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Review by Captaintaya Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with RAOK Upgrade Brigade Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello; Just stopping in with a friendly review for your poem!

As I was reading along, I could feel some sorrow at first within your poem. I felt as if there was a loss for a muse....which as muse that is lost can only be regained with thoughts. experiences and all in time. However, as I kept reading along, I also felt strength and a goal aimed to retrieve the muse before it fled too far, which was greatly collected and celebrated for what it had to offer.

If I am correct in how this poem made me feel, I must then say that I am amazed at how you interpreted exactly how some authors feel when they almost lose something but regain it quickly and harness it right away.

Thank you for the share, the flow was great and the imagery was right on target (( from what I gather for each stanza ))

Keep on writing!!

~ Captaintaya ~
Review of My Blood Red Rose  Open in new Window.
Review by Captaintaya Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with RAOK Upgrade Brigade Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello!! Just stopping by for a read, and a friendly review!!

I must say this off the top of my head before my heart takes over...

As I read this poem to myself, I felt confused....but as I read it outloud, it came perfectly clear...and that..was a relief....cause I could feel the energy behind it. I could smell the rose itself and visualize it in my hand, soft, tender, loving...pure as pure could reveal...

My heart was defiantly into this poem as I read it outloud.

Thanks so much for a lovely share, the flow was great, the words expressed were priceless, and the overall read itself was right on target....sorry it took me two times, I must be slipping a bit for visuals until I speak it outloud.....lol

Thanks for the share and keep on writing!!

~ Captaintaya ~
Review by Captaintaya Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with RAOK Upgrade Brigade Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh my goodness..I have to say:

This poem is AMAZING...

I absolutely LOVE the poetry style, and the flow and the visual and.....wow, just everything about it!!

The strengths and weaknesses pointed out throught the poem helps the reader ( me ) keep that visual, and harness that emotion placed behind the words.

Thanks for a very lovely share, and keep on writing!!!

~ Captaintaya~
Review of To my friend ...  Open in new Window.
Review by Captaintaya Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with RAOK Upgrade Brigade Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Romance, memories, love, emotional feelings bursting out in such small yet powerful words...The warmth of a simple candle can relate to how one feels when the power of love is in their hearts, I love the comparison.... and thus adore the poem..

Thanks for the share!

~ Captaintaya ~
Review by Captaintaya Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh this poem...it's truley remarkable..in just a few words..I know exactly how it feels...ITo not look at what you have or don't have material wise, to know exactly what you have in your heart and on your mind that really matters in life...to devote yourself into one person and give your all and bask in the comfort of what it has to offer you, and still not yearn for more.

Thank you for a beautiful share of poetry and keep up the great work!!
Review of Abilene  Open in new Window.
Review by Captaintaya Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello there..I thought I would stop by and give a little review on this piece...

First of all the imagery I get from this is a life of a trucker...a long haul trucker..living on the road for weeks at a time and when arriving home, resting up for his/her next adventure..seeing parts of the world along the way and how he/she survives along the way.

Your words are very descriptive, which in return places this imagery I have..the flow of your poem is simple and easy to fallow..

I can see this poem was prompted..or that's my guess here..and if so..bravo for taking the words given and placing them into a nicely thought out poem..

Thanks for the share and keep on writing!
Review by Captaintaya Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a wonderful way to share ideas for quick and simple dishes to make over the holidays, dishes that can have people asking for more and even the exchange in the recipe....I myself have a huge family, and we always bring something Christmas Eve to share with the family..I would love to share the rumballs if possible??

Wonderful idea by the way for a festive forum..good luck and best of luck raising funds!! *Heart*
Review of send me back  Open in new Window.
Review by Captaintaya Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Smile* Hello dear, Just stopping by to give a friendly review. I place my review today to you as just my thoughts and opinions, please take only what YOU feel may help or benefit you in some way to this poem!!

I believe the poem is a wee bit repetitive in some places, but with a little attention, it can be lessened to its repetitiveness, tightened in some areas, and perhaps re-worded to help benefit the poems overall look and appearance. Your expressions are still there, but comparing it to how it sounds now and with maybe just a little extra attention and play on words, it can really stand out and shine. I understand the whole meaning behind it. It shows the greater search of a person who just wants to change the past, to look beyond it afterwards and live life a wee bit better then what was delt at the time. Your words are deep and they do show real heart and soul within the poem, they just seemed a little lacking in some places and so I've played myself with your poem and added a few things in to help bring what you say into some needed light. I'm not a horrible critic, I do not enjoy trashing a poem that I can see does have potential, it just needed a little TLC!!
Here is what I've come up with, but again, please take only what you feel would help benefit this poem in some way!!

Send me back in time,
for I've seen the future,
endured the past,
I crave to be sent back.
To change my history,
set some things right,
to fix many wrongs,
I can hardly wait to go.

Send me back in time,
to change the hearts,
reveal the love inside,
to expose all truths.
Allow me to change paths,
and to set things straight,
I can hardly wait to go,
back to my past!

Thanks for giving this opportunity to view this piece today and please, keep on writing, you have a great knack for poetry and I believe you can and will get stronger each day you write!!

Review by Captaintaya Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
I can really feel this poem, this song, this meaningful words of art sinking deep into my soul. I feel the heart pounding, screaming deep within, and just feeling so lost and unsure. I can gather much from reading this, the emotions are everywhere and that's just how I feel all the time. Bravo on such a wonderful piece.

Just one little remark
If only you'd open your eyes
you'd realize at the days end
I here and there only for you<~~~~~~ I here should be I'm here
If only is hard to say...

Thanks for the share and keep on writing!!
Review of Steamer Trunk  Open in new Window.
Review by Captaintaya Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
I believe this poem to be very forward and outspoken to the means of what it says. the imagery provided is great and the flow was very soothing. I enjoyed the way you flipped the meanings of the stanza's and pointed out what the poem was representing all the way through. Behind an old rusted lock, double packed with memories This is where the poem stands strong, keeps the reader going and reading on. you've done such an amazing job writing this. Thank you greatly for a most wonderful share and keep on writing.
Review of Poetry  Open in new Window.
Review by Captaintaya Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This folder holds so many great poems, it is amazing at what's found inside. Such great talent and great imagination wrapped up nicely and worded greatly into spectacular poetry!! Thank you for providing so many excellent reads and keep on writing. Your talent shines!!
Review of Be my everything  Open in new Window.
Review by Captaintaya Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Captaintaya with review 3/5 from your pkg won in "CRC Valentine's Auction & RaffleOpen in new Window.

You know what I love most about poetry?? Variety!! And you my dear have just the right amount within your port to explore. I really like having options to choose from to read, and style within each poem is important to me. I really enjoy reading something that has style.

This poem here carries much style and much love. I can see a woman expressing her inner self so truthfully, and with much heart. I can feel that love yearning for it's companion to be close, to be felt as if they can connect and become one and live for eternity.

Your imagery is beautifully written and connected so timelessly with the smooth flow it gives out a great read!

Thanks again for a wonderful poem to feast my eyes upon!
Keep on writing!!

Review by Captaintaya Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello..I just wish to say I think this poem is sheer brilliance and I applaud you for writing it in such fantastic style. Bravo on a most excellent piece and pleasant read!! A very humorous poem with a twist of reality involved...thank you again.

Happy Holidays!!

Review by Captaintaya Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hey connie, I'm stopping by to give a friendly review for this very creative poem.

I love the feeling it gives off, the sense of thankfulness for all we have and what we don't have in life. The thoughts of others who share their emotions and feelings on this very day, what more can one be thankful for then the life we have now.

I enjoy mostly the layout. It really stands out and flows ever so nicely. Each line connects into the next and shows itself off gracefully,

Thanks for a wonderful read and keep on writing my friend!

Review by Captaintaya Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Rising Stars of WdC  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Captaintaya here with a friendly review for this poem.

My first impression when reading this is, oh wow, you've managed to cover alot of facts in such a short poem. There are so many parents out there who don't deserve children yet the ones who do are the ones who get their kids taken from them. The government is a sick and twisted system. I agree that, the most unhappy children found in schools, are the children that have been abused. You can really tell through a childs eyes if they are happy with their home and environment or if they fear it.

I won't babble on much long, cause this poem really speaks up for itself, it doesn't need me to bring it more to life then it already is.

I love the imagery and flow, both areas are very strong within the poem and both kept the poem as a simple yet enjoyable read.

I have no suggestions for this piece for I find it is very nicely written.

Thank you for the share and keep on writing!
Review of Far Away Friend  Open in new Window.
Review by Captaintaya Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Rising Stars of WdC  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hiya, captaintaya here with a friendly review for your poem * Far Away Friend *.

I enjoyed reading this poem very much. The feeling of friendship is strong and the feeling of love and care is found deep within it. Good friends are hard to find, but with a connection like this, you make it seem that no matter what the distance is, a friendship will always be there. Your words are like written loyalty and joy. The happiness you express for being in this persons life and this person being in your life, is as real as any closer friendship could get.

Your imagery is wonderful and your flow is kept simple and easy to read.

I spotted one small thing in the overall presentation of this poem...the very last line *Is close to my heart.* has a writing ML sticking out on the end..I can tell you were meaning to end the color but forgot to put the / before the c.

Other than that, everything appears fantastic and the read in general is amazing. Keep on writing!!

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Review by Captaintaya Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hiya Larry, I Read this poem and my first thought was, How God works in mysterious ways! Each of us have our own ways of describing how God touched our lives and when we first experience this blessed touch. Your poem creates and wonderful outlook and shows truth and meaning within it since the experience is known and not sheltered deep within you. In relation to an old oak tree, feelings are what they are, and even if the living are man or creature to even a living breathing tree, they are somewhat over looked but brought very much to life within your words. I enjoyed the flow and imagery placed in this piece, and find so much meaning that I'm sure I can look at this poem each time I read it over, and find more meaning in every line then every time it's read.

Thank you for a wonderful read of poetry and keep up the fantastic works! I will always adore your work, for your words bring truth and emotions that are real, not just conjured up and placed for entertainment. Thank you again for this beautiful read.

~Write On~

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Review of The Next Hour  Open in new Window.
Review by Captaintaya Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (3.5)

Hi there, my name is natasha..I'm tinkering with your poem today...I'm trying to get a feel for it, however it seems kinda hard when it's all jumbled together in lengthy sentences and paragraphs. Poems are normally broken up into stanza's, which if you see, I have attempted to do to a sentence in your poem listed below, just to test what kinda feel I get for your poem when spaced out properly.

I could probably tinker with it even more, making it shorter and tightened up some, but it's not my work. I can just give you some friendly advice.

You do have the words of a great poem here, however you need to learn how to break it up into presentable stanza's. I find in all poetry, description and flow are the key elements to look for. If I feel nothing from the words, then I'm lost as to what I just read. You have feeling in your work, just needs to be put together differently is all.

I see you have alot of description, which you are trying to get it all out there, but, try using less words but keep the meaning there...
I'll show you an example and if you'd like, I could lend you a hand in continuing onwards with this poem Just please remember, I am only here to help, these are my suggestions only, and if you wish to use them, then please do!:

Those whom among us
that pass through this darkness,
a blank, empty, timeless space,
will see the horrors of this life.
Many will choose to turn their heads,
refuse to believe,
it could happen to them.

Hope this review helps!
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Review by Captaintaya Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Oh I simply love this poem. It gives such a great look on reality through the eyes of the author. A child's laughter and smile is what makes us keep our faith that the grayer days of what was shall never return nor be forgotten. Children are the face of the future and you have captured that so nicely in your poem. I also see that you bring to the picture of what it is like in what we call *Third World Countries* and I applaud you for bring that to the poem as well, as some of us forget what life is like on the other side of the fence.

Bravo on a most excellent read and may I also say (( Welcome Back My Friend )). I look forward to reading more of your lovely poems as you dive right back in and lighten up wdc as you have before with your most rewarding reads of poetry!

Much love,

Review of WEDDING DAY 1900  Open in new Window.
Review by Captaintaya Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Such a beautiful picture you so thoughtfully shared here with us viewers of wdc. I like pictures done up back from the olden days, or like I like to say *Golden Days*...pictures from back then really make me wish life was like that today in some aspects.

Thanks for the share..

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Review of The Mighty Pencil  Open in new Window.
Review by Captaintaya Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Sometimes we tend to take life for granted, and then our dreams catch up to us, leading us in a new direction. I feel this person dream in your story did just that. Our dreams are magical things when looked at closely. They can sometimes prove to be truthful in some aspects of real life. I enjoy looking into my dreams, good or bad, and taking a second look at what could of caused them to lead up to what they were about, *only the dreams I remember having*.

I enjoyed this little tale, for a couple of reasons..one it had a very pleasing ending and two, it speaks out a bit on dream analisis.

I like how the she jotted down the good and the bad in the world around her, and erased the bad, leaving only the good to follow her life with. It's very positive and it has meaning behind it.

Thank you so much for a wonderful read, and keep on writing!!

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Review of Poetic Flow  Open in new Window.
Review by Captaintaya Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hiya, Just stopping by to give a friendly review on this poem.

I really enjoyed the keys points you've managed to get out in this piece about writing poetry. How it just flows off the tip of the mind, and how it creates most wonder and beautiful feelings inside a person when completed. I believe a really great poem is one in which includes rhyme. Meter and symbolic flows are fun and challenging, and they too make a poem stand out. But the real thing is the feelings within the poem. I love one that I can really envision and feel the words.

Flow of poetry is improtant also in any poem. If there is no flow to the poem, how can the reader really open up and soak in what all the author is trying to say? Flow and imagery are keys elements to any great poem. Without them...the poem would not succeed into a *good read* .

Thank you for a most wonderful read, and keep on writing!!

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Review of Strumming Along  Open in new Window.
Review by Captaintaya Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello there!! Captaintaya here with a friendly review for this poem.

I see you write about a musician and how his music soothes the soul. How the strumming makes your heart melt and you can feel all his emotions coming out as he plays. Music is a very big comfort to many.

I like the layout of the poem and the flow is just beautiful. You've done a very lovely job providing the reader with something to close their eyes with after reading and just live in that moment. That moment of bliss. Bravo on such lovely descriptions provided to bring the poem to life!!

Just one small thing I would like to point out:

Your spelling in the second last stanza of this poem, last line the word *oure* should be *our*. That would be the only thing I see as needing to be changed..other then that, thank you, thank you so much for giving me a wonderful, heartfelt read!!

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Review of Kelly  Open in new Window.
Review by Captaintaya Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello again,

I'm stopping by yet again to give you another friendly review. *Smile*

This poem, I have one thing to say about it:

Very Breath Taking.

This is such a lovely tribute to a lost friend. It's hard to express our feelings when this sort of thing happens. However you are a brave person for sharing how you feel in the words of poetry. I'm sure your friend would be very proud of you right now, helping his/her memories live and sharing how you feel. Bravo!!

I pray time will heal all wounds, and hope to see more poetry that stands out just a beautiful as this one does!!

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Review of EVERY  Open in new Window.
Review by Captaintaya Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi There, Just stopping by to give you a friendly review on this poem.

*Flower1* What caught my attention was the layout of the poem. Having it go from a small speck of time to what seems like eternity. That grabbed me right away.

*Flower2* I can feel how much you long for your loved one. Even as time fades away, you never stopped thinking of her, and kept the faith that you'll see her again.

*Flower3* Your emotions are very heartfelt within this piece. They create a wonder vision within the poem.

*Flower4* Your flow is simple and easy to fallow.

*Flower5* My over all impression of this piece is that you must have thought long and hard of your loved one and placed as much deep emotion as possible to express how it feels within you. I applaud you for such a wonderful write.

*Check* Just one small detail that needs fixing...you last line ( Every centery of everymillinium )..you need a space between the word every and millinium...also..the words are incorrect in spelling....

Words to look at that are incorrect in spelling:
wimper igarly

There is an edit and spell check option available after you have completed your writing and wish to go back and make changes.

I hope this review helps!!

Thanks for the read and keep on righting.
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