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Review by andrew
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I am a 37 year old man. I consider myself to be pretty young though. I can relate to your grandmother. I have cancer myself. Chemo was very hard on me too. It even killed my finger nails. They have since grown back. I still am very sick, but I realize as you have too at such a young age how precious life is. I think after seeing the things you have seen you realize how fragile life is. I am glad your grandmother is doing better. Just remember that no matter what she loves you very much. That is obvious from the way you write about her. She is very lucky to have you care about her as you do. She will always have that love. Try not to be scared for the future because living is something we most all do in the moment. Although my outlook is very grim. I remain happy and will be that way as long as I can. It's nice that you were able to share your thoughts about your grandmother, she must be very proud of you.

Review by andrew
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow! that piece you wrote spoke volumes about you and what kind of person you are. So warm and forgiving! I wonder who would be crazy enough not to want to be part of your life. The way you wrote it too was incredible. No bitterness just true heart felt feelings. What a talent you are!
Review by andrew
Rated: E | (5.0)
You are extremly talented. This particular poem is set so perfectly. I find it inspiring. I am going to try the same format myself, yet with a different subject matter of course.

Nice Work!!

Review by andrew
Rated: E | (5.0)
Many good points, and angles that I honestly have not thought of before. Great job!
Review of The Menace  
Review by andrew
Rated: E | (5.0)
Another incredible account of pain. All I can say is I am sorry for the pain you are in. You did not deserve such pain; No one does.

I was put on depression pills myself and I took myself off of them. I am going to try to turn my bad situation into something positive. I know that sometimes I just like people to listen. I just want to be heard, and most of all I just want to be understood.

Take care, Andrew
Review of Why! Why! Why!  
Review by andrew
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
As a gay guy myself I think it is just because we spend the time to make sure we look okay, the gay community is very fickle and looks orientated. Since there is a chemical componet in how often and how much we like to have sex. It stands to reason that you try and make ourselves as good looking as our genes will allow. However we want what we can not have because, truthfully there is not much of a difference.
Review of helping hand  
Review by andrew
Rated: E | (5.0)
I am so glad you wrote this. Everyone needs to be reminded of this. Life is what you make it. There is not enough time to waste it. You being nice to the man at the bus stop could possible change the course of his day. As he might be nicer to some one else and so on. Even the little things count. Great job!!
Review of The Intervention  
Review by andrew
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
You know how to tell a story, and you do it quite vividly. Your a very talented writer. I honestly could not and would not change a thing.

Fantastic job- Chief
Review by andrew
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
I do't think any poem is ever pointless. At least not to the person who wrote it. They all have value of some sort.
Review by andrew
Rated: E | (5.0)
Congrats!!! On your win! Your writing of the event is quite good. You can feel the nervous antispation, and the sound of glory for the new champ. Welldone!
Review by andrew
Rated: E | (4.0)
This bible thing, does it come in paperback?
Review of This Far  
Review by andrew
Rated: E | (4.5)
All you ever need is your guitar, and your own self. You have both. Anything else that comes in your life is just gravy. Andrew
Review of Dumb Little Holes  
Review by andrew
Rated: E | (4.0)
There is something about song writers I like. I think it's the way they see everything for the way it really is, and are not afraid to voice it. Good Job!!!
Review of untitled  
Review by andrew
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
As an Aids patient with cancer and Heb B my cards are stacked against me, an injustice has slapped itself down on my lap and I was never able to push it off. I am slipping away but not without kicking and screaming. I have been given a voice and the strengh to speak the truth. My heart goes out to anyone in pain, emotional or physical no matter what that people is or how it manfested itself into their being. The fight is on I am in your corner and nothing will ever stop that even death, for my words will echo to the mere destruction of the Earth itself. Know that in aguish there is always beauty, one has to look hard for it to br found but it is there. Take care Andrew
Review by andrew
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Your pain sounds very real to me, I know I can't do much to help you, but I just wanted you to know that my heart is behind you and I hope the very best for your future, what ever that destint might be.

No religous stuff here, just an honest caring person wishing you the best.
Review of Help Us Help YOU!  
Review by andrew
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
As always you have written a peice that will be helpful to many people. We all want Writing.Com to be an even bigger success then it already is. As we know to be success one requires great courage and the fear of rejection which I belive is the only way to spawn success. The word is getting out there quite litterly. We have succeeded already and will continue to do so. I feel success is easy and every ne can obtain it, if they tuely want to, The fear is what holds people back; a necessary evil like soda and candy. Anyway keep up the good work and most of all have fun. Andrew Mental force.

Review of Eclipse  
Review by andrew
Rated: E | (4.0)
I can see you put a lot of work into this and you did not take it lightly.

I find it very thought prevoking which to me makes it good in and of itself.

The only thing I might suggest is that you shorten some of the lines to go better with ones that go before and them and the ones that follow.

I like your use of puncuation helping the reader understand how you wish it to be read. Many poets do not do this, but I find it to be commended.

Good Job with this wonderful piece of art.

Review by andrew
Rated: E | (5.0)
I thought I knew everthing you were going to say here, but yoy surprised me with a couple of new ideas thanks. Andrew
Review by andrew
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
You have a very bright future ahead of you, and a great insight into the world. You will be a success in life that is something I know for sure. Great Writing!
Review by andrew
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi, I wanted to read some of the white portfolios of the people who passed away. Unfortunatly I think I am going to become one of those soon, but I can,t find any others to read. Andrew
Review of Poetry  
Review by andrew
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I love it when a person can show their feelings,no matter what they are. If more people like you were open the world would be a better place. However the world is a great place just for having you in it!
Review by andrew
Rated: E | (5.0)
It sure does have a lot of feeling. In the literal sense when it's nightime and I find myself crying, I noticed my ears have become more in tuned to everything around me. When things are silent is when
I hear the most. Fantastic job on this one! Andrew
Review by andrew
Rated: E | (5.0)
As some one who has never really been overweight, but I still suffer from a low self esteem, obviously for many other reasons. Anyway the biger a person gets physically usually their heart gets bigger too and even after a person loses weight their heart remains big, for they understand the pain people have. Peoples lives that are too perfect are very sad because more often then not, they miss the whole boat on living. Keep writing I love it!
Review of Wounded  
Review by andrew
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
So many of us are in such great pain, I wish I could help us all. Andrew
Review of Shocking  
Review by andrew
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Wow, unbelievable! This one really hits close to home for me. The things that I am going through sound "shockingly" no pun intended simular.
Thanks for having it here for me to read.
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