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Review of A Battle of Wills  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
A laugh for anyone having done battle with the cat awake all night. A good laugh here. This brought back some great memories.

Well written, clearly identifying the characters. Nice job on description.

Though I would have liked a little more description on the cats coloring. Maybe a little more on the rooms interior. Why not shut the door locking the cat from the room sooner?

May your angel watch over you, always!
Review of My Dog Schultz  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Even though you have no Bio I am assuming you are a young writer. Right up front I will say this is a nice start for a young writer. I encourage you to keep writing.

Aww, How cute. Thank you for sharing your story about your dog Schultz.

* Should be: We had Schultz, drop the anyways!
I hope you will eventually show more of Schultz tricks.

*I wasn't worried about Schultz going for the chick until he caught the chick and pinned him down-but then i realized that the dog was being the chickens friend. He was licking the chick.

This is much better than a list of tricks. Tell of each of his tricks. Just listing is not as reader friendly.

Nice job for beginning though. Very cute story.
Thank you for sharing.

May your angel watch over you,always!

Rated: E | (5.0)
Very well said, for words that most women and probably some men have all said. Such thoughts seem to be the first that cross our minds. Especially when things are not going as planned. Scared and left wondering were those the last words to be said.

May your angel watch over you, always!
Review of My First Story  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow now that is hook and line, sink you've got me interested in your story. Wonderful job. Now I only hope the revised story reads as wonderfully. Headed there now. This alone is worth a read.

Thanks for sharing! I do hope by now someone that knows Ms. Michele Peers has contacted her and let her know this is here. A wonderful dedication to a good friend!

May your angel watch over you, always!
Review of My Guardian Angel  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I do not normally rate poems yet this one caught my eye and I could not stop reading. A very heart rendering story told in the form of a poem.

Very nicely done.

*Perform that lethal inject

only this one line caused me to stumble, I would suggest changing it to .
* Performing that lethal injection.

May your angel (magic) watch over you, always!

Review of The Footlocker  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
OUch! Ouch and ouch again I say!
Dang,just picturing that scene I was laughing. Not funny! I know, but such a descriptivly told story it makes for a funny scene in the mind. As a by stander standing in a doorway watching. I definatly wouldn't have been able to keep a straight face. For those who actually go through all of that to fight for those of us unable to fight for our freedoms. For one reason or another.

Well, I for one salute you all!

Thanks for sharing this cute little story!

May your angel watch over you, always!
Review of Injury On 13  
Rated: E | (2.0)
(b) My rating is based upon content. Beginning, ending, and finish of your story. Grammar and spelling are only identified if obvious. (/b)

I find your story very over board word wise, way too discriptive. Your readers should be able to flow along with the story. Most readers like to use a little of their own imagination.

I read no farther than the first two paragraphs.

*Please remember this is my personal opinion.

May your angel watch over you, always!
Review of Lady of the Mist  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
(b)This rating is on content and discriptive value!(/b)

Nicely done. A very invigorating and discriptive tale in a very short space.

I hope the lady you wrote this for has seen and enjoyed.

Very nicely done!

May your angel watch over you, always!

Review of Mistaken Identity  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Wow, as they say we all have a twin out there some where.

A very interesting and well told story. Though never getting to travel. I would have enjoyed more discription of the land and scene around where the main character was walking.

*I loved the place, all the more so because I met the person who was to become my best friend there.

This comment at the beginning leads the reader to believe they will be introduced to your best friend in the following paragraphs.

Then the story jumps to the mix up yet the couple walks away and you go on your way. I see no mention of a best friend in this story.

I did like the individual discription of the hut.

No obvious errors in grammar or spelling.

May your angel watch over you, always!
Review of Rain  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Second to last sentence, Leave the But off. It will sound fine without it.

Free flowing and discriptive, a very calm yet fun way to show playing in the rain.

Nicely done. Though more punctiation might be called for.

May your angel watch over you, always!
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is truly a classic. Most would never have any idea of these wonderful people.

This site you have set up here is a wonderful idea.

Thank you for taking the time to set up a wonderful memorial to writers who dedicated a good deal of their time to a wonderful site.

Has anyone asked storymaster or storymistress if a check has been run on the "sara" case? I am sure storymaster has the capability of looking this up,and finding out if it is true or not.

May your angel watch over you, always!
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
(b) My rating is based on content and entertainment value of the story. Grammar and spelling are only mentioned if they are glaring mistakes.(/b)

Very nicely told. A true love story in the making. Though I would dearly love to have read the beginning of this story,it seems to be unavailable to the general reader.

The first meeting is a good place to start, a tale in itself. Internet romances are becoming more popular and more should be written about them.

A good beginning. Shares discription and lays a format nice and smooth. A very gracious ending. Though more trepidition would be expected upon the meeting, ecspecially in her condition. Three years chatting online is never going to compare to the more assesive mannerisms of two people meeting face to face.

More emotional response from both would be expected, discription of emotion is not shown other than words of love exchanged.

Thank you for sharing this chapter.

May your angel watch over you, always!
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
An interesting and captivating beginning to a story about a vampire and his slave "pet". The begining brings you into the story. The plot of this particular chapter is more about the slave. It portrays the vampire as a rather strangly gentleman yet master of a slave. The ending keeps you wanting more, to find out more you have to read on! Nicely done!

*Yes, master." Wiping her chin, Rayven fell in step at her owner, following in his fiery steps as he led her out.
* In the above sentence after owner before the coma I believe you should have( 's feet).

*Davin pondered the revolver in his right hand, measured its weight.
*In the above sentence I wonder if ponder is the correct word to use. It brought the flow of your story to a hault in my mind.

Other than the two above statements this is a well written and descriptive start. I know the two main characters and what they look like. Still wondering about Rayven's abilities as this is more of the "pets" abilities to protect her master. Though here she has let him down in that.

A good start to this type of story. I will be back to read more in the near future.

May your angel watch over you, always!
Review of Charley's Story  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I recommend this story to all readers, very heart touching in many ways.

So very sad, yet heartlifting in an interesting way. This is a very touching story. I cried dearly over Dog, that was just simply heartless.

I do notice you change the spelling of Charley to Charlie and back again. Might want to go back over it.

There is also a line where you say Mack goes home, where exactly is he going? He is homeless also right?

Then where Ema is watching the scene with Mack and Charley and the dog. She says Mack is Charley's son? This was confusing,though I suppose they did make a small street family.

Content all in all though, this is an excellent story! I truly enjoyed reading this.

I was hoping for a little more on the church, does Linda discover what has happened to Charley? Maybe the church offers to bury Charley for his years of service as a caretaker?

Guess I was hoping for more here. This story could be continued in many ways actually.

I enjoyed. May your angel watch over you,always!
Review of June Bride  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
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An excellent read.
This is put in such a way it tells the story from day one to enternity.
I could not enjoy a poem more.

May your angel watch over you, always!

I lived, I loved, I laughed, I cried, I died!
Rated: E | (5.0)
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This is a wonderful and excellent idea. I enjoyed viewing each one. Some lovely sights in this garden.
I will definatly be back to walk around and explore some more. Maybe even plant my own little spot with a photo or two.

Thank you for sharing.

May your angel watch over you, always!
Review of The Talent Pond  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
{e:flower1}{e:flower2}This is a black case domination review{e:flower1}{e:flower2}
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This is an excellent group and a very interesting idea. I discovered this group by invitation from Brooke and have thouroughly enjoyed my exploration of her port.

Brooke, Molly, and Kaya have done an excellent job in combining brain power here. I hope to remember to join the group soon. "aw the scouts do an awesome job also 'gentleman, thank you'.

(Hey, no one said we couldn't promote our favorite groups,forums, and entertainment now did they?)

May your angel watch over you, always!
Review of stEvN  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Flower1**Flower2*This is a black case domination review!*Flower1**Flower2*
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That makes a whole lot of sence except for seven and ten sound nothing alike. Then again with alot of different accents out there misunderstandings are very common. Very embarrasing things can take place because of them. I love the way you end this.

I would recommend a line left between paragraphs makes a little easier to read.

*Grammer and punctuation, not much I can comment on nothing that stands out,spelling or punctuation wise.

Nice little short story.
Rated: E | (4.0)
{e:flower1}{e:flower2}This is a black case domination review!{e:flower1}{e:flower2}
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Cancer in your life period is a horrible thought!WEll written thoughts and a tale from the heart. Not much else can be said here.

writting: * When in quotations it is a full spoken sentence or thought. The sentence should be capitalized and a period/exclamation/or questionmark should follow.
Spacing makes easy to be read.

I personally pray this woman continues to have the strength to fight. To survive the one malignancy is proof enough of strength. To fight again. Well from one whom cancer has touched personally (Mother passed in 1996 after a four year fight.)

I say strength is in support emotionally, physically and all being from those around her. God bless her family and her with love and encouragement to continue to fight for life.May they continue to support and help her fight.

May your angel watch over you, always!
I lived, I loved, I laughed, I cried, I died!

Review of Generation Games  
Rated: E | (5.0)

This is a black case domination review
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Nicely done.

A nice poem describing nature at its best. It can be fun sitting and watching those little white puffs float to settle in the field somewhere.

May your angel watch over you, always!

eachother up,
Rated: E | (3.5)
A nice little story that tells a good part of a foster childs life.

A little more detail on her relationship with the principal and maybe a little more on how the foster parents react to the situation.

It is a good feeling when the bully gets punished to.

My weakness is grammer also so I am commending you on content.

Story has a good start drawing you in. The ending could have used a little more on the foster parents of past,and this set. The past homes are part of her reaction to the news she is getting detention now. She must fear this foster parents reaction. I don't feel that in her reaction.

May your angel watch over you, always!

Rated: E | (5.0)
A very informative short about a woman whom made a big impression in your life. From the sounds of it she has done more than just make you aware of the computer. Introducing you to a whole new world.

Every day we can find new things if giving the oppurtunity too. Nicely done. Good way to bring Aunt Dottie a few views too.

Thank you for sharing.

May your angel watch over you, always!
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is a Black Case Domination Review.
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Poems are not my usual read. This one caught my eye with it's nice title.

*Nice format
*Tells alot about the love of a cat gone from your life.

Nicely Done.
Thank you for sharing!

May your angel watch over you, always!
Review of Flies Away Home  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
This is a Blackcase Review

Nice short little story. I think it could use a little more content. Good discriptions.

Why are you and your roommates staying in this home?

* A couple misspellings, could use another spell check.

A good start on what could be a great little story.
Write On!

May your angel watch over you,always!
Review of CRAMER'S CAT  
Rated: E | N/A (Unratable.)
A beautiful, heart wrenching, lovely story.

Oh how very very sad. I am crying here. This story is so heart touching. That kitty awww! This is a great story, well written and brings to light how animals seem to know what their human counterpart needs from them.

Thank you for posting this and allowing it to be read. Awesome job!

May your angel watch over you, always!

I lived, I loved, I laughed, I cried, I died!

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