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Review of dear mom,  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Overall well done.

I do prefer seeing punctuation and Capitalization. Losing these basics and it makes one wondering what the English language will become. Personal preference there.

Well said. It is a hard subject to deal with. Especially knowing as an adult the excuse always given to the children, really never meant anything. Was just what the adult used to silence the questions the child held within. The adult really had no answer for their inner confusion either.

If only those parents would realize the deep scar imbedded in the mind of the child each time they say those words.
"Only staying together for the childrens sake."

I'd set a parent straight now a days, if it was my place too . Which it isn't , everything is different for everyone out there. Just well now I know from my mothers view (without the "for the sake of the children"}, the questions are still the same. The doubts are all still sounding in the equation wether their are children or not, so the question becomes, Do these parents entend to hurt their child? Probably not. Should more be explained to the child,? That depends on the maturity of the child. Should the child be told this? Well once maybe, but a repeated mantra of any sort becomes a scar or a happy memory one which do you hope your child has as a parent themselves?

You can't fix the past but you can change the future. Just because you heard these words growing up does not mean you have to repeat them in the future. The changes begin with you.

Write on!
May your angel watch over you, always!
Rated: E | (4.0)
Excellent idea first off. Is this your company?

Second, basic care instructions are well written and clear. Easy to read.

I do find a few mispelled words. The article it self is very good though, great idea to use as advertisement too.


May your angel watch over you, always!
Rated: E | (4.5)

** This reveiw is based upon story line and feelings recieved. Grammar and punctuation are only noted if obvious.

Overall impression: You've done an excellent job of comparing the symbalances here. The tale is a cute one with a very good point.

Content:Rich as in a farmer with one love in his life, or rich as a king with many loves, yet no obtainable one.

Format:Nice and easy to read, flows fluently with plenty of detail. A nice job in puling the reader into the story and keeping them there.

Pluses:He died a king. Great line to bring this all together.

Suggestions:none noted

Please remember these are your decisions, it is ultimately up to you what works best.

May your angel watch over you, always!
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
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Overall impression: Well written giving many facts in the background of what the writer had already put up with. Most would have quit within a couple weeks. It takes persistance to change such a situation. In doing as you did the others may have only "quietly transfered" but I am betting there were many a Thank you prayers sent your way that night. Every step counts.

An article maybe depends on what the article is for. I would think this more of a monologue, in personal opinion.

Pluses:Nice job of details.

Please remember these are your decisions, it is ultimately up to you what works best.

May your angel watch over you, always!
Rated: E | (5.0)
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** This reveiw is based upon story line and feelings recieved. Grammar and punctuation are only noted if obvious.

Overall impression:Nicely done. Says alot in three short paragraphs. I like the spacing and the rythem flows nicely.

Format:Not much on writing poetry I do not know all the forms. Will leave that up to others.

Suggestions:I do suggest the use of punctuation, but again that could be the form of the poem. Many of these could be taken as questioning Jesus in his decisions, instead of asking Jesus to forgive your sins. Are you just making statements in a rythmical pattern?

Just asking trying to learn a little along the way. *Smile*

Please remember these are your decisions, it is ultimately up to you what works best.

May your angel watch over you, always!
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Overall impression:
Well said, and laid out easy to understand what the author is trying to state. I agree fully, though there are still a few out there resisting the cookie-cutter image.
As some say "Still in the ice age"

Just go to a local government office,or for that matter a doctor's office, fill out paperwork, wether it be for a driver's license, disability (my biggest frustration) or any other matter, even in choosing a Jury for a killers trial. The government is so set with their "boxes" if you don't fit in a box you are actually told to lie and choose one anyway.

Seems if our government is set on making us all cookie-cut images there is no hope left.

Content:Great job of covering the subjects intent, though more could definately be included here.

Pluses:We have achieved what we sought. But that’s one success about which we should not be proud.

Love your closing line. Thumbs up for that one.

Write On!
Please remember these are your decisions, it is ultimately up to you what works best.

May your angel watch over you, always!
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
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** This reveiw is based upon story line and feelings recieved. Grammar and punctuation are only noted if obvious.

Overall impression:Ok I was laughing hard on this one. Excellent job of including the quotes. To get all of them in a story about pregnancy. That's good!

Content:Still laughing. Love the quote 8 and how you include it. Too good, though a man in that position probably is wishing he knew self defense. A woman scorned with hormones going as hers surely were, well "Hide the knives quick."

Pluses:John Wayne impression, how clever for that quote. Genuine classic there.

Suggestions:The only one I had trouble with would be quote 10 and where it is placed. Hard to imagine a beer naked and on a horse. That might have been better placed later in the story, maybe when he is talking of Super Sperm (which made me laugh even harder than I already was.)

Write On!
Please remember these are your decisions, it is ultimately up to you what works best.

May your angel watch over you, always!
Review of I Promise  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
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** This reveiw is based upon story line and feelings recieved. Grammar and punctuation are only noted if obvious.

Overall impression: Nicely done, the style being perfect for the words and suggestive thoughts included here. The first two lines leading into the last two. Well thought out and presented. Which can be a tough thing to do with this style of poem if I remember correctly. I never was good with poems but this style was a a real stumper too me in highschool. You have done an excellent job presenting the case of "I do" and the promises made for many in many relationships.

*Wink*Hit the heart of the matter there with the middle line. Respect is the most missed factor in a relationship flowing down the drain of ruin.


I will be back to explore your port more in the future.
Please remember these are your decisions, it is ultimately up to you what works best.

May your angel watch over you, always!
Review of CHUTES & LADDERS  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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** This reveiw is based upon story line and feelings recieved. Grammar and punctuation are only noted if obvious.

Overall impression:Probably the funniest short I have read all day. It was well needed. Glad I clicked on this one. This would make a great intro to a port. Great comparison, with the mind, and Excellent comparison with the baseball notes. (Both can be very confusing in my case. Shutes and ladders a great comparison that just made me want to laugh throughout this piece.)

Suggestions:None this is perfect.

Write on!

Please remember these are your decisions, it is ultimately up to you what works best.

May your angel watch over you, always!
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
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** This reveiw is based upon story line and feelings recieved. Grammar and punctuation are only noted if obvious.

Overall impression: Excellent, pure excellence here.

Content:Though I may not agree on every point you make most of them are outstandingly written and presented. Love your ending comments. Some of the greatest writers were not discovered until they were dead for that matter.

It is not what we the writer writes now that matters but what our words will carry into the future.

Spelling and grammar may not be my best subjects and I tend to make that clear in my reviewing process. I do try to learn though, and definately appreciate anyone who takes the time to read and even correct my writings.

Format:Short and well said. Ten points made very clear and explained in detail.

Pluses:This is the things a new writer needs to read.

Suggestions:ONly one, you don't mention one of the biggest factors seen in online groups. Yes, even here it is clearly seen.

Groups and peers do pressure some into whom and what they will or will not review. There are certain ones that will not review a certain author(s) just because she/he pissed someone in the group off.

Hopefully someday those reacting to the peer presure will realize they just might enjoy that writers' writing. Wether you like the person personally, or your group does, should not matter. Read their work and judge for yourself.

In total, I am simply saying, one should think for themselves even on a writing site. Same as you would sitting in a book store staring at the book covers.

Thanks for a great read.

Write On!

Please remember these are your decisions, it is ultimately up to you what works best.

May your angel watch over you, always!
Review of Don't Know Why  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
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** This reveiw is based upon story line and feelings recieved. Grammar and punctuation are only noted if obvious.

Overall impression: Well not finding any stories open to read I settled for poetry. Liked a few, but choosing this one to review as it spoke loudest to the heart. Obviously a poem of a loved one and the questions the one remaining asks over and over in their mind.

I like the main line in this, for the style and subject. It is just well fitting.

Content:All the simple questions which never are answered, yet in your heart you know the answers are not meant to be there. A time and a place for everything that passes through our lives.

A good simple format for these clear precise thoughts.
Well done.

Suggestions:None noted.

Write On!

Please remember these are your decisions, it is ultimately up to you what works best.

May your angel watch over you, always!
Review of Against the Wind  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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** This reveiw is based upon story line and feelings recieved. Grammar and punctuation are only noted if obvious.

Overall impression:An excellent wove poem. Great detail and paints a vibrant picture of someone needing to find their wings, not their roots. Well done.

Format:A nice format for the words contained.Starting with three words of freedom, and ending with three words bringing forth freedom in the mind. Nicely done.

Pluses:This whole thing is a plus. I like the layout, the words and the overall impression left in the mind.

Suggestions:None noted.

Write On!

Please remember these are your decisions, it is ultimately up to you what works best.

May your angel watch over you, always!
Rated: E | (4.0)
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** This reveiw is based upon story line and feelings recieved. Grammar and punctuation are only noted if obvious.

Overall impression: Love this tale, it is a great feeling to help out around the holidays at shelters. Great job at bringing the experience to life.

Content:Brings the joy of the season out. Full story ending with visiting a relative who probably relished the nightly adventures wishing she had been along.

Format: Well formatted, spacing adequate, and easily read.

Pluses:Not because we received many store-bought gifts, but because we gave back something that cannot be bought.

The perfect line driving the point of the story home.

Suggestions: Could have used a little more scene description. Was it snowing, raining, was it cold. Did the children recieve toys or clothes? Little things that set the scene.

Write On!

Please remember these are your decisions, it is ultimately up to you what works best.

May your angel watch over you, always!
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
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** This reveiw is based upon story line and feelings recieved. Grammar and punctuation are only noted if obvious.

Overall impression:Tears do fall, seeing in my minds eye that child standing at the window, begging with all her soul for that pretty doll in the window. Makes one wonder how many little girls never got that doll wished for with such high hopes every christmas and then some birthdays too.

Format:Cute, well done for the format you were using for this. Fitting for a poem, yet a story standing alone.

Pluses:Oh how true that last line is, gives the reader a chuckle after such a sad story.

Suggestions:and then waited on (in)line(,) quite a long while.
"(To) see what he could do."

Write On!

Please remember these are your decisions, it is ultimately up to you what works best.

May your angel watch over you, always!
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
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** This reveiw is based upon story line and feelings recieved. Grammar and punctuation are only noted if obvious.

Overall impression:Funny way to put a Doc visit. Am assuming a psychologist visit. Rather enjoyed this very interesting story on both past and present in the mind of a father.

Content:Emotional, yet put in such a way as to make the reader laugh at the hardships. A good father tale.

Format:Nice spacing, easy to read. I like the personality of the teller, as though he just really doesn't see what is wrong with his world. Yet he is spelling it out in detail to the doc. Nicely done.

Pluses:Teach her a lesson and all that righteous crap,.....

Love the ending of this paragraph, all the detail and the not being able to say anything. Like father, like son!

Suggestions:none noted

Write On!

Please remember these are your decisions, it is ultimately up to you what works best.

May your angel watch over you, always!
Review of Living on  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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** This reveiw is based upon story line and feelings recieved. Grammar and punctuation are only noted if obvious.

Overall impression:Nicely done. A short simple poem about lessons taught by an elder (guessing grandma) of living a simple life, always help another. Basically the basics : Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. The only lesson worth remembering, for with out it life sure would be lonely.

Content:A great way to sum up a simple life with a little dramatic poem. Great job.

Pluses:Such wisdom could be found

Probably a whole lot of wisdom in those short lessons of being a family and a friend.


Write On!

Please remember these are your decisions, it is ultimately up to you what works best.

May your angel watch over you, always!
Rated: E | (5.0)
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** This reveiw is based upon story line and feelings recieved. Grammar and punctuation are only noted if obvious.

Overall impression:Cute little flash story. Very intriguing how you went on a vacation the old fashioned way! More interesting sometimes.

Content:Full story of going on a different sort of vacation, good use of prompt to.

Format:Few paragraphs, with all parts of story present.Great job!

Pluses:Love the last line, probably a very confusing answer to most students. Especially from the sounds of that group. Can picture their amazed and doubting looks that the character would go on a rafting trip down the Missippi for summer vacation. *Wink*.

Write on!

Please remember these are your decisions, it is ultimately up to you what works best.

May your angel watch over you, always!
Rated: E | (4.5)
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** This reveiw is based upon story line and feelings recieved. Grammar and punctuation are only noted if obvious.

Overall impression:Very interesting, discriptive peice lots of detail. Could picture this man just wanting to be alone.

Content:I guess peace can be found even in the city, for those that want to be alone. He was close to everything I suppose.

Format:Easy to read. Nicely spaced. A fast paced read.

Pluses:Remembering the laughter and glances. Sounds like both good and sad memories are tied to this person while staring at the photo graph. Makes one wondering how long in life it took for this person to realize he was ultimately meant to live alone?

Suggestions: Write On!

Please remember these are your decisions, it is ultimately up to you what works best.

May your angel watch over you, always!
Review of Curves  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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** This reveiw is based upon story line and feelings recieved. Grammar and punctuation are only noted if obvious.

Overall impression:Very Nice, great discription for a poem.Kind of reminds me of lifes highways.

I normally do not review poems but especially enjoyed this one.
Curves are very dangerous for me. *Laugh* Personal joke in the house.

Can be taken as a life poem or a driving poem, I like those with several meanings.

Made me laugh picturing someone driving along, looking for the curves. Kind of like a teen just looking for excitement, or (well maybe a middle age looking to jumpstart their life again.) *Laugh*

Just don't hit the truck stopped on the other side of the curve......*Cry*

Please remember these are your decisions, it is ultimately up to you what works best.

May your angel watch over you, always!
Review of Omnipotence  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
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** This reveiw is based upon story line and feelings recieved. Grammar and punctuation are only noted if obvious.

Overall impression: Excellent, I love the detail in the exclamation piece and the photograph. WOW!
Will have to note this as one of my favorites. Wish I had the points to put a ribbon on this cause it definatly deserves it. Maybe after I earn enough for my renewal, I can find my way back.*Smile*

Content:This is greatly detailed, covering everything from religion influence to general detail on the subject and how it was made. Like the added facts on making ceramics. Had forgotten all that, did ceramics for years as a youngster. Some things we just tend to put aside in our brains over time. Well done.

Format:Beginning, middle, wrap up, all very nicely blended making a very interesting article. The photo only enhances the writing and vice versa.

Pluses:"Big Brother is watching you" Thank you for adding that line. Been sometime since then but here I was sitting here, ok what does this remind me of? The religion part, the perfect explanation there Father,Son and the Holy ghost.

Suggestions: None, Don't think I could handle this object being in my home but to each his own. Already feel constantly watched now that you can go online and see live photos from arial view just about anywhere,own backyard isn't even completely private anymore even in the country, with no neighbors. *Smile*

Write On!
Love your detailed subjects, very interesting port here.

Please remember these are your decisions, it is ultimately up to you what works best.

May your angel watch over you, always!
Review of Phobia  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
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** This reveiw is based upon story line and feelings recieved. Grammar and punctuation are only noted if obvious.

I kind of like reading the older stories. *Smile*

Overall impression:Excellent, Like how the beginning just kind of flows into the exclamation of her fears. Her children and not being able to move from Nebraska, it all explains why she would in the end just sit back down and continue reading.

Content:Descriptive and tells the trauma and why she has the fears she has. The camping scene is a great example of her fear.

Pluses:It is called lilapsophobia.

I didn't know that, new word to add to my list too. Thank you, having feared tornados since I was eleven, this was very good to learn.

(I was sound asleep less than a hundred foot from a medal shed which was shredded and found parts across town the next day. I slept through it, while my mother and brother huddled in her closet. She thought I had simply crawled into my closet, not realizing I slept through anything back then. I now have a weather radio with alarm beside the bed,and a basement, in hopes that never happens again.)

Suggestions: None really, other than might add a bit about the damage and/or kids finding the house gone later. Obviously her and her children were close. What was their reaction?

Nice job. WRITE ON!

Please remember these are your decisions, it is ultimately up to you what works best.

May your angel watch over you, always!
Review of The Sleigh Ride  
Rated: E | (4.0)
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** This reveiw is based upon story line and feelings recieved. Grammar and punctuation are only noted if obvious.

Overall impression:A very romantic story. One full of dreams and high hopes of getting what one dreams of.

Content:Descriptive and sets the scenes nicely. Could imagine the park and the scene as the sleigh goes across the country roads.

Was expecting a little bit about Andrew and the family visit, did that ever occur? Did Andrews wife and Laycee get along? Did Brad feel Laycee had anything to do with Andrews'call?

Just questions that went through my mind as I was reading.

Format:Seems in one or two sections each and every sentence is spaced apart then you go back to paragraphs. Maybe it just more dialogue there but it draws attention. Like the spacing between paragraphs to help read but between sentences makes one wonder where one thought starts and another ends.

Pluses:Love the sleigh ride idea and making her own dreams come true.

I kind of would see Brad asking Laycee if she wanted to ride up on the front bench with him on the first ride. Would make it more a romantic ride, seeing as how she was the only one on the sleigh. Just my opinion though.

"You live on (in) a farm house?" or "You live on a farm?"

5 thousand acres? Little outlandish there. 5 hundred would be more believable.

In several paragraphs I find repetitive information, such as Andrew got his wife to hang up on him. Twice said in same paragraph.

Thank you for sharing this wonderful heartwarming story.

Please remember these are your decisions, it is ultimately up to you what works best.

May your angel watch over you, always!
Review of SHARE A SMILE  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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This is a great little poem. Makes a lot of sense and repeats the truth of the smiles spread fast when you initiate and want it too.
Brought a smile to my face on this dreary morning. Thank you for sharing your work. I like the color display with each paragraph, makes the poem even more enjoyable to read.

May your angel watch over you, always!
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
A short to the point quiz. Ok , I missed the first question, but it has been awhile since I read "Guidelines to great reviewing".

I don't always use the review tool for shorter reviews 'poetry, quizes and such', it definately helps when doing short story or novel reviews.

All of this really should be common sence , no one should have to be directed to be polite and encouraging on such a site. It should come naturally to give what you would want to recieve yourself in words and actions.

It is good to see so many writing and acting with respect toward each other . A great site to display writings and thoughts, thank you for giving me and everyone else here that oppurtunity.

Write On!

May your angel watch over you, always!
Review of Thistle-Part I  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
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** This reveiw is based upon story line and feelings recieved. Grammar and punctuation are only noted if obvious.

Overall impression: Cute little story on mothers instinct. Mothers do know their children even if only seen a few minutes after birth. It's an inherint part of them after caring the child for nine months.

Content:Kind of cute expressions of the childs looks. Puts the nurse in a stumped position. How do you answer such questions, all babies look funny when born. This one looked funny to all I suppose. Teeth. LOL!

Suggestions:Think that last line of hollering "uh mama" might just give him away as a new born would scream unintelligently and thats that. Then a newborn couldn't be above the camera without supernatural forces. Interesting story. Will be waiting to see where this one might go from here.

Write on! Thanks for sharing!

Please remember these are your decisions, it is ultimately up to you what works best.

May your angel watch over you, always!
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