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Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Hello again from Loraine ~ will be back soon !

As I already rated the first part of this story, my review will be in a very different order of what I usually put it on.

Corrections and Suggestions:

*Wink* "I told Rowena about the winter he had given up his down comforter to a homeless guy on the street" I think on down you mean own.

*Wink* "...he barely acknowledged Rowena and I and just stared straight ahead..." The way this sentence is constructed in a confusing way. I didn't know if the man didn't aknowledge both of them or if it was two different sentences.


*Delight* As excellent as the first part with some exceptions.

*Frown* It all ended too fast. I was waiting to delight in so much action and dialogues. The honey you sent to this diabetic reader was not enough as it was on the first part.


*Blush* What about "A fallen Angel"?

Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hi from Loraine ~ will be back soon !


*Frown* Your story must be rated 18+ as I noticed since the first paragraph or was it second? Anyway there are some words I would never let a boy/girl of 13 read. I must admit they read worse but...you must better rate over than lower your items.

*Delight* You catched me with your words and that is really good. I even laugh on some parts even if it was cruel of me for laughing at the woman's picture.


*Delight* You work really good from first person POV and it is a difficult POV to work with!

*Delight* A really good story to enjoy. I think it could be the beginning of a novel. You only need to develop it and you will have a good, really good book to offer the world.


*Laugh* Believe it or not, so far I couldn't find anything outside the comments and suggestions. That's a first in months!


*Blush* As most newbies you are putting all paragraphs together. You must leave on WDC one blank space between paragraphs to do it easy to read your story. Some people will see it as a really long paragraphs instead of a serie of paragraphs.

*Wink* "I never knew Hell walked on two legs," I think Hell is a place. Wouldn't it better to say Evil or the person who is supposed to rule on the Hell?

*Wink* putting on italics the thoughts of the character is a good way for the reader to define what is narrative and what is internal dialogue. The tag for it is {i} before the words to be like this and {/i} to go back to normal.

*Wink* When you present the next character as Heaven, would it no better to compare her with an angel? I think it is much better than Heaven.

Really good start. I don't have any suggestion for the title so far but as soon as I think of one will let you know. Keep writing!

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Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi from Loraine ~ will be back soon !

I was reading your story and I decided to review.


*Delight* An excellent start! You certainly catched me on your first sentences, that's a good thing because even if I lost interest at some point I keep reading until the end.

*Delight* I couldn't see any grammatical errors and it helped me, as reader to keep reading.

*Frown* I lost interest when you kept yourself on the past. I became confused and was trying to know much more on the meeting. Maybe you will consider later to edit your story and would like to try to add more details on the meeting and not only the memories.


*Blush* Maybe you may consider adding dialogue. In this kind of story dialogue could say much more than narrative could ever do.

*Blush* I notticed some paragraphs need to be divided, you left them together.

An excellent read, keep writing!

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Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi from Loraine ~ will be back soon :

I've been on your port as part of my process to prepare myself for your port raid judging.

My First Impresion:

*Flower2* I'm so glad I picked this story! I laughed so much remembering the times when I did the same. "Dad can I have a pet?" and after he asked where would we find one, I will tell hime, well it is over there or here and that kind of things.

*Flower2* Even if I really enjoy much more stories with a lot of description here I was so inside it that I just could imagine each and every character and situation mentioned.


*Flower2* Comment: A great reading for most. You do well on this genre. Must write more additional to the poetry, area where you identify most.

*Flower2* Possitive: It is a story so much from real life that it is easy for most of the readers to identify with it. Excellent Story! Keep Writing!

*Flower2* Negative: You used a phone number. I don't have any idea is it is real or not but you must know that you must try using the one found on must movies: 555-555- and other four invented. The reason is that some people tend to call on numbers they see.

Remember you will be raided on March by another group members!

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Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi from Loraine ~ will be back soon :

I've been on your port as part of my process to prepare myself for your port raid judging.

My First Impresion:

*Flower2* This article as I see it is a perfect way to explain your reasons to be a donnor and your POV on it. You're not telling the reader YOU MUST but I DO and here is why!

*Flower2* You've been respectful and gave a really nice picture of the process you're passing to be a donnor.


*Flower2* As this is for me an article more than a journal I don't have any of the above mentioned. Except of course for comments. I DO have a comment for you. You're doing an excellent contribution to society and life. Life is precious and you're helping others to conserve their own. Excellent decision!

Remember you will be raided on March by another group members!

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Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi from Loraine ~ will be back soon !

This is my review of your item as requested on
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1042070 by Not Available.
and "Invalid Item.


*Flower1* As you noticed for my various e-mails, this piece was difficult to rate and review. It is an excellent piece to introduce a story.

*Flower1* Since the first time I saw it and today it has improved. Still you need to work on the existent division inside the paragraph, deleting the enters placed after some sentences to correct them.


*Flower1* It is a rich description of the setting. I felt the salty wind touching my skin. That is much to say. Not to say the smell, the heat of the sun on my skin (and I read it by night) as well as the path directing to the ocean. I really enjoyed the setting, even the one inside the house.

*Flower1* You have a rich vocabulary on your pice. I really needed my dictionary for this piece. That is something I like on the items I read. I love to learn new words and your story helped me to learn additional to the enjoyment of reading it.


*Flower1* Couldn't find anything beside description. I'm rating this as a story, so, don't feel bad for the rating. You have a lot of pottential but you need a plot or main theme. I couldn't find if the story was related to the nature, the woman or feelings. There is something of each one. I thought at the end her husband was important for the story, but I couldn't find anything beside description. Work on feelings and your story could be more complete.


*flower* Start asking yourself if what was happening was emotional. Was she lonely? Was she missing her husband, that was on the sea? Is her husband alive? This could help you work a longer piece and have the essential areas of the story: introduction (what you have is perfect for this section), development, conclusion.

This is only my opinion as a reader. Hope you find something useful on it. You did an excellent job on description! Keep writing!

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Review of A Lie  
Rated: ASR | (2.0)
Hello from Loraine ~ will be back soon !

I found your piece and decided to read it. Here is my opinion of it. I must say that this is only my opinion and it is intended as a help for you to be a better writer.


*Flower4* I must admit this story has a lot of potential. You didn't catch me but I decided to continue anyway.

*Flower4* You commited the same error most authors commit here (in writing.com). You didn't left enough space between paragraphs. Your story will improve if you click the enter key one more time after each paragraph.

*Flower4* You have good characters, good plot but didn't work on the mood and setting of the story clearly. With the setting I mean everything and not only the place.


*Flower4* It have actuality and it is something many readers would feel related with at one point or another.

*Flower4* You created certain aspects and left the mystery of what was really happening (it is good to do so on the story and it is not good on the end, the reader likes to know what happened to her and not the mystery of it). It is fiction, so, what if you write anything at all. There are lot of things that young people think of as problems (and they are when one is that age).


*Flower4* Most of all the format. It is difficult for the reader to try reading at your piece. Don't worry a lot of members do it all the time. But most readers don't like to read it, even if it is a really good piece.

*Flower4* The lack of setting. As reader I like to see the picture and feel the mood surrounding the characters. I even like to be one of them. The way you wrote your story it is only the "telling" of events instead of "showing" them. A good way to set your scene is picturing the silence. Difficult? Not after you practice it. If you would like examples e-mail me and I will gladly help as I am able to do.


Keep Writing!

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Rated: E | (2.5)
Hi from Loraine ~ will be back soon !

I'm reviewing this work for you as part of three things: was the story that catched my attention and that of the other benefactor who gift you the membership, you're part of the "Invalid Item and you requested it on "Invalid Item. Here is my honest review.


*Heart* You have a situation, on your story, that affects lot of families all around the world currently.

*Heart* You are working a difficult theme to show and are managing a nice story.

*Heart* You have so much pottential that if I give you a 4 star rating you will not work with it. But even if I give you a 1 rating you will clearly try to work even harder on it. I know you can do a better job with this piece. I will give you part of my edition as well, but the rest will arrive via e-mail on a Word document that is completely on color and with all the suggestions. So far I'm still 30% of the story editing.


*Heart* On the course of my writing career (that is still starting) I've learned and I'm trying to pass it on to others. The area I'm learning now is description. It is a good thing I bought the book "Description (Elements of Fiction Writing)"  , because it is easier for me to see one of your problems area. I will try to show you how to improve it as well.

*Heart* The setting (and I'm refering to the mood) is not really stablished here. You must carry the reader through your story in an accordingly mood to the content of it. That way you will catch the reader from the beginning of your story. Most of all I'm concentrating on the Word document, on simple adjustments. Some time later you will be able to do a major revision to it. I'm sure you are capable of doing so.

*Heart* One of the things your benefactor and I saw in you is your pottential as writer. We liked the way you work your story and how you put some effort on it. You're a newbi and that makes us try to help you work on your piece. The first time I saw your piece I didn't know how to start reading it as there were no spaces between paragraphs and your story is a long one, I noticed ther are spaces on some parts of your story. Not all, but you're going there. I wll be showing you some other spaces you need to add.

*Heart* I was not able to know your characters as I would love to do but you must work on that area. I think you can find some suggestions in the following links:
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#874346 by Not Available.

"Invalid Item

*Heart* There is always another way to know your characters. It is creating a character profile. When you know who your character is and how he/she thinks you can work better your story. Here are two links I will include with templates:


*Heart**Heart* The blue means this is what you wrote. Pink means my suggestions on the grammar or story telling area The purple are some anotations or comments. Notice that sometimes it is difficult to edit the colors and add or omit tags if you notice I finish it all in only one color. Please forgive me, it means I commited some error and didn't noticed it.

Jake eased back into his recliner and closed his eyes. He could hear Mary in the kitchen humming an old song as she made them some lunch. The tune sparked a memory of long ago when they built this house. It had taken years of hard work and saving the money to build their dream home and horse ranch. The night the two of them moved in, they danced in the living room to an old love song. He remembered how they looked back then, and how they were so full of life and energy. Their love had grown over the years into something very special and rare. Jake remembered the birth of their three children and how they raised them in this house. They were all grown and gone now, so Jake and Mary had gone full circle and were alone once more.

Jake was jolted back to the present as Mary placed a plate of food on the table beside him.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. What were you thinking about so intently?” Mary asked.
Jake took her hand and said, “That song you were humming made me think about the night we moved in here, and how we danced right over there. Also how we raised three wonderful children in this house. Now look at us, all old and worn out.” [divide the paragraph here]
Mary nodded and went back into the kitchen to get her plate. It made her want to cry sometimes to see how Jake had changed over the years. It seemed like everyday he was forgetting something. Most of the time it was little things, but just now he forgot about two of the other kids they had. She wondered if it was Alzheimer’s but when she tried to talk to him about it a couple of weeks ago he got mad and stormed out of the house.

Mary took her plate into the living room, sat down and took a few bites. “Jake, you know Thanksgiving is coming up and all five of our kids will be here with all the grandchildren. Do you think we need to get the bedrooms in the barn ready?” [divide the paragraph here]

“Yeah, I guess so, that’s what we built those rooms for?!” Jake said but looked puzzled. [divide the paragraph here]

Mary asked,[space here]“Whats wrong sweetheart?” [divide the paragraph here]

“I’m confused, you said five kids and we have three kids.” Jake said. [divide the paragraph here]
Mary went and sat down beside him and said, “No honey we have five kids. Henry, Daniel, Kara, Dana and Kelly. Look at my mother’s ring you bought me, there’s five stones, one for each of our kids.” [divide the paragraph here]

Jake was close to tears and said, “How could I forget a thing like that?, those kids are my world!. Oh God, Mary what is happening to me?” By the time he was finished they both were crying openly.[divide the paragraph here]
Mary held her husband close to her and said, “You know it could be something medical that’s making you forget things, please let me call Dr.Davis and get an appointment.” [divide the paragraph here]

“Oh, please Mary don’t ever tell the kids I forgot them, it would devastate them.” Jake cried.[divide the paragraph here]

Mary whispered close to his face, “You don’t have to worry, I won’t tell them that and I will be right here for you no matter what.” [divide the paragraph here]

“Alright, make the call.” Jake sadly said. They held each other close for a few more minutes. When she made the call the nurse told her to have him there the next day.

When they got to Dr.Davis’ office the next day Jake was a nervous wreck, mostly because he didn’t want to face what he might hear. The doctor did a thorough exam and then a verbal Alzheimer’s test. “Jake my old friend, you didn’t pass the test. I need you to go over to the hospital and get a CAT scan and be back here in the morning for me to give you the results.”[space here]Dr.Davis said. [divide the paragraph here]
Jake did as he was told and got the CAT scan but he already knew what the outcome was. He knew in his heart that he has Alzheimer’s and the next day in the doctor’s office it was confirmed his suspicions. The doctor said explained that it was probably in its middle stages and that they should consider a nursing home or assisted living home. That hit Jake like a ton of bricks. Never once had he considered this would happen to him. Jake was in such a state of shock that Mary had to lead him to the car and put him in it. He felt like he was walking through a thick fog and couldn’t find a way out. When they got home Mary got online to look up Alzheimer’s and any helpful information she could find. Jake looked at the info with her but when he saw a statistic on death rate he panicked. He stormed out of the house and went to the barn. He cried, he threw things and cursed out loud at the hand fate had dealt him. After he was done ranting and raving he got his act together and started cleaning up the barn.

Mary was worried about him but decided he probably needed some time alone. She had held it together for him and now she let it all out her own way. Mary cried and beat up a pillow and cried some more. She made herself calm down and went to the barn to check on him. She took fresh linens for the beds so it wouldn’t look like she was just checking up on him. He was cleaning up a mess he had made when she walked in. He could see she had been crying also and held her in his arms like it was the last time he would ever hold her. They helped each other way into the afternoon to get the barn ready for company. When they got back to the house he took a shower and lie down on the bed and cried. Mary curled up behind him and held him very close. “Why is this happening to me…to us? I am so scared Mary, I don’t know what to do.” Jake said as he softly cried. [This paragraph has a lot details that are not important through the story. Try to resume your story on the bedroom after they went to their chores.] [divide the paragraph here]

“Sweetheart, I don’t know why but I do know we will get through all this together one day at a time.” Mary said.

Jake had stopped crying and said, “Lets go get something to eat and get back online again. I need to learn more about this so that I can deal with it a little better.” They went downstairs hand in hand and ate some roast beef sandwiches and faced the computer again. “You know I trust Davis but I really want a second opinion, do you think we can find a doctor that specializes in this?” Jake asked. [divide the paragraph here]

“We can sure try, but will you promise me something? Promise me that you wont shut me out again. This affects me also. What hurts you also hurts me.” Mary said softly.
“I’m so sorry sweetheart, I’ve just been paralyzed with fear. I didn’t mean to close you out. I should have realized you are scared and hurting also. I promise not to shut you out again.” Jake said as he gave her a small kiss. Knowledge is power. So Jake and Mary tried to learn as much as possible about this illness and also found a doctor about a hundred miles away that deals with it.

Here is some links you would like to try on the grammar area as well, I have some favorites I included between them:

And here are others you can find usefull as well:

Hope this review you found usefull and would you continue creating so many works as you're able! *Wink*

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Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hi from Loraine ~ will be back soon !


*Heart* I’ve been receiving the PCN issues for a while now and it has improved over the time. It is acquiring a look that seems more professional, more worked on.

*Heart* I see you’re including more advertisement and it is great! You give opportunities for everyone to read other items as well, not necessarily the one for the month.


*Heart* Based on an e-mail received some time ago, you are looking for suggestions. I sent one that you considered and now here is another one. I wonder as a reader of your newsletters why motive you had to select the item you selected. I wonder why is it so important to be there? What about including a brief information about the piece selected below it?


*Heart* I really like the way you’re working this monthly newsletter. It helps other people to have his/her work seen and shows your leadership on creating a place for one piece of each kind of items on WDC.

KEEP ON! I’m waiting for the next month issue!

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Review of Brown eyes I  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi from Loraine ~ will be back soon !

This my honest review. I'm focusing on areas I think you would like to improve on this story as I know it is one of your favorites.


*hearth* This story I really liked but it has an amount of grammar errors that you can correct easily.

*hearth* I found a lot of potential on you as writer and I would like to mention some areas I think you must work with as it has a lot of space to improve.

*hearth* I was a little bit lost on some areas of your story. You must work some on your plot. It is linear you don't have the introduction, developing and climax most of the stories have. That makes it go in a very slow motion.

*hearth* You carry your reader but don't catch him. The difference between both is as follows. When you carry your reader you are capturing his attention and you are keeping him/her interested on your story. But if you become boring or repetitive he will left your story without problem. When you catch the reader you have him or her so concentrated on the events of the story he/she familiarize one way or the other with your story. He/she will be faithful even if you become boring at some point because they are more interested in the story and what would happen next to that area.


*hearth* Your story have a touch of mystery to it. It shows your effort to try to capture your audience.

*hearth* You know your character and I {as reader} saw you were creating a supernatural scene here.


*hearth* You are a good writer and have a wonderful idea for your story, but you don't concentrate enough on description. It is not all kind of description as the effectivity of it. You can use a lot of other elements to it and enrich this piece and you're not using them. Show the story, don't tell it. This is a wonderful piece to SHOW.


*hearth* Work with the voices and invisible characters. The reader is not able to visualize how they fit on the story (at least that is my case) and I know you can really use them in a very impresive way.

*hearth* You can benefit from the Book: "Description: Elements of Fiction Writing" by Monica Wood. It is the book I'm using and it helps me understand much better how description works. It oppened my mind as well to understand some stories enriched with certain elements like metaphors.


*hearth* Let's use only one sentence of your story to show you what I'm talking about with description on another way, that of showing instead of telling.
"He did not know anything about where he was or how long he had been there." Here is my example: "He felt lost and without any notion of time and space. His aching feet tell him it has been hours walking straight while nothing gave any idea of where he was." Now I know how he feel. Of course, he is your character and maybe his feet don't ache but it was a good way to show the character.

I would love to give you much more examples. But the problem with your story is not the story at all, it is just the narrative used. If you contact me I can give you more information and help on this area. If you would like me to change my review once you update your story, you only need to contact me and I will gladly re-read it and tell you my opinion comparing both versions.

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Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi from Loraine ~ will be back soon !

Here is the review for your assignment post:

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You followed the guides completely. I felt like the character. Of course there were flavors I don't like but then, no one is perfect. I liked the way you described the memories aroused by some of the flavors. Most of all, I liked the end, even if you were so bad with me leaving it on the air.

Is there more to it? I want to know what was on the card. You added mystery and suspense in a complete different piece. That demonstrate your talent like nothing else on the world. The assignment was about to create a scene whith food and you must describe the food with all your five senses if possible and how the character reacted to it and I must say you did it wonderfully.

Your story have all the elements of a short story. Congratulations!

Keep Working!
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Review of I need Him  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hi from Loraine ~ will be back soon !

I received your request on "Invalid Item. I'm not very good on poetry but I will do my best to review your piece.


*Flower4* This is a very powerful piece. It reflects your personality of humility and love for spiritual things.

*Flower4* It is a simple poem and reflects your beliefs.


*Flower4* How you divided your stanzas.

         *Bullet* What you don't need
         *Bullet* What you need and would be provided with.
         *Bullet* What is said you will receive after you die.

Keep doing poetry like this! It is beautiful.

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Review of Lost  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi from Loraine ~ will be back soon !

I just finished your story and wanted to give you my honest opinion on it.

What I liked:

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** Your story is in the present form. That gives the reader the oportunity to live the character's POV better. (Of course that because you wrote it on the First Person Point of View).

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** The title goes well with the content of your story. But I was lost with it. I will detail it on the next section.

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** I liked the way you presented father and son activities like the one that is going on through the story.

What I didn't like:

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** I was literally lost at some point. When you started in the third paragraph telling a different activity and at the end just come back to he and his father changing the oil to his car.


** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** That you try your hand at expanding this story. Don't start with this activity, try starting for the tragedy. I'm completely lost on that regard and it would be easier for the reader to know what is happening. I know how it hurts to loose a dear one ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** but we need to know that what happened is in the past and we must remember the loved one by their goodness and their effect on our lifes.

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** I hope this review is useful. I'm sad this story is so short as you have talent.

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Review of ABC exercise  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Hi from Loraine ~ will be back soon !

Title: "ABC exercise
By: Beth Barnett

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** I found your request for an honest review on "Please Review. Here is my review based on the exercise and not only on the story.

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** As I understand this exercise is based on creating a story forming a chain of sentences in alphabetical order. You did it! I think it is possible for a lot of other people to do it.

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** As for me to participate on a contest as you requested to know, I will not. The reason is that English is not my main language and in my language there are other letters that you don't use and others that are in english and we don't use. But I think it is a good idea to do it.

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** I liked the theme you used on this story as well as the POV used. I could feel the main character's feelings and surroundings in the way she did.

About creating a contest:

*Idea* The most important thing to create a contest is to create rules easy to understand.

*Exclaim* Give enought time to the reader to create his/her piece.

*Dollar* Prizes adequate to the creation you are requesting and have a clear explanation of who will judge the entries and how.

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** After that is just create your contest and expose it. There are multiple ways to expose it to other people on WDC.

*Thumbsup* Keep On! Create it and motivate other people to create pieces like this one.

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I'm a proud member of "Invalid Item, "Invalid Item, "Invalid Item, "PCN Subscribers and "Invalid Item.

If you would like to use the images I just used you can find some of them FOR FREE!

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#915234 by Not Available.
Review of Dreamweaver  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Hi from Loraine ~ will be back soon !

I was waiting for you to add a work as you are part of the "Invalid Item. Here is my review for the chapters you added today.

First Chapter:

*Flower3* You got wonderful descriptions on this chapter. I felt like part of the story.

*Flower3* You are good writing and mantaining your First Person Point of View and it is diffucults for a lot of people.

Here are some corrections I found neccesary to do:

*Flower3* "The force of the waves soon pulled my under the surface." It is not pulled my but pulled me.

*Flower3* "Wiping the cold sweat from my forehead, I vaulted the edge of my bunk bead and landed hard on the wooden floor. Ouch. Gotta love such a wonderful start to the day." It is not bunk bead but bunk bed. And you need an exclamation after Ouch. leaving it on Ouch!

Chapter 2:

*Flower3* A good description of the school scene but you anticipated what would happen after school. As a reader I hate that bit of information, why I will expect something to happen and it would not be a surprise when I arrive there. I suggest you omit that and work more on the school scene.

Some questions to help you with the setting:

*Flower3* Where is her locker?
*Flower3* Is his locker near her?
*Flower3* Does he goes to some class where she goes?
*Flower3* Did he have something to do with her like a group assignment?
*Flower3* What does he think about her? Not what everyone, but him.

Chapter 3:

*Flower3* Contrary to the first two chapters you're loosing your grip on the story. Now you just told the story. Work more on this chapter. Why don't you try to look for feelings, the dog playful, describe his movements some more. Describe where he was going, what was he passing. If the boy was near his home or by an area he knows he must notice where were he heading.

*Flower3* You can describe his feet moving faster while his breath was becoming difficult due to the exercise, etc. Add detail, add setting, let the reader imagine the scene.

Good Job! I want to read more of this story!

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Rated: ASR | (3.5)
Hi from Loraine ~ will be back soon !

This work fell to my screen in an unexpected way, well to be honest for a misplaced click of the mouse. And here is my review.


*Flower2* Natalie: Is this the main character? Well, it is just that it confuse me but I will better tell you how you did with them. You pictured her pain vividly.

*Flower2* Mother: It was easy for me to feel her inner pain, her impottency in front of her daughter's disease.

*Flower2* Father: He was the most powerful character on your story. Even if you didn't described him enough, his speech at church was the key to know both: Natalie and him.

*Flower2* Melanie: She is the almost invisible character. We know how much she loved her twin for he words spoken to her sister while she was at the hospital.


*Flower2* You mantained your story focused on the main theme: the loss of a loved one. You added the feelings of all characters in an impresive way. I cried with the father's speech and felt her mother's pain entirely.


*Flower2* You did an excellent job on this piece. You included all the important facts and there are not one single word above the necessary.


*Flower2* Here is where I must tell you I was about to not continue reading once I finished the first paragraph. I felt like reading an essay at first. On other words I expected mental pictures, on its place I found facts. It is a blessing I have a norm to read each work I select to read for its title an my mood. So, I continued.

*Flower2* I would suggest you move your first paragraph to another part of the story. A suggestion is made below. The second paragraph could be the Begining changing the "Natalie was..." for another form. I felt like reading the funeral, as if she died and I'm about to know how she was when alive. A suggestion is included below.

*Flower2* The end is good. It have finality and it is completely related to the tittle.


*Flower2* Your story is charged of emotions.
*Flower2* You pictured really well the way of the chemotherapy as I know the secondary effects to be.


*Flower2* It is hard to know the main character.
*Flower2* The introduction is weak, instead the body and end are excellent.


*Flower2* The first paragraph could be placed at the end (as part of) the third paragraph.

*Flower2* "Some months ago the sixteen-year-old, vibrant Natalie, ever eager to lend a hand; would never imagine to be the carrier of a fatal (or lethal) dissease..." This is a suggestion for the second paragraph to be the first one. I have not thougth it a lot, and it does not sound so good but I hope you understand it.


*Flower2* This is just my opinion with the hopes to help you with a wonderful story. You made me cry imagining this story and sometimes that is really difficult. I've been as honest as I could and hope you can have a 5-stars work here.

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Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

Hi from Loraine ~ will be back soon !


*Snow2* This is a lovely romance. I found you followed the prompt and sugested something more than a kiss but it was masked.

Another comments and sugestions are on the EP's.

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Review of What Can Be  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi from Loraine ~ will be back soon

This is the review you requested on:
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1042070 by Not Available.


*Gift1* I liked the message in the poem you wrote.

*Gift1* You have problems with your punctuation in poetry. I'm not so good with poetry in English but I imagine it is the same as in Spanish. In Spanish you don’t need to follow all the rules you can use your commas to give emphasis to your stanza and/or to divide a series of items that need to be in a row.

*Gift1* You did a splendid job with the message but you need to work on your stanzas. Each sentence is one stanza and it keeps the flow of your poem out of it. I felt like reading sentences instead.


*Gift1* I will quote your work and include some suggestions you still need to work on it some more but I will let it up to you. I just corrected few grammatical errors and added some commas or omitted some final points.

Life is simple, if we let it.
We make it hard and complicated.
Just listen, learn and understand.
And you can make it through.

I wish I could show the world, all that I hold in side.
To never be afraid of what someone else might say;
see the faces that pass by, and never wonder why.
I want to walk the roads of life without regret,
to always see the good in everyone I meet.

The places that we see, are like memories of what can be.
People never understand or care to try,
they see the world through ignorant, prejudiced eyes.

Listen, and you will know all that there is to know.
Hear and see the beauty and grace around you.
Know that the world doesn't change on its own,
You must be the one, to start the change.

Open eyes, see each other for what we are,
stop the lies to cover up all you are.
Keep breathing, stay awake, keep walking and go on.
No one’s stopping you; so, don't stand in your way.

I want to show the world, all that I am.
Show them that it’s not bad,
to be ourselves without waiting
for the world to wake up and see,
all the beauty and grace that's you and me.

*Gift1* I used the rules for poetry in Spanish, so I hope they’re the same in English, and of course the language is different and maybe I’m wrong.

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Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi from Loraine ~ will be back soon !

I was looking on the review request page and found your item. Here is my honest review:


*Snow2* You didn't connected the first paragraph to the story. Were they the thoughts of the character? Were they just the introduction to the story? I couldn't place it with the introduction you did for the story on the second paragraph.

*Snow2* This is a good story portraying a woman's feelings clearly. The most surprising thing is that you didn't exposed the wife POV but the lover's. It is an excellent idea.

*Snow2* There is only one tip, try to translate the phrases that are on a foreign language in some way. It is difficult for the reader to read and understand their meaning.


Let’s start from the top. Here are some quotes from your work and here are some suggestions to change on them if you like

*Snow2* It’s quite amazing how it’s not until a person realizes how lucky they have it that they are robbed of that very thing. Beauty. How impermanent. How wondrous. It’s quite amazing how until a person is robbed of a beautiful object, they didn’t realizes how lucky they are for having it.

*Snow2* Beauty. How impermanent. How wondrous. Beauty, how impermanent! How wondrous!

*Snow2* The woman flicked her eyes for but an instant to steal a vision of his kingly form. This man lounged in the queen-sized bed, exposed from the waist up. The woman flicked her eyes for an instant to steal a vision of her man kingly form lounged in the queen-size bed, exposed from the waist up.

*Snow2* The desire in those jade orbs was no longer. His jade eyes without the previous desire.

*Snow2* Both the eyes of the man and the woman half his age fell upon the device laying on the cherry nightstand. Both their eyes fell upon the device laying on the cherry nightstand.

*Snow2* However, as she stood there in the between those enchanted doors and that bed, something in her mind clicked for the first time. However, as she stood between those enchanted doors ant the bed something in her mind clicked for the first time.

*Snow2* Her heart began to beat so lively; she imagined it just might break her chest. Her heart began to beat so lively that she imagined it might break her chest.

*Snow2* She thought for but an instant that she saw tears misting that beautiful jade. She thought for an instant that she saw tears misting that beautiful jade.

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Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Title: A Charmed Love: Prologue-Revised
By: ncblondie
Date Printed: 12/06/05
Rating Given: *Star**Star**Star**Star**Halfstar*


*Right* Now, this is an excellent piece! See, you could do it! The only reason for not to give 5 *Star* is to leave it until you finish all your book, and revise it again.

*Right* Remember: when one finishes something the piece talk for itself (and it is the way, of course). Maybe later you can add more her and there, it would be perfect and could be submitted to a publicist to print.

*Right* I wrote a book (the one you saw) "Invalid Item. There is all I’m working on, all the suggestions I gave you (well, later they will be there) and the character as I’m knowing it wile reading the story. I hope to receive your feedback about it.


*Right* “Just because one person does not believe does not mean we must close.” I think it could be better if you write: “one person does not believe on them, does not mean”


All in all I can’t find any other comment to do on your Prologue. I’m so impressed with the result I suggest to wait until the end of the story when we would know if you must add or delete something.

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Review of Awakening  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

Hi from Loraine ~ will be back soon !


*Right* I loved to be on the characters thoughts!

*Right* A good twist for the vampire origins. A very original story considering a lot of people use the Vlad Tspesh as their guide, by the character of Bram Stocker: Dracula.

*Right* Didn't like what happened to the girl. Why didn't he noticed when he was doing it? Why don't spoil her innocence and spare her life? Why he didn't took hold of the doctor first if he was the one nearest? It is so frustrating for me as a reader. I didn't like not knowing in which moment it all happened to the girl. But maybe you had a purpose or you didn't noticed the result of his action. It could definitely felt more like your character, the option I gave.

*Right* You can use some exclamation points on the story. There are some areas that needed them. It would give him more human qualities.

*Right* I liked the history behind the tragical death of so many people 800 years before he was recovered. I liked the other two characters dialogues.

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This is just my honest opinion. I love to read and give my help to other people. Hope my review help you improve your work.

I'm the sponsor of the group "Invalid Item if you would like to join just e-mail me Loraine ~ will be back soon ! I am part of the "Invalid Item and of the group "Invalid Item.
Rated: 18+ | (2.0)


I'm reviewing this chapter as I did the other two, based just on the setting and the work I saw from you. It is my opinion and no one else.


*Right* First of all, I liked the way you created this document doing the background of various characters. There is just one problem at the end of the first chapter you gave the intro to this chapter but it was not enough.

         Why was it not enough? The answer is very simple. You can remember a perfume someone usually wore, the way things were (flowers everywhere) but the smell alone was not enough to bring forth all those memories in a rush. Maybe the character could take a buble bath and remember. There is enough time and piece for that. But on bathrooms we usually don't answer the phone. She can see her grans picture somewhere on the house or something like that.

*Right* You can use the opportunity on this chapter to describe on detail the appartment and her background. This chapter is wonderful and very useful.

*Right* This chapter have space too, to recreate scenes. It is a perfect place to stablish settings, links between characters and that kind of things.

*Right* This chapter gives you a lot of opportunity to play with past and present, changes in mood, etc. This chapter has endless opportunities and it could be one of the columns of your structure, like when you try constructing a home. You need solid bases and with the prologue (I will review again after the revision you did) they are doing an excellent job.


*Right* The end of this chapter is not appropiate for this chapter. On the end of chapter one: She walks from her store to her appartment, open the door and memories came. (Nice!) At the end of this chapter: the memories fade, and she walks back to her appartment and the phone startled her when it sounds?

*Right* This chapter needs a lot of work still but it is really good. An excellent choice! Now, the setting and mood. You must be hating me for all this reviews! When one remembers usually one re-live the experience. You can use descriptions of her current feeling with the narrative. Try your hand at it and we can work something together with the new version, let's go step by step.


*Right* I wrote a lot of other notes but I will save them for later. As soon as you revise this chapter I will read it again and do new sugestions. Don't forget to visit the "Invalid Item. This is where I'm creating some things for you. I was a little late adding information, but there are some chapters now.

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This is just my honest opinion. I love to read and give my help to other people. Hope my review help you improve your work.

I'm the sponsor of the group "Invalid Item if you would like to join just e-mail me Loraine ~ will be back soon ! I am part of the "Invalid Item and of the group "Invalid Item.

Review of Cursed Blessings  
Rated: 13+ | (2.5)

HI from Loraine ~ will be back soon !

I am reviewing this work because you are a member of "Invalid Item. This review is very detailed but as your story is so short (now) it is more difficult to review. Do you have any question about how I rate? Visit "Invalid Item.


*Right* You catched me as the reader. I was curious as what is it all about.

*Right* You are working a difficult POV (point of view). Your story is in first person and that way it is the character. The reader must see and feel everything as the character does.

*Right* The story is somewhat confusing. I could not know a lot of what was happening around the character to know more about "the cursed blessings" for calling them something.

*Right* You have a different story here. And a good start it is only confusing but I’m sure if you work on it some more you can have a good story. Refer to the last e-mail I sent to the group or go to "Invalid Item and check on the links I provided and look for something useful there to work with and add something else to your story.


*Right* “They had suffered misery and pain as bombs rained from the heavens.” Are you referring here of a war? Or was it just a simile?

*Right* “Whatever these old hands do may be Man’s Death, but the Stone must be destroyed.” This sentence is confusing. I’m not sure of its meaning. Remember you must be very clear to the reader. What would be Man’s Death? Her hands? That was the impression I received.


*Bullet* Your story needs time and space. You need more character background. I couldn’t imagine the story because I didn’t have anything to picture on my mind just at the end one tree.

*Bullet* You have here a good piece try to work more on it and I will review it again after some time if it is ok to you. If you are not ok with my rating and/or review you can contact me by e-mail.

Good work!

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This is just my honest opinion. I love to read and give my help to other people. Hope my review help you improve your work.

I'm the sponsor of the group "Invalid Item if you would like to join just e-mail me Loraine ~ will be back soon ! I am part of the "Invalid Item and of the group "Invalid Item.

Rated: 18+ | (4.0)


I reviewed this work previously and found it great! This rating is just for SETTING, as the author and I agree. This review is to my best knowledge and it is just my opinion.


*Right* What time was it ocurring? Morning or afternoon? That is important for you to know and you can hint it to the reader to know how this particular situation affected the main character.

*Right* How is her office? If you don't know how her office looks like or any office you can buy or check some magazine with pictures in that regard. Other question, an important one, does it have a window? and What is her main source of light? It could be natural (window) or artificial (lamps).

*Right* You can establish from this chapter if her office is carpeted or is bare wood or tiles by the sound done by the man who entered. What would it be?

*Right* By what I read the door must be placed in front of her desk to easily watch to the entrance. (It is not established in the story but it could be that way for what you wrote).

*Right* The content of the office, as far as you let know by the prologue is a battered wooden desk and her chair. Would there be anything else? Any other chairs for the visitors or an armorie, trash can. Sometimes in the offices (like mine) one could find boxes of supplies that must be checked or supplies in general (wrapping, bags, pens, ribbons, etc). Maybe her supplies to do charms could be there as well as some other table (it does not need to be big) for her to use in her charms when she have the time.

*Right* Does she have the conveniences of a computer and a phone in her desk? It is important to know what could be in her desk. Sometimes we have a lot of papers and invoices and files on it. At the begining of the story she could be inmerse in thoughts. (There is another idea I will give you later)

*Right* There are sounds typical of any office. Does she have air conditioner or radio? When you have a store, normally you use music for the clients and when one is in stress one usually try to listen something from the radio.

*Right* You can describe to yourself the condition of her office and you can draw a sketch with the form and contents of it. It is usefull when you have problems. I tell you this because drawing (bad but usefull) diagrams of some rooms (in my case I draw a complete town with street names and all in it.) you must remember clearly in the story. It is like what a movie director needs to know how to give directions to the camera man about where must enter an actor, etc. And the condition of her surroundings is a good start to know your character. You need to know how she feels about it too.


*Right* You start your story describing her looking at the man who entered her office. You can work your intro establishing the setting (place and mood). What was she doing when he entered? I gave you one example. The other one is using one of the facts you established in the second paragraph in the first chapter of your story. "Tara hung up the phone and looked up to stare in awe at the figure that filled the doorway" This is just an example. That way we could know what was she doing when he appeared. You can do a lot of things here.

         That way you establish where are the characters and what were they doing. The way you started the story looks like if she was looking into the space or as if they was expecting your cue on place to act. There were no action at all (ok, the action of her was staring but that not counts.) When you start the story placing action is better for the setting and we can start feeling the moods.

*Right* "The grease-stained T-shirt was stretched tight" Here we have something to wonder. Why is his T-shirt stained with grease? What kind of grease is it? I wondered as I do not know in what he work. (I know this is not in the setting area but you can give more reason to look at him, I like the man who cooks).

*Right* "She stood quickly, sending her chair careening wildly away." The chair can fell to the floor and do noise (that way we would know the material of the floor and if it is carpeted. This is another oportunity to describe her office in an indirect way.

*Right*After he stormed out of her office you can describe more to know her mood. I know she was angry while speaking with him but he goes and she just talk with the other character that enter the room. And in the next chapter you describe all the bad things that happened that day that if you select the begining to say the time (in the phone call you reflect she was working and normally we start working on mornings, so he did not arrive there first time) and here is the perfect opportunity to know if there were other things worrying her.

         She could pick her chair and sit in an unladylike way. Like just falling in the chair tired. You can use the moment to use ambiental sounds or just silence. "She took her chair and sat, hearing the silence all around her after his departure. The desperation feeling was increasing by the minute with all the problems falling at her feet." This is something like what I am trying to explain.

*Right*"It's okay Marie; I'm fine." Here is your opportunity for the feelings part. You did not describe her voice tone here. You can use something like: She said to her employee with a hint of resignation in her voice. I'm not good at this really but I know this ideas could give you the push you need to set the mood.

         Marie could seat in one chair in front of her desk while she express her concerns. And that way one can picture this setting the next time you mention it in your story. Just like that! We form a mental picture with all the bits you give the reader. And I'm good at doing mental pictures of what I read *Wink*


*Star* You have good dialogs.

*Star* Your characters are well defined.

*Star* You used an easy vocabulary.

*Star* The way you constructed the scene. It catched the reader.


*Blush* This examples and ideas are from the bottom of my heart. I would like to help your story. It is good. The first time I reviewed it I told you so. But when one reads looking for something that is what happens. I know if you work on it you would feel your baby grow into something beautiful. I can't remember if you told you are a mother (I know someone did) if you are you would know what the person feels with each step the baby does.

*Bigsmile* I loved your story. Hope this ideas can help to improve it more and could give you a really good idea on how to create the mood and setting for just this chapter. I will go to the next tomorrow or in the weekend.

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This is just my honest opinion. I love to read and give my help to other people. Hope my review help you improve your work.

I'm the sponsor of the group "Invalid Item if you would like to join just e-mail me Loraine ~ will be back soon ! I am part of the "Invalid Item and of the group "Invalid Item.
Rated: 18+ | (3.0)


*Right* You selected very well the categories for your story. It was good for me as reader because I was prepared for what I would read.

*Right* I think this work is still under construction but right now there is no link between the title and the content of the story.

*Right* You have a good start. You catched me as reader. You're doing good.


*Right* If you leave one blank line between paragraphs it would be better visually and easier to read.



*Bullet* Link the first story entry with the second. As reader I was confused if it was about his crush with the girl of his constant idea about violence.

*Bullet* If you would like I can visit again your port on another occasion when it is more to read and would rate again based on the content by that moment.

Good work!

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This is just my honest opinion. I love to read and give my help to other people. Hope my review help you improve your work.

I'm the sponsor of the group "Invalid Item if you would like to join just e-mail me Loraine ~ will be back soon ! I am part of the "Invalid Item and of the group "Invalid Item.

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