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Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Merry Christmas to you and all of your sounds and smells and family.

Christmas does have a special smell about it and you have described but a few of them here and it has brought vivid images to my mind.

Your presentation of red and green
keeps the Christmas feeling keen.
May you Christmas spirit forever live,
(In the 2nd last line gives should be give).

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Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
A hard life for a pig farmer's wife,
To live with those pigs all her life.
But if bacon and eggs
to her are the dregs
She may as well be an ex-wife.

Hi Harry,
I love limericks almost as much as acrostics!
This is a fun one and gave me a giggle.
I do enjoy my eggs and bacon, but I don't think 'm cut out to be a pig farmer's wife either.

Well done Cheers Meg.
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
You have got it so right , Harry!.
Christmas is in the joy of giving not necessarily in the receiving.
The gifts we do receive, we should remember that they were chosen with all the love and thoughtfullness that we put into our giving.
A grateful smile is often all that is needed to make one feel that the spirit of Christmas is still alive within us.

A wonderful poem with a message all should heed.
Thank you for this trip through your port. I shall return again soon. You have so much here to offer.
Have a marvellous Christmas, my friend.

Cheers Meg.
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Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Thank you Harry.
We all learn something new every day.
This is a well written poem with a definite message and gives the reader food for thought. (No pun intended).
Next time I see a persimmon tree, believe me I shall be checking its seeds.
Thank goodness for people like Uncle Travis who pass these folklore tales down.

An old country folklore tale here in the cyclone prone area of Australia, the old timers look at the length of the stems on the mangos.
I can never remember whether short stems or long stems predict cyclones for the coming season.

Cheers Meg.
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Review of Singing By Whales  
Review by Meg
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hi Harry,
I too have often wondered if the whale's song was a mating call or a lament.
Man has so much to answer for on this delicate planet. I hope we have not left it too late to start being concerned about conservation and survival of the animal species.
If we have, Man is the one who stands to suffer the most.
A well written piece in support of a magnificent creature.

ps. When the humpbacks migrate to colder waters southward along the Australian East coast, the ferries which run from my city to the island just off the coast -Magnetic Island- cut their engines and wait till they have safely passed.
The passengers don't seem to mind if they are late for work or school, and teachers and bosses understand completely. Everyone waits for the whale!
Thanks for this one.
Cheers Meg.
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Review by Meg
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Okay, What about unicorns?

I just love Fairies, Harry. I think I always believed in them, but I learned to really believe and love them after reading Shakespear's 'A Midsummernight's Dream" . Now they were real Fairies! Shakespeare wouldn't lie.

I really love the delicate way Grandpa explains to his avid listener and keeps her fantasies alive. Every time she sees a firefly now, she will firmly declare it is a fairy. (Grandpas, like the old bard, do not lie).
I was absolutely thrilled with the ending. I feel it comes from experience. A little girl's questions are never ending.

Great piece to read, Harry. I thoroughly enjoyed it and will make notes for when I am confronted with this question "Are Fairies for Real?"

Cheers Meg.

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Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Harry,
Thank you so much for bidding on my package in The Simply Positive Auction. It has given me the pleasure of visiting your port once again. Though I should hasten to say, I would have stopped by anyway as I so enjoyed my last visit.

To the review.
I LOVE pigeons!
Their lack of fear for humans makes them such friendly birds.
Yes they are drab, gray and fat, and they do make such a mess when they indiscriminately deface statues erected to honour brave or famous people. they are not as colourful and pretty as other birds, but gee, I know some people who could be classed as a pigeon and not as a strutting peacock.
Love your poem however, and I am delighted that you had the opportunity to see a beautiful white pigeon, sent to your expressly, I'm sure, to change your feelings towards this misunderstood birdie.

Well done!
Cheers Meg.
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Review of Dot Sanchas  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
May God bless Dorothy Sanchas and all like her, Lou.
This is a wonderful tribute to her, not just the words, but the knowledge that this wonderfully kind lady is still remembered by you all these years later.
Truly, this kindness and goodwill is not easily forgotten, and I am certain she is remembered by many who were toched by this Angel.
Cheers Meg.
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Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh Lou,
This is just so wonderful.
How one old faded t-shirt can hold so many memories.
Mementos like this well worn shirt, are just that...a well worn shirt... to many but to you it tells a multitude of tales.
I know that Emily will relive her memories too when she discovers you have kept it all these years.
Can you still make the bear pop up and dance? I'm sure we would all like to see that!

A trip back for me was the red plastic ride-on train my youngest received for his 1st birthday.
We presented it to him, (faded, brittle, one wheel off and held together with tape and string), on his wedding day.
Oh the joy and surprise on his face was beyond description.

Why do parents save things like this?
You know, and I know. Don't we!

Cheers Meg.

ps. I am going to go for a trip down memory lane now, into my trunk of treasures!

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Review of SAVE A PLATE  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Oldwarrior,
It is sad, though a fact of history, that each generation sends it's young men and women off to war.
Thanksgiving is a fitting time to remember these fighting forces and all of their support units who go with them and give thanks for the freedom they give us to write and speak our minds.
Your Grandmother's family tradition is such a wonderful tribute: one that could be so easily adopted by each and every one of us.
Thank you for telling your story, and thank you for being one of those to whom we owe our gratitude.

Cheers Oldwarrior!

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Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very well done. You have certainly met the challenge, Khalish.
far too many little girls keep such a secret and it slowly eats away at their heart.
An unusual rhyming scheme which reads very smoothly. I like it.
Cheers my friend,
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Review by Meg
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
This is such a fine tribute, not only to one particular soldier, namely, Kenny Melton, but to all of those who gave their lives "For Freedom's Sake".
May the passing of a soldier never go unsung.

The first three stanzas have a great feel of emotion with a sombre and respectful tone. I particularly like the repetition of the last line in each verse. It adds emphasis to the occasion and to the tribute.
The last stanza has the same emotive tone, yet seems to be cut short when I was waiting to end it with the now familiar phrase.
Maybe if you added:-
A price WE do not have to pay,
Because this soldier died today.

It would just round the piece off .
Just a suggestion.Feel free to disregard it if you wish.

I applaud all tributes to those who give their lives, but this one has that personal touch dedicated to one particular soldier.
This makes it so very special.
Cheers Meg.
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Review of Passionesque!  
Review by Meg
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi Gigie,
This is such an emotional outpouring of love!
Your words ooze the passion which is in your heart!
I love the title. It is so befitting of such a tender loving poem.
May love and contentment be with you and your sweet man forever.
Together, you will never be alone again.
Love Meg. *Heart*

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Review by Meg
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Wiggy,
You say you don't normally rhyme when writing poetry, yet you have done quite well with this poem.
The content is light and breezy and keeps the reader interested in your little boy's fantasy...or is it fantasy?
That is another great thing about this piece: leaving the reader to form their own explanation of the unusual events in your story.

May I make a few suggestions to keep the flow of the poem running more smoothly? Some lines seem to have a word or two too many to give a continual and constant rhythm. Just my opinion, disregard them if you wish.
1st verse, 4th line :- delete the word own

2nd verse, 3rd line :- close quotation marks after he?"

4th verse, 4th line:- I would delete the word there

5th verse, 1st line :- Weeks later he came in excited
...................3rd line:- delete And cried I feel the exclamation mark at the end of this line gives the sense of the boy's tone of voice.

6th verse, 4th line:- .....she flatly refused.

7th verse, 1st line:- delete first and

It does seem like a lot of suggestions but it is just a word here and there. Read it aloud and see what you think.
As I said before, merely suggestions. It is a great story.

Cheers Meg.
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Review of Child  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Truer words have never been said.
Children can't seem to comprehend the fact that we were once children ourselves and know exactly what they will do before they do it.
Any advice given is usually tossed aside as "old fashioned", but kids have been the same since way back when.

A quote from Socrates (496BC-399BC):-
Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food, and tyrannize their teachers.

I'll bet that Socrates children said to him, "Don't interfere, let me live my way".
I know mine did, and I hear them repeat the same warnings and giving the same advice to their children ....and I smile.

Well written.
Cheers Meg.

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Review of The Story of "Is"  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Aralls,
I was never more pleased in my life to find that someone had created a word, especially, just so that I would have a category in which to fit myself...grammaraholic. Woohoo!
What a wonderful item. I found myself engrossed in the lives of your character words and they became real beings.
I think I do stray from the world of reality occasionally, but it does help to explain grammar and other stuff so much easier.
I must apologise for not once inviting your "star character" to appear in my review. I shall make amends.
Is it possible that a couple of letters have decided to take a holiday from their designated words?
(Is likes being a leader of a sentence!)

In the paragraph fourth from the end, it appears that "r" ran away from "verb" and "y" sent "e" to finish off "simply".
Don't mean to rock your world, but as a grammaraholic/spellaholic, I sort of notice these things.

A fantastic piece! I thoroughly enjoyed it!
Thank you.
This is Meg signing out.

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Review by Meg
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi Brad,
This is a poem from a soldier's heart.
He is but doing the job he was commissioned to do.
He may not approve of the methods to gain peace in a troubled land and gain freedom for its people, yet he leads his men unquestioningly into each battle.
Is it worth it?
The sacrifice of leaving his family to liberate a family in a foreign land? The ultimate sacrifice that either he or one of his comrades may have to make?
The answer certainly is made clear in the final stanza!
Yes, it is worth it!

Poems of war and its consequences are always touching, though yours does have a spark of hope and promise in its finale.

Well done.
You are one of the Veterans we honour.

Cheers Meg.

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Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
I often wonder in which direction history would have gone, had it not been for that day.
It shocked all of America, certainly, but even here in Australia, the shockwaves rolled across this country like a tidal wave of grief and disbelief.
The world did indeed lose someone dear.

A fine sentiment in words.
Thank you.
Cheers Meg
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Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
The sight of you and Emily "snow stomping" has made me smile too, Lou, and feel a little envious.
I have never had the pleasure of stomping through snow, nor have I ever seen it, apart from pictures.
I'm told it is not all white, fluffy and fun, but can be slushy and wet and uncomfortable when it penetrates wet boots and socks.
I'd still like to make up my own mind about that one day.

May you have many more fun filled quests together.
Cheers Meg. *Bigsmile*

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Review of American Warrior  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (4.5)
A great tribute to those who are willing to defend the freedom of their country and their loved ones.
Well done!

The ride to freedom is not free
It comes to us at cost:
The families who are left to wait
And those lives that have been lost.

The "Weekend Warriors" may seem to some
As just a game you play,
But these are men who will be called
When conflict comes our way.

Be prepared and soldier on
Learn your trade with pride.
Know that there are folks at home
Always by your side.

Cheers Meg.
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Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Tink,
Your genuine feelings for the plight of refugees and the family life shows clearly in your words.
Many families in prosperous countries suffer hardships and need the love, guidance and support of a man (or woman) to lead them to freedom and happiness.
The refugees of this world suffer so much more and many do not have a country to call home.
Here is where the family bond is most evident.
All who read this poem should count their blessings and realise that there are so many families in this troubled world who are confronted with so many more obstacles than we are, and their love and care for each other is all they have to see them through.
A touching story which, hopefully, has a happy ending.

Cheers Meg.
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Review of Lovely Flowers  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Tink,
You have echoed my thoughts on Flowers exactly.
They say so much on any occasion, don't they.
If we all let flowers do the talking, what a wonderful world of conversation we would have!

May I point out 2 typos?
1st verse, 2nd line :- that's
5th verse, 4th line :- they're

You have brightened my day with your gift of Flowers.
Thank you,

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Review by Meg
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
Hi stara,
Please do not take much notice of the rating.
It is an average rating of 3 that I have given you just so I could review your poetry folder as a whole.
Average? Well here is why...
You do have so many poems here and I can see at a glance through them you have written them with much love, emotion and passion about your true feelings.
What I would like to suggest to you, is for you to create your folder and then enter each poem separately as an item of its own within that folder.
This way, I feel, readers will be able to review each poem for its own merit and rate it accordingly.
It is very difficult to rate and review so many in one review where one poem may please a reader and another may not be so appealing .
If you need help with this I will be on hand to guide you through.
So many poems, I am sure will attract many more reviews individually rather than collectively.
Looking forward to reading and reviewing each one for its own particular special qualities.

Cheers Meg.
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Review of Evergreen  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Angelstouch,

Just wonderful to read a poem of gratitude to our Creator for the things we all too often take for granted.
You obviously have a great love and appreciation of our wonderful gifts of nature.
Well done.

May I point out 2 typos for you?

Line 3 :- "stops" instead of "stop"
Line 4 :- "stop" instead of "stopm"

Cheers Meg.

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Review of Happy hours  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (3.5)
So true, Angelstouch.
Happy times are to be embraced and treasured as they will see us through any dark days we may encounter in the future.
A typo I spotted in the 4th line "to" instead of "too".

Keep the Happy Hourscoming!!!
Cheers Meg.
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