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Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Where does spirituality rank in the hierarchy of things in your life?
What one thing do you prioritize above all else?
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Massive Friendly Derg Author Icon - Well, that goes without saying! *Wink*
My wife ranks #1 above all.
*QuestionO* Hey Writing.Com, we'd like to know! *QuestionG*

What are you reading this weekend?


Cade  Author Icon
I am going to be continuing reading my favorite book of all time house of leaves which i got for christmas
Trudging through the planning process of the infamous book I am starting.
I'm currently reading "Her darkest secret" by Jessica R. Patch. LOVING IT so far
Saturday Sentence...

         Give us a sentence that's exactly seven words.


This month seems to go on forever *Sad*
Rain is the worst type of weather.
Elisa: Snowman Stik Author Icon - That will get the brain cogs turning
Mystery Newsletter (January 22, 2025)
Self publishing. Yea? Or Nay?
I thought I would look into it once I have a finished manuscript.
I want to publish, but I do not know how.
Two Word Tuesday

Give us your best two word caption for this photo...

See a great response? Send them a Two Word Tuesday badge!
from the left menu, "Points" --> "Merit Badges: Shop"

 Open in new Window.

Artful doodling
Creative outpourings
Meeting minutes *Laugh* *Laugh*
Two Word Tuesday

Give us two words that best describe your favorite hobby...

See a great response? Send them a Two Word Tuesday badge!
from the left menu, "Points" --> "Merit Badges: Shop"

 Open in new Window.

Book Writers.
Escapist pleasure
Cherished downtime
Three Word Thursday

What three words best describe the sound of laughter?

See a great response? Send them a Three Word Thursday badge!
from the left menu, "Points" --> "Merit Badges: Shop"

 Open in new Window.
joy overflows giggles
Antidote to pain
Reaction to humor


Response to humor
Three Word Thursday

In just three words, give us your best caption for this picture...

See a great response? Send them a Three Word Thursday badge!
from the left menu, "Points" --> "Merit Badges: Shop"

 Open in new Window.
Slobber works better
Advancing higher learning
Steps to wisdom

Steps to knowledge

You pick *Smile*
Tips to help you avoid being disqualified as a contest entrant.
What rule have you inadvertently broken that got your contest entry disqualified?
Allan Charles Author Icon - So then, an item is 'new', even if I wrote it five years ago but only posted it to WdC five minutes ago? This is starting to sound complicated.
Kermit Author Icon - Since this community eschews plagiarism overall and in general, 'non-plagiarized' wouldn't seem to be a definition for 'new'. Perhaps 'new' is defined for contest purposes as 'added to one's portfolio after the opening date of the contest'?
I was late at Writers Cramp. I got the wrong date. My bad.
A glance at the title "author" and whether one takes ownership of it or not.
Do you call yourself an author, a writer, both or something else?
Dad  Author Icon
I'm a writer, I'm an author, I'm a disc jockey, I'm a smoker, I'm a joker, I'm a midnight toker. *Laugh*
I am more of a polymath.
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"Writer" has Germanic roots, while "Author" has Old French and Latin roots. Words with French roots came to English via the Norman invasion in 1066, and generally have a more "elegant" cache than the older, Germanic words. Thus, we have pairs like "cow" and "beef," "pig" and "pork," where the lower-cast elements who raised the animals used the old Germanic roots, while the upper class (Norman/French) who ATE the meals prepared from the animals used the words with French roots. This carries over, so words with French roots have more "class," while those with Germanic roots are more "vulgar." So it is with "writer" (German root) and "author" (French root). That's why "author" is often conflated with "published" and "writer" with "one who (just) writes."

Personally, I think a "writer" is someone who is active, writing, while an "author" is someone who has written. But that's just me.
Dialogue and how to keep it real.
Give us a dialogue tag for this sentence to set a tone: "That's not what I said."
Dave Ryan Author Icon - Another great one!!
S 🤦 Author Icon - I think you definitely hit it. *Smile*
"That's not what I said, spoke, uttered, vocalised,
pronounced, declared, stated,
remarked, observed, mentioned,
commented, muttered..." said the person who compiles the WdC Thesaurus.

Details: "Horror Writing Contest. Flash Fiction. Round open til January 31st 2025. Creature Horror - Macropods!"

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Horror Writing Contest Open in new Window. [13+]
A contest involving writing a horror story. Simple, really.
by S 🤦 Author Icon

*Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet*

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Have an item you would like showcased on Writing.Com Support's newsfeed?
Click to submit your own!
sorry, I dont mean to be daft, is this horror contest for stories on creatures ?
Ebonii Author Icon - all details are in the forum. Click on the link above and it is all there.
It's interesting.
I'll submit my entry soon.

Another week in the books...

That means it's time to post your Weekly Goals followup in "Weekly GoalsOpen in new Window.

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Weekly Goals Open in new Window. [13+]
Motivate yourself to conquer your goals this week! Post on Monday; update us on Friday!
by The StoryMistress Author Icon

*Thumbsupr* *Bigsmile* *Thumbsupl*
  •   1 comment
this week I will post the following overdue blog pieces

movies 2024 done
music 2024 almost done
K drama 2024 done
book read 2024 done

2024 Reflections TBC
Jimmy Reflections TBC
Psychotic Pineapple Sonnet TBC
two reviews for Rach's Reading club the awakening done
My Antonio done
letter to DOGE done

daily writers cramp done
daily fan story done pending error in renewing site

editing December creative writing

updating spreadsheet

submissions for Rattle Third Orchard, JUniper and others

quite a lot done
Fantastic Friday

Tell us something

I have been taking ballroom dance classes for a few weeks now, and I am loving it! I also have found a fantastic dance partner in my waltz/tango/west side swing class. By now, we have had some fantastically lovely practices. *ThumbsUpL* *ThumbsUpR*
It's Friday, and I'm beginning my days off rotation. Outside, it's cold, but inside, it's warm. I'm inside. Outside, the world hums with activity, but inside, I nap in my recliner. Outside, deadlines and things that must get done; inside, whatever I feel. But it's Friday
My puppet show got extended for another weekend
Wanted Wednesday

Howdy Pardners!

We've got trouble! Something just happened and
we need YOU to fill out this here "Wanted" posted.

Best be thorough... We need the bad guy's name,
why we want 'em and what reward we're offerin'.

Hop to it!
Every moment this poster aint hung,
errr, I mean posted,
the town's in danger!


Indian Ned
Wanted for: Illegal whiskey makin', Fighting, Running houses of ill repute, robbery, general meanness and scaring the sheriff, assorted other offenses.
wisdomseeker Author Icon - Is he wanted dead or alive?
Murder_Me Author Icon - dead or alive
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