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Review by audra_branson
Rated: E | (5.0)
Great intro -- it grabbed me from the first few words -- wonderful

You write so wonderfully - it's like you anticipate my questions before i even have the chance to fully form them.

I could picture everything so clearly because of your superb description.

This was quite a tale --I got so engrossed in it, that I forgot it was true. I'm going to have to forward this to my dad. He'll love it, to.

THanks for sharing.


Review by audra_branson
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a great story and tradition. Good neighbors aren't always easy to come by - it is nice that you have this and wonderful that they have you.

watering the flowers and proceeded to soak his father and I as he chased - I should be me (he soaked me)

This is completely a WDC thing but you might consider putting a space between paragraphs. It makes it a little easier to read.

I found this quite charming. It brightened my day of cleaning.

Review of The Coolest  
Review by audra_branson
Rated: E | (5.0)
Gee, thanks - you made me tear up missing my son -- at first I was a little relieved not to be snowbound with him again, but all day i've been wishing i was taking him sledding and then pffft i have to read this. It was beautiful.

and whistles that tells us when we are getting low on fuel, how many miles till - tells/tell

it might seem too many, I think many can and will - too/to

So I am please with my choice of gadgets for my own reasoning - please/pleased

Great insight throughout - touches of humor to make us make sure we don't miss anything.

I'm jealous i didn't think to write ths.

Review by audra_branson
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
lol - this is kinda all over the place, but i'm amazed you pulled it all together with a great conclusion paragraph.

Every Two or so weeks my younger - Two/two

time on those morning I realize it potty time - it/it's --- ha and i did not turn my nose up - my father still does that to this day - not a soothing visual, but it is what it is.

People put to much emphasis - to / too

Great memories incorporated into this piece.


Review of Maintenance  
Review by audra_branson
Rated: E | (5.0)
What i enjoy most about your writing is your tone, style. It is inviting and captures my whole attention. While I might not agree with all you say, I still find myself enjoying it and processing it. You make me actually think about what your saying by providing examples, because trust me if you didn't i would just write it off as "he's wrong, i'm right" lol.

High or low maintenance is a common phrase used in our daily. - daily lives?

know you some of you women think your married to that - you have an extra you

High maintenance creates finely tunes hearts. - tunes/tuned.

Now I do completely agree with your last paragraph --that kind of maintenance - wow.

Review of Re:  
Review by audra_branson
Rated: E | (5.0)
okay, okay - anything that makes me laugh automatically gets a 5 and i giggled several times through out. (Later I'll tell you what i spit my water all over the screen on) -

Please, I mean this next comment in a positive way - and i think you will get it, (while others would take offense) - this reminded me of college days sitting around playing quarters and having what we thought were "deep" revelations (see the re: there lol) Anyway, in my warped mind I could see you taking a shot and thinking of another re: analogy.

Terms does not apply to concrete mixers*. - i may be reading this wrong but it seems to me it needs to be Term does or Terms do

You can’t re-eat, re-drink, or re-poop, but you can regurgitate. - This was the spewer of the water -- I know it shouldn't make me laugh that hard, but remember I work with middle schoolers - their humor eventually corrupts even the most mature person (which i am not)

but those things may want you to re-locate if they - i think you are missing the word "make" in here.

I kept waiting for "you can re-take a test" - big issue at our school right now.

Thanks for the laugh!

Review by audra_branson
Rated: E | (5.0)
We hear so much about the negativity of the web - the psychos and predators - this was absolutely refreshing and I can relate totally. Without the web, I ( a 40 year old American divorced mom) would have never become great friends with a 17 year old talented pakistan girl.

just a part of it through my friends emails. - friends' emails.

Thank you for this positive outlook and well-written at that. I completely enjoyed it.


Review by audra_branson
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow -- this woman is simply blessed to have someone feel this for her and more than that express it.

What contest was this for?

The first paragraph could so easily be turned into a poem -- you should try that --it's amazing

I wonder which I am or better yet am I all three. - great line!

ebb and tide of emotion that flows between your hearts - i'm not sur what you mean by Your HEARTS -

I felt selfish leave me looking into your very - this sentence is a little confusing to me

mount RUSH more that is in my day -- excellent word play

. I my only be a messenge - my/may

This is beautiful and usually i'm ot touched by "love" writing.

Review by audra_branson
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hmmmm - so your muse is a woman - interesting lol.

This piece speaks such truth. How often have I given my self permission to not do something and then found myself wanting to because it was my decision and because i saw the joy in it instead of it feeling like work.

I didn't find any errors.

Hey i want to read the things you write when your muse is in black leather lol.

So was this true? or was it just what came to you to write? - if it wasn't true - you definitely were convincing!

Nice job!

Review of Ingenuous  
Review by audra_branson
Rated: E | (5.0)
A very cute, fun to read poem.

I do believe names are important - as a teacher i've seen some doozies - some fit the kid and some are just ironic.

You always have such a delightful tone in your words. I do believe this is the first poem of yours i've read and i greatly enjoyed it.

have a great one!
Review of I BELIEVE...  
Review by audra_branson
Rated: E | (5.0)
I enjoyed this monologue greatly. The mention of specific scriptures throughout helps guide the reader along. The comparison of the water and the symbolism really drew me in.

I found this well-written and thought out. The conclusion was powerful. It was quite gripping.

Thank you for this inspirational piece. I wouldn't change a thing.

Review of Under Your Skin  
Review by audra_branson
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I think you achieved your purpose here. As i was reading it, my son asked, "Mom, why do you have that disgusted look on your face?" I hadn't even realized it lol.

I can't really put my finger on exactly why - but this did give me the heebie jeebies. Nice job with description and the whole thing!

“That’s terrible darling,” she said, as she worked around the kitchen. - comma after terrible
Review of Work in Progress  
Review by audra_branson
Rated: E | (5.0)
Okay - you got me again - - I'm posting "Work in progress" on the board tomorrow and see what the reaction is and to also remind me that not only am i a work in progress but they are too.

God forgives. God has patience, why not us? - great line - so simple but so true!

flaring of the nostrils, the climbing mercury in the - picky picky but you have an extra space before the

Nice job! Very inspirational, even if you did use the Beatles in it (ughhhh) lol.

Review by audra_branson
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
For guys onwly pfffft -- i can so relate - i still have the shoe box with the left over parts to my stationary bike i assembled this summer.

Guy’s this one’s for you! - Guys

but its the-putting back together that gets me. - it's

the package to leave wondering what you missed - leave you

I stopped not to long in this endeavor, because my reasoning’s were, why break something else we would have to fix - to/too - reasoning's/ reasonings

I enjoy the revalations here, honesty, and humor.

Review of A Close Encounter  
Review by audra_branson
Rated: E | (4.5)
Great descriptive piece that sets a strong mood. I don't know if you have ever read "Where the Red Fern Grows", but your description of a woman screaming sound was the same as his of a mountain lion. The fact that you both do makes me realize how accurate this is.

I love the point of view of this piece. I felt as if i where right there.

hoot owls up in the hollow was in beautiful voice tonight, - was/were

not quite as loud and big as when the big storm had came through - came/come

dogs had quitened down too so he thought whatever it was must have moved on. - quieted

clawing at the chain link fence that was going around their pens, trying to get out. - trying to get out is unneeded

night was deathly quite all of a sudden - quite/quiet

it's long tail swaying back and forth but not taking it's eyes off of Joe
make it's presence known with - it's is only used with an apostrophe for the contraction it is or it has

only peoples overactive imagination and some - people's

You might consider mixing some shorter sentences in with the longer ones especially in the intro - it really helps add a rhythm to the piece.

I loved the veiled darkness in this piece - a sequel would be great -- hey, maybe even from the panther's view. Just a thought.

Thanks for the read!
Review of The Outside Room  
Review by audra_branson
Rated: E | (5.0)
I wish i could be more technical here (normally I am) - but i just simply love it!

My favorite line: Frequently in the morning my mouth pierced the covers like a periscope, my breath creating a vaporous parachute floating above the bed.

Throughout, you made that room seem magical -- Often I will read things i've loved to my son (he's 13) but i don't want to read this one and give him any ideas.

A lot of what you wrote took me back to the farm I grew up on -- I remember freezing upstairs in the 100 year old farm house - at the time i never thought i'd miss it, but guess what? Right now I do.

Thanks so much! I love this piece.

The ending was perfect as well.

Review by audra_branson
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Okay, I almost didn't read this because I absolutely hate pork chops, but i convinced myself not to judge a book by its cover. And I'm glad I read on.

I think some may miss the "wit" (sarcasm isn't quite the right word) in this piece. I, however, revelled in it.

The description of the second to last paragraph is excellent. I think you've really used your poetic skills here to enhance your story.

Though on the surface it may not seem like a lot of character development, if one is to take a deeper look it is obvious that it is there in both the relationship to the wife and his fishing buddy.

I enjoyed this and thank you for posting it.

Review of The Look  
Review by audra_branson
Rated: E | (5.0)
I'm standing with applause! This form is insane, and yet not only did you make sense out of it, but you made it make sense to me.

The rhythm is great, flows off the tongue.

my favorite line: in tones of icy ecstasy.

I think you used the picture prompt really well.

Well done, my friend.

Review of Winter's Colors  
Review by audra_branson
Rated: E | (5.0)
excellent job, Jace.

You've made it look easy (thought i know it isn't)

Nice use of imagery in the colors, both in text and words.

You've inspired me to give this a whirl.

Review of A gift for you!  
Review by audra_branson
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a very nice wish. A gift that is not always easy to give - you've written well of it here.

I like the repetition of the beginning of each stanza - it adds a cohesiveness to the piece.

Poetry is such a personal thing that it is often hard to review for me, so I can only say how it made me feel. I felt peaceful and inspired by your words.


Review of Folgers Falls  
Review by audra_branson
Rated: E | (5.0)
Stories that make you go hmmmm - that should be the title for your folder lol.

This was predictable only because I have TWICE made Mark's mistake, each time swearing i was never making the coffee at work again.

I love the characterization and the reality and justice in it.

Again, you are an amazing storyteller. I'm glad i revisited your port.

Review of The Dam Town  
Review by audra_branson
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
A very cute play on words. i especially like the ending name.

grab onto his partners leg, - partner's leg

A couple of times you use Well to start a sentence off. It should be followed by a comma

I enjoyed the lightheartedness and "history" of the piece.

It brought a dam smile on my face.

Review of the whittler  
Review by audra_branson
Rated: E | (5.0)
I like this folk tale a lot. The message is clear and an important one.

I understand the use of the / / - Personally, I found it a little distracting. Perhaps if you used italics or even a color for the other speaker it would be cleaner.

Nice story. I enjoyed it!

Review by audra_branson
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
“I should think it would be a chance of a lifetime, replied the Editor. The Military wants to embed some journalists with the - /- chance of a lifetime," replied the Editor. "The Military

Great description of the scene where they were readying to ship out. - It really put me there.

was scared and thought that those who claimed they weren’t, was in either denial or just crazy - were in either

when he read a letter from a forth grade girl - forth/fourth

Not only did i really like this, but I had my son who is not much a reader read it and he loved it. He said it was like a video game (trust me, from him that is the ultimate compliment}

Your word choice and strong vocabulary is really what brings the intensity to this story. Great job with that and with characterization.

Review of The Trial  
Review by audra_branson
Rated: E | (5.0)
I"m sorry - I didn't enjoy this. I LOVED IT!

Such description and truth. It was like watching my mother and father years ago. You have captured the moment precisely without being overly negative to either character. Each is just his own, and some how their mix works.

I absolutely had a great time reading it. Your way with analogies can't help but bring a smile to the readers face.

Thanks for a fun read!

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