Disclaimer: Please remember these are just my humble opinions. Take what you can and disregard the rest!
Subject: A man of age trying a stimulation pill.
Overview: OMG I laughed so hard. You did an excellent job at this and I loved the satire. Though many of the words I could of used a dictionary but I got the point lol.
Strengths:The satire used in this. If only more men could look at things from this perspective and take humor in something they can't control.
General Suggestions:I have no suggestions.
Favorites Aspects:The humorous references used to his "tool"
Technical Support:I didn't see any technical errors.
Disclaimer: Please remember these are just my humble opinions. Take what you can and disregard the rest!
Subject: A poem written to someone special in the authors life showing the appreciation of their loves qualities.
Overview: This is a heartfelt piece that shows the love and appreciation you have for the one you love. It easily brings a smile to the face of the reader reminding us of how beautiful love can be and how we should concentrate on the qualities we love in our partner.
Strengths: The way each quality is listed in specific detail.
General Suggestions: I don't have any suggestions as this is well written.
Favorites Aspects: I enjoyed the way you closed this with the aspect that your partner was meant and brought to you by God.
Technical Support: I didn't see any areas that needed technical work. great job, write on!
Disclaimer:Please remember these are just my humble opinions. Take what you can and disregard the rest!
Subject: Being blinded by the love we have for someone and then being able to see them for who they truly are. In this we realize we have lost a part of ourselves.
Overview: I feel this poem can be related to by many people. All of us have a tendency of blinding ourselves to the faults of the one were with for the sake of love. Rose colored glasses if you will, always seeing the best in them instead of the full picture.
Strengths: I think the strongest stanza is the third. It shows the truths we can finally see when we open our eyes. The phrasing in itself is strong and clear.
General suggestions: I have no suggestions as this is well written.
Favorite Aspects: I think the topic itself is my favorite part. It reminds me a lot of myself.
Technical Support: I didn't see any technical errors and I like the use of punctuation making this an easy read with good flow.
Disclaimer: Please remember these are just my humble opinions. Take what you can and disregard the rest!
Subject: The fear and loneliness after coming out in high school.
Overview:I never knew what it was like to come out in school. I was to scared and kept it to myself. I think this piece a great strength by the author to be who they are instead or hiding behind a mask.
Strengths:The honesty and emotion that is left on the reader.
General Suggestions:I don't have any suggestions. This comes from the heart and is real.
Favorites Aspects:Thee build in the climax of the poem reiterates the fear felt in school.
Technical Support:Of all ignorance- Of all the ignorance
Disclaimer:Please remember these are just my humble opinions. Take what you can and disregard the rest!
Subject: Are we ready for our final eternal destination.
Overview: I think this is a topic that is not thought about often enough or in depth enough. We should be taking inventory everyday to be sure we are prepared.
Strengths: I think moving is a good comparison to use. It shows a clear idea rather than telling the reader.
General suggestions: The flow is a little broke up by the over use of the word "and". There are also places that rhyme and then others that don't. I think it would help to continue a rhyming pattern through out or omit the rhyming completely.
Favorite Aspects: My favorite lines are "All these earthly vessels will be empty and vacant.
It'll be paradise in Heaven or Hell with an eternal moan." They are descriptive and catch the readers eye. The words are dark and thought provoking when it comes to the thought of being unprepared and spending eternity in hell.
Technical Support: I think as it stands the punctuation, mainly use of commas, breaks it up to much causing the reader to stumble some as they read. Please keep in mind these are my humble opinion :)
Disclaimer:Please remember these are just my humble opinions. Take what you can and disregard the rest!
Subject: The depression of a proud man who felt like he lost it all.
Overview: Depression, of any kind-for any reason, is hard to stand by and watch someone go through especially when they start self medicating with substance abuse.
Strengths: The use of word choice paints a clear and sad picture to the reader drawing them in.
General suggestions: I think the use of the dated time line reads more like a list and breaks down the flow of the scenes. Maybe taking the dates out and using more descriptive words to show continuation of time might help. Such as, "By March of 1973, Buster stayed intoxicated most of the time."- In the years to come Buster would continually be intoxicated most of the time.
Favorite Aspects: The influence depression has on us as a community and as individual should be addresses more often. I think the strength in this is the simple fact it's being talked about instead of hidden away from the outside world like many families do.
Technical Support: There are a few spots where sentences run on and could be broke down to improve the flow. Besides that it looks good technically. Great job, write on!
Disclaimer:Please remember these are just my humble opinions. Take what you can and disregard the rest!
Subject: A poem about a lover watching the one they love walk away to love another.
Overview: This heart felt poem strikes a cord for many people. The pain of losing someone you love is hard enough but it's even more difficult to watch them love someone else.
Strengths: I think the description and word choice touches the reader, making them feel the emotion of the poem rather than showing them a mental image.
General suggestions: Usually I would suggest making the last stanza a little longer to follow the general pattern of the begnning stanzas and help the flow. However, it also puts an emphasis on the imagery of the last lines. Maybe add to it and see if you like it and if not leave it alone. Just my humble opinion.
Favorite Aspects: My favorite lines are, "
You flew away on wings of golden fire,
a breath, a whisper, a broken promise.." I like the creative description and imagery in this section.
Technical Support: I didn't see any technical errors. Great job, write on!
Disclaimer:Please remember these are just my humble opinions. Take what you can and disregard the rest!
Subject: The Psyche of the mind and the influences of the pasts thoughts or input on it.
Overview: This item spoke to me as one that the author was comparing what great minds have one said in comparison to there own thoughts and feeling on the psyche.
Strengths: It's reference to "great minds".
General suggestions: The only thing I would make suggestion on is making it clearer as to what was up Freud's nose. I was a little confused on this point.
Favorite Aspects: My favorite section was:
Then I find we carry inside
A parent, adult and child we hide
All of these give some real good thought
Helping in someways others not
It puts inter perspective that as we take on different roles through out our lives it influences our psyche.
Technical Support: I didn't see any technical errors.
Disclaimer:Please remember these are just my humble opinions. Take what you can and disregard the rest!
Subject: This is a poll to provoke the thought if you are happy with your life in general.
Overview: This item gives the reader a little something to ask themselves and self evaluate where they are.
Strengths: The amount of options listed is thorough.
General suggestions: I think adding a few probing ideas to your main body might provoke deeper thought on the part of the reader.
Favorite Aspects: The general concept and question is one everyone should stop and ponder to know if there are things they could do to improve their life.
Technical Support: I did not see any technical issues.
Disclaimer:Please remember these are just my humble opinions. Take what you can and disregard the rest!
Subject: Picking up a hitchhiker can have a surprising twist.
Overview: This is a well rounded scene for flash fiction.
Strengths: I think the dialogue added to the piece. Especially adding the accent to Heather's speech.
General suggestions: I don't have any suggestions as this was well written.
Favorite Aspects: I like the the reference to her being the only woman with clothes on. It had a comical overtone to it.
Technical Support: The sentence referring to the young man at the end kind of runs on a bit. Maybe it could be broke up some to help it flow a bit better and give the reader a chance for a breath :)
Greetings NAME !
I am Shannon, with the WDC Power Reviewers Group. This is my welcome review from me to you. I hope you find the review helpful, encouraging, and enjoy the group. Come in and investigate there is a lot to see and do. If you need help the captains are always quick to help you out. Jump right in and get reviewing!
Disclaimer:Please remember these are just my humble opinions. Take what you can and disregard the rest!
Subject: The anticipation of finding out rather or not the character is pregnant or not.
Overview: This is a well expressed short story about struggling to have a family. This scene encompasses both the joy of children and the sad longing to have them yourself but struggling to.
Strengths: The good use of description paints a clear picture of the scene. The author has paid special attention to detail which also enhanced it. The subtle implications of "we" in the beginning are easily overlooked to give the reader the twist of the character being pregnant in the end.
General suggestions: I think one less space between separations would make it read a little easier.
Favorite Aspects: The simplistic joy the character shows watching the children play. It shows her motherly loving side indicating she would make a good mother.
Technical Support: the only suggestion have is in this line: "...position so desired by so many women."- maybe omit the first "so"
Greetings Mitch!
I am Shannon, with the WDC Power Reviewers Group. This is my welcome review from me to you. I hope you find the review helpful, encouraging, and enjoy the group. Come in and investigate there is a lot to see and do. If you need help the captains are always quick to help you out. Jump right in and get reviewing!
Disclaimer:Please remember these are just my humble opinions. Take what you can and disregard the rest!
Subject: An expression of a love for music.
Overview: In this short but sweet poem the author expresses their love of music.
Strengths: It's simplicity.
General suggestions: This is a sound idea with a good start but may I suggest adding a few descriptive adjectives to bring to life the emotions you have for music. A great place to find and learn new words is a thesaurus. I have recently found a wonderful site that I have learned a lot from already and now reference to whenever I write. It is http://thesaurus.com/
Favorite Aspects: I like the lines "I can't help it but to join it with a hum" It shows the natural reaction and desire for music the author has.
Technical Support: I would suggest a little punctuation to be added. It would make it flow a little better and easier to read. With no punctuation it all runs together with no implication of taking a breath or where one idea beginas and another ends.
Greetings Poppy!
I am Shannon, with the WDC Power Reviewers Group. This is my welcome review from me to you. I hope you find the review helpful, encouraging, and enjoy the group. Come in and investigate there is a lot to see and do. If you need help the captains are always quick to help you out. Jump right in and get reviewing!
Disclaimer:Please remember these are just my humble opinions. Take what you can and disregard the rest!
Subject: A personal letter written to a solider during WWII.
Overview: This letter is heart felt and gut wrenching at the same time. You can hear and feel the desperate longing in every line of the letter. You can hear she is trying hard to make general conversation all the while she is probably crying just wanting him home and worried about his safe return.
Strengths: The emotional connection many people can make with their loved ones far and near even now. The way it is written shows the era.
General suggestions: There is nothing I could suggest to outshine the natural love she has for him in this letter.
Favorite Aspects: The fact it reminded me to me ever grateful for those who have served this country for me to enjoy the freedom I have.
Technical Support: There were no errors or suggestions I would make.
Disclaimer:Please remember these are just my humble opinions. Take what you can and disregard the rest!
Subject: This poem speaks to me as an aged person looking back and longing for the days to be young again.
Overview: As someone who is not doing well "Growing old gracefully". I enjoyed this poem. I think it captures the essence of wanting to be young forever.
Strengths: Many readers can relate to the subject. The use of color in your font makes the story easier and more enjoyable to read.
General suggestions: I like the movement of time through the third stanza. However, I thought if the last sentence said something to the effect of, "Behind the futures cruel bars," it would help the continuation of time as well as take out the double use of the word present
Favorite Aspects: The third stanza shows the continuation of time and growing old/up. It leaves the impression of finality that the author is feeling.
Technical Support: There were no errors or suggestions I could make.
Greetings Delia!
I am Shannon, I am a newbie at the WDC Power Reviewers Group too. This is my welcome review from me to you. I hope you find the review helpful, encouraging, and enjoy the group. Come in and investigate there is a lot to see and do. If you need help the captains are always quick to help you out. Jump right in and get reviewing! As I review your item, please keep in mind this is nothing more than my humble opinion. Take what you can and leave the rest :0) This is a wonderful motivational article that every parent should read. I have been working hard the last 3 years to build a strong bond with my teenagers that will last. So far it has worked. They are 17, 18, and 19 and we are a close knit family that tells one another everything. I like your comparison to the the companies team building skills. I remember doing them when I was a secretary. It was well written and flowed from one point to the next smoothly. There were no technical or grammatical errors that I saw. Great job, write on!
Greetings Sum!
I am Shannon, I am a newbie at the WDC Power Reviewers Group too. This is my welcome review from me to you. I hope you find the review helpful, encouraging, and enjoy the group. Come in and investigate there is a lot to see and do. If you need help the captains are always quick to help you out. Jump right in and get reviewing! As I review your item, please keep in mind this is nothing more than my humble opinion. Take what you can and leave the rest :0) This was creative and took a lot of talent. It flowed so smoothly. It could be a song almost within itself. The rhyme scheme was natural and didn't seem forced. There were no technical or grammatical errors I saw. Great job, write on!
Greetings Dorianne!
I am Shannon with WDC Power Reviewers. As I review your item, please keep in mind this is nothing more than my humble opinion. Take what you can and leave the rest. I am reviewing an item of yours in return for an item you reviewed of mine. Thanks again! I loved this comical little piece. I remember those day all to well. This is something your reader can relate to and it hold there attention. The only suggestion I would make it maybe to add to it and make it a little longer. Overall great read, write one!
Greetings Shelly!
I am Shannon with WDC Power Reviewers. As I review your item, please keep in mind this is nothing more than my humble opinion. Take what you can and leave the rest. I am reviewing an item of yours in return for an item you reviewed of mine. Thanks again! You extensive knowledge of form poetry is astounding. I am just now learning different forms and styles to improve the poetry have been writing since I was 12. Great job! I love the graphic on your folder page too. Write on!
Greetings Kalliope!
I am Shannon with WDC Power Reviewers. As I review your item, please keep in mind this is nothing more than my humble opinion. Take what you can and leave the rest. I am reviewing an item of yours in return for an item you reviewed of mine. Thanks again! I love poetry about nature and I enjoyed this very much. Great use of words producing lovely imagery for the reader. I like the references to the Goddesses. My favorite stanza is number 3. I didn't see any technical errors. Great job, write on!
Greetings Artysoul!
I am Shannon with WDC Power Reviewers. As I review your item, please keep in mind this is nothing more than my humble opinion. Take what you can and leave the rest. I am reviewing an item of yours in return for an item you reviewed of mine. Thanks again! This paints a clear imagery of the pain depression can cause. I enjoyed the metaphor behind this. It was well written with no errors. Great job, write on!
Greetings Sticktalker!
I am Shannon with WDC Power Reviewers. As I review your item, please keep in mind this is nothing more than my humble opinion. Take what you can and leave the rest. I am reviewing an item of yours in return for an item you reviewed of mine. Thanks again! This was well written and is very true. I think the image enhances the poem. There were no technical errors I could see. Great job, write on!
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