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Review by darkskye
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello, andrew
Here's my review of your piece, "Wicked as the Waves

*Flower1* Rhyme:Rhymes were great!

*Flower2* Imagery:Imagery was awesome. *Smile* Some that I liked were:
*Bullet*Wicked is what I believe.
Wicked is what I have seen.
To many I am the devil.
*Bullet*Showers wash away the fears.
Showers hide my tears.
Masks show the truth.
To an old man trying to keep his youth.
*These are just some I liked. Really, I loved the whole poem!!

*Flower3* Flow:Flows beautifully.

*Flower4* Feel/Mood:The mood was definitely sad and had a lot of emotion in it. Of course, everything can't be happy. I think you did an awesome job in showing your emotion in this poem. It's great that you can go from writing really humourous and happy things, to writing the more darker and sadder types. You're definitely a very talented writer!

Things that I specifically thought were good in your piece or that brought out your piece in some way.

*Star*I love the theme and the title. "Wicked as the Waves". Again, another original piece.Great job!

*Star* I also love the emotion in it! Sad, but done very very well!!!

Things in your piece that could be changed to improve it. However, this is only my opinion*Smile*

*Note1*I think for the first stanza you could seperate it.

*I think you could seperate it after the, "To him I am the devil".

*Note1*YOu Have: Now it's over, and do you want to know why?
*I think you could take out the and in this. It might help the flow a bit.

*Note1*You Have:Too late now no time to repent.
*I think you could put a comma after now.

*Note1*You Have:It's living that is the trick you see.
*I stumbled over this a bit(however I absolutely love it*Smile* ) I think you could combine "that is" into that's.

My overall thoughts on the piece

*Right*Overall, nicely done!*Bigsmile*

Keep up the good work!
Write On!


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Review of Life is not a box  
Review by darkskye
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, amaiyaamir
Here's my review of your piece, "Invalid Item

Things that I specifically thought were good in your piece or that brought out your piece in some way.

*Star*I took out the rest that is usually in my piece because this is rather short and I feel the rhyme and things aren't really needed here. As for your poem...very beautiful. I had a perfect image through the whole piece and it makes perfect sense to me. The ideas you have are quite amazing! All your pieces are so original I really can't get over it..lol. Beautiful job with this though!*Bigsmile*

Things in your piece that could be changed to improve it. However, this is only my opinion*Smile*

*Note1*Since you have a comma at the first line, I think you should have periods and commas through the rest of your piece when needed. Here's just a write of your poem with some puncuation that you might want to add...or might not want to. Totally up to you*Smile*

Life is not a box,
but if it were I would make a window.
My window might be on the right facing a river,
yours might be on the left facing a mountain,
but as long as we are all here together, allow me to have my window and I shall allow you to have yours.

There are just suggestions. *Smile*

My overall thoughts on the piece

*Right*Overall, nicely done again!I'm really enjoying all your writing!!

Keep up the good work!
Write On!


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Review of The Magenta River  
Review by darkskye
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, andrew
Here's my review of your piece, "The Magenta River

*Flower1* Rhyme:The rhymes were all well done. *Smile*

*Flower2* Imagery:Awesome imagery in this!! My favs:
*Bullet*But the color is not the same and the edges; it's curled
*Bullet*The color was like rain, watering space flowers;
*these are both very beautiful and this whole poem paints a really nice, not to mention rather cool picture in my mind*Smile*

*Flower3* Flow:Flows very well. Though there are a lot of parts where I thought that you could put commas in, but then again I'm not sure if it sounds right...hmm. For example:
*Bullet*And it was just out of the Milky Way at the very next plot
*Do you find there is a pause after Milky Way. It's up to you, I'm not really sure if a comma is needed or not. Just thought I'd mention it.

*Flower4* Feel/Mood:I find the mood to this is somewhat wonder. If that makes sense...lol. It's like an adventure, but at the same time this river strikes a sense of wonder or awe to me. As you say in your intro, "fiction becomes fact". It's like...I can't seem to find the right words for it. Very beautiful though.

Things that I specifically thought were good in your piece or that brought out your piece in some way.

*Star*I love the theme! The whole idea of fiction becoming fact fits this poem so perfectly and you did a wonderful job of it! Very original, like so many of your poems are. That's something I have to work on...lol. Great job!

Things in your piece that could be changed to improve it. However, this is only my opinion*Smile*

*Note1*YOu Have:But the color has beauty and spoke to me alot
*The word alot is actually two words: a lot. *Smile*

My overall thoughts on the piece

*Right*Overall, great work. *Bigsmile*

Keep up the good work!
Write On!


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Review of The Drive-Thru  
Review by darkskye
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, andrew
Here's my review of your piece, "The Drive-Thru

*Flower1* Rhyme:Rhymes were good...very cute.lol

*Flower2* Imagery:You definitely did a good job in showing me what was going on. Here are some lines I specifically liked:
*Bullet*So she went to the kitchen and took out some ground chuck and then a frying pan that went flying like a hockey puck.

*Flower3* Flow:Flows well. I find this is more of a story then a poem, but then again...in a way it's a poem too because of the rhyme and just the overall feel to it. THere are probably some things you could do to make this flow better...but then your story might not make as much sense so I think it's good the way it is.

*Flower4* Feel/Mood:THe mood was definitely humourous. Very very funny. lol.

Things that I specifically thought were good in your piece or that brought out your piece in some way.

*Star*My favorite part overall is this:
*Bullet*I was out for days, my lawyer did say, talking about sandwiches and flying fish fillets.
So I signed some papers and I was a free man off to get dinner, from a garbage can.
*You end it with a bang and kept me laughing till the end. Great work!!

Things in your piece that could be changed to improve it. However, this is only my opinion*Smile*

*Note1*Just a few:

*Note1*You Have: Waited at the light everything was fine.
*I would add a comma after light because I feel there is a big pause there.

*Note1*You Have:I order what they called "The King Burgerbling, with cheese, no lettuce and a dry bun.
*I would add an "ed" to order and also a comma after lettuce.
Could be:I ordered what they called "The King Burgerbling, with cheese, no lettuce, and a dry bun.

*Note1*You Have: I told my wife that the strangest thing had occurred there were no more fast food places, where did they go; how absurd.
*This is also one of my fav lines..lol. Very cute. *Smile* But one thing. I think you could put either a comma or period after occurred.Also, I think you might need a question mark after go...however I'm not sure on this one, so it's up to you. *Smile*

My overall thoughts on the piece

*Right*Overall, great work! Very humourous and enjoyable piece.*Bigsmile*

Keep up the good work!
Write On!


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Review by darkskye
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hey Hey...again*Bigsmile* andrew
Here's my review of your piece, "Wishes, Fishes, and the Merry Go-round

Things that I specifically thought were good in your piece or that brought out your piece in some way.

*Star*I like the theme of this and the many messages within it. It's a very emotional poem with a lot of important statements in it. Great job!

Some favorite lines:
*Bullet*If wishes were fishes we would all catch one like a cold...
But wishes die as they get old...
**so true**Good emotion!

Things in your piece that could be changed to improve it. However, this is only my opinion*Smile*

*Note1*My only suggestions for this piece would be(like all the others..and your probably getting sick of hearing this, but...) maybe try developing a form. lol. This is one that I really think you could improve on and has a LOT of potential. There is so much truth in here and emotion that you could develop this even further..go into it even more!! I LOVE everything about this, but the only thing is the form that it's in and it reads a bit rough. There's always room for improvement though and this is a piece that I really would love for you to work on. However, it's all your opinion*Bigsmile* I really like this though!!

My overall thoughts on the piece

*Right*Overall, another good and emotional piece with a lot of though...made me think like so many of your other pieces do and I love that. I can get in a mood and really contemplate and go into deep thought about it(though I never have enough time*Smile* ) Great...and by the way I love the title!! Fits abolutely, positively perfect!! Keep it up!!*Smile* And I love the ending too..lol.

Keep up the good work!
Write On!

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Review of The Eyes  
Review by darkskye
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, andrew
Here's my review of your piece, "The Eyes

*Flower1* Rhyme:Rhymes were all perfect in this! Great job. *Smile*

*Flower2* Imagery:B-e-a-utiful imagery*Bigsmile* I really enjoyed it! Here's the one stanza that really stood out for me:
*Bullet*Windows to the soul..
Or a door to your heart,
Just open them up,
let's give it a start.
*very very nice**

*Flower3* Flow:The flow for the most part was good. There was only one part that I stumbled just a bit over. However, if you were doing a certain form that you had to have a certain amount of syllabylles in this, then don't bother with my suggestion*Smile*

*Note1*You have:Keep them closed,
with all of your might.
*For this, I think it sounds better without the word, "of". Just my opinion though.

*Flower4* Feel/Mood:The feel was(in my opinion) was of love and hope. However it could be something totally different. It depends on the way you mean the phrase: Eyes weak, eyes wonder, keep them still, they become fonder.
The feel was a little hard to pick out, but I think it's a mixture of many feelings.

Things that I specifically thought were good in your piece or that brought out your piece in some way.

*Star*I love some of the decription you have in this and the way you repeat your starting phrase at the end. Makes for a nice ending! I also like the emotion in this poem, though a bit confusing...there's definitely a lot. *Smile*

Things in your piece that could be changed to improve it. However, this is only my opinion*Smile*

*Note1*None really other than ommiting that one word.*Bigsmile*

My overall thoughts on the piece

*Right*Overall, very well done! Great job!

Keep up the good work!
Write On!

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Review of Sink or Swim  
Review by darkskye
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hey again*Smile*, andrew
Here's my review of your piece, "Sink or Swim

Things that I specifically thought were good in your piece or that brought out your piece in some way.

*Star*One of my favorite things in this is the description! The whole thing created such a vivid picture in my mind. It was as if I was there! Here's some that I really liked(though they were all good):
*Bullet*The bamboo makes wonderful music as they swing in the wind and the clouds sparingly show their face allowing our more timid island creatures to hide in their own shadow.

*Bullet*I go to the waters edge everyday too see what has washed ashore in nature's big mailbox.
*another amazing description!!!

*Star* Another thing I liked is that, not only did you do great description, but you added a message in there. It fits perfectly to your introduction of the piece and makes perfect sense. Awesome job!

Things in your piece that could be changed to improve it. However, this is only my opinion*Smile*

*Note1*A few grammar stuff:

*Note1*YOu Have: Surely there are no maple trees on the island but it taste as though there are;
*I would suggest adding an s on taste. I could be wrong though. *Smile* Also, usually there should be a comma before the word, "but" so you might want to put one after island. The sentence might look something like this:
Surely there are no maple trees on the island, but it tastes as though there are;

*Note1*You Have: The bamboo makes wonderful music as they swing in the wind and the clouds sparingly show their face allowing our more timid island creatures to hide in their own shadow.
*Though this is one of my favorites for description in your poem, it seems just a tiny bit awkard. I think you need an s on face and an s on shadow. Also, when I read this I feel as if the word, "they" should be "it" Here's another way you might write this sentece(though just my opinion):
Could be: The bamboo makes wonderful music as it swings in the wind and the clouds sparingly show their faces allowing our more timid island creatures to hide in their own shadows.

*Note1*You Have: I go to the waters edge everyday too see what has washed ashore in nature's big mailbox.
*Another fav for decription*Smile* However the word, "too" should be "to".

*Note1*Also, I really like the way you end it, but you might want to word it a bit better. Pretty well just the last sentence is a little rough.

*Note1*And one more thing. *Bigsmile* I think you should start a new paragraph on the 8th line. And maybe try indenting just to improve the appearance some. *Smile*

My overall thoughts on the piece

*Right*Overall, another well done piece. Very enoyable!!*Bigsmile*

Keep up the good work!
Write On!

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Review by darkskye
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello, andrew
Here's my review of your piece, "A budgie named BabyBlue X

Cute piece. I enjoyed it*Smile*

*Flower1* Rhyme:I found the rhyme to be a bit off again. *Smile* It seemed like random words, you simply rhymed. Like I said before, it might flow a bit better if you either developed some kind of rhyming technique or didn't have any rhyming at all.

*Flower2* Imagery:I didn't find a lot of imagery in this, but there were a few lines that had to do with imagery that I like:
*Bullet*Siting in the store statly like a tree
*Bullet*BabyBlue the budgie will live evermore
In my heart because it takes no wings to soar
*another beautiful ending *Smile*

*Flower3* Flow:The flow is a bit off not only because of the rhyming thing, but because of the way it's set up. That might sound weird*Smile* but to me the poem seems a bit clustered and all squashed together with long sentences then really short sentences and kind of all over the place. It made it hard to read since it was all together, thus I stumbled a lot and the flow was broken. I would try to fix up the structure of the poem a bit to help the flow. *Smile*

*Flower4* Feel/Mood:The mood was happy for the most part. It was straightforward and mostly had a feel of love and happiness. Nicely done!

Things that I specifically thought were good in your piece or that brought out your piece in some way.

*Star*I like the theme you have here. Oh, and by the way. Very cute name for a bird. *Smile* I like it. lol. I like how you show your love for this budgie. Very cute and straightforward.

*Star* I also like the feeling of love expressed in this. Like you say in your introduction, "a love between two species" And that's that perfect way to describe this poem. Great emotion involved in this. Keep it up. *Smile*

Things in your piece that could be changed to improve it. However, this is only my opinion*Smile*

*Note1*Well, other than the rhyme thing and the structure, I found a few grammar stuff.

*Note1*You Have: Siting in the store statly like a tree
*I'm not sure exactly what you meant by statly, but I'm assuming you meant stoutly.
*Should be: Sitting in the store, stoutly like a tree

*Note1*You Have: His churps became quite surfice
*I looked this up on an online spellchecker and the word, "surfice" is spelled wrong. I tried to figure out what you might ahve meant, but couldn't. You might want to fix that*Bigsmile*

*Note1*You Have: Till that one day that I did learn he was more than happy he was concered, about his parents as they are of him
*This is a confusing line, one that you might want to re-write. I'm not exactly sure what it says...

*Note1*You Have: What a world to live in his plummage would not be trimed
*This is another confusing line. :S Might want to re-write this one too.

*Note1*You Have: for this bird they did learn, to whom they paid omege
*assuming that omege was meant to be homage.
Should be:bird they did learn, to whom they paid homage

*Note1*YOu Have: Such happyness does this bring
*happyness spelled wrong.
Should Be: Such happiness does this bring

*Star*And that's it for the grammar. *Smile*

My overall thoughts on the piece

*Right*OVerall, good job. A few grammar stuff and flow things that you might want to fix up. I'm sure just a bit of time with this and you'd have it perfect. I hope I wasn't too hard on yah. It was mostly the grammar and flow that got yah. You could fix it up easily. *Smile* Lookin forward to readin more!

Keep up the good work!
Write On!

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Review of Children  
Review by darkskye
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, amaiyaamir
Here's my review of your piece, "Children

*Flower1* Rhyme:None.

*Flower2* Imagery:Again, you use very nice imagery in your poems and this one was no exception. Here were some I really liked:
*Bullet*I cherish you
the essence of beauty
*Bullet*through your eye's I see love,
Amaiya my,
*Bullet*born into the lightness of compassion

*Flower3* Flow:Flows very nicely. *Smile*

*Flower4* Feel/Mood:The mood was definitely happy and had quite a bit of love that really showed out through your poem. Awesome expression of a love for your daughter.

Things that I specifically thought were good in your piece or that brought out your piece in some way.

*Star*I love the overall theme. I think you did an awesome job of showing your love for your daughter.

*Star*I also love the form. I'll have to try it sometime. *Smile*

Things in your piece that could be changed to improve it. However, this is only my opinion*Smile*

*Note1*None. I think this is very well done.

My overall thoughts on the piece

*Right*Overall, great work!A definite enjoyable read.

Keep up the good work!
Write On!

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Review by darkskye
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, Richard L. Jones
Here's my review of your piece, "Sad Titans (Circus of Dragons)

Thank you for entering in my "Write Away Contest". I really appreciate it. *Smile*

*Flower1* Rhyme:There was none.

*Flower2* Imagery:THe imagery was really beautiful. Though a bit confusing. *Laugh* I can tell you were very strict with this because of the way you did it and it must have been very difficult. Though all your hard work payed off because it really is a very nice piece.My favorite lines would have to be:
*Bullet*Dangerous, daredevil dragons dreamily dancing
*Bullet*Tantalizing throngs through thrilling traditions
*Bullet*And the last stanza I really liked. You ended it very nicely.

*Flower3* Flow:Because of the way you did this, it flows perfectly. I never stumbled over anything. Great job with the flow!

*Flower4* Feel/Mood:THe mood was somewhat funny. The theme of a circus of dragons and the way you described everything made it quite humourous. It was definitely an enjoyable read.

Things that I specifically thought were good in your piece or that brought out your piece in some way.

*Star*I love the title. It fits so perfectly with the poem and sometimes it's really hard to pick the right title. You did a good job with that.

*Star*I also love the overall way you did the poem. I'm thinking that you did this for Alphabet Fun Contest since I was going to enter the same one. Good luck with that contest also!*Smile*I'm sure you'll do good.

Things in your piece that could be changed to improve it. However, this is only my opinion*Smile*

*Note1*None. *Bigsmile*

My overall thoughts on the piece

*Right*Overall, nicely done! I can tell you have put a lot of ahrd work into this poem. I enjoyed reading it very much. *Smile*

Keep up the good work!
Write On!

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Review of Beach Scene  
Review by darkskye
Rated: E | (4.5)
First, thanks for entering my "Write Away Contest". I really appreciate it!*Smile*

First off, whoah! The description in this is amazing!! This is one of the best works I've seen for description. You did a really ncie job with this. The words and phrases you used in this are really nice and everything flows into itself, even though it has no rhyme or particular form(at least I don't think it does)*Smile*

Here are some of my favorite parts:
*Star*Crooning crickets keep hauntingly humming their tune.
*I've never thought of crickets humming hauntilingly, but in reality it's so true. Nice job*
*Star*Fireflies flicker; flares lighting the dunes where they dwell.
*this really draws a picture in my mind(well the whole thing does...but this reminds me of my old home where I seen plenty of fireflies and I always loved watching them)*
*Star*A sole soul sits, an intruder who ponders and pines,
*reminds me of me*Smile**

Overall, this is really nice. My only suggestion:
*Note1*To change the color. This is a small thing, but I think it would be better as a more nature color...like blue or green. Purple doesn't seem to fit your poem. Again, this is being really picky*Bigsmile* Just a suggestion though. And maybe centering it could add a bit to it.

Other than that, nicely done!*Smile*Absolutely love the description in this and the overall theme. I love nature. Keep up the good work.
Write On!

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Review of The Dream  
Review by darkskye
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hey*Smile* Congratulations on your new badge. I'm presuming it's the children's one that's the new one. Very nice. You deserve it with all the children's stories you write. *Bigsmile*

Again, it's awesome that you're getting another peice of your writing published!*Smile* This was truly beautiful. Your descriptions again seemed to keep me entranced by there vivid beauty. I can see why it won a description contest. *Smile* I also like how you added a poem at the end of itt. I've never seen this done much, but I think it goes very well with your story.

My favorite parts would have to be:
*Star*Also surrounding the lake were vivid orchids, lilies, and colorful roses lining a garden of tranquility.
*Star*Everyone was wearing white and wore gold-banded crowns that looked like shiny liquid gold formed into shapes.
*I can picture this so perfectly. You really draw the reader in by your talent to write description.
*Star*Specks of tiny rainbows flooded my eyes and the lights seemed to dance around this crystal palace.
There were quite a few more parts that I really enjoyed, but I think it would take to long to get them all down. *Smile*

As for suggestions, there really arn't many. THis was very well done and I didn't notice any grammar wrong. On thing would be to indent each paragraph. Just something small that adds a little to your piece.

Overall, really well done! I really enjoyed reading this. *Smile* Keep up the good work!!
Write On!

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Review of Standstill  
Review by darkskye
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Okay, first, let me say thank you for entering my contest, "Write Away". I appreciate it! *Smile*

Now,for your poem. I think this poem was beautifully done! *Smile* It has got to be one of my favorites yet on writing.com. You have talent! The flow never breaks through your whole poem and the way you organized your structure really adds something extra to it. I love the overall theme of it and the title fits perfectly to the piece. This is something I think a lot of people have thought of and a lot of people can relate to. I've thought about similiar things that you've said in this poem and many times I've tried to write it on paper, but my emotions seem to run away with themselves. You've let your emotions flow from your pencil to the paper in a way that creates a very good poem. Beautifully done!

There was a lot I liked in this and normally I point out my favorite parts or lines in a poem. But for this, I've read it again and I can't seem to pick my favorites because they all are. Every line has so much feeling oozing out of it. I have no suggestions because I think this is a perfect poem. *Smile* You did an awesome job with it! Keep up the good work!
Write On!

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Review of Silence  
Review by darkskye
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
First, let me say thank you for entering my, "Write Away Contest". *Smile*

I think this short story was really good. You did an excellent job with the description and you pulled me into your story by the emotions of your character. You start it really well, "The dead silence of the night pulls me from sleep..." This first sentence really brings the reader in to your story. Nicely done.

Some of my favorite parts or lines for description would be:
*Star*But the empty space next to me brings it all back like the bitter taste of bile on my tongue.
*awesome use of different words*
*Star*The alarm clock cries out in a shrill voice, and I reach across the never-ending space that was once hers to silence it.
*really good, you're definitely talented at what you do*Bigsmile*

You ended it perfectly, describing how the trail of blood develops to a river. Your emotion is strong in this and your descriptions along with it. This is what really brings out the best in your story. I really enjoyed reading this!!*Smile*
Keep up the good work!
Write On!

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Review of The Storm  
Review by darkskye
Rated: E | (4.5)
Thanks for entering my "Write Away Contest. *Smile* Here's my review for your poem.


*Right*First of all, I thought your poem was well done. The imagery you used in it was what definitely caught my eye. HEre are a few lines I especially liked:
- As raindrops hit the ground, they prance
- Everywhere I turn, bushes and trees dance.
*These two lines really create a cool picture in my mind.*
- The Storm engulfs me, causes my passions to burn.
*very nicely ended*


*Right*Your tone in this was somewhat mixed. I find there is a sense of reverence in it as you look towards nature. It's as if you respect it. I think nature definitely deserves its respect and you've clearly shown that in you poem. There might be a bit of fear, but mostly I think this fear is turned into respect. Nice job! *Smile*


*Right*The strucutre was good, easy to read. You spaced between stnzas which is nice. I was wondering one thing though. I've just gotten into poetry a few months ago and I'm wondering, is this a certain form? I find there are so many forms out there and sometimes it's hard to tell whether a poem is in a certain form. This one seems like it is.


*Right*Flows very well. There's nothing that I would change here.


*Note1*I just have one suggestion. In the third stanza, second line, you have:
- The wet, the damp… is all around
*I think you could do without the "..." In my opinion, I don't think they are needed.


*Star*Overall, nicely done! I really enjoyed reading this. Love the theme and the way you expressed your obvoius love of nature. Keep up the good work!!
Write On!

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Review by darkskye
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is very beautiful. *Smile*


*Right*You have some really nice imagery in this that I really enjoyed. I could picture a lot of your poem which is really nice. *Smile* Here were some lines of imagery that I especially liked:
- I see the city lights shining ahead.
- Cry with thine every cry.
- Sweet little baby born with the dawn.
*These are very beautiful. I would have to say my overall favorite part in your poem is the last stanza. I seem to have a thing for endings in poems and stories. I really liked yours. *Bigsmile*


*Right*I think you had a somewhat peaceful attititude in this poem with a sense of hope also. I don't know exactly why your poem feels peaceful but when I picture it all, it seems so...heavenly. Beautiful really. I think the sense of hope comes from parts when you mention the lights shining ahead...almost as if to say it's just a little longer ...I know you can hold on. You really showed the tone and attitude and your little bitts of imagery helped me to picture it all as if I were there. You did a really nice job with this!


*Right*A donkey carries Mary, heading towards a stable.


*Right*I really like how you centered it all and I think you did well not to add color to this. I'm not sure why exactly, but I don't think color would go good with this poem, so good choice there. The centering really helps the overall look of it also. Well done!


*Right*All throughout the piece it flows very well. I never stumbled over anything. Each line seemed to flow into the next, creating a very well written poem.


*Note1*None, I would have to say this poem is perfect in my opinion. Beautiful and it would have to be one of my favorites. There's something about this that makes it different from everyone elses that I've read. I can't seem to pick it out though. It really is beautiful. *Smile*


*Star*Overall...loved it! Excellent work and keep it up. You have talent. *Smile*
*Star*Write On!

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Review by darkskye
Rated: E | (4.5)
This was really well done. I really liked it!*Smile*


*Right*There was some beautiful imagery in this. Here were some that I especially liked:
- Snowflakes, big as dimes
- of bright colored lights
and candy cane dreams.
*You use some nice metaphors too. Very well done!


*Right*The tone had a happy feel to it and a "bouncy" kind of touch. If that makes sense.*Delight*It made me smile and remember some good times I had at Christmas. To me, at the end it has a little bit of a sad touch but that could just be me. I like it though. Nice job.*Smile*


*Right*Remembering Christmas in the earlier days.


*Right*I think the structure was also well done. Having it centered was a nice choice. I like it. You have it all in red though. I like that, but I would try alternating between red and green. Like the first stanze red, second stanza green, etc. Just a suggestion though. *Smile*


*Right*It flows very well. The first few stanzas are the best for flow. I find the fourth stanza a little off. That could jsut be me though. *Smile*


*Note1*None really, just the red, green thing and the fourth stanza you might want to fix up a bit. Other than that though, I think you've done a nice job.


*Star*Overall, very well done. Nice poem for the season with a happy feel to it and a nice "bounce". Very well done!
*Star*Write On!

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Review of Winter Wonderland  
Review by darkskye
Rated: E | (3.5)
This is very pretty! Good job. *Smile*
Now for some grammar stuff.


You Have: The snow is softly, softly, falling from the sky to the ground.
*Right* I would take out one softly

You Have: The snow twinkling innocently on the ground silently beckoning the children to come out and play.
*Right* To me, there seems to be a pause after ground so I would suggest adding a comma after ground.

You Have: The smell... I have no other words for it than magical.
*Right* In writing, your not suppose to have the "..." in a sentence, only if it is in dialogue. But, many don't consider it that big of a rule, so if you would like to keep it no biggy. On thing though. If you decide the keep them, they should look like this, ". . ." with a space between each one.

You Have: It smells so good, so refreshing that you can't help but think someone put snow here so that eve nfor a split second, we remember.
*Right* eve efor should be even for, at least I think that's what you meant. Also, I would try re-wording this sentence. It doesn't seem to make much sense. Just a suggestion though. *Smile*

You Have: Stand outside, shut your eyes and smell...let your imagination do the rest.
*Right* I would add a comma after eyes. Also, the "..." thing should be ". . ." like I said before. *Smile*

*Thumbsup* Likes:

*Star*I really like the imagery in this. Though I'm not a fan of snow(I prefer the summer ten times over the winter *Smile* I think you made snow appear very nice(though only for one second *Smile* ) Too cold for me. I go around the house in the winter with about 5 sweaters on, so I don't much enjoy it, but again, back to your story, *Smile* the imagery was very pleasing.

*Star* I really like the title. It draws the readers in and it suits your story very well. Nice job!

*Thumbsdown* Dislikes:

*Note1* I would consider dividing this paragraph into two paragraphs. Might make it a bit easier to read and will also make it look a little nicer. And antother thing I suggest(thought some might not like this) I think if you add a few emoticons or color to it. Not too much, just a little to kind of spif it up a bit. Oh, and indent. *Smile*

*Flower3* Overall:

You did a nice job with this and you really made the picture of snow clear in my mind. Thanks for a nice read! *Bigsmile*
Write On!

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Review of crossroads  
Review by darkskye
Rated: E | (3.0)
I think this is definitely a poem with potential. It as a good rhythem. Just a few things you might want to fix.

*Flower2* Editing:

You Have:As I stand in my den looking out on a beaten country road.
*Right* I would replace the period with a comma.

You Have: A voice softly "come to the crossroads".
*Right* I would add the word, says after softly. This is how I would write your sentence.
A voice softly says, "Come to the crossroads."

You Have: But I do not listen for I know what it is.
*Right* I would add a comma after listen.

You Have: I never listen to the voice for I know the history behind it.
*Right* I would add a comma after voice.

You Have: For the crossroadsis evil.
*Right* I think you meant, crossroads is evil.

You Have: For I remember a tale to me by a cajun man.
*Right* I would add the word told after tale.

You Have: He told me of a blues player who sold hid soul to the travling man
*Right* hid should be his. travling should be travelling.

You Have: He travels these here roads searching for souls who want to travel on the path of death with him.
*Right* I would take out the words these here. And add the word the after travels instead. So the sentence might look like this.
He travels the roads searching for souls who want to travel on the path of death with him.

You Have: As I remember this tale I look out on the country road and say "you will never get me"."you will never get me".
*Right* I would add a comma after tale.I would also add a comma after say.Also the quotation at the end should be on the outside of the period. Here's what the sentence might look like:
As I remember this tale, I look out on the country road and say, "you will never get me".
I would take out the last, "you will never get me" I think one is enough. *Smile*
*Star* And that's about it for the grammar. *Smile*

*Thumbsup* Likes:

*Star* I like the overall theme of the story. It has a nice rhythem to it and a nice tale. It flows good too.

*Star* I also like how you capitilize the front of each word in each line. Good job! *Smile*

*Flower3* Dislikes:

*Note1* I would watch for mispelling and grammar. There wre quite a few mistakes. Maybe try reading over your work before posting it. It might help some.

I think this is a nice poem and with a little work, you could bring up the rating even more. Keep up the good work! *Smile*
W*Star*Write On*Star*

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You Have:

Review of A Christmas Story  
Review by darkskye
Rated: E | (4.0)
That was very nice and sweet. It has a sad touch to it, but also a sense of happiness. I like it. *Smile*
Now to some editing.*Bigsmile*


You Have: Cold December morning just after Christmas.
*Right* I think you should have the words, "It was" before Cold. As it stands now, it isn't really a full sentence.

You Have: It had snowed Christmas day and he hoped he wouldn't have to walk too far though the snow to get to his father’s grave.
*Right* I think you meant through the snow, rather than though the snow.

You Have: “Hard to believe its been almost three years now.” Billy said to himself as he got out
of his car.
*Right* This should be a comma after now instead of a period.

You Have: colorful electrictrains ran continuously around the tree's enormous trunk,
*Right* There should be a capital on colorful.

You Have: Billy snickered at the thought, but held in his laughter because of where he
*Right* was shouldn't be down like that. I think you know what I mean. *Smile*

You Have: Billy will never forget the look on his face when he open the present and saw the camcorder.
*Right* Okay, I think will should be would. I also think you should insert the word father's before face. I also think open should be opened. Since that was quite a bit of stuf I just said, I'll show you how the sentence might be written.
Billy would never forget the look on his father's face when he opened the present and saw the camcorder.

You Have: He always wanted one, but every time he looked at them at Sears he would say, “Some day I would like to have one of these, but they cost so much.”
*Right* I think the second "at" should be replaced by "in"

You Have: As far back as he could remember his father would use the movie camera to film the family opening their presents on Christmas morning, and on New Years Day they would sit and watch the movies on his father’s super 8 projector.
*Right* I think this sentence would be better if you divided it into two sentences. Here's how you might put it.
As far back as he could remember, his father would use the movie camera to film the family opening their presents on Christmas morning. Then, on New Years Day they would sit and watch the movies on his father’s super 8 projector.
(just a suggestion though) *Smile*

You Have: After they had finished watching the video Billy’s father took the camcorder to record the kids riding on the new sleds they got for Christmas.
*Right* I would add a comma after video.

You Have: “And every year you top your self.” Lifting his glass of eggnog he said, “To your mother, kids, for preparing this wonderful feast!”
*Right* I would add another comma after eggnog.

You Have: That happens often Billy would be in a place that he and his father would have gone together often and he could swear he could feel his presence there.
*Right* I stumbled over this some. I think you could re-word it a bit to make it easier to read and understand.
*Star* That's about it for editng. I try my best to see everythin, but I can sometimes miss, so I would go over and read your story again. Also, remember that these are just my opinions and are taken from my experience and knowledge and if you feel they are wrong, then don't put them. *Smile*

*Thumbsup* Likes:

*Star* I like the emotion in your story and the way you expressed it through the re'telling of your father and Christmas. You've got a nice story here and it's well done.

*Star* I like your dialogue very much. I think you've done really good in expressing the personality of your characters in such a short time and the majority of it was done in your dialogue. Well done!

*Star* Good job in spacing after each paragraph and of course indenting. It's rarely done and it's nice to see someone doing it.*Bigsmile*


*Note1* I think there are some parts where you use quite a few commas. I've mentioned one or two but I advise you to take a look through your story and see where else there might be too many commas.

*Note1* I think there are some places that could use a bit more description. Like at the first when your walking. Maybe describe more of the surroundings. Of course this is coming from a perosn who is crazy on description, so you might have to use some of your own opinion with this. *Bigsmile*


I think this is very pretty and well done. You had good grammar, good dialogue, nice emotion, and your format is nice. A little tidying up and you'd have it! *Smile* Good job!
*Star*write on!*Star*

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Review by darkskye
Rated: E | (4.0)
I think this is a very nice Christmas story and one I found to be interesting and rather sweet. I'll go through some grammar mistakes first *Smile*


You Have: settled into my recliner with my bible.
*Right* I would suggest adding a capital to bible: Bible

You Have: Perhaps if I read the Gospel accounts of what Christmas is really about I can focus on Jesus tomorrow instead of my lonely little self.
*Right* I would add a comma after about.

You Have: I immediately did as I was told and knocked sharply, and as I did, my heart jumped within me.
*Right* I think you could re-word this a little so that you don't have two ands. Normally two ands wouldn't be a big deal, but it seems to disrupt this sentence.

You Have: The door swung open in an instant, and once inside I saw the owner of that voice sitting at a table in the center of the room.
*Right* I would add a comma after inside and use the word the instead of that(before voice).

You Have: Although it was somewhat dark inside, I knew deep within in was my Lord Jesus.
*Right* I think you meant to say it after within instead of in.

You Have: I nodded yes still holding His hand.
*Right* I would add a comma after yes.

You Have: I wanted to tell Him that I would go anywhere He wanted me to and that I would do anything He asked of me, but I could not manage to speak even one word.
*Right* after doing some research, I find a lot of articles say the word "that" should be used as little as possible. So, whenever you feel you can take out the word"that" then you should. In this sentence, I feel you can take out all the "thats". I would also change the "could not" to "couldn't". After you do all this, here's what the sentence might look like:
*Note1*I wanted to tell Him I would go anywhere He wanted me to and I would do anything He asked of me, but I couldn't manage to speak even one word.

You Have: He explained further, that I would actually be present at His birth, but that with the exception of His mother Mary and the angels, the other people I would encounter would not see me.
*Right* Again, you can take out the second, "that" and the sentence would be fine. But, you see how you can't take out the first one because then the sentence would be disrupted. *Smile*

You have: The long hard journey they had just made had taken it’s toll on her, and it was shown on her face.
*Right* I would add a comma after long.

You Have: Joseph stopped and said a few words to her and went inside the Inn.
*Right* I would try re-wording this sentence, also, because there is three ands and it doesn't seem to flow that well.

*Star* That's about it for grammar. You had no misspellings. Overall, the grammar was nicely done. Good job! *Smile*


*Star* I like the overall theme of your story. It shows some nice potential and I think your doing the story well.

*Star* I like how you kind of introduce the character before jumping right into the story. It helps the reader learn more about your character, thus, being able to relate and associate with what she is feeling. Nicely done!

*Star* You spaced between paragraphs. *Smile*


*Note1*Indent, Indent, Indent. *Smile*

*Note1* I find in some places, you trail on with ands. I think I've pointed out one or two. Try going through the story and re-wording anything that seems to disrupt the flow of the story, or drag on.

*Note1* At some parts, you tell rather than show the description. For example:
The long hard journey they had just made had taken it’s toll on her, and it was shown on her face.
*Right* Your telling this, rather than showing it. Try describing her face. The lines that maybe crease along her forhead. The roughness, her eyes, the way her hands may have blisters. Show the long journey that has taken its toll on her. Don't just state it, then leave it at that. Description helps your reader get involved in your story and one of my suggestions would be to add more desciption. This is one place in your story, but I think there is a couple more places also. Again, re-read and make your story come to life. *Smile*

*floewr3* Overall:

I think you've done a good job with this! A little work and you'd have a great Christmas tale. Good job!*Bigsmile*
*Star*Write On!!

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Review of Jeffrey's Gift  
Review by darkskye
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Star*This is definitely a heartfelt piece that is very well written. Great job on this! Just a few points.


You Have: Five-year-old Jeffrey is dancing around the tree, singing “The Christmas tree is SO-O-O much bigger than last year!”
*Right* I would suggest adding a comma after singing.

You Have: Christmas 1985 is not even a memory for me.
*Right* I think there should be a comma after Christmas.

You Have: No wonder the tree seemed so big…
*Right* This is actually a pretty small thing, but I figured I should mention it anyway. First of all"..." should be written as ". . ." In other words, there should be spaces between each dot. But another thing I've learned about this is that they are only suppose to be used in dialogue. So really, they shouln't be there. Though, I wouldn't consider it a big thing. Every does it. *Smile*Just thought you might like to know.

You Have: Gripped by the power of his words, I hugged him tightly, burying my face in his wavy brown hair, squeezing my eyes shut to fight back the tears.
*Right* There should be a comma after wavy.

You Have: ‘Oh, NO, Jeffrey, NO!”
*Right* At the first of this is should be a quatation.

You Have: He looked down at the floor, saying “I can’t carry you.”
*Right* I would put a comma after saying.

You Have: In an instant, it change everything for me--from melancholy to a deep sense of gratitude, love and peace.
*Right* change should be changed

You Have: I spoke to Jeffrey with the only words I could find to say,“ No matter what, Jeffrey, I will always be your Mommy, and I will always be here for you, no matter what.
*Right* This is small, but you shouldn't have a space between the quatation mark and the "No"

*Thumbsup* Likes:

*Star* I love the emotion in this. You bring the reader in by the sheer emotion that you've so well crafted into your writing. It was uplifting and very suiting to the Christmas spirit. Nicely done!

*Star* I also like that you've spaced between the parargaphs. *Smile*

*Star* This was one of the most beautiful sentences in your piece:
I now knew that. And that is Jeffrey’s gift, the sweetest gift of all, wrapped in the beauty of a little boy's unconditional love.
Very nicely done!


*Note1* I think you could add a bit more description. Not a lot, but a litt more. This might help in drawing the reader in even more.

*Note1* I would try indenting also. Few people do this, but it's nice when it's done.

*Note1* I'm not sure if I like the way you start your story or not. It didn't really draw me in. Maybe try a few different ways of starting it off. This is just my opiion though. *Smile*


I think you've done a really good job with this. It's a very beautiful piece filled with nice emotion and some good lessons. Nicely done!!*Smile*
*Star*Write On!!

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Review of Heaven  
Review by darkskye
Rated: E | (3.0)
*Flower2*Hello again, I see you've gotten another poem up. Good job! I'll go through a few grammar mistakes first.


You have: In heaven there will be a gathering of angels on a podium singing songs to the lord.
*Right* For this, lord should be spelled with a capital.

You Have: In heaven all your lovedones will greet you with open arms beyond the pearly white gates.
*Right* lovedones should be spelled loved ones. In other words, two seperate words.

You Have: In heaven Jesus's love will run like the Yellow River endless and boundless.
*Right* There should be a comma after River.

You Have: In heaven we will be able to rest forevermore.
*Right* It might make this piece flow better if you had we will written as we'll. Also, at first I thought forevermore was spelled wrong so I checked, but it's spelled right. Good job!


*Star* I like how you start each line with, In heaven. It gives it a nice flow.

*Star* You've done really nice with the spelling and I also like how you added a period after each sentence. In poetry, this is sometimes a problem, but you did good with it.

*Star* I like how you spaced between each line. Makes for an easier read! *Smile*

*Star* And one last thing. I like the ending. Forevermore. It's a ncie word to use and one I've never thought of. Good job with that!

*Flower4*Dislikes or Suggestions:

*Note1* I think this could be longer. You've got a nice start on it and it flows nicely, but I think it would feel and look more complete if you added some more to it. You don't have to make it a story or anything, I would just add maybe another five lines or so. Just a suggestion though. *Smile*

*Note1* If you do decide to write more, remember to use some description. For example, I like this part in your piece also where you've used nice imagery.
*Right*In heaven all your lovedones will greet you with open arms beyond the pearly white gates.
I would say this is my overall favorite line because of the nice imagery in it. Poetry should have a lot of iamgery and this line is very beautiful.

This is just another suggestion and if you don't like it then definitely don't do it. *Smile* I would suggest changing the title to: In Heaven.


*Star* Overall, you've got a nice start and I think if you add a bit more and fix up a few things you could make it really nice. This has some nice potential. Good luck! And Write On! *Smile*

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Review of emotional scars  
Review by darkskye
Rated: E | (3.5)
*Star*Hey, Welcome to Writing.com!!I hope you enjoy the site. It's really awesmoe once you get the hang of it. I'll do the best I can with the review, though I'm still only starting out here at writing.com and I'm really not used to reviewing. Hope this helps. *Smile*

This is a very emotional pice with a lot of feeling and I can see that you put your heart into it when you wrote these words. I'll mention some of the grammar mistakes then go into some things I liked and disliked.

There were quite a few grammar mistakes and this is what brought the rating down a bit. Try running it through spellcheck before posting. This helps a lot.

*Star*Ok, a couple of things that I'm going to mention instead of listing each mistake. I would capitilize the first letter of the first word of each sentence. That's kind of conufsing but hopefully you'll no what I mean. If by any chance you don't understand something I've said, feel free to email me. Though I'm new also, at least you might have someone to be confused with *Bigsmile* lol. Ok, Onward with the review.

you have: people spread roumers, laugh at me, sometimes call me names.
*Right* roumers should be rumours.

you have: Me and thousand of others have learned people can be rude & crule.
*Right* thousand should be thousands. crule should be cruel.

you have: I know there is others like me born with a trait only jesus can comperhend.
*Right* jesus should be spelled Jesus(with a capital). *Smile* And comperhend should be spelled comprehend.

you have: why people bully people like me around I don't know.
*Right* Comma after around.

you have: ever sences last year things have gotten better eventhough for the occasional outbrust.
*Right* sences should be since. There should be a space between eventhough.
Actually I think the sentence might flow better if you wrote this:
Ever since last year things have gotten better except for the occasional outbrust.

you have: only if the bullys could see the emotional scars it leaves in us.
*Right* I would write If only instead of only if.

you have: sometimes these scars still ach bringing back memories of a past that I wish I could froget.
*Right* ach should be ache. comma after ache. froget should be forget.

you have: what I don't get is why people that are suppost to be your friends turn there backs on you and then treat you like the scum of the earth.
*Right* suppost should be supposed. There should be their.

you have: only if your so called freinds could see your & other emotional scars.
*Right* Should be If only. so called should be
so-called. freinds should be friends. & should be and.

you have: Like Hester Pynne the pain of the past will haunt you why I don't know.
*Right* comma after Pynne

you have: every day on the news you hear someones been killed or has died.
*Right* someones should be someone's

you have: It hurts me to hear that, I know the family of that person must be emotional scared.
*Right* scared should be scarred.

you have: how I know is because I have lost plenty of freinds & loveones.
*Right* freinds should be friends. & should be and. loveones should be loved ones.

you have: emotional scars hurt alot, but you must learn to pickup the piceses an start again.
*Right* alot is two words: a lot. pickup is two words: pick up. piceses is pieces. an should be and.

*Remember to capitilize at the start of each sentence. This is really important for any future writing you do!

*Thumbsup* Likes:

*Star* I like the amount of feeling you've put into this piece and the emotion. You really bring the reader in by your words. Good job! *Smile*

*Star* I especially like the ending, very well done. It finishs it with a cherry on top. *Bigsmile*

*Star* I like how you spaced between your paragraphs. Well done.

*Flower3* Dislikes/Suggestions:

*Note1* A lot of it was your grammar, but don't give up on it. Grammar might not be that fun..*Smile* but once you get the hang of it it's not that bad. You'll catch on fast.

*Note1* On your introduction, you have it a little messed up. Try writing this:
People who have been picked on or have lost someone they love can understand this.
*Star* just a suggestion though.

*Note1* You tend to repeat on what your saying. Try to read over and pick these parts out.

*Note1* I would add a little more. You've got a good idea going and you show a lot of feeling, but try adding some kind of experience you've had. Try adding more to make it come alive a little bit.

*Flower2* Overall:
Other than the grammar *Smile*, you've done a really good job for your first piece. Some touching up and you could make it even better. It has some nice potential. Keep up the good work! *Smile* Also, if you need anything or have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. just email me and I'll try my best to answer them. Also, whenever you want a review, just ask me and I'm sure I can probably do it. I hope you're having a good time here at writing.com and good luck with all your writing. Hope to hear from you soon. *Smile*

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Review of In the Dim Light  
Review by darkskye
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
*Star*I think you have a nice piece of work here. It has some good thoughts in it and some nice feelings nestled in it, even though most of the feelings are of hopelessness...I guess you wouldn't call them "nice" but it fits the story. *Smile* A few grammar mistakes:


you have: And she does for the most part, save for sometimes, which are far and few between, when she lets her mind wander and she finds herself remembering Ursula play by the beach with her, and hoping that somewhere, Helen is there again, surrounded by happy foster siblings.
*Right* You've got a lot of commas in here and..I would have to say that this sentence seemes to run on. Maybe trying rewording a bit.

you have: She repeates it like a mantra under her breath when she can‘t sleep.
*Right* I think repeates should be spelled repeats.

you have: She is cold and cruel and a harsh reminder to Virginia what will happen to her if she stops believing.
*Right* I would add the word, "of" in between Virginia and what.

you have: so sure that the every story could have a happy ending,
*Right* I think you can take out the word "the" in between that and every.

you have: too caught up the fantasy universe she'd traded the grey world for.
*Right* You missing the word "in" after up.

*Thumbsup* Likes:

*Star* I think you've done a really nice job in expressing some of the feelings that your character is experiencing. For example:
*Right* There had been so many flaws she simply hadn't seen, hadn't let herself see, too busy with her fictional friends, too caught up the fantasy universe she'd traded the grey world for.
Nicely done!

*Star* another thing is your grammar. It's very very good. Few mistakes! *Smile*

*Star* The ending. I really like the way you ended it. Original. *Smile*

*Thumbsdown* Dislikes/Suggestions:

*Note1* I would space between your paragraphs and indent each new paragraph. This helps the reader a lot, when trying to read. It also simply looks better. *Bigsmile*

*Note1* I find in some parts, it is confusing. In the middle I wasn't exactly sure who was speaking(or things rather) Whether it was Virginia or another sister. I got a little confused. I would just read over it some and maybe reword a few things.

*Note1* Some of your sentences ran on quite a bit, which kind of cause the confusion that I was mentioning. Try no to use too many commas and if you find your using quite a few,divide it up into sentences a little more.

*Flower3* Overall:

*Star* Again, you've got a nice piece. One that I think is worth working on! Just needs a little work. Hope I helped a little. *Smile* Best of luck.
*Star*Write On!!

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