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Review of "Crossing Over"  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Heartfelt and a wonderful uplifting message! Cancer took the life of two of my brothers, It is a terrible disease! Thank you for writing these heartfelt words in memory of your brother Wayne! You have painted an awesome picture of your life in your younger years, Great descriptive writing.I especially like how you were crammed like sardines. It touches my heart to see your love of your family.God Bless!
Review of V  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Good morning eleventhbee welcome to Writing.com. If I can help you find your way around here I am just an e-mail away.
I read your poem V and must say you have done a lovely job on a four line poem! It is very descriptive, it is like you painted a picture of the scattering printed feet standing out on the leaded ice. The third line made me wonder what was causing her to be a little sad, as the sunshine smiles did not reach her eyes. A nice closing as new feet feels her heat! I look forward to reading more of your work!
Review of My Passy  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Poppy, what a delightful poem about your children and grandchildrens losing their "passy". My children didn't have one but my first two grandchildren losing their pacifier was unbearable . They were devastated they couldn't believe that Mommy just tossed it away.A nice job here describing how miserable life became all because you threw a paddy away! Bravo starting over again with your two year old grandson!
Review of An Odd Occurrence  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi there Funnyface here again, You have written another delightful story here, one in which you did an excellent job with your use of dialogue... The conversation between Fred, an employ of the carpet store ans Rucland is outstanding. I don't usually read comedy but the stress of buying a carpet and disposing of the rug held my attention and I did find it funny, I really enjoyed the use of dialogue! Keep writing, and I know you will do well on this site, I might warn you writing.com is addictive, We all love the site.
Review of Drive  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello this is Funnyface. I am so happy that I got to read this story, it tickled my fancy! Your opening is catchy, strong and descriptive. The body continued to be strong as you drew our attention to the mystery of what can be taking place that is plaguing you that something going wrong.. Great job with suspense. The closing gave me chills. My five sense is put to use as the cars crashed , the horn screaming. Thanks for sharing this and keep up the great writing!
Review of I let him down  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Teresa, Good morning, Funnyface here, I read your short story "I Let Him Down", I was drawn to read it because of the title.. how did she let her son down and so I read on to find the answers.Your opening took us right into the subject of how you let your son down and why. Stress can cause us to do things we don't really like to do, and Smoking is a very hard habit to give up, You gave it a good try, keep trying and you will succeed.. I wonder about your friend, a true friend wouldn't take advantage such as yours did, I hope she will NOT use your number in any way that is unlawful..Just remember in life somethings are hard...take one thing at a time and you will conquer smoking or what ever you want to conquer! How old is your son,, love him and cherish him always. He will be your Rock! A heartfelt, and very touching story! Thank you for sharing!
Review of Envy  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Good morning saheli this is Funnyface. I just read your poem "Envy". It is so hurtful when a person likes someone and they have their eye on someone else. I feel the hurt that Cassie felt. I hope she fines someone that will accept and love her for herself.A nice write!
Review of God,I Love Her  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Good Morning fordboy69. I love the poem you wrote here. The title is perfect, Great feelings in this write. I found it to be a light happy poem but one that is full of love and deep emotions. I hope you do find that she cares for you as much as you do for her. Welcome to writing.com, I know you will love this site. If there is anything I can do to help you , I'm an e-mail away.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Teresa Franco this is Funnyface. I read your short story here and I want to say I am so sorry that you are having these various emotions I would like to tell you that you have written a short story here that touches my heart. I know so many diseases can cause these emotions to plague us, diabetes for one..can cause our emotions to go up and down so to speak, It really depends at what level our sugar is.. I hope you have a good doctor that will rule out the possibly of a medical problemIam here if you need an ear. I am not medically qualified in any way but I do have a big heart!
Review of Bio  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Good morning clee This is Funnyface.. I just finished reading your Bio.Fifty seems old to some but to the ones that has exceeded that age it sounds quite nice. I have children older, actually I have one that is 53. I love the age I am, I love to have my children settled and have our grand babies, I have 5 of them.3 girls 2 boys. I am impressed how you are a cancer survivor I lost two brothers to cancer. It is a dreadful disease, and I am so happy that you are cancer free. I hope if you haven't you will write about this experience. I had cats for years but I no longer have one. I miss them.I do have a dog,she is so great, she lets me know who is around, even who is on our street. I feel blessed to have her in today society. It is not safe for seniors to be living alone. I am going to be back later and read more of your work . I am sure you will love W.D.C.. Welcome!
Rated: E | (4.5)
Good evening Rusty_Coyote I enjoyed reading "Life With A Service Dog." I found a lot of encouraging information about what your dog can and does do. I am a dog lover, being a senior i rely on my dog to bark if someone is around my home or at my door. I think many people react in various ways seeing a handicapped person because they are cautious or they wonder what happen to make the person need a hearing dog. I think it is wonderful how dogs can be trained to help so many people, even being able to go through the air ports sniffing/ searching to see if there is anything their that should not be hidden in the garbage cans or under the seats!.Enjoy writing,com and I will be back again soon.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Good evening sllimjim this is Funnyface, I just read "The Heart Of A Child".This item is very inspiring. It is easy to tell that this young boy has been taught to think of others, to share, to give. He has been and is being taught the way he should, valuable lessons that will remain with him for a lifetime. Truly inspiring!
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Good morning Mike this is Funnyface.I am so sorry that you have a broken heart. There is nothing as wonderful as love and nothing in this world as painful as a love that has waxed cold. Even though I am a senior,I know how your heart pains, I never forgot those raw feelings, but when my children, one by one went through it, I shared their sorrow, crying with them. My experience had given me compassion for how a broken heart made me and makes others feel.. You will find someone that will bring you a lifetime of joy! I enjoyed your writing because of the raw emotions you shared. I can understand how you received the merit badge and this poem being the best in the Best in the Tragic Song And Poetry Contest..Congratulations!
Rated: E | (5.0)
Heart touching, You most have been a very compassionate person to think of doing something that would encourage little Lizzy's Mother. I had many foster Moms but I don't have many nice things I COULD SAY ABOUT THEM, SO i SAY NOTHING.! You will be awarded for being so kind to one of God's little ones..
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a heart touching event to relate to us all. We can learn much from what is written here in your portfolio. I know that there can be nothing as scary as when our little ones are sick and we don't know what to do. I believe that God does send us angels when we need them!
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is Funnyface, I just wished I had of read this before your case turned white, so you would know how inspired I am to read the five positive lessons that you learned while you were fighting your battle with Leukemia. I can't imagine how scarey it must be for anyone to hear the words you have Leukemia I will be applying these five points often in my days ahead.
Review of Mirror  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello this is Funnyface. I was drawn to read your poem "MIRROR" because of your brief description. I have never read a poem that is only 14 words in length, yet I feel you used these fourteen words wisely and have written a nice poem with just a few lines. I really like the message in this poem. I wonder if you should have used capitol letters, never the less I enjoyed your work and look forward to reading more .
Rated: E | (4.5)
Good morning Doremi, I hope your health is keeping you strong and that you get to share more and more stories with us. I just read "And The Green Grass Grew All Around" This story grabbed my attention and held it throughout, which is saying something since. I have a short attention spam. What a gift you have for writing .. You have done a super job with your dialogue. I see nothing at all that I would change. Simply a lovely write!
Review of She Had to Endure  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Magoo, you have painted vivid pictures here in the words of your poem. I can see in my minds eye, your dear Mother leaving you children and going out to labor so she could supply your needs, She was a wonderful woman that loved her late husband and her young children. I for one appreciate the kind words that you wrote about her,the lady that loved you and did all she could for you children. I hope you were able to express your love and thanks before she passed away! My Mom died on my 5th birthday, so this writing touches my heart!
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Siscok, I just read your poem "THE WIDOW AND THE POPPY" and want to tell you how I appreciate
your use of words that gives the sense of the sadness , the sense of loss and makes us realize how blessed we are to have Fathers that are not facing death daily. So many children will lose their fathers, and so many wives will lose their husband. SO many men lives will be cut short!. I appreciate your work here, I can offer no improvements.We in Canada use the poppy as a symbol of remembrance to our fallen men!
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Adam this is Funnyface. I just finished reading your heartfelt story "You'll Never Hurt Me Again" This story brought tears to my eyes, and touched my heart in a profound way. There is so much abuse and way to many little children die as a result of it. My Mom died when I was 5/6 buried on my 6th birthday..my Dad was left with five young children and I must say he never laid a hand on us. My heart goes out to Mary, what fear and torment she must have gone through. Your writing here has made me thankful I never had a life of physical abuse. Thanks for this heartfelt short story and congratulations on the awardicom.
Review of OLD FRIENDS  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Good evening Ashoo this is Funnyface welcoming you to Writing.com. I am sure you will enjoy your time spent here.

I like the title of your Inspirational short story. "Old Friend" is a perfect title as one will not guess who the old friend is and it doesn't give the story away! I also noticed you rated the story as E which is appropriate.

Opening is lovely as I at frist thought it was a young guy you were attracted to, which is a nice twist ..I could see you going to meet the young guy. the dialogue is nicely written...it sounds so like real life.

The question that you posed, I think that many of us do ask why people get sick with diseases and die. I liked the way the young guy replied, Dialogue is well spaced . I like the answer that was given to you!

I loved your closing. I also call Him God, and He is also my friend!

I seen no errors! I am looking forward to reading more of your works. I know you will love Writing.com and if I can help you in any way I am just an e-mail away!
Review of Letting Go  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I pray the same thing for all the young children as they step out to start a grown up life. My grand daughter has left her home and has moved in with me. She did not leave because of wanting to she left as her parents live in Texas and she is a Canadian, so for her to go to University she has to live here in Canada. I pray daily that i can guide her and yet let her live her own life. She starts in a couple weeks. I know it will be hard for you to let your children go , but I am certain they will walk in the path you reared them in.
Review of Forever Changed  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Wow a double whammy.. Death is so final. There are so many things that we would say and do if we knew what was ahead but now there is no chance. My daughter in law lost her 38 year old brother in law three weeks ago.He was killed on a Motocycle.She was so devastated. My heart reaches out to your sister Mary Ann.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Jaya, I really enjoyed reading your short story "When The Gods Agree. You did a wonderful job showing how life for seniors or retired people can be filled with sunshine and happiness if they give of their selves and share with others. The boys were super kids trying to help their Mother and Paula found two youngsters that help her horn in on skills and to share her life with. She is no longer alone she has a family Gracie and the two lads. I hope you will or did do well in the contest,
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