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My reviewing style varies. I may do a little edit if possible or pinpoint what I think is incorrect. My review is merely base on what I feel about your piece. If I enjoy it, I say it. If not, I tell you why I'm not. I often do reviews on all Poetry Items- regardless of the genres, styles and the way it was written. However if you like, you can request a short story, chapter not the entire book or novel, articles and essays, etc. 2023 Quill Nominee
I'm good at...
Titles. You may ask for a better catchy titles for your piece. Rhyming for most poetry. I'll be reading your piece aloud and hear if consistent rhyming takes place. Emotions. I'm greatly affected on the emotions your piece may reveal.
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All but Nature, Love/Romance, Dark/Horror and Inspirational are on top of my list.
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Poetry, Short Story, Articles and Essays. Blogs also.
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Review of Circle  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Greetings Anni Pon !


Since it's your account birthday, I especially visited your port to find something to review. This poem "Circle" immediately lured me to click and read on it. I am impressed at the very strong message this poem offers to your readers.

Here are the things I particularly like:

Strong central metaphor: The use of the circle as a metaphor for life's cyclicality is effective and easy to understand. It evokes a sense of constant movement and interconnectedness.

Concise and evocative language: The poem is short and to the point, but each line is packed with meaning. Words like "thin" and "heavy" vividly capture the different parts of the cycle.

Repetition and reversal: The repetition of "In, Out" and "Out, In" at the beginning and end of the poem creates a sense of unity and closure, while the reversal in the second half reinforces the idea of circularity.

Emotional impact: The poem evokes a range of emotions, from the thrill of reaching the top to the despair of hitting rock bottom. The focus on breathing adds a sense of physicality and urgency.

Here are some minor suggestions for improvement:

*BulbG* Clarity of the middle lines: The lines "When you reach the top, / Breathe in / While the air is thin" and "When you reach the bottom, / And the air gets too heavy / Let it out" could be made slightly clearer. It might be helpful to add one or two words to better describe the different emotions and experiences at the top and bottom of the cycle.

*BulbG* Consider exploring a specific instance: While the poem works well as a general reflection on life, it might be even more impactful if you explored a specific instance of a "top" or "bottom" within the cycle. This could add a layer of personal experience and make the poem feel even more relatable.

Overall, "Circle" is a well-crafted poem that effectively explores the themes of life's ups and downs and the continuous nature of existence.

Thank you for sharing this. Have a blast during your anniversary! Write on!


Anniversary Reviews email siggie

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Greetings Tim Chiu !

I was cruising through the random Read and Review section of the site. I found your piece and thought of giving you my review.

"A Beauteous Gift - A Joyous Homecoming" is a good choice of title. I was immediately drawn to read your creation. Though it's somehow a long title for a poem, it still is a good choice.

Here are the Strengths of this piece:

Compelling Imagery: The poem weaves vivid imagery, particularly regarding the contrasting figures of a "King on His Throne" and "gut wrenching tears." These images effectively evoke a sense of power and vulnerability, and draw the reader into the poem's emotional landscape.

Spiritual Depth: The poem grapples with profound themes of faith, sacrifice, and redemption. The references to prayer, the Son, and the Cross are clear and evocative, inviting the reader to contemplate the significance of these symbols.

Formal Elements: The poem utilizes rhyme and meter effectively, creating a rhythmic flow that enhances the reading experience. The presence of certain phrases, like "Home, not mistaken..." and "Live for - enjoy Him," reinforces the poem's central message.

Overall, this is inded a great piece worth reading. Thank you for sharing this. Write on!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Christmas Cheer  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Greetings jaya !

I was randomly reading poems through the Read and Review section of the site. I found your poem and enjoyed reading it, hence, this review.

First Impression:

I appreciate the positive and hopeful message of your poem, "Christmas Cheer." The use of simple language and rhyming verses makes it easily accessible and impactful.

"Christmas Cheer" is a perfect choice for a title. It's very captivating and will instantly give insight to readers about what the poem is all about. The word "cheer" creates a possitive impact to readers. Good job!

Here are some specific points that made your poem wonderful:


Evokes festive imagery: The poem vividly paints a picture of Christmas cheer through mentions of trees, lights, bells, and carols.

Universal themes: The poem touches on relatable themes like overcoming loneliness, finding hope, and facing life's challenges, making it relevant to a wide audience.

Uplifting conclusion: The focus on finding inner peace and paradise through Jesus' birth leaves a positive and inspiring impression.

Suggestions for improvement:

Develop deeper emotions: While the poem conveys cheer, exploring specific emotions like joy, warmth, or nostalgia could add depth and resonance.

Show, don't tell: Instead of directly stating emotions or ideas, try incorporating sensory details or metaphors to let the reader experience them.

Go beyond clichΓ©s: Some phrases like "King was born" or "shining colorful lights" could be replaced with more unique and evocative language.

Consider pacing: The poem's rhythm might benefit from varying the length of lines or introducing breaks within stanzas.

If I were to rewrite this poem, here's how I word it:

Joyful bells chime, dispelling gloom,
No heart feels solitary.
A radiant star lights winter's bloom,
Hope whispers: "Be merry!"

On Judean shores, a promise gleams,
Hope's flame in darkness burns.
The newborn King weaves golden dreams,
A fire that gently churns.

Through life's uneven, winding ways,
Resilience finds its form.
Christmas whispers, "Rise each day,
Embrace the coming storm."

Frosted firs in festive dress,
Sleigh bells dance on frosty air.
Lights ignite, a warm caress,
Sharing, love, a whispered prayer.

Midnight whispers, soft and low,
A slumbering babe, serene.
In quiet hearts, compassion's glow,
Paradise, unseen.

Let carols fill the frosty morn,
Kindness like starlight bright.
May Christmas, in each soul reborn,
Rekindle inner light.

This revised poem retains the spirit of the original while:

*Bullet* Replacing potentially insensitive wording ("sad old Judea") with more evocative language ("winter's bloom").

*Bullet* Avoiding militaristic imagery ("war," "clear the trouble").

*Bullet* Shifting focus from material aspects (gifts, lights) to the core message of hope, love, and inner peace.

*Bullet* Maintaining a joyful and uplifting tone.

Final Thought:

"Christmas Cheer" is a heartwarming poem that captures the spirit of the season. By incorporating the suggestions above, you can further enhance its emotional impact and originality.

Thank you for sharing this wonderful piece. Write on!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Love Angel  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Greetings Xander Riley !

I was reading through the Read and Review corner of the site and found your poetry. I enjoyed reading it and thought of dropping you some points of information.

First Impression:

I was lured by the title right away. "Love Angel" is a great choice as it provides a strong and captivating impact to most readers. Good job for that!


Emotional impact: The poem effectively conveys the depth and intensity of the speaker's love for their partner. The use of vivid imagery ("rubber knees," "tears stained your face") and strong verbs ("stole," "shatter") heightens the emotional stakes.

Romantic imagery: The use of the "Love Angel" metaphor is endearing and adds a touch of whimsy to the poem. The declaration of the wife as the speaker's "muse" and "life" paints a beautiful picture of a committed and fulfilling relationship.

Timeless theme: The poem explores the universal theme of enduring love, making it relatable to readers across generations and cultures.

Areas for improvement:

Structure and flow: The poem could benefit from a more consistent structure. While the free verse format allows for flexibility, some lines feel a bit abrupt or jarring in their transition. Consider experimenting with rhyme or rhythm to create a smoother flow.

ClichΓ©s: Some phrases like "made of steel" and "to the grave" feel slightly clichΓ©d. Look for more original ways to express similar emotions.

Character development: While the poem expresses strong feelings, it could benefit from fleshing out the characters and their relationship. What makes the speaker and their partner unique? What specific moments or experiences have solidified their love?

Additional suggestions:

*BulbG* Consider adding a sensory detail or two to the first stanza to further establish the scene and connection between the lovers.

*BulbG* Explore the significance of the tears in the third stanza. Do they represent relief, joy, or something else?

*BulbG* Look for opportunities to show, rather than tell, the depth of the couple's love. Can you demonstrate their bond through shared experiences or intimate moments?

If I were to rewrite this piece, here's how I word it:

No need for confession, love spoke in your gaze,
Where sunbeams met starlight, a soul's soft display.
My rubbery knees met the earth in a daze,
Your smile painting moonlight across my whole day.

Words choked in my throat, fear a serpent it seemed,
Hissing whispers of "No," of dreams turned to ash.
Yet, steel could not shield what your gentle light beamed,
My heart on display, waiting for your sweet crash.

A teardrop's descent, a tremor that ran,
Chilling my hope as it traced down your cheek.
But then, in your eyes, a constellation began,
No shadows of doubt, only love, strong and meek.

"Until death," I vowed, "you're my muse, my whole sun,
My angel of grace, in each breath you inspire."
Since fate's first embrace, our journey begun,
You were, are, and will be my wife, my heart's fire.

Time's whispers have flown, yet your starlight remains,
Warmth in your eyes, echoing love's endless song.
Never a touch that felt more like home's gentle strains,
A love that will linger, where we both belong.

So let shadows dance free, let years fade unseen,
Our love, a lighthouse, forever shall stand.
In your soul's embrace, my forever serene,
Hand in hand, we'll walk to that love-painted land.

Final Thought:

"Love Angel" is a sweet and heartwarming poem that celebrates enduring love. With some minor revisions to the structure and character development, the poem could reach even greater heights of emotional resonance and originality. Thank you so much for sharing this. Write on!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Dear me  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Greetings drainfall !

I was cruising through the Read and Review section of this site and your poem emerged. I enjoyed my read and thought of dropping you some points of information.

First Impression:

"A Dear me submission!" being its title is not a good choice. You can merely say "Dear Me" and simply elaborate further under the description field that this is an entry/submission for a contest.

Here are few things I personally like:


Motivational tone: The "Dear me" format creates a personal and encouraging atmosphere, promoting self-reflection and goal setting.

Specificity: Each statement outlines a specific goal and deadline, making it more achievable and measurable.

Emotional connection: Mentioning the underlying reasons behind each goal (like fostering connections or letting go of hurt) adds depth and emotional resonance.

Balance: You address different areas of life, including personal projects, relationships, emotional well-being, and family connections.

Suggestions for improvement:

Quantify further: Some goals could benefit from more specific measures. For example, "spending quality time" could be defined as having deep conversations, playing games together, or attending shared events.

Actionable steps: Consider adding specific actions you will take to achieve each goal. For example, "Across America" might involve daily writing sessions or joining a writer's group.

Positive focus: While acknowledging the need to let go of past hurt, emphasize the positive aspects of moving forward. Instead of focusing on forgetting someone, consider setting goals for self-care or building new relationships.

Celebrations: Include mini-celebrations for reaching milestones or achieving your goals. This will help you stay motivated and track your progress.

Additional ideas:

*BulbG* You could create a visual representation of your goals, like a vision board, to keep them at the forefront of your mind.

*BulbG* Sharing these goals with a trusted friend or family member can help you stay accountable and receive support.

*BulbG* Regularly revisit and adjust your goals to ensure they remain aligned with your priorities and changing circumstances.

Final Thought:

These are strong personal affirmations with the potential to guide your actions and create positive change. Refining the wording and adding some specifics could make them even more impactful. Thank you for sharing this piece. Write on!


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Review of Intentionality  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Greetings Pearlwrites !

I was cruising through the Read and Review section of the site and found your piece. I enjoyed reading it and thought of dropping you my take about your writing.

Here are some things I particularly liked:

Strong opening: "Consistency is a powerful force" is a bold and compelling statement that immediately grabs the reader's attention.

Clarity and conciseness: The message is presented in a clear and concise way, making it easy for the reader to understand the importance of consistency.

Emphasis on action: You provide actionable advice by urging readers to "keep up the good work," "stay committed," and "stay consistent."

Positive and encouraging tone: The overall tone is positive and encouraging, motivating the reader to continue their efforts.

Here are some additional thoughts to consider:

Adding examples: You could strengthen your message by adding examples of how consistency has helped people achieve their goals in different areas of life. This could make the message more relatable and impactful.

Expanding on benefits: Briefly mentioning the benefits of consistency, such as building confidence, overcoming challenges, and achieving long-term success, could further motivate the reader.

Addressing potential challenges: Acknowledging potential challenges like setbacks and the need for adaptation could make the message more realistic and encourage continuous effort.

Overall, this is a well-written and inspiring piece that highlights the importance of consistency. With a few minor tweaks, you could make it even more impactful and motivational for your readers. Thank you for sharing this. Write on!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Crow feathers  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Greetings KΓ₯re Enga in Montana !

I was cruising through the Read and Review section of the site and found your poem. I enjoyed reading your creation and thought of leaving you this review.


Vivid imagery: The poem utilizes evocative language to paint striking pictures. Sailing on the impulse of a neutron is a particularly unique and captivating metaphor. Climbing the staircase of someone's heaven adds a layer of personal intimacy and yearning.

Cosmic scope: The poem tackles grand themes of existence and the universe, venturing "between the stars" and confronting the "absolute." This adds a sense of weight and awe to the words.

Intriguing ambiguity: The poem leaves open to interpretation the significance of the neutron, the "absolute," and the staircase of heaven. This allows the reader to engage with the imagery and draw their own meanings.

Concise expression: The poem delivers its message with impactful lines, maximizing its effect within a short space.


This is a powerful and evocative poem with stunning imagery and a cosmic scope. Its concise expression and open-endedness invite multiple interpretations. Thank you for a wonderful read. Write on!.


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Greetings elizjohn !

I was cruising through the Request Review section of this site and I found your piece. I enjoyed reading it and decided to leave my take on this wonderful creation.

First Impression:

The poem is a powerful and poignant exploration of loss, grief, and societal indifference. HOW THEY BURRIED ME IN MISSISSIPPI is not a bad choice of title. For me, it's not that good either. Although, it's kind of lengthy for a poem it has this awesome drag that will certainly capture everyone's attention. If I were to create a title for this piece, HOW THEY BURRIED ME, is enough. It's short and possesses a strong impact.

Here are some aspects that stood out:

Strong Imagery: The poem uses vivid imagery to create a strong sense of place and atmosphere. Words like "dirt," "old soil," and "brambles" paint a picture of a neglected and forgotten space. The "blue curtain of lies" effectively conveys the feeling of deceit and secrecy surrounding the speaker's death.

Emotional Impact: The speaker's voice is raw and full of pain. The repetition of "They buried me" emphasizes the speaker's powerlessness and the injustice of their fate. Lines like "loved ones to never know our fate" and "condemned to this no man's land" evoke a sense of despair and longing for connection.

Social Commentary: The poem goes beyond the personal experience of the speaker to raise questions about societal attitudes towards the marginalized and forgotten. The speaker's anonymity and the lack of investigation into their death highlight the indifference of authority figures and the potential for the system to fail those who need it most.

Final Thought:

This is a well-written and thought-provoking poem that tackles difficult themes with sensitivity and emotional depth. It's sure to stay with the reader long after they've finished reading as much as it stays with me.

Thank you for the wonderful read. Keep your creative juices flowing and write on!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Greetings Cappucine !

I was sailing through random Read and review section of the site and found your poem. I enjoyed reading it and thought of dropping my take on your beautiful work of heart and mind.

First Impression:

This poem beautifully captures the bittersweet transition from summer's vibrancy to fall's melancholic embrace. "The Rain of Summer" is a good choice of title, enticing as it sound to readers it also gives quick preview as to what the piece is all about. Good job!


Vivid imagery: The opening lines of "plastered yellow frock" and "vanishing lacquer" immediately evoke a sense of summer's fading glory. The imagery is further strengthened by the contrast between the vibrant blue feet and the "sodden garden pulsating green," highlighting the life still clinging to the dying season.

Sensory details: You masterfully employ sensory details to bring the reader into the scene. The "plague of wet snails," the "mud of fall," and the "ferocious rivers and creeks" all contribute to a tactile and visceral experience.

Emotional resonance: The poem moves effortlessly through various emotions, from the nostalgia of summer's end to the anticipation of winter's chill. The final image of the speaker, "peer[ing] through my wet hair at the havoc wrought," beautifully conveys a sense of loss and quiet resignation.

Structure and pacing: The repetition of "after the rain of summer" creates a rhythmic foundation, while the varying line lengths and internal rhymes add dynamic variation. The poem unfolds as a series of observations, building towards the final line's poignant summation.

Final Thought:

Overall, "After the Rain of Summer" is a captivating poem that effectively captures the fleeting beauty and inevitable decay of nature. Its rich imagery and emotional depth make it a powerful reflection on the changing seasons and the cyclical nature of life itself.

Thank you for this wonderful read. Write on!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of AML AML  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Greetings strlcuckoo !

Thank you for requesting a review from me. It took me some time to read and review your piece since I'm so preoccupied with things in real life. Without much ado, here's my take on your poetry.

First Impression:

The poem is full of emotion and has the potential to be truly moving. With regards to the title "AML AML", I'm having a hard time figuring out what it meant, what it stands for. It's quite confusing to readers like me. I could only suggest to peruse the description provided to specifically elaborate this. It's not that bad though since it would definitely entice readers to take a read and find out what that means and I'm happy that I found the meaning of it at the end part of your piece.


Repetition: The repetition of "AML AML" effectively emphasizes the speaker's yearning and the weight of their promise. It creates a rhythm that reinforces the message of unwavering love.

Contrast: The use of contrast between the joyful declaration of "perfect mate" and the sadness of "more tears" highlights the challenges the couple faces, making their love even more poignant.

Emotional weight: The poem evokes a strong sense of longing and devotion, especially with lines like "Words to my future wife" and "These...”All My Love, All My Life”."

Suggestions for improvement:

Clarity of "AML": Consider adding a subtitle or some context to clarify what "AML" stands for. It could be the person's name, initials, or even a personal code you share. Knowing the meaning adds another layer of intimacy to the poem.

Show, don't tell: While the poem expresses emotions effectively, adding more details about the specific challenges faced or specific memories shared could make the story more relatable and impactful.

Ending: The poem ends abruptly. Adding a final line or stanza that summarizes the enduring power of the love despite the hardships could provide a more satisfying closure.

Here are some additional ideas to consider:

*BulbG* Explore the reason for the separation and how it affects the relationship.

*BulbG* Show how the letters offer comfort and hope during the difficult times.

*BulbG* Use specific imagery or metaphors to paint a vivid picture of the couple's bond.

Final Thought:

The poem is good to read and it showed to me the deep affection and love the writer feels for his lover. I'm glad to know AML AML stands for All My Love, All My Life. Thank you for this wonderful read. Keep your creative juices flowing.


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Calendar  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Greetings Beholden !

Thank you so much for participating in the current round of "Personify Writing Contest-CLOSED. I enjoyed reading your piece and thought of providing you this review.


Original Perspective: The piece gives a voice to an often overlooked object, a calendar, offering a refreshing take on the value of a seemingly short existence.

Effective Comparisons: The contrast between the mayfly's fleeting life and the calendar's year-long purpose creates a compelling parallel, highlighting the different ways existence can be meaningful.

Humility and Acceptance: The calendar acknowledges its limitations but finds pride in its simple but essential function.

Vivid Sensory Details: Descriptions like "kiss of its gentle touch" and "light fades" add emotional depth and bring the object to life.
Areas for Improvement:

Pacing: The first half of your piece feels slightly long and could benefit from tighter editing to emphasize the contrast between the mayfly and the calendar more quickly.

Deepening the Purpose: While the calendar finds meaning in its use, could it explore its impact on the owner's life? Does it spark memories, inspire plans, or provide comfort in routine? These are few things that you need to ponder upon and try to incorporate these in your piece.

Expanding Emotion: Consider exploring the owner's emotions at specific points in the calendar's lifespan, like crossing off special dates or approaching the final pages.


*BulbB* Consider starting with the calendar describing its own existence before introducing the mayfly, creating a stronger contrast.

*BulbB* Explore specific memories or emotions associated with dates crossed off by the owner, showcasing the calendar's connection to human experiences.

*BulbB* Play with the metaphor of the "kiss" of the pen, perhaps linking it to the shared memories or emotions it represents.

*BulbB* End with a stronger closing line that encapsulates the calendar's acceptance and fulfillment in its existence.

Final Thought:

Overall, "Calendar" is a thought-provoking poem with a unique perspective. By focusing on the emotional connection between the calendar and its owner and deepening the exploration of its purpose, you can elevate the poem's impact and leave a lasting impression on the reader.

Thank you for this wonderful piece. Keep your creativity flowing. Write on!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Greetings JCosmos !

I was reading through Read and Review page section of this site and found your poem entitled "The Color of Justice is Green Color". I was having a great time reading it and thought of leaving you this review.


The title is not that bad, though it's quite lenghty for a poem. There's also a presence of redundancy when you mentioned "The color of Justice is Green Color". You may omit this last word "color" or change it to something stronger. Perhaps, "Justice is Green" or something similar.


Powerful Symbolism: The use of green and gold effectively symbolizes wealth and privilege, highlighting the link between money and access to justice.

Imagery: The poem's brevity creates a punchy message, with short, clear lines highlighting the inequalities in the justice system.

Emotional Impact: The poem evokes a sense of frustration and anger at the unfairness of privilege influencing justice.
Areas for Improvement:

Oversimplification: While the message is powerful, it potentially oversimplifies a complex issue. It might be beneficial to acknowledge the existence of individuals and organizations working to fight against these inequalities within the justice system.

Nuance and Complexity: The poem could benefit from adding nuance to its portrayal of justice. Perhaps explore instances where money doesn't guarantee justice, or individuals without wealth who fight for fair outcomes.

Possible Misinterpretations: While the intent is likely to criticize the influence of wealth, the poem could be misconstrued as endorsing wealth as a means to achieving justice. Adding depth and complexity to the portrayal of justice could help avoid this.

Alternative Color Symbolism: While green and gold work well, other colors could be considered to represent the themes of privilege and justice. Black and white, for example, symbolize contrasting ideals of good and bad, which could add another layer of meaning.


Explore specific examples of how wealth influences the justice system to add depth and credibility to the message.

Consider including voices or perspectives from those who are denied justice due to lack of wealth.
End the poem with a call to action or a hopeful glimpse of a more equitable future. Play with the symbolism of colors beyond green and gold to add layers of meaning and avoid potential misinterpretations.


Overall, "The Color of Justice is Green" is a powerful piece that effectively highlights the unfair influence of wealth on the justice system. By adding nuance, complexity, and engaging with potentially misinterpreted interpretations, you can strengthen the poem's message and make it even more impactful.

Thank you for this great piece! Write on!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Greetings SM!

You never failed to amazed us with every feature addition to this wonderful site. And this automatic Review response is one great addition. Kodus to whoever suggested this feature, or if it was you who thought of this, brilliant! I'll be using this feature soon and will definitely update my items with auto review response.

Thanks again!

Review of Quondam  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Greetings Sumojo !

Quondam. Wow I learned a new word today. Thank you! Honestly, I had to ask Google for this because I haven't encountered this word before until I stumbled over to this piece through the Read and Review page.

This is a sad piece. In just four lines and nineteen words, I can feel a sense of regret of the writer. I know it's difficult to move on when everything is too late. Most especially when someone is no longer there. It's sad but we just have to accept it.

Thank you for sharing this. Write on!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Test  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Greetings charlie101!

I am doing a random read through the Read and Review section of this page and this static item appeared. I understand that this is a test document and need not to be reviewed, however, I'd still like to leave a feedback for this item to let you know that somehow your test item appeared in public pages. If you wish to know more about static items and what use it poses here in Writing.com, check this out "Static Item

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Greetings Happy to write!

These are great videos to watch. Thank you for sharing. By the way, did you know that you can embed any Youtube videos by perusing the embed WritingML tag? That way, we can directly hit the play button without us going out of Writing.com.

The WritingML tag is:


Replace the YOUTUBEURL text simply with the Youtube URl. For instance,
{embed:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2x0I-Cqs0Jg} yields:

Hope this helps.

Best regards,

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of God Almighty  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Greetings Musicdrummer01!

Every word in this piece is so true. I agree on all you said about God in here. The Acrostic perfectly describe Him and the mention of a know verse from a Bible rekindles His promise. I am happy and felt blessed to find this piece in here. Thank you so much for sharing these lovely words about the Almighty. Write on!

Best regards,

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Greetings Dr M C Gupta!

I was strolling around the Random Reads, and I found your piece. The title LAYERS OF CLOUDS is perfect for this. This suggests a perfect metaphor for the writer's wondering and memories of the past. I love the constant rhyming and the brief lines. It's very smooth to read and creates a very strong impact on the reader. I love how you tell a story in this poetry, how life changes and what our priorities are as we grow older. I enjoyed reading this and I thank you for sharing this beautiful piece. Write on!

Best regards,

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Carpet  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Greetings Evie πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ write&blog !

This is so true. Sometimes beautiful things in this world are created just to be stepped on, and that's sad. Perhaps it's just how it is, and we humans don't even care about its value. Sometimes we tend to ignore how they're intricately crafted by the talented hands of their creators. I know that they're created for a certain purpose, like carpets, which are to be trodden upon. I sometimes asked myself why they created such beauty when its purpose was only to be laid flat on the ground and walked on by dirty feet. This is something worth pondering upon. Thank you so much for sharing this! I enjoyed reading your piece. Write on!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of That book  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Greetings Evie πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ write&blog !

A very brief composition but portrays an interesting content. Certainly, this piece pique readers' interest and surely make them wonder what this book is all about. Why is nobody read it anymore. This is something that I want to find out if ever you will have this written in a long narrative. Very interesting and I enjoyed reading this. Thank you for sharing! Write on!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of To Find A Flower  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Poetry Review Garden Sig3
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

Greetings Cloud !


The views and opinions on this review are mainly the things discovered by GERVIC πŸ‰ WDC Dragon Vale and therefore, do not reflect necessarily to the group, activity and/or event being affiliated herein. This is only the opinion and suggestions of the reviewer and it is still up to the author of this piece to consider this review as a corrective action or otherwise.

I was taking a random read through the Read and Review section of this site. I thought of giving your piece and so, this review.

         "To Find A Flower", doesn't give a strong impact for me. Try changing it to "FINDING FLOWERS" to exhibit a strong and alluring title for your piece. It is brief but direct, and it has a strong impact to the readers. I wonder why your description says, "A poem about flowers, maybe." With emphasis on "maybe", I think you executed well on this as it creates some sort of wondering in the reader's mind. Through that, readers will certainly hop into the content to find out what the piece is about.

Overall Impression/Emotional Impact:
         The first lines made me feel sad and pondered what if this happens. What if our world no longer has flowers? The world will become dull, and our lives will become boring. There would be no colors in our surroundings. I'm afraid this will happen in the future.

Form, Format, Rhyme and Meter:
         This is a free verse and followed no set rhyme and meter.

Artistic Voice and Imagery:
         Imagery is clear. Good job.

Grammar, Spelling and Mechanics:
         I am having a hard time figuring out what you meant by the fifth line:

Flowers that never die,
were never alive
in the first place.

Please help me understand this.
In addition, these lines:

to find a flower,
it has to already
be dead.

appears to be ungrammatical. The word "already" is not necessary here.

Furthermore, on your last lines:

If this poem wasn’t about flowers
what is it about?

there is an improper use of tenses.

Lastly, on the first stanza, the article "the" isn't necessary. Try to omit it.
And also, in these lines:

Where would you find one?

you won’t.

you used would, then followed by won't. This, for me is incorrect. It must be "would", then "wouldn't". Or "will", then "won't".

Favorite Lines:

         I will suggest to write your piece something like this way:

Finding Flowers

If all flowers disappear
Where will we find one?
Definitely, we won’t.

But if ever this happens
Our world will be barren.

A flower that dies
Will never rise again.

A flower that never dies,
Is the rarest one to find.
This is a flower that grows
In the heart of a true friend

If this poem isn’t about flowers,
Then, what is it about?

Final Thought:
         This is a good write. I'm not that good in writing poetry but I'm hoping that you find this review helpful. I enjoyed reading your piece and I thank you for sharing it. Write on!

Reviewed by:
GERVIC πŸ‰ WDC Dragon Vale

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Poetry Review Garden Banner
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

Greetings Naomi !


The views and opinions on this review are mainly the things discovered by GERVIC πŸ‰ WDC Dragon Vale and therefore, do not reflect necessarily to the group, activity and/or event being affiliated herein. This is only the opinion and suggestions of the reviewer and it is still up to the author of this piece to consider this review as a corrective action or otherwise.

         I especially took time to read some of your works after receiving a review from you. I am flabbergasted at the notion that we are in the same country and live in a neighboring city. I'm glad to meet you here. I noticed that you are new to Writing.com and I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome you aboard. Welcome to Writing.com, our second home! I hope you're doing great with your few months in here. Well, I bet you are considering that you are so active with giving out reviews to our fellow writers. That's a great way to start as you uncover each corner and wade through nooks and crannies of the site. I've been here for twelve years already, and I can guarantee you that this site has a lot to offer. If you need help, never hesitate to ask. We, oldies, are here to guide you.

         So much for the blabbering talking, I'd like to let you know that I enjoyed reading your works of heart and mind. Here are my observations (opinions) after reading this wonderful piece.

         Well, there's no other great title than a "Grateful Heart". You specifically mentioned on your description that this is an Acrostic poetry and that's a great way to give preview to your piece. Putting that, you're giving readers an overview as to what your poem is all about. Brilliant!

Overall Impression/Emotional Impact:
         Wow! I can't find the adjective to describe how great this composition is. Each word creates a smooth flow of lines. I'll tell you that I've never written an Acrostic and I'm envious at how perfectly you executed such form in here. I completely agree on the message this piece relays and it's worthy to ponder upon. I'm impressed.

Form, Format, Rhyme and Meter:
         An Acrostic and it's rhyming in ABABCCDD EEFFF scheme. You almost have a perfect syllable count for this [10,9,10,9,11,9,9,9,10,8,9,10,9].

Artistic Voice and Imagery:
         Imagery is good. The lines flow smoothly as I read it aloud.

Grammar, Spelling and Mechanics:
         Non detected.

Favorite Lines:
Every word.


Final Thought:
         A great piece indeed. That's for sharing this beautiful work. I am looking forward to read more from you. Keep your creative juices flowing. Write on!

Reviewed by:
GERVIC πŸ‰ WDC Dragon Vale

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Poetry Review Garden Banner
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

Greetings Gustav Flint !


The views and opinions on this review are mainly the things discovered by GERVIC πŸ‰ WDC Dragon Vale and therefore, do not reflect necessarily to the group, activity and/or event being affiliated herein. This is only the opinion and suggestions of the reviewer and it is still up to the author of this piece to consider this review as a corrective action or otherwise.

This is a review in response to your request via the Request a Review utility. I am not that expert in poetry but I'll do my best to give you an in-depth review. Before I'll start, I'd like to thank you for choosing me as one of your reviewers. I am so honored and I felt so flattered on that message that came with your request. Thank you so much. I hope that you'll find this review (opinion) useful.

         Sorrow is a good choice of title. It's just one word but will certainly tell a lot depending on how the story of the writer goes. This is a negative emotion that everyone will feel for having lost someone (a loved one, family perhaps, or friends, relatives, pets, or significant other). With this title "Sorrow", thoughts will start to form in the readers' mind and will definitely tickle their interests to find out why the title goes this way. Good choice.

Overall Impression/Emotional Impact:
         The emotion is intense. It is so sad when we lost someone we dearly love. In here, what I understood, the writer expresses his utmost grief that today his loved one already lies in the grave and tomorrow (or in the future) they will meet and be together in the same field.

         In addition, the writer emphasizes that the young generations must have confidence and courage to face the challenges of the world before it's too late for them to do so. The youth must be bold right now (neither tomorrow nor the following day, but today) because they can never tell the time for them to leave the world as well. Time fleets in haste and they have to do great deeds to make the world a better place to live in. Youth, as the adage says, are the hope of the world; thus, they must act accordingly to heal the world.

Form, Format, Rhyme and Meter:
         This is a free verse with some occasional rhyming words like the words, "field" and "wield", "field" and "yield", "old" and "bold", "tomorrow" and "sorrow". I won't say that you are following a set rhyme scheme for this because some lines of kind of off rhyme. The repetitive use of "Today and tomorrow" to start each stanza is good. It creates impact and emphasis to it.

Artistic Voice and Imagery:

Grammar, Spelling and Mechanics:
         I detected one typo error. "theres" must be "there's" in the thirteenth line.

Favorite Lines:
Today, not tomorrow
We gather in the field
to express our sorrow
for the world they must heal.

I would suggest to remove comma (,) after "Today" to give it a smooth reading. Having this, reading it will have a sudden pause.

Remove comma (,) after "To express".

Add the article "the" before "fields" in second line.

"...lay there, barren" used — instead, as in "...lay there — barren"

I would prefer if you present this in couplet, as in:

Today and tomorrow
We gather in (the) fields
To express our distaste
For the world we must wield.

Today and tomorrow
We fill those same fields
To pretend, now that we're here
The horrors will yield.

Today and tomorrow
No one fills the fields
And as they lay there — barren
The world never heals.

Today, there's no tomorrow
We're simply too old
So now, we tell the young ones
That they must be bold.

Today, not tomorrow
We gather in the field
To express our sorrow
For the world they must heal.

Final Thought:
         This is a good piece. I enjoyed reading this and I am wanting to reading more from you. Thank you for sharing and Write on!

Reviewed by:
GERVIC πŸ‰ WDC Dragon Vale

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The legends  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Evie πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ write&blog


The views and opinions on this review are mainly the things discovered by GERVIC πŸ‰ WDC Dragon Vale and thus, do not reflect necessarily to the group affiliated herein. This is only the opinion and suggestions of the said reviewer and it is still up to the author of this piece to weigh and consider to whether take this as corrective actions or not.


I found your flash fiction on the Read & Review corner of this site. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful.


The title is quite enticing. The Legends suggests that the story will tackle something about the 'past', 'history perhaps?', or some sort of magical tale from long time ago. Very intriguing.

*BurstP*THE CONTENT:*BurstP*

This has something to do with a character whose destiny is to sacrifice himself for the sake of the people around.


The setting could be in a secluded place where mist linger. It was during the birthday of the character which perhaps the day when his destiny has to happen. This day could be his end or he might bring danger to everyone.

It's all good. In just a few dialog, you were able to tell the character's story.

It's sad. The character is supposedly celebrating for his birthday yet he has to go because of his dark fate.

         *PoseyR*FAVORITE LINE(S):*PoseyR*
Every word.




This is a great piece. A worth to read flash fiction. Thanks for sharing and keep on writing.

Reviewed by:

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Poetry Review Garden Banner
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

Greetings Dr M C Gupta !


The views and opinions on this review are mainly the things discovered by GERVIC πŸ‰ WDC Dragon Vale and therefore, do not reflect necessarily to the group, activity and/or event being affiliated herein. This is only the opinion and suggestions of the reviewer and it is still up to the author of this piece to consider this review as a corrective action or otherwise.

Your poem was the second one to appear on the Read and Review corner of the site. I thought of giving this a read, 'cause why not? And so this review.

         Indifference is a good choice of title. It's catchy and would surely keeps the readers' interest to find out how the piece goes and how you would portray something about this 'somehow' negative word.

Overall Impression/Emotional Impact:
         This is a beautiful piece of poetry. I can feel how deeply in love you are with this maid. I like the way you tell the story starting from the time you first met her, to the moment you feel the love, and to the time you felt dismayed due to her lack of interest. And then you wondered. Then you felt regrets for having met her.

Form, Format, Rhyme and Meter:
         The rhyming scheme is in ABCB scheme and I can say that you did well in executing this except on the second stanza where "sweet" and "indeed" is kind of off rhyme. Oh, and I love the way you executed the figure of speech in here. The use of simile and metaphor is excellent, as in:

She smiled like a pretty rose,
Her voice was music sweet;
Her beauty was radiant,
Glance, bewitching indeed.

Artistic Voice and Imagery:
         Imagery is executed well.

Grammar, Spelling and Mechanics:
         Non detected.

Favorite Lines:
Radiance has become heat,
The glance is full of scorn;
I don’t know why, when and how,
Indifference was born.

         You could use something like the word "feat" instead of "indeed", as in:

She smiled like a pretty rose,
Her voice was music sweet;
Her beauty was radiant,
Glance, bewitching feat.

Final Thought:
         A great poem indeed. I could read more of this. Thank you for sharing and keep on writing!

Reviewed by:
GERVIC πŸ‰ WDC Dragon Vale

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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