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Rated: E | (5.0)

Hello...I love poems and themes like this one, it was a great joy to read. I love the winter as well the fall for with out them I would have no joy my kayak to ride around in on glass clear lakes misty snowy hazy monings with the sounds of Native American flute's caLLING out the love songs i dream of.

Morning dove's love wisper
Great white wind of the north blow
> Great white wind of the singing
> Great white wind of rain
> Great white wind singing winter's love song
> The uncreated ones breath gives left to the wings of your cold morning air
> Sing Creation Sing bite song on my ears you the wings of the earth sing for the great
> Spirit winters love song

I liked your work so I sent some of mine....

My the Great I am bless you with his will.

Rated: E | (5.0)
"The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the supply of arms to the underdogs is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty. So let's not have any native militia or native police. German troops alone will bear the sole responsibility for the maintenance of law and order throughout the occupied Russian territories, and a system of military strong-points must be evolved to cover the entire occupied country." --Adolf Hitler, April 11, 1942

In true Nazi form, Illinois congressman Bobby Rush, from Obama's home state and with a voting record on gun ownership as bad as Obama's, introduced a bill on the first day of the 111th Congress that shows what we can expect. If we don't defeat this bill, and others expected to follow it, gun owners will lose guns and the industry will suffer harm beyond description.

Under HR 45, if you can't pass a complex test written by the U.S. Attorney General, pay the tax, give up fingerprints and a biometric-capable photo of yourself (that can be turned into a digital facial-recognition number and used as a de facto national ID), every gun you own will become contraband and subject to confiscation, while you stand trial before imprisonment. You'd think Bobby, a former black panther, would know better.

Your rights will have an expiration date, and if you screw up and miss it, you'll be in the same mess as people who can't pass the test. Can you say "unconstitutional"? Do you think these "gun bigots" care?

Now that the Supreme Court has made it clear in the Heller case that government can't ban guns, the Brady's have stopped saying they want to ban guns. So the virtually treasonous Bobby Rush bill doesn't ban guns, it bans gun owners, maybe by the millions. How many gun owners read poorly or don't test well? How many can't explain local, state and federal gun laws? They'd become prohibited possessors under HR 45. Are there any limits to what the AG can put on the test? The bill doesn't mention any -- it gives the AG a free hand to include anything.

Had enough? HR 45 has an innocent-looking line that says 'strike the second sentence of 18 USC 926(a)'. That's the line that says the federal government cannot make a central registry of gun owners. The anti-rights people have to repeal that line, because Bobby's bill flat-out creates a central gun registry. Every gun owner must be registered to keep on possessing the guns they already own, and any transfer of any kind must be registered as well. The mark of the beast is upon us, to apply a metaphor.

In 1941, U.S. Attorney General Robert Jackson called on Congress to enact national registration of all firearms. Given the events in Europe, Congress recoiled, and legislation was introduced to protect the Second Amendment. Rep. Edwin Arthur Hall explained: "Before the advent of Hitler or Stalin, who took power from the German and Russian people, measures were thrust upon the free legislatures of those countries to deprive the people of the possession and use of firearms, so that they could not resist the encroachments of such diabolical and vitriolic state police organizations as the Gestapo, the Ogpu, and the Cheka." Contact your Reps NOW! Resist this Tyranny before it is too late.

Rev. Paul Michael Raymond

Appomattox VA 24522

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this is a over all out line of why I post this, to think back taxs a gun rights or common defense went hand in hand why cause in the end taxs could not be in forced on a free self gover people only if a war was declaired on our own soil so the goverment in action of defense could pay for the defense of the people and feed them as is was on going and after the fact of free will only pay taxs. that is what keeps Big Obama mind set of goverment out of our country, that is why at the bottem of the 1040 it reads volantary if they want to get rid of big goverment people should just not pay those taxes when was the last war declaired on us soil I think it was the drug war and in fact it was never a act by congress, People need to read the foundation more and really start to lesson to Good old rush limbaugh more and know you know the rest of the story, personly I think the native Americans should be given the bail out to end the wait of the oldest law suit still unsettled in our courts waiting after what the gold rush and the daws act 1887 that took the land from them that we get the very gold that backs to money this bail out up holds. let them deside who gets what for a change, and yes I could not for get I say give the native americans the control of what the real -a state companies have and that will in a real big way change goverment fast why how much land is own by goverment people.. is that not what the feduarlist paper spoke for not to happen hense forth the problems with Big money and big goverment. the people have the power to change this Nation just do not pay the taxes and after a while they will look to those that would be willing to (tithe) or give with out strings that would start the new structure of goverment why because you would have gotten rid of the Greedy Leaders. big Industry and big goverment has failed why is Obama trying to patch the holes of a sicking ship.........Mcain was trying ;;;;;;;;;he understood defense he all most gave his life for it when asked and to think in the end even those that suport communism up hold defense sad to think about it.

but we can see the out come of Go foot ball pay them 50 mill a year get rid of the church jerry springer rules it gave us Obama. a man that would not up hold defense in his own country as a leader of Common defense inforceing taxs with no war on the soil he govern...lead by anti gun nuts...an the ACLU an the UN

Thank you warriors for keeping us safe Common defense, May The Uncreated One Yahveh be over Common Defense; Police, S.A.C., F.B.I, N.S.A, C.I.A, Army, Navy, Air force,Coast Guard, U.S.M.C The Core Semper Fi, Always Faithful, Live free or dig your self a deep hole. Faith with out a just action is a worthless faith,Love drove a nail in its hand to show us many things One Being One mans sacrifice Maintains another’s Freedom's by actions of Mercy some times answering the call to arms. For freedom starts with prayer, Love and respectful tolerance leads us to actions of Mercy, Mercy is actions of forgiveness and that leads us to peace and Peace is Freedom and Freedom is and will always be found in Common Defense. God Country Family Core, we get our right to keep and bare arms from the jews the king that said Jews from this day forward shall have the right to defend self for he understood that through greed evil smiles through insanity evil sings.

In Jesus Name was this nation foundation founded on! secure in ones own home

"To be able to live with out fear of retibution from a goverment"...Jesus's words "I did not come to condeme but to be a light there for in"...freedom speech...proverbs 27.5 better is an open rebuke then a consealed love.

I am posting a poll thingy here on writing.com and story write.....Come and see

Question Number 1

(1.) Would you have protested Obama's inauguration and why?

Question Number 2

(2.) Obama has given his word to help the Native Americans

Do you think that the Native Americans should be paid the land taxes to end their waiting for the just compensation from what the Daws Act of 1887 and the Gold Rush Did to them, as it is the oldest Law suits in U.S History are Still un settled are with the Native Americans over land. Should the rest of the unsold land that rest in the hands of real a state agents should it be given over to the The Native Americans to let them deside what to do with the money and land.
Read U.S. Title 42 usc section 1983 & Sancti McGelluim

as for this pay out thing for the Nation personaly should native americans should get it all and call it even oh yes and the rest of the land, after all if was not for them and the land we took we would not have the GOLD all this money backs up any way end there wait.

Question Number 3

(3.) If you do not agree with Obama being in office, would you Stop doing anything Like going to companies that are know to support him.

Question Number 4.

(4.) do you think it is right of obama to take office but yet to have fought to keep the votes of the troops fighting over sea from counting.

(5.) Do you think he is a Good leader as he to be acording to the nations foundations with the leader of common defense and self defense, but yet he would not uphold defense in the usa as to the man he help make sure went to jail for defending him self in his own home from a intruder. With a gun! Check out the N.R.A for details.heck even supporters of Communism up hold defense!

(6.) I think obama is a traitor do you ? if in the end Goverment was to be for defense (Common) and the general welfare of the people to take care of them as taxs to fund it all only in force-able if in fact a war was declaerd or our own soil for defense of the people general well being.hense forth why taxs are truly voluntary after the fact of war..then why is he calling for biger goverment the only war that has been declaired on our own soil has been the war on drugs and that was not an action by congress.! or was it !

(7.) and this one is it really smart to elect Obama being of Islamic Back ground and two he voted to give 7 main sea ports the control of them over to Islamic nations as we fight a Islamic holy war?

(8.) why is obama spending tax money on over seas aborations ie paying another nation to kill babies so in the end he is making money through his bigger goverment to found it all

Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

I really liked this one, the reason i checked it out was the title SPIRIT CATCHER it is the kind of thing I look for as work the reflects Native American over tones, but most of all it was the use of the military picture as your Id that made me want to look.

A wise word from a Indian Man I just have not been able to find his name again but his words fit the Semper Fi really well.

Semper Fi
Great Men Like Great Nations are only as Great as the words they keep
Review of Japan Prayer  
Rated: E | (5.0)

One word about your work !

Rated: E | (5.0)

I just over this work of your keep up the writing but I will say this as for historical and he there as to the one for Black he is a slap in the face to many that understand the history abite more then more will ever, if it was not for those that lnew we are all childern of God and no man is any better then another to Over see and all even those the make mistakes can be held to go to jail and or be fined and the like was given to him and all blacks by those that was willing to diee to fight for some one to weak to fight a tryant read Read U.S. Title 42 usc section 1983 & Sancti MCgelluim, In my view Obama is a traitor to this Nation as the fact he would not up hold defense self defense, is not this Nation foundations about Common Defense and the taxing of people was to provide that defense and to take care of them while that war on our soil was going on and taxs after the fact of war was of free will. the bottem of the 1040 and the history of daws act and stamp act and the bosten tea party 1767, he is about big goverment for goverment not the other way around as it is ment to be, by the people for the people. I just want to know has he paid the man he put away for defending him self when it should have been he Obama that should have come to help him. Defense.....

as for your work keep up the writing...love the that freedom

here is my thoughts about Obama.....

Thank you warriors for keeping us safe Common defense, May The Uncreated One Yahweh be over Common Defense; Police, S.A.C., F.B.I, N.S.A, C.I.A, Army, Navy, Air force, Coast Guard, U.S.M.C The Core Semper Fi, Always Faithful, Live free or dig your self a deep hole. Faith with out a just action is a worthless faith, Love drove a nail in its hand to show us many things One Being One mans sacrifice Maintains another’s Freedom's by actions of Mercy some times answering the call to arms. For freedom starts with prayer, Love and respectful tolerance leads us to actions of Mercy, Mercy is actions of forgiveness and that leads us to peace and Peace is Freedom and Freedom is and will always be found in Common Defense. God Country Family Core, we get our right to keep and bare arms from the Jews the king that said Jews from this day forward shall have the right to defend self for he understood that through greed evil smiles through insanity evil sings.

In Jesus Name was this nation foundation founded on! Secure in ones own home

"To be able to live with out fear of retribution from a government"...Jesus’ words "I did not come to condemn but to be a light there for in"...freedom speech...proverbs 27.5 better is an open rebuke then a concealed love.

I am posting a poll thingy here on writing.com and story write.....Come and see

Question Number 1

(1.) Would you have protested Obama's inauguration and why?

Question Number 2

(2.) Obama has given his word to help the Native Americans

Do you think that the Native Americans should be paid the land taxes to end their waiting for the just compensation from what the Daws Act of 1887 and the Gold Rush Did to them, as it is the oldest Law suits in U.S History are Still un settled are with the Native Americans over land. Should the rest of the unsold land that rest in the hands of real a state agents should it be given over to the Native Americans to let them decide what to do with the money and land.
Read U.S. Title 42 usc section 1983 & Sancti MCgelluim

as for this pay out thing bail out thing for the Nation personally I think it should go to the native Americans and call it even. oh yes and the rest of the land, as said above after all if was not for them and the land we took we would not have the GOLD all this money backs up any way.

Question Number 3

(3.) If you do not agree with Obama being in office, would you Stop doing anything Like going to companies that are know to support him.

Question Number 4.

(4.) Do you think it is right of Obama to take office but yet to have fought to keep the votes of the troops fighting over sea from counting?

(5.) Do you think he is a Good leader as he to be according to the nations foundations with the leader of common defense and self defense, but yet he would not uphold defense in the usa as to the man he help make sure went to jail for defending him self in his own home from a intruder. With a gun! Check out the N.R.A for details.

(6.) I think Obama is a traitor do you? if in the end Government was to be for defense (Common) and the general welfare of the people to take care of them as taxes to fund it all only in force-able if in fact a war was declared or our own soil for defense of the people general well being.hense forth why taxes are truly voluntary after the fact of war. Then why is he calling for bigger government the only war that has been declared on our own soil has been the war on drugs and that was not an action by congress. Or was it!

(7.) And this one is it really smart to elect Obama being of Islamic Back ground and two he voted to give 7 main sea ports the control of them over to Islamic nations as we fight an Islamic holy war?

(8.) why is Obama spending tax money on over seas abortions i.e. paying another nation to kill babies so in the end he is making money through his bigger government to found it all

I am not putting gift point to this, I am looking person's that want to be not afraid to speak there mind. And without Money i.e. points governing what they would say.
Rated: E | (5.0)

I read your and view about Obama here is my view about Obama;

keep up the writing God Bless you

Thank you warriors for keeping us safe Common defense, May The Uncreated One Yahweh be over Common Defense; Police, S.A.C., F.B.I, N.S.A, C.I.A, Army, Navy, Air force, Coast Guard, U.S.M.C The Core Semper Fi, Always Faithful, Live free or dig your self a deep hole. Faith with out a just action is a worthless faith, Love drove a nail in its hand to show us many things One Being One mans sacrifice Maintains another’s Freedom's by actions of Mercy some times answering the call to arms. For freedom starts with prayer, Love and respectful tolerance leads us to actions of Mercy, Mercy is actions of forgiveness and that leads us to peace and Peace is Freedom and Freedom is and will always be found in Common Defense. God Country Family Core, we get our right to keep and bare arms from the Jews the king that said Jews from this day forward shall have the right to defend self for he understood that through greed evil smiles through insanity evil sings.

In Jesus Name was this nation foundation founded on! Secure in ones own home

"To be able to live with out fear of retribution from a government"...Jesus’ words "I did not come to condemn but to be a light there for in"...freedom speech...proverbs 27.5 better is an open rebuke then a concealed love.

I am posting a poll thingy here on writing.com and story write.....Come and see

Question Number 1

(1.) Would you have protested Obama's inauguration and why?

Question Number 2

(2.) Obama has given his word to help the Native Americans

Do you think that the Native Americans should be paid the land taxes to end their waiting for the just compensation from what the Daws Act of 1887 and the Gold Rush Did to them, as it is the oldest Law suits in U.S History are Still un settled are with the Native Americans over land. Should the rest of the unsold land that rest in the hands of real a state agents should it be given over to the Native Americans to let them decide what to do with the money and land.
Read U.S. Title 42 usc section 1983 & Sancti MCgelluim

as for this pay out thing bail out thing for the Nation personally I think it should go to the native Americans and call it even. oh yes and the rest of the land, as said above after all if was not for them and the land we took we would not have the GOLD all this money backs up any way.

Question Number 3

(3.) If you do not agree with Obama being in office, would you Stop doing anything Like going to companies that are know to support him.

Question Number 4.

(4.) Do you think it is right of Obama to take office but yet to have fought to keep the votes of the troops fighting over sea from counting?

(5.) Do you think he is a Good leader as he to be according to the nations foundations with the leader of common defense and self defense, but yet he would not uphold defense in the usa as to the man he help make sure went to jail for defending him self in his own home from a intruder. With a gun! Check out the N.R.A for details.

(6.) I think Obama is a traitor do you? if in the end Government was to be for defense (Common) and the general welfare of the people to take care of them as taxes to fund it all only in force-able if in fact a war was declared or our own soil for defense of the people general well being.hense forth why taxes are truly voluntary after the fact of war. Then why is he calling for bigger government the only war that has been declared on our own soil has been the war on drugs and that was not an action by congress. Or was it!

(7.) And this one is it really smart to elect Obama being of Islamic Back ground and two he voted to give 7 main sea ports the control of them over to Islamic nations as we fight an Islamic holy war?

(8.) why is Obama spending tax money on over seas abortions i.e. paying another nation to kill babies so in the end he is making money through his bigger government to found it all

I am not putting gift point to this, I am looking person's that want to be not afraid to speak there mind. And without Money i.e. points governing what they would say.

Review of Ben  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is good I love cats, thanks for the gifts points you sent to me, as for cats I did some historical research for the book I am working on and I come across some thing neat as I read about the tibet people and the faith and cats it seam from a stand point the cats came to be as they are to them from ones for times old ways if you think of what the english went through with the Black death that was from mice and the fleas, you can see the a fact of the evolution of cats with the people an the reverance for them as they have as have been the keeper of things like the black death away and helping to keep there food stores from. I can see my self some thing with faith over time with another people and ritualistically made faiths as such like with cats or say anything that would be some known as to make something better in this world.

Just food for thought.
God Bless you
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello; as I write the music of Bill Miller Cedar dreams “prophecy” plays

It is some thing to read things like this to recall times of when faith is what life becomes it leads one to see even the darkness of creation is even light to the one who is creation. The uncreated ones very breathe man kind with free will. Even at one time we our bones were once rocks the dust of another eons old rocks the dust of countless others that traveled across space to be drawn to gather by the forces of the uncreated one to come to even burn as stars eons old to shine as the light we see. All things are all things will be all things are to come. Time spend wise life live thank full love give all most of all Say thank you I am for the life I have to say I love you.
Rocks and water come together by the will of the uncreated one bones and flesh with his gift of minds free will.

I liked your work it made me recall my own path to be awakened again the touch of the Great and Holy Spirit the great I am.

I am still man I still sin but I know the spirit better then I did before faith is like a musical instrument you learn to use it till to get good with it still some times you hit a bad note.

Keep on writing keep on praying
Review of The Ghost Dancers  
Rated: E | (5.0)

This really is good I have had a longing to see this ghost dance, I have been working on a book After reading the book black elk speaks. The Name of the book is called Elisheva The way Stones. and will be a flash back type of work about the Urim Thurmim and how they came to be. I am using the Native Americans themes. This is really Good I would love to correspond with you as to maybe learn from you. One of the books that I have come to modle after is Jane Auel and her books Earths childern.

God Bless you
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This a real blessing to read, I love Native American themes and the I hold deep in heart is the woodpecker and the cedar the story of how the flute came to be the word flute meaning To make a voice.

I will come again

Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

There are not to many works as this around and I will say this very well written. I have a love of the study of the words of all the faiths from the written text. So be it as it is to see work like your is a joy. I really liked your use of the Islamic faith without the discrediting of it in a story line. I my self have been working on a Book based from many years of cross studies of the worlds faiths. The book I am writing is called Elisheva The Way Stone's is a book written as a flash back to the ones the that discoverd the Urim an Thurimm I have read about it the Dead sea scroll's. I will make it a point to come back to review more of your work provided I can remember to.

May the Blessings of the Uncreated one be with you.
Review of The Hill  
Rated: E | (5.0)

This is good, from the look of the wording it seams to me you are young and or just learning to write. Welcome to writing.com. Some thing that helps me get better at writing is talking and reading aloud to my self as I write an even recording my speech and playing it back. I pray that what I write makes an or leads you to think I think anything bad about you work of words.

God Bless you
Keep writing, like faith you get stronger with the use of it with Time
Review of I need you..  
Rated: E | (5.0)
not I need you there for I love you , Man and wife I love you there for I need you

Or some thing like that...
Good job keeep writing
Rated: E | (5.0)

This is very good keep up the writing. About racsim it is depressing. I did deal with it in high school when busing from down town was going on. It was hard to deal with those that have never had much of what took forgranted. I watched as many would torment disabled persons to the point that disabled persons would run down the hall screaming, beating them self in the head with there hands. If any one would try to say any about it you took you life into your own hands and it became racism words fights etc day in day out. I spent more time in school watching teachers break up fights an the like. I did not learn much of anything other then the lastest rap tune or there fight's about there football and the like an who was the best team. Unless you were in the honor role programs learning was a lost cause. Busing It needed to happen but I do recall the fights it was one big mess. My heart goes out to the teachers that had to deal with all of it. It got so bad that I am now missing part of a finger as I was in shop class using a table saw as I was some of the black bused students were dancing and raping and as they sang and danced that bumped my armed maken my hand go into the table saw, by the grace an mercy of god I did not lose my hand and or more of the finger then I did. The blade of the saw cut the edge of the out side of my finger the endex finger to the frist nuckle right down the out side 1/4 inch deep to the bone it shaved the bone. I will never for get how they just stood looking on laughing a pointing. Again I delt with it again in the army and because of the hatefull ways of same mind set I just about went to prison, but again thank god for his stoping that one too. racsim one day will be no more ever in the minds of man kind. as for being homeless I understand that after i got out of the Army I was homeless and sick off an on for 3years waiting for the help I needed after some mistakes by the army I was put out with out help.

Again keep up the writing.
God Bless you
Happy New year
God Bless those that live out lives of Common Defense love drove a nail into its own hand to show us one mans sacrifice maintains anothers freedoms.
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
This very good, I do understand abit. I my self have lived with health problems like what you talk about. Mine have come and gone like the wind with out hope of understanding why. To the point of dieing. Only be called a lier and treated like a drugy. but not on any drug but the ones they give me...it has left me with a hard time remember things names, time and space and feeling as if I have been under water way down deep for too long parts of words mix with parts of last weeks talk with some one on the street with ringing in my head that makes me sick feeling as though I have the flew that last about an hour, some days I can eat with out any trouble some times my body will act as if I have suger problems and can not get enough to drink. My eyes will lock in one direction as I am walking it will take some time for it to lets go. Your work was helpful. Thank you God Bless

Rated: E | (5.0)
This was very very good,
Review of 119  
Rated: E | (5.0)
You are very good, I see you have a good base for historical facts and that is the kind of work I do like facts based work.

God Bless those that serve common defense those that answer the call for the cry the prayer for mercy who will god send to free us from a tryants ways. a free nation is a nation well defened. and understands we have what we have for those that understand we are a nation that was founded on the name of Jesus as for goverment to be able to live with out fear of retribution from goverment was from the words of Chirst I did not come to Condeme the world but to be a light there for in it. freedom of speach of faith freedoms like no other country. A country that unerdstood again law and the word torah both meant instruction not condemation i.e. the ten Commandemts instruction. freedoms founded in the blood an prayers of another willing to fight for it so one day there kids would not have to do what fight wars to keep peace.

A country that understands a good leader will never ask anything of another she or he is not willing to do or able to carry out them self or live above the ones the are leading. Bigger goverment is not the answer bigger goverment means higher taxes and in the end if those would read our foundation taxes are only plyable if war was on our on soil, i.e. the war on drugs. read the history on the stamp act again the goverment is in that fact becomeing a intursive goverment and well sence the geneva convention is or was to help with bigger goverment world wide an stated that one could not be jailed etc as long as that war on going just food for thought.

But I can understand that bigger goverment is just what a dictator Obama mind set would want if not he would not have a job. Support Community Incubators foundations Systems put a leash on bigger goverment Impeach Obama now. and put Mcain in office. reminder through greed evil smiles through insanity evils sings. people realy need to start reading the federalist papers. The Goverment in our history was only to do truly one thing defend us, it has become rightly full so in many ways thank God for know we have police that rome the streets keeping a eye on things and that is what we are trying to get the war over seas nations to undertand want peace get a good police force and courts fight with words in courts not other way around. reminder love drove nail into its own hand to show us a great many things one being one Mans sacrifice maintains anothers freedoms.

In this country We can take goverment to court (US title42 usc section 1983) in many countries speak not for it they just kill you or lock you away for life. if we do not like the laws used etc. great call and write the ones inforceing them and tell them to change it do not forget they work for us. do not want your war for so called for oil great stop it with the imports made with oil and start maken stuff in the usa and that is not for the goverment to diside never has been it is called free enter prize faith with out a just action is a worthless faith.

Stop asking the goverment to lower taxes when your begging them to do more for you. I would tell you to get a radio and start injoying Rush limbaugh.

The Book I am working on writing is just that as well facts based work backed by historical facts. I do love science, math,anthropology an the like as well to study the orgins of words with the faiths of the world. The bible is my base and all the things it speak about. I am working on a book with the Urim and the thurimm and how they came to be. Well God bless you may the great I am bless you with his will.

Happy New Year

Well you keep on writing I will try come back to read more later.
Rated: E | (5.0)
I will come back later !

keep on writing
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was really nice, I really injoy work like this life I can see.....

Keep on Writing.com
God Bless You and marry X-massss
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very good, To see the light I say close your eyes be still and understand even the darkness is light to the uncreated one open your eyes and see we are the great I am dreams. we are the dust of rocks living the dust of stars eternity with free will to seek the will of The great i am. Creation speaks be still and let the wind tell you his words I long to be apart of the air you breath you are not alone see me smell me hold me I am wife I am husband hear my voice in I love you.
Review of For My Soldier  
Rated: E | (5.0)

May the Great Spirit give strenght to those that serve Common defence for they answer the prayers of freedom where is our God who will come oh God save me from this tryants ways....One mans sacrifice maintains anothers freedom for those that live out lives in common defence understand faith with out just action is a worthless faith. Great men like great nations are only as great as the words they keep even in drawing there last breath so you may sleep in peace.

In jesus Name may God be over them all and there loved ones.
Review of P.S. I Love You  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello boy this takes me back a few years....Black birds fly was one of best ones for me I loved there older stuff....thanks I really needed to see this one you made my night....I would send gift point's but I am out....
Review of Darkness  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello this very good, As for the darkness just a reminder even thought you may not understand this but you will as time goes by but even the darkness is light to the uncreated one......the voice that nags you is the flesh learning its gift of free will..........So one thinks so one speaks so they are....you are love love made you try telling the voice I love you......
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Oh this was great I loveddddddddddddddddddd the picture at the top, it reminds me of the name I gave one of the persons in a story I am working on. (Danceing Morning Sun on water) it a womens name. I have seen places like this as I have been out Kayaking.
Review of Environment  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was so good I am out of gift points so my words will just have to do. I like what you say. I will come back and read more.
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