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Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello Lexi, this is Funnyface, I am reviewing a couple of your poems to thank you for the gps for my reviews on the Public Review Page.

Title:"The House On Heleton Road"

Beginning:It is nearing Halloween time so it is nice to start reading work relating to it. Your opening leads us nicely into the plot.

Body:A very solid plot, you've given us some very descriptive writing while telling us what one will see if they go to Heleton Road on Halloween.There are roaches, goblins and ghoul and things I would like to avoid.

Closing:A good ending as you tell people to stay away from that road and house.

Comment:A nice job .. your rhymning is right on, your subject one that appeals to most all.

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Rated: E | (4.5)
c:red} Hello Charmin this is Funnyface, I am reviewing one of your short stories.

Title:"Contest item..A Funny Moment"

Beginning:You stared your story nicely as you tell us that one of the funniest things you remember happened at a funeral home,. That opening line made me want to read on as moxt of my experiences at a funeral home have been morbid.

Body:You have pinted a scene that brings smiles and chuckles ..Kids are quite smart.."she doesn't hear anything, she's asleep". I can picture how embrassed your aunt would be when she realized she asked the boy if she could have one of his balls {of candy that is}

Closing:A nice ending..I suppose your Aunt coming out with these sayings is what makes her unique.

Comment:I enjoyed this story,I see no errors.

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Review of Butterfly  
Rated: E | (4.5)
c:red} Hello this is Funnyface again,while I am in your port, I am reviewing one of your poems


Beginning:Wonderful Opening, if I could choose another form I think I too might choose to be butterfly.

Body:WHat a wonderful colorful picture you have painted of this beautiful butterfly of red, orange, yellow and blue. How beautiful you would look as you flutter from flower to flower

Closing:A perfect closing.

Comment:I really like this poem, it made me feel happy. I see no errors. Great job!{/c]

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Review of Calling Card sig  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good evening Dottie, this is Funnyface taking a peek at some of your images. I really like this Calling card, I was gifted one similar and when moving it to another spot in my port, I lost it. Charmin is a gifted lady. 22,000 gps is nice gift to Roak.
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello this is Funnyface, I am reviewing one of your poem

Title:"I'll Meet You At The Rainbow Bridge"

Beginning:A nice opening to this sad poem.

Body:You have created a wonderful poem about your cat Barney. Your rhymning is well done. A cat becomes part of ones family. I am sure you still miss him.
Closing:You have a great closing as you tell us you will meet Barney at the Rainbow Bridge, where there is no pain or suffering.

Comment:{/c. I share your sorrow, I lost my cat over a year ago. We speak of her so often.

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Review of Captain Harry  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Alex. this is Funnyface, Just drpping in to say Good Morning.

Title:"Captain Harry"

Beginning:You have a solid oprning here, as you tell us about the alarm going off waking you on a Monday morning. A day you don't like to awake to. Mondays must be the hardest day.

Body:Well developed. I really enjoyed reading how you checked your mail and came across the letter and pirate-style eye patch. You made me sad to think so many years had gone with no contact. I had to smile as you told us about the time Mary got the flagand chasing her along the beach.

Closing: I found your ending endearing..she thought you would be a piolet as that was your dream, and now you are going to take lessons. A perfect ending.

Comment: I really enjoyed this story it was a feel good story, a nice read for a morning. I see no errors!

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Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a very nice banner for your c-notes. I like the hearts and the the way they are layed out. The six pearls dresses it up nicely.The writing looks very attractive. A job well done here. I will be by to check out your c-notes. Thank you for creating them, as many of us do not know how.
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Review of Flowers  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Jessica, this is Funnyface, I am reviewing one of your poems. I hope you are enjoying W.D.C.

Title: "Flowers"

Beginning:You have done a wonderful job here opening your poem. There is so many different colors of petals in flowers.

Body: Your plot takes us to the point of the poem. They all look a like yet are different.

Closing:Very nice ending. If we were to view people of different races the same as these flowers, the world would be a better place.

Comment:A nice subject, well thought out. I enjoyed, and I see no errors.

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Review of Little Helpers  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello this is Funnyface, I am reviewing one of your stories, to thank you for reviewing an item of mine.

Title:"Little Helpers"
Beginning: I like your opening as you take us straight to the topic of the story.

Body:What delightful children you have, wanting to help their Dad prepare the walls so they can move. Peanut Butter they couldn't find a smoother filling.

Closing:I am sure you will have many memories of this for years to come. A nice closing as you told us your reaction to your children's help.

Comment:I so enjoy reading your writing as I love your sense of humor. You see the good in your children, you enjoy them. I love anything to do with families and togetherness.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

Title:" A Hard Lesson To Learn"

Beginning: A nice opening as you tell us about this young lady of twenty, that had lessons to learn.

Body:. Very sad I am so sorry that so many young women have had to endure this type of abuse. I wonder why we have cads that would treat a person like so unkindly. There day will come but in a different way.

Closing:Your closing has an excellent ending.
Comment: I wish all young teens and adults could read this. It might save even one from what happened to the girl in this poem.

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Review of A Very Fine Man  
Rated: E | (4.5)

Good morning this is Funnyface dropping by to review a couple of your items

Title:"A Very Fine Man"

Beginning:Your beginning is nice and your first verse tells us where you met this "Fine Man"

Body:Your poem is heart touching. I feel sorry for the man that he married somebody who didn't care for him but was intrested in her self. I have compassion for the young girl that left him behind so she could explore, and reliazed later what a fine man he is.

Closing:I hope you will be able to find this man and that he wll give you the chance to show him the love he deserves.

Comment:A poem that touches the heart, I like it alot.

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Rated: ASR | (5.0)

Title: "How Laser Therapy Works"

Beginning:I like your opening as yyou tell us whaat Laser stands for.

Body: Very educational. You have told us how laser is used, the plus and minus of it's use. You explained in details how it is carried out.

Closing:Your closing is fitting.

Comment:A nice topic about something I knew little about. My husband is having laser done on his eyes on the 13th. He has bleeding behind them caused from diabetes. I appreciated learning about lasers.

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Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Good morning this is Funnyface dropping by to review a couple of your items

Title: A Journal Entry Of A Pediatrician"

Beginning:The opening of your item here brought a smile to my face as I see your humor.

Body:The plot is well developed as you give us a glimpse of what mornings can be like in a Doctors home..just like most of our homes.I like how you shared a wee bit of your ofice practicing.

Closing:I hate to think of the germs that dear little one got in her mouth off the coin. Nice ending!

Comment:Congratulations on the awardicom.I enjoyed reading this item, what a way to start my day with a smile to my face. Thank you.

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Review of Sister  
Rated: E | (4.5)


Beginning:I like the opening to your poem here. Sister are indeed special friends.

Body: Well developed. Sisters are full of love and are always there in happy times and in sadness. There is so often a friend that may be even closer than a sister, who one can share everything with.

Closing:I have written a couple Acrostics, and I found it terribly hard, but your seem to flow naturally.

Comment:I always enjoy reading this type of poetry. A Nice job.

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Review of Why Me?  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello this is Funnyface, I would like to welcome you to W.D.C.! If I can help or asssist you any way just e-mail me.

Title:"Why Me?" an excellent title for this poem.

Beginning:Your opening is straight to the point and goes straight to my heart.

Body:I am so sorry you had to endure what you did and especially at the age of nine. I wish I could wipe all those bad memories away for you..

Closing:Someone you loved took advantage of you. Whoever did this is a selfish uncaring person, forgive me for saying so.

Comment:A nice job of writing this delicate poem. I see nothing to offer inprovement here.

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Review of Head Trip  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hi, it is just me Funnyface dropping in again

Title:"Head Trip"

Beginning:A touching opening as you explain that every moment of every day is filled with sadness.

Body:You have touched my heart here, I feel your hurt, pain, loneliness and the desire to know what you can do about how you feel. I feel sad just reading this. I can just picture what you are experiencing.

Closing: I notice this was wrote in 2002, I hope that you have found someone to bring you happiness, to treat you like a special jewel, a treasure, like a fine piece of procelain, as you and all women should be treated.

Comment:Hugs little one, if you ever want to talk I am just an e-mail away. A nice heartfelt write.

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Review of To V.S.  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello porcelaindoll, this is Funnyface dropping in to say hello.

Title:"To V.S."

Beginning:what a heartfelt writing as you review the shadows of what was.

Body:As you describe each reflection I feel so much hurt and pain. I believe if some one loves a person, that love will be kind and respectful when there is the seperating of ways.

Closing:You tried to hold on to him because you cared, a nice way to end this poem.

Comment:Great emotions shared here. I see no errors!

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Review of Bread of Life  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello this is Funnyface saying Good Evening.

Title:"Bread Of Life"

Beginning:I like the way you began you poem by telling us of the small piece of bread you were holding

Body:Well developed, I like the two three line verses. They are short yet they say so much.

Closing: Excellent, Jesus did give His body to give us life. How blessed we are to know these things.

Comment:A nice spiritual write. Very inspiring. I see no errors here in this poem!

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Review of Last December  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Hello this is Funnyface again.

Title:"Last December"

Beginning:Your beginning is strong. I love your opening verse.

Body: You have told a tale of greed, mystery and sorrow. A nice job rhymning here.

Closing: A good moral, if you are going to kill someone for money, know that you will pay for it. Like he was for killing his Mother his wife wife ended up killing him.

Comment: I see no erros here in your poem. Keep writing!

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Review of Lonely  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello this is Funnyface, I am reviewing one of your items, to thank you for reviewing an item of mine.

Title: "Lonely" A subject so many can relate to

Beginning:Your opening turns our heart to you, this person in a crowd that feels so lonely and alone.

Body: Friends may come and friends may go, but if you find a real true one treasure him/her. Friends are there to build you up,to lift your spirits when needed.

Closing:Nice ending, It is far better to wait to have a real friend.

Comment:I like how you express yourself in this poem. Your emotions shine through each word. I am so sorry you are lonely..this world seems to a cold and a lonely place. Give yourself a little more time and I bet you will have many friends. My sixteen year old grand daughter could be writing this poem.

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Review of Rivers Run Dry  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Good morning Orion this is Funnyface, I am reviewing one of your items, to thank you for reviewing an item of mine.

Title: "River Runs Dry" I was drawn to read this poem, not because it was the first one in your port, but because of this title. Nice brief description.

Beginning:A very descriptive opening as you tell us about the girl who flew so high.

Body: A solid body, one wonders why flying makes one think they are truly free, but when flying high one never thinks of that. I love your descriptiveness.

Closing:An excellent closing.. Very vivid. I can see her eyes weep tears of regret,I pray someday the bonds that chain us will be freed.

Comment:I like your poem here. You have a nice writing style.I see no errors!

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Review of Writer's Block  
Rated: E | (4.5)
"Writers Block"is adelightful poems and it made me smile. I can see how you would feel about writing when you have neighbors who writes for the Time and Sun living above you. This poem is a unique way to write about "Writers Block. You have a nice poem here, with good humor.I see no errors
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Rated: ASR | (4.5)
"Thunder and Lightning"is a simply lovely. I am so afraid of a bad thunder and lightening storm, so I enjoyed this song that you wrote. I can never picture trying to write a song. I am impressed at you undertaking this type of item. I liked verse three very much, staying inside is where I could be found. I see no errors!
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Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello postal32 this is Funnyface again.

Title:"The Night The Lights Came On"

Beginning:Your beginning is lovely. I can picture how you would wonder what was causing the banging and the lights all on.

Body:I found your descriptive writing to be real funny. I can only guess what you must have looked like as you leaped from bed, gun in hand and scouting the house out.Poor little fish. I wouldn't want to clean their tank.

Closing:. I smiled throughout and giggled at the site the neighbours must have seen..Just mickey mouse boxers.

Comment:I enjoyed this story. I like to read real true life stories, and the things kids do makes it more pleasueable. Your writing talent shines through.

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Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

Hello this is Funnyface, I am reviewing one of your stories, to thank you for reviewing an item of mine.

Title:"Ten Weeks Of Pounding Pavement."

Beginning:Great! You told us the subject of your item and led us right into the body.

Body:Strong and you have have shown us what it is like to be in a boot camp for the navy. Your writing is full of fine details. I am surprise how much you people have to go through.

Closing:I am so proud that you were able to get through this hard time. Nice closing.

Comment:I congratulate you for your accomplishments, I to am proud of you.I see nothing to improve this draft.

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Hello this is Funnyface, I am reviewing one of your stories, to thank you for reviewing an item of mine.

Title:"Ten Weeks Of Pounding Pavement."

Beginning:Great! You told us the subject of your item and led us right into the body.

Body:Strong and you have have shown us what it is like to be in a boot camp for the navy. Your writing is full of fine details. I am surprise how much you people have to go through.

Closing:I am so proud that you were able to get through this hard time. Nice closing.

Comment:I congratulate you for your accomplishments, I to am proud of you.I see nothing to improve this draft.

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