sis, this is sweet to congratulate the winners. I got honorable mention and had 2 nominations I am very proud.

lisa noe*Cat*
Thank you honey, I had an honourable mention and two nominations and I am honoured by this. *Heart*
Hey! I've got 10 items in my port which I would love some of them reviewed, I never get reviews. I would really appreciate some comments.

Have you submitted anything to "Please Review or "Review Me List for WDC Power -ON HIATUS?
You haven't reviewed in a while yourself. I tend to find that the more you review, the more reviews you receive. And people are pretty good about reviewing from the Please Review page, so definitely check out that link.
*Balloonp* Hail and Welcome to "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group. Great to have you aboard. *Star* If you have any questions, just shout. *Delight*
i have a new poem!
I've added a new item to my portfolio:
 Invalid Item  []
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/honeysuklerose