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What to do about the popular writing activity in November.
Do you plan on participating in NaNoWriMo (either officially or independently)?
No. I agree with Edgar Allan Poe's philosophy that the most effective tale can be read in one sitting: https://mrrittlanguagearts.weebly.com/uploads/1/3/5/4/13546519/edited_single_eff...
Yes, officially I am throwing my hat in the ring. I will be working on my sci-fi story, Nezoom, and just got inspired yesterday to take it at a new angle. We'll see how it goes.
Dave - but we're talking about writing, not reading *Confused*
Factual Friday

Give us an interesting fact...
Tell us something real!

See a great response? Send them a Factual Friday Merit Badge!
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Kaonashi--the anime character from SPIRITED AWAY who inspired Darth Nihilus--is a Japanese word roughly meaning "faceless." But, as a Mandarin Chinese name (Kao Na Shi), it roughly translates as "tall, elegant, and truthful."
We are all here on the death row! Better enjoy every breath of life we invested here!
Carycomic - I love this factoid! In fact Spirited Away is one of my top 3 Ghibli Studio movies (and I love all of their movies in general).
Three Word Thursday

In just three words, give us your best caption for this picture...

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Old-timey carnival ride?
Spy-fi helicopter?
The turning point
Taking some consideration in particular character details are known when writing a story.
Do you consider specific traits for your main character and their love interest?
Yes, I think of how I can incorporate them into my story.
Honestly, as a wife and mother I lead a pretty boring life, so when I create characters, I try to write them as a person that I would like to get to know, especially when it comes to men. *BigSmile*

On the other hand, I find it more difficult to write about women, especially the ones that really get on my last nerve with their perfect everything. *Gag* Sometimes, those are the best to cause distraction in a story though.
s - I know what you mean. You, the author, has to like his characters for the sake of finishing where the characters end up. MY MFA professor asked me if I talk to my characters or if I get a message from them. It shocked me that such a thing could happen. THen on afternoon, while resting, I received a message from the lead character complaining that he is in love with his partner in the story and would I please go on with the story. Once I stop writing, the characters are in limbo, it seems.
Three Word Thursday

What three words best describe morning mist?

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Fog/drizzle hybrid.
Susie - I'm thinking more Oscar Hammerstein - Bright golden haze - (Oklahoma)
New day's birth.
Naming characters can be tricky
Have you ever named a character after someone you know?
No, I haven't. Once I come up with the name of a story, I, then, create a name for my character.
I had a private eye character who named his fine feathered friend...Edgar Allen Crow.
Carycomic - Crows are smart. What did it name him?
September 2024 Newsletter
What is something you have learned at WDC?
so much amazing talent here on WDC, and everyone is so encouraging. *Heart*
A few years ago, when I decided to try WDC, my writing was horrific. When I look back now, it makes me feel thankful that people didn't really know who I was at that time. If they had known me, I believe I would have wanted to melt into the floor, and dissolve between the cervices in the tile. *FacePalm* Yes, it was that bad. *Yikes* I have learned so many things from WDC that I wouldn't even know where to start. Thanks, WDC. *ButterflyR*
That the bureaucratic phrase "temporarily unavailable" can be oxymoronic. Emphasis on the "moronic."
Two Word Tuesday

Give us two words that best describe quiet libraries...

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Increasingly non-existent.
Knowledge Seekers.
Respected Haven
The theatrical vantage point and three act structure want your attention.
Is an upside down V? Is it a pyramid? Is it a triangle? Or is it a rope with knots?
Dad - But, what is the Latin alphabet equivalent? Does anyone know? Anyone? Old GrayWolf Scribbles?
Carycomic -You already use it. (Latin's changed a bit in almost 3ky.)

The Roman equivalent of the Greek upper case Lambda (inverted capital V, no extra lines) is, quite simply, "L".
Two Word Tuesday

Give us your best two word caption for this photo...

See a great response? Send them a Two Word Tuesday badge!
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change points
Pencil Thinkers.
The birthday party is over, what's next?
Are you preparing for a busy upcoming holiday season?
Humble_Po PNG - Well said. Pets are also adversely affected by the noise of fireworks.
I'll add that many families don't understand that the veteran who returns isn't the same young man or woman who left. Trying to mold them back into the person they used to be is a potentially harmful act of ignorance, especially if the veteran needs help, either from the VA or outside. Take it for granted that any veteran you meet will have some kind of quirk between the ears. There's more than PTSD that could be triggered.
I hope.
My most dreaded time of the year. I can jump from October 1rst to January 4th, by passing it all. It would be a dream come true.
Satisfied Saturday...

         Name something that you're simply happy with...


I have another book in me.
My dog *Heart* *Heart* *Heart*

WOW Us Wednesday

Comment with something wow...

Did you hit a personal goal?
Did you see a crazy event?
Do you have a wacky fact?

Give us something to WOW us! *Cool*

Check out "The Snail Mail Forum .... It is really fun and really going strong!!!
I won a coffee cup, at the Big E, for answering some wise-acre fife-and-drum bandleader's trivia question about the origin of "Yankee Doodle." *

*It was originally sung by the British army in mockery of the Continental Army's lack of military professionalism during the early days of the Revolutionary War.
Carycomic - Yeah. That's another reason why the Redcoats made such nice targets: The discipline of standing in formation while getting shot at by hunters under cover.
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Commissioned by "Princess Willow, Atarath, Dragon Castle


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Introducing new commissioned merit badges available to the community or for specific groups! Please check out our complete Merit Badge collection   to see these and many more badges available for giving! Send one today to another member and bring a smile to someone else!

The Harvest Witch

Yellowstone Witch

Commissioned by Ẃeβ࿚ẂỉԎḈĥ


Lil Bad Bee

Buzzy Bumblebee

Commissioned by StephBee


Words, Wonderful Words

Commissioned by tracker

Corner News

Commissioned by Sunny

Spiritual Ganesha

Commissioned by WakeUpAndLive️~Happiness


Commissioned by Maryann

Princess And Her Dragon

Commissioned by Princess Megan Rose 22 Years

Promptly Poetry 5

Commissioned by Lilli 🧿 ☕

Party Central 2024

Commissioned by The StoryMistress


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Cubby - Ha ha - this is your response to 'Wow Us Wednesday'! *Smile*
"Note: WOW Us Wednesday Comment with something ..."
Thank you The StoryMistress . You did a fabulous job. Thanks for your super craftmanship The StoryMaster . Everyone is welcome to stop in and visit.
Words, Wonderful Words  (E)
An activity forum for sharing quotes, phrases, lyrics, and lines of poetry.
#2317373 by tracker
Lovely, all of them! *Heartv*
*Music1*   Musical Monday   *Music2*

What are your favorite tunes this month?

Leave a comment with your answer!

Cheems - All you have to do is believe in Jesus Christ is the Son of God...to live for Eternity. That is too easy but it's true. *Cross1*
Humble_Po PNG - Apparently there are two versions of that one. There's the first arrangement, which is the one we all know, but then there's a second arrangement done a good few years later. I can't recall ever hearing a second version, so I guess some exploration of youtube is called for later today.
Patrick Von Wiegandt, Wave of Bliss and Love
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