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Review of Death  
Review by LuckyBoy
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello and Welcome, We greatly appreciate all new members and In hopes that you will come to better yourself and others in their writings.

My name is Dave and I am just three months into W.D.C. and greatly enjoy and appreciate what W.D.C. and it's members have done and helped me with. It is with great joy that I continue to write and review of others.

This sight is a place that not only allows you to write to your hearts pleasure but it also gives one the ability to read and become a better reader. This is very enhancing for even students in school to practice being a better reader and writer.

Now with all that said, I welcome you to W.D.C. [Writing Dot Com.].

I read your poem of "Death" and this is my review:

The title is perfect for the poem.

You have kept to the topic at hand, throughout.

"the darkness draws nearer"---"The" should be capitalized.

"i hold my life more dearer."---"I" should be capitalized.

More use of punctuations would help it flow smoother for the reader.

You kept a four line stanza throughout, which was good and you used spacing between the stanza's which is also good. The flow was fairly smooth and I didn't have a problem with the read.

The meaning of the poem was well put across thus far, as you say you are not yet finished with this piece.

I think you did an overall great job with this write.

Here is my rating score below for this poem. It will help you see where you have strengths and weaknesses in the area of the poem:

5.0 - Title
5.0 - Topic of Poem/Story
4.0 - Rhyming
4.5 - Rhythm
2.0 - Syllable Count
3.5 - Punctuation
4.5 - Grammar

28.5 Total Points given, for an average 4.07, So I gave you a 4.0 rating. Not bad at all, I think your did swell.

As always, remember that the ratings give by any member[s] are just their opinions and should not be take to heart.

If you have any questions with regards to my review, please feel free to reply with such and I will do my best to get back to you.

Again Welcome and have fun and let others know what you think. Pass the word on.

Best wishes to you and your endeavors,
Happy Holidays,

Continue with the great work,
Your WDC Brother, Dave...

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Review of Daddy  
Review by LuckyBoy
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is a very loving and touching poem of the love that one has for their father and the fathers love for his daughter.

You have put your feelings across very well in this poem. He is a man of honor and pride and one must never take that away from him, for in that alone is his greatest quest in life.

If he is not physically able to have the eye surgery to rectify the glaucoma than,

My advice would be to continue to love him by reading to him what he likes most, keep him as comfortable as you can.

Be strong and have faith, pray with him that he will be healed,Pray that he is given strength and you courage to continue each and every day the task that are needed.

God will answer your prayers. And most importantly give thanks for the blessings that you have been given.

Love in the Lord Jesus "With Him All Things Are Possible" To those who Love the Lord and "With just the faith of a mustard seed Yea shall have salvation".

Continue with the great work,
Your WDC Brother, Dave...

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Review of All I Really Want  
Review by LuckyBoy
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
With this poem it leaves the reader with the thought ,that the person being talked about in this poem is all mixed up and doesn't know exactly what he wants.

You have portrayed this person as one who might be on drugs and doesn't really have a life or a purpose in life.

You have done a swell job at putting across the meaning of the context.

I like how you repeated the lines of "Sometime I think about...." and "All I really want....".

Here is my rating system I use:

5.0 - Title
5.0 - Topic of Poem/Story
0.0 - Rhyming
3.0 - Rhythm
0.0 - Syllable Count
4.5 - Punctuation
5.0 - Grammar

22.5 Total Points given for an average 4.5, so I gave you a 4.5 rating.

Continue with the great work,
Your WDC Brother, Dave...

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Review of The Angels...  
Review by LuckyBoy
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello and welcome to WDC, I see that you are new to this site and I happened across this poem of yours so I decided to give you a review.

This is a loving poem, I had no problem with this read. My suggestion would be to space between every fourth line in your stanza, it would make for a better looking piece and let the reader have an easier read.

The meaning was put across well no problem with this, a few commas and periods would help as this would let the reader know the end and start of a sentence etc.

overall you did well, I loved the whole context of the poem.

Continue with the great work,
Your WDC Brother, Dave...

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Review by LuckyBoy
Rated: E | (4.5)
How enlightening your subject matter is. I have never stopped to look at this in that way.

I believe that you have discovered a word that an answer is no where to be found.

Your title is fitting for the topic of choice.
I found no grammatical errors in this writing to speak of.

Great topic, Great job.

Continue with the great work,
Your WDC Brother, Dave...

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Review of Just a Brief Call  
Review by LuckyBoy
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
OK, this was a completely different sort of read for me. I followed along with the whole conversation just fine, no problems there. You did an excellent portrayal of the caller and the receiver. I liked the whole piece,

You did real well with your punctuations as far as I could pick up on.

I didn't like that you left me hanging at the very end. What's that all about? "He, he". I couldn't find a a thing wrong with this piece at all.

Very well put together. Now for my review rating:

5.0 - Title
5.0 - Topic of Story
5.0 - Punctuation
5.0 - Grammar

5.0 Total points given for an average of 5.0 So I had to give you a 5.0 rating. Congratulation a writing well done.

Continue with the great work,
Your WDC Brother, Dave...

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Review of Reality  
Review by LuckyBoy
Rated: E | (4.5)
I get your meaning here and I feel that you have put across the pain from the child's point of view. and that the child felt that if they could have done more then maybe his or her parents might be together today,

Well in a lot of cases, no matter how much one hopes for, it's just not meant to be and for the better of the parties involved.

I felt that you could have entered more info to this one, all though this is a good write.

Can reality help their wishes come true? All in all, we must always face the reality of things and sometimes the changes make it better.

We must except those things we cannot change and have the courage to change that which we can and the wisdom to know the difference.

Continue with the great work,
Your WDC Brother, Dave...

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Review of Dying for freedom  
Review by LuckyBoy
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Boy I'm telling you! You have hit the nail on the head with this one, and you have said a mouthful.

I have commented on a few such issues about abortions and I agree with you 100%. I hate the fact that woman think that it is their sole God given right to kill an innocent life. By Gods measure it isn't even their right to do what they want with their own bodies. However God gives us the power to make our own choices and by that He means to make the right choices. If we then make the wrong choice we shall then suffer the consequences
of our own actions.

I just can't say enough on this subject and I won't stop believing in what is right according to the brain God gave me.

Best Regards,
WDC Brother, Dave....
Review by LuckyBoy
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
You have me so confused that really I don't think you know just what you are saying here.

Not to disrespect your rights to an opinion , but really, do you think that God is the ultimate terrorist in this world? and that he enjoys the sufferings that goes on in this world?

I think not. I know cause all things that are good, are of God, And all that is not is of satin.

Anyone that has enough belief and faith and the teaching of Gods word knows the difference and would not question.

However there are those that simply do not believe and therefore will make such comments of disbelief.

It is however, birth is the beginning of death of our life and that death is the beginning of birth and an everlasting life without pain or suffering but only to love.

John 3:16 says " For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son, that who so ever believes in Him shall not perish but have ever lasting life"

Have "FAITH" Trust in the Lord.
Love In Christ,
WDC Brother, Dave....
Review by LuckyBoy
Rated: E | (4.0)
I have dedicated this weekend to reviewing newbies, so I welcome you to this new world of Writing.Com . I do hope you will enjoy your long awaited stay here and have as much fun as I have had since I joined a few months ago.

I loved your poem and the topic of it as well. You have stated the truth when you write these words. I know from the experience that I have had in past years.

Your meaning was well put across here in this write. you do however need a little work on the smooth flowing of your stanzas.

It is good that you separated your stanzas with a space. You seem to have used good punctuation. The use of rhyming words would help the flow better.

This is the way I rate in my reviews:

4.5 - Title choice
5.0 - Topic of Poem
2.0 - Rhyming
2.5 - Rhythm
2.5 - Syllable Count
5.0 - Punctuation
5.0 - Grammar

26.5 Total Points Given, for an average score of 3.79 so I gave you a 4.0 rating, and I encourage you to continue with your hard efforts.

Please feel free to check out my port and let me know what you think. Thanks in advance.

I loved your poem and hope to read more.

Respectfully Yours,
Love in Christ Our Lord,
WDC Brother, Dave....
Review of Animal Spirit  
Review by LuckyBoy
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, And welcome to Writing Dot Com.

I hope you enjoy your stay here at WDC and have fun, meet lots of new and exciting friends as we all try to help one another progress in our endeavors.

I am here to give you a hand if I can as I myself am quite new.

I enjoyed your poem and understood the meaning of it completely. I felt that you did a wonderful job with your rhyming and I love the way you keep the spaces between the stanzas.

Just to let you know I have set a standard for myself in how I rate a particular piece, and that is as follows:

5.0 - Title Choice
5.0 - Topic of Poem/story
4.5 - Rhyming
5.0 - Rhythm
2.5 - Syllable Count
3.5 - Punctuation
5.0 - Grammar

30.5 Total Points given, for an average score of 4.36 so I gave you a rating of 4.5.

This is really good even tho I found a few minor errors. You could use a few more commas and the syllable count was erratic but your overall was excellent.

Keep up the stride.
Best Regards,
WDC Brother, Dave....
Review by LuckyBoy
Rated: E | (4.5)
These are very good. It was clear as to the meaning of each and every one.

I liked them especially because they are for children.

I give you a reating of 4.5 for the very good efforts in rhyming, rhythm, grammar, topic of poems, over all title.

I did find that some of the lines were a bit long which makes for an erratic syllable count but you did a great job.

I loved it.

WDC Friend, Dave....
Review of IS IT A BIRD?  
Review by LuckyBoy
Rated: E | (4.5)

Hello and welcome to WDC.

I have chosen to review a newby ,as I am fairly new myself and I know we all need a good head start. So good luck and have fun as there is alot to do in here.

I believe this one is good. I know cause it had a smooth flow to the read. Your spacing was good between stanzas and the meaning of the poem was clear to understand.

The rhyme was good as well, however, the syllable count was a little erratic. You could use a little more commas and periods.

My over all rating of this poem was as follows:

5.0 - Title
5.0 - Topic of poem
5.0 - Rhyming
5.0 - Rhythm
2.0 - Syllable count
3.0 - Punctuation
5.0 - Grammar

30.0 total points given for an average of 4.29, So I gave you a rating of 4.5

Keep up the good work and do please visit my port, have a look around, read and review a few and tell me what you think.

A friend in time,
Is a friend of mime.
If you scout you'll find,
This place is a rhyme.

Your WDC Friend, Dave....

Review by LuckyBoy
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very nicely put. I didn't have a problem in reading this poem nor did I have a problem getting your meaning of the whole read.

How true to the words you use.

Keep up the strength and continue on forward, who knows one day you can look back and think it was all worth the waiting and pain.

Until then we only have our friends to lean on to understand what one is or has gone through.

You did a great job with this poem.
I loved it.

Continue with the hard work.
WDC Brother, Dave....
Review by LuckyBoy
Rated: E | (4.5)
How true this is.

One must do what one has to in order to get some relief from all that hectic life we live.

I felt your relaxation and summer vacation as I read your poem. I thought you did an excellent job at this one.

The flow of the read was smooth, and you sepatated the stanzas where needed to make it beter for the reader.

Ther is nothing wrong in taking your vacation to where ever you want to go even if it is in your backyard.

You did a supurb job here.
Continue with your great efforts.

Have a Lovely Day,
WDC Brother, Dave....
Review of Tears  
Review by LuckyBoy
Rated: E | (3.5)
I liked your poem however I thought the flow could have been a little bit easier to read. And If you will bare with me for a moment I would like to take your poem and rewrite it and see what you think. If you like it the way I have written it then go ahead and use it. This is just my opion below:

Why do we have tears to shed?
Is it something, someone said?,

Why do we shed tears?
Could it be, we show are fears.

Tears are so painful,
With pain in your heart, it's not gainful.

With tears you share your feelings,
Like someone you care for thats willing,
To share their tears and not hide,
For what they really feel inside.

It's really new to me,
I've never done this before you see.

As tears are a way to heal,
Your heart is raining, it just wont seal.

So flushing out all the inside pain,
so you can feel once again.

Tears are a way to show happiness.

Just like last christmas,
Someone didn't forget,
They gave me a bible,
With my name on it.

I cried and thought,
This person is more than gifted,
It's a great fulfillment,
And my heart was lifted.

Tears can be good,
Tears can be a horror.
But, no matter what,
Expressing your feelings,
Are what tears are made for.


Again this is just my opion as to a better way to write this poem with the same meaning. Please compare the two and let me know what you think.

Your Friend at WDC,
Review by LuckyBoy
Rated: E | (4.5)
I felt that this read was so easy to follow and it flowed alone so nicely. I didn't have a problem understanding the meaning of this either.

I thought that you did an excellent job with the rhyming of this poem. I didn't find any errors to speak of.

How true of the meaning.
You did a swell job, I enjoyed the read.

Please take time to check out my port., and let me know what you think.
A friend at WDC, Dave.....
Review by LuckyBoy
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very tastefully and insperatioanlly done. You kept the stances separated and Kept the readers attention.

I had no problem following along with the meaning of this. It was easy to read.

How true of a statement you put across. I also thought the title was chosen perfectly as well.

A few commas could have been inserted, but other than that it was a very well written poem.

Enjoyed the moment!!
Sincerely Yours, "Onward Soldier" In your writting.

Your WDC Brother Dave....
Review by LuckyBoy
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is different from my normal type of poem that I review.

It was well put in that it left the reader with the decision of rather it was the beginning or the end of life. However, while I was reading I pictured in my mind the beginning of the unborn.

I liked this read even tho I am used to the more rhying type.

I felt that you did an excellent job for the reader.

Happy writting,
Your WDC Brother, Dave.
Review of Moving Day  
Review by LuckyBoy
Rated: E | (5.0)
It is with great pride that one lets their children fly when the time is right. This is all part of the nurturing. The child would not know how to deal in the next stage of his or her life if we didn't let them go.

Yes it can hurt to have one leave your nest after having them around for the last eighteen years, but I'm sure you would agree with me that it is for the best. And with that you can hold your head high as you witness the beautiful person you have raised, with respect and dignity.

Your poem says it all with great feelings.

One day they will return to you and give thanks for all that you have brough them up to be, and to show you that you really haven't lost the one but extended their boundries.

A very lovely poem, well written.

As long as you have done everything that a parent can do for the best of their child, then there is no pain and everything to gain.

"You plant a seed and watch it grow, in time to come you'll enjoy it even more so."

I find no errors or problems with this poem and I wouldn't change it for the world.

Thanks for sharing,
WDC Brother Dave....
Review of Lost Love  
Review by LuckyBoy
Rated: E | (4.5)
A bit on the short side, but then a lot of poems are short. The meaning was still in all put across and was written well.

Ther isn't much that I can say other than I liked the meaning of it.

So many people don't relize the loss that they would endure by giving up on an unborn child that so innocently never asked to be born just to be killed.

This would also apply to those that give up their own child at birth and will never know the feelings you talk about.
Review by LuckyBoy
Rated: E | (4.5)
"In the minds of the unsaved this is a truely good beginning,
Cause I can't tell you enough of how this poem is a winning.
In the hearts and minds and souls of those who don't know,
And the assurance in those who will go.
Your poem gives the test, and is stated to the very best.
For everyone to hear and see, He has given his last plee."

I commend you on your great efforts that you put across in this read. I loved reading it and found no changes that I would make.

Yes I write poetry as well as you can tell,
Your welcome to read mine I think you'll find it swell.

Thank You, Dave...

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