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Rated: E | (4.5)
Ah, what a wonderful poem you have written here for your girl, that you love. It is short but yet it says a lot.I really like the last two lines. Keep writing, and I am sure you are delighted that your girl loves your works. I can imagine you writing them for her, helps a lot with your inspiration.

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Rated: E | (5.0)
John, this is so wonderful. There are so many items here thatI really am inspired by..like does God want us to suffer? death along the highways..I see so many of them. Daddy's don't die and all the ones that teach us more of Gods love and mercy and truth. I love your personal ones as well. Well written my dear friend.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi, this is Funnyface again.

Title: "A Snowy February Morning"

Beginning:Ah, what a wonderful job you have done here describing a February morning.

Plot:What a magnificent job describing God's handiwork after a cold winter snowstorm. Feb. is one of the coldest months of the year here in Canada, and we do indeed get many storms where we to need to go shovel out.

Closing: Your writing is very descriptive

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Rated: E | (4.5)
Good morning GabriellaR45 , this is Funnyface.I am spending a little time in your portfolio this morning.
Title: "Looking Back: A Sliver Of The Past"

Opening:A great opening. It is wonderful how a photo can trigger such memories.

Plot:You have filled the body of this memory with such vivid details. It seems as if he was your soul mate. Isn't it lovely to recall memories that seem as if they occurred yesterday.

Closing:A sad ending in the sense that he chose to be alone.

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Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Furaha, this poem touches my heart. I feel so much hurt that you are gong through. You have expressed your emotions in each line you write. I know you are brokenhearted, but never give up..love may well see you
through. I wish you the best and am praying things work out quickly.
Review of Yet Still  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi *Poetically Romantic* this is Funnyface. I am reviewing an item of yours to welcome you to Writing.com. If there is anything I can do to help you please e-mail me. We are so pleased you have joined the community.

Title: "Yet Still"

Beginning:A great opening..It is not blood or air but it is the love of another that sustains us.

Plot:I enjoyed reading the various things that can be taken from you and how you still makes you love her.

Closing: Strong closing.

Comment: I am looking forward to reading more of your work in the coming year.Here is an item that might help you.
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#552576 by Not Available.
Have a great and blessed year in 2007.

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Review of Convincing  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi cuteangel9376 , this is Funnyface. I am reviewing an item of yours to welcome you to Writing.com. If there is anything I can do to help you please e-mail me. We are so pleased you have joined the community.

Title: "Convincing"

Beginning:Wow! She must have a powerful way of persuading people to do what she wants/ wanted.

Plot:You have described this person in the way you see her, and no doubt you are correct. I wonder why a person would do the things she does/can do and get away with people believing her.

Closing: Sometimes it seems the best ends up last, but it won't always be like that. Nice work.

Comment: I am looking forward to reading more of your work in the coming year I am sending you a link that might be helpful to you.
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#552576 by Not Available.
. Have a great and blessed year in 2007.

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Review of Promises  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi , this is Funnyface. I am reviewing an item of yours to welcome you to Writing.com. If there is anything I can do to help you please e-mail me. We are so pleased you have joined the community.

Title:" Promises"

Beginning:Wonderful opening.. you go straight to sharing a part of your younger years.

Plot: Ya, You never broke a promise.. me neither. I enjoy this poem. I recall the various things I promised and the things my children promised. As they once told me they weren't lying, things just changed their minds. Cute write.

Closing: Love your closing..it brought a bright smile to my face..thank you for this poem.

Comment: I am looking forward to reading more of your work in the coming year.Here is a link that might help you here.
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#552576 by Not Available.

Have a great and blessed year in 2007.

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Review of Hummingbird  
Rated: E | (4.5)
HiJeff Abercrombie , this is Funnyface. I am reviewing an item of yours to welcome you to Writing.com. If there is anything I can do to help you please e-mail me. We are so pleased you have joined the community.

Title: "Hummingbird"

Beginning:A wonderful beginning to this love poem.

Plot:The things you tell us of what you are without your Hummingbird makes this poem so sweet.

Closing: I really am inspired at the various things that you say Hummingbird does for you. I see no errors. Nice!

Comment: I am looking forward to reading more of your work in the coming year.Here is a link that might be helpful to you
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#552576 by Not Available.
Have a great and blessed year in 2007.

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Review of Love...  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Jason Alexander Rose , this is Funnyface. I am reviewing an item of yours to welcome you to Writing.com. If there is anything I can do to help you please e-mail me. We are so pleased you have joined the community.

Title: "Love"

Beginning:A wonderful job in your opening as you begin by taking us straight into what love is.

Plot: I agree with your view of what we should and should not do in love. I also think respect is very important in any relationship.

Closing: I like your closing line. IT should not be a fight even if it is a struggle.Lovely work.

Comment: I am looking forward to reading more of your work in the coming year.Here is an item:I thought might be helpful to you.
 Invalid Item 
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#552576 by Not Available.
Have a great and blessed year in 2007.

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Review of Nevermind  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi HEAVEN , this is Funnyface. I am reviewing an item of yours to welcome you to Writing.com. If there is anything I can do to help you please e-mail me. We are so pleased you have joined the community.

Title: "Nevermind" a nice title for this poem.

Beginning:You take us straight to the topic of your poem..nevermind.

Plot: I have never read a poem that each sentence began with the same word. You used this method effectively. I feel like your friendship/relationship is not what you would like it to be and you are sorry about that. Are you or did you give this poem to him/her to read?

Closing: I wish you well and if he/she is going to be good for you I hope love will blossom again. A heartfelt write.

Comment: I am looking forward to reading more of your work in the coming year. A link to an item that might help.
 Invalid Item 
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#552576 by Not Available.
Have a great and blessed year in 2007.

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Review of Not Just a Boy  
Rated: E | (4.5)
HiSilent_Tears , this is Funnyface. I am reviewing an item of yours to welcome you to Writing.com. If there is anything I can do to help you please e-mail me. We are so pleased you have joined the community.

Title: "Not Just A Boy."

Beginning:What a nice opening as you tell ua about your friend and how you view him.

Plot:A lovely love poem. You are blessed to find a guy like this one. I think this poem wold make nice lyrics.

Closing: Nice writing and I wish you well with your friend.

Comment: I am looking forward to reading more of your work in the coming year. Have a great and blessed year in 2007.

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Review of When?  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi War-Lover , this is Funnyface. I am reviewing an item of yours to welcome you to Writing.com. If there is anything I can do to help you please e-mail me. We are so pleased you have joined the community.

Title: "When"

Beginning:You have posed many questions in poem.

Plot:We live in a time that it is quite scary. I wonder about the future of our children/grandchildren. You have done a lot of thinking here I would say you are a deep thinker.
Closing: I also pray Please God help us, all of mankind

Comment: I am looking forward to reading more of your work in the coming year. Have a great and blessed year in 2007.
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Review of Somewhere  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi drievisjes, this is Funnyface. I am reviewing an item of yours to welcome you to Writing.com. If there is anything I can do to help you please e-mail me. We are so pleased you have joined the community.

Title: "Somewhere"
Beginning:It is nice how you wrote the note at the top of the page. I don't know another word that would show the vastness of the wheat unless it would be fields, but the sea sounds the best.

Plot:This poem is what I call short and sweet. It is very descriptive describing a spot by your home. What a beautiful area this must be.

Closing: I like how you ended this using simply the word tree. A lovely write.

Comment: I am looking forward to reading more of your work in the coming year. Have a great and blessed year in 2007.

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Review of Little Sister  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello writerscramp, how very precious this poem is about your little sister. The love you have for her shines through in each line of this poem. and even though she is grown now the love is still there glowing like gold. There is nothing I like better more than the love of family. A great job.
Review of Sunny  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Puffy, this is Funnyface. I am reviewing an item of yours to welcome you to Writing.com. If there is anything I can do to help you please e-mail me. We are so pleased you have joined the community.

Title: "Sunny"

Beginning:A solid opening as you begin immediately by describing your horse.

Plot:You have said a lot in these few verses, what a wonderful horse Sunny must be. I believe you do share things with your horse. I like how you admit that you get strength from Sunny.

Closing: Exceptionally nice, especially the last line.

Comment: I am looking forward to reading more of your work in the coming year. Have a great and blessed year in 2007.

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Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Dan, this is Funnyface. I am reviewing an item of yours to welcome you to Writing.com. If there is anything I can do to help you please e-mail me. We are so pleased you have joined the community.

Title: "Disturbing:The Truth"

Beginning:I wish my husband was here he would love to read your static item. He would so agree with you. You have taken us straight into your topic nicely.

Plot:You have written some very good things for us to ponder, and believe me you are not the only one who gets worked up over many of these things.

Closing: I had to laugh out loud at your closing. Beautifully done.

Comment: I am looking forward to reading more of your work in the coming year. Have a great and blessed year in 2007.

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Review of Wisdom  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi sasktoonie, this is Funnyface. I am reviewing an item of yours to welcome you to Writing.com. If there is anything I can do to help you please e-mail me. We are so pleased you have joined the community.

Title: "Wisdom"

Beginning:Very nice.. We need to and should keep a watch on our tongues. It can cause alot of heartache and problems.

Plot:In your body of the poem you have done a nice job describing how fatal the lack of wisdom can be.
Closing: A nice job here and thank you for reminding us how we should be using wisdom.

Comment: I am looking forward to reading more of your work in the coming year. Have a great and blessed year in 2007.

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Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi, this is Funnyface. I am reviewing an item of yours to welcome you to Writing.com. If there is anything I can do to help you please e-mail me. We are so pleased you have joined the community.

Title: "Your My Friend" I choose this item to read because of the title and brief description.

Beginning:What a wonderful way to begin your poem by praising your friend for always being there for you.

Plot:You give much praise to your friend. Friendship often takes work. This friend seems to have the qualities to make you feel good about your self and about things. Cherish him/her always.

Closing: A nice write about a subject we all can relate to.

Comment: I am looking forward to reading more of your work in the coming year. Have a great and blessed year in 2007.

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Review of Soon Long Gone  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Pasone, this is Funnyface. I am reviewing an item of yours to welcome you to Writing.com. If there is anything I can do to help you please e-mail me. We are so pleased you have joined the community.

Title: "Soon Long Gone"

Beginning:You have shown how sad you are that your "baby" is going away, right here in the opening.

Plot:I am proud that you put her feelings above your own. You stayed strong when she went on the plane. I know that you will miss her like crazy. It will be wonderful when she returns.

Closing: Keep your friendship strong and don't let it slip away.

Comment: I am looking forward to reading more of your work in the coming year. Have a great and blessed year in 2007.

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Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Maggie, this is Funnyface. I am reviewing an item of yours to welcome you to Writing.com. If there is anything I can do to help you please e-mail me. We are so pleased you have joined the community.

Title: "Starfish On The Greystones"

Beginning:You have done a wonderful job here describing your walk along the eastern coast of Greystones.A nice opening.

Plot:Well developed . I can picture the starfish that lay on the many grey and white stones, on the banks of the Irish sea.Your rhyming is perfect.

Closing: Your story told here in poetry is well done.

Comment: I am looking forward to reading more of your work in the coming year. Have a great and blessed year in 2007.

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Review of Secrets  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi horsetrainer, this is Funnyface. I am reviewing an item of yours to welcome you to Writing.com. If there is anything I can do to help you please e-mail me. We are so pleased you have joined the community.

Title: "Secrets"

Beginning:First I must say I really love this poem. It speaks words of wisdom. We shouldn't share our secrets, and I wonder why we all want to tell them to another.

Plot:You have done a wonderful job telling us what happens when a secret is shared. I know this is true, I have done it and have had it done to me.

Closing: Yes we are the one that's to blame as we shared the secret in the first place. I am sure I will remember the words in this poem.

Comment: I am looking forward to reading more of your work in the coming year. Have a great and blessed year in 2007.

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Review of Boxed in  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi giets, this is Funnyface. I am reviewing an item of yours to welcome you to Writing.com. If there is anything I can do to help you please e-mail me. We are so pleased you have joined the community.

Title: "Boxed In"

Beginning:You set the stage nicely in the first verse of your poem. You were taken in a dream, a fantasy to your future.

Plot:Sometimes if we look ahead be it in vision or in reality our life can be so scary and you have shown us this in your words.

Closing: A lovely poem with a perfect ending.

Comment: I am looking forward to reading more of your work in the coming year. Have a great and blessed year in 2007.

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Review of One  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi Kristikim , this is Funnyface. I am reviewing an item of yours to welcome you to Writing.com. If there is anything I can do to help you please e-mail me. We are so pleased you have joined the community.

Title: "One"

Beginning:Ah this is a nice opening. I can feel the attraction you had for each other.

Plot:Simply beautifully written. I can picture the two walking hand in hand until they reached the grass by the stream.

Closing: An awesome love poem, and the last two lines touches my heart.When you surrender to God He must take you as one.

Comment: I am looking forward to reading more of your work in the coming year. Have a great and blessed year in 2007.
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Review of Break Up  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi lady_goth, this is Funnyface. I am reviewing an item of yours to welcome you to Writing.com. If there is anything I can do to help you please e-mail me. We are so pleased you have joined the community.

Title:"Break Up"

Beginning:Breaking up an relationship is hard, and as you entered the door and faced things I am sure you realized this.

Plot: Your plot of the poem shows your pain. It is so wonderful when a relations is going good, but so painful when it turns sour. I am so sorry you had to experience it.

Closing: I know your pain of broken promises, broken dreams. Hugs as you move ahead in your life.

Comment: I am looking forward to reading more of your work in the coming year. Have a great and blessed year in 2007.

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