Be sure to check out this wonderful activity! .
I thought I'd take a step back in time. My mom and Mom's side of the family is from Norlens (that's how the residents pronounce it Enjoy! (I also have a very fond memory of this song from when I was a teenager. It was during a trip where I didn't actually go anywhere But we won't talk about that) |
I'll be bringing out and dusting off:
Opening For December!! So, get those dreams ready to go! |
Congratulations to #202, Write_Mikey_Write!! You won 83,200gps and a Lucky Dog Custom MB! "Habit Heroes " receives 72,800gps! and my activities received 52,000gps! Thank you to everyone who participated! |
You can't be a winner if you don't play! Get your last-minute tickets now. The raffle ends at 11:59 p.m (WDC time) Winner gets a custom Lucky Dog MB and 40% of the pot!
Be sure to stop by and buy your raffle tickets now! At the end of the month, the lucky winner will receive a Lucky Dog Custom MB and 40% of the pot!
NEWSFEED CHALLENGE!! This challenge is open until 11:59 pm (WDC time) today only! There will be 3 MBs Awarded. The Merit Badge will depend on the winning entry. I want a 100 word story (on the dot)! The genre should be either: Horror, Supernatural, Drama, Family, or Mystery. That gives you a pretty wide range. Good luck! You can post it directly into the Comments if you wish. |
Raffle opened through the end of October! Come on in for your chance to win 40% of the jackpot and a Custom Lucky Dog Merit Badge!
For "Earn the Badge - Closed " [E] I sent Cubby an "I'm Sorry" MB for all she and her family are going through at this time. Now, would be a wonderful time to find someone who can use some encouragement and let them know you're thinking about them! |
I thought, (and still do) it was a great movie, in my top 100 picks yes, but not my most favorite. Plus the screenplay was nothing like the book, not even close.
I do have some minor ties to the movie... Joan Collins owns three of the thirteens dresses worn by Judy Garland. Those dresses are in wall hanging cases made in my mother's plastics fabrication shop.