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Review of Something Divine  
Review by Crystal J. Dean
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very nice imagery! I always love your choice of words. No suggestions or errors noted. I do not have just one favorite line. I liked it all!
Keep writing! You have a true talent.
Review of Dream  
Review by Crystal J. Dean
Rated: E | (5.0)
I really like this poem! Extremely encouraging and inspirational! There are differences between dreams and goals...but all goals do start with a dream of accomplishing them. You definitely have to work hard for dreams to come true! I like the line, 'Take an idea and make it so much more
For one can be capable of anything If one can just dream...'
Keep writing!
Review by Crystal J. Dean
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love this poem! I love nature poems! This one has a great comparison of natural things being the symphony. I love the line, 'The sounds of birds could be flutes, whilst a cats purr provides a bass line As he watches the wind instrument with wide eyes'. Very nice! Keep writing!
Review of WORDS  
Review by Crystal J. Dean
Rated: E | (4.5)
It is sad that some do say 'I love you too' just to be nice. That is definitely not nice!
I like your verses. My favorite line is, 'Your lips are moving, though the depth not soothing'.
Keep writing!
Review by Crystal J. Dean
Rated: E | (5.0)
Your poem is wonderful! I love the comparison. My favorite line is, 'So please pour me another cup. Because darling, I am not ready to wake up.' My husband is quite spoiled...I always bring his first cup of coffee to his bedside before his feet hit the floor each morning. That also helps our intimacy! I get a good thank you in return.
I am looking forward to more of your work.
Review by Crystal J. Dean
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I love this poem! Short, sweet and funny! It would definitely make me laugh if my husband wrote it for me!
Keep writing!
Review of True Love  
Review by Crystal J. Dean
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love your poem! Very nice and true! Love is unbelievable if it is true. My favorite lines are, 'In true glory, it basks, fills up the lonely flask'.
True love, I think, seems to overtake you--body and soul. There is nothing else like it!
Keep writing!
Review of Sam  
Review by Crystal J. Dean
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
This poem suggests a lot of things I am not sure of, but I think it is well written. Some things, I understand, are personal and are better just suggested and presented as a shadow. My favorite line is, '16 and I'm not the one I was three hours ago'...boy, have I been there! Nicely done! Keep writing!
Review of Thirst  
Review by Crystal J. Dean
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a deep and dark poem. Very detailed and a lot of symbolism. I like it. Dramatic. Your words contain a lot of truth about reality. It sounds like an example of "don't know what ya got til it's gone"! People are rarely happy and like to blame God for it when we ourselves are to blame.
Keep writing!
Review of Chicken Dance  
Review by Crystal J. Dean
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very nice! I like your version of the chicken dance. I think chicken is my favorite meat. I was raised vegetarian and I now only choose to eat chicken and turkey.
When I read your piece, I could clearly picture a housewife cooking chicken listening to music to relax or for company. I have done so many a time. I like the line, "I'm careful with my spoons, but my vegetable children are broken. Their sacrifice is heavenly."
Keep writing!
Review of Words  
Review by Crystal J. Dean
Rated: E | (4.5)
Words do hold wondrous power! In the last few lines it sounds like you are describing someone who said something rude that they cannot take back. Very nice! Keep writing!
Review of Wind  
Review by Crystal J. Dean
Rated: E | (5.0)
I just love haiku! The phrase 'less is more' always comes to mind. Using just a few words gives room for imagination to stir and I picture the images in my mind so easily and yet so complex and detailed. I love the middle line, "Trees bending down to the earth". Your words are so familiar I can just picture the trees 'bowing to the earth' so to speak.
Keep writing!
Review by Crystal J. Dean
Rated: E | (5.0)
You obviously have much experience in the ministry! I believe God has given you a special gift!
I thought this was a wonderful sermon! Well researched and detailed with many personal experiences worked into your 'story'.
Great writing!
Review by Crystal J. Dean
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very interesting poem! I like your choice of words! Your feelings are expressed well. I think everyone has a time when they question who they are. I know I have done this. I like the line, "Leaving me with something vaguely tasting like sour cream." Sour cream is bitter, but in a good way. Maybe that means you are making a turn in finding the real you!!
Keep writing!
Review of A Blank Page  
Review by Crystal J. Dean
Rated: E | (4.0)
Sometimes I think it is hard to find something to write. From this poem, I think that you were trying out a different approach to cure writer's block. I like it! It is very original. By the last two lines, "And with these ideas we can never make clear", sometimes is a true statement. I think the words mean a lot more to the writer, especially if written from experience because the words were felt before written. Interesting approach! Keep writing!
Review of Old January  
Review by Crystal J. Dean
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is very interesting! I would never have thought of comparing winter to a dog, but it is brilliant! I love it! So unique and vivid words. Keep writing!
Review by Crystal J. Dean
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very interesting poem! A little humor about a personal gift. I like that you put it in a sonnet form. So unique!! Keep writing!
Review of Erotic Haiku 02  
Review by Crystal J. Dean
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Sounds like a nice way to end the day! Good writing!
Review of Erotic Haiku 01  
Review by Crystal J. Dean
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Very erotic! Nice! Good descriptive words.
Review of What To Do  
Review by Crystal J. Dean
Rated: E | (5.0)
ooooohhhh! I really like this one! I would call it.... Give Me Everything Tonight! Or ...If Only Tonight. Sounds like some thoughts you have really thought about a few times about this particular person. They would probably enjoy the reality?! :)
Great writing!!
Review by Crystal J. Dean
Rated: E | (5.0)
I REALLY like this poem! Time is used as soooo much! It is one thing taken for granted everyday! Everyone is guilty of that! I love the last few lines of this...you really do need to treasure it and make it last and live it like it is your last day everyday! I am just now learning this in my thirties!! lol :)
Good writing!
Review of the one for me  
Review by Crystal J. Dean
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very unique writing style! I love the first three lines of this poem the best. They captured my attention and I wanted to keep reading to find out more about this person and why you adore him... Good work!
Review of Your Colors  
Review by Crystal J. Dean
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is an interesting poem. I like it! Your words paint a pretty picture in my mind. It sounds like it is unfinished to me, but I like the simplicity at the same time. Good work!
Review of Endless  
Review by Crystal J. Dean
Rated: E | (4.5)
Beautiful! You are indeed describing true love! It absorbs every part of us! Good writing!
Review of Understood  
Review by Crystal J. Dean
Rated: E | (5.0)
This poem sounds great! A true love story of finding the one you love in the everyday things! Very nicely written!
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